i Not it now what a good boner | i S54 dhe aides malie fies RI {ealled attenticn to you. The wudirnce Hed { ether iin the morning and, after raliiog th i rE ro (gx wmilex to vheir d daily tek, work all | day and walk ack st dosk to their (ste and scanty supper. The ySauger ann ™ Deoked worn ont The alder men ssémag {to have lost all strength, ard their eyes frequently looked dail ond almost 4 Klaead. ont floor of a huilding It consisted of a single rocen, about 15 feet square, {with as conerate Sir, and nt 8 single ‘article df faehitayy save a tiny charoonl op $* ) ‘stove. Tt wae olen. There were plenty tony Got Aywpepeis, i of windows, snd the window alls wera ewe snd promi snd were amid instead of ar ‘¢hairs. Thera were Hitht cupboards Hh SE oo built in the wills, which Iild the food about the way his Sew und the fev divhen At ont aide of the poows Was 8 Inver rodess, pirbape 2 tow, ‘dev, 8 feet high and 6 feel Jong, Hern were piled bhinkets, rope ‘and goiits, neatly folded. At night the rogs were - “spread on the floor amd the family alent WAYS mre na them, sing he blankets and guitice now LOTATIngG. great pepanions a Jittle . Ei my _eciroular table, aboot 8 feet across ary | foot high, was owed as a during table — BR MeClars in MeClare's er ma One of Washington's aipstenr actors ‘has a profound faith in the efficacy of "| sd vertising. that the public has given Jim reason to foal that it ix steewhat show at making I dimsoverien. I wan after ibe entertain. ment, and the chairman of the tomy it- peas) ensure of reproof. | “Who got np the progratpmes?’’ acted the young fear ig. 1 Vlad, 1 repiiad the chairman of the 3 dod of | committer. ©] vappose vim think in did treat your part of the performance Wak bo % call his ve sufficient jromivenct. “1 den’t cre anything sbout ft king iitele woman gas. prominence. [But so long av mix ne ean to aay (hat—that Was mentioned] af wll it paight as vo five been don right.” “1 don’t see that you ivaght to 5: | anything about the way in whic: y % £ didn’t mem $0 know you were thera’ "1 wan invitl to visit a family in | Bethlehem. Their home wan on the see. And it musi be sonfesced [gem cn aTTADgUments was receiviog his a susie of jowelsestivras, bracelets, | “| & short while, sb explained. Not a cent ed” Aeiinx to Pown Gian Eye. The Neeret Which - Pow Pat Inch Boards Rept Dur, Ths pwn bIGker, the banker of the’ Jpendihrifr and the unfirtanale, the pomioatian of dio iy ekiefstons apt the geenivivig fellir of band lock stories, | pura soroee u deal of the pathos of Jife mixed up with sot » Hite that fs strike. | ingly indore Srories of form '¥ opalenee and 1 presemt peed of reekloss soenalatine, of disdipa: tira, of optreksion, are goven over te his safe keeping. aioe with vained of these heirlooms have strauie biosto- ries Ju the vanite of a Clovh siveel pivin. once pinped off the Bross gendral by no Jess a poria rian Xi Joon. The ritdon is & 04 aod orem: pied, but from the bottom: of 1, boight nd the day it owas fra voor, Bags He insignis of the Legion of Honor, Along with it are papers giving the name of | ftw Arst Bolder and the falds of battle on which he achieved the right to wear it. How it made ite way fo Chicago is nnksown history, bat tise snd agin | Chas it found its way into the vaults of _ the broker, only to be redesmed again | ‘and brought back. A few doors away is | deposited a belt of fine gold and «iver : interwoven, the Just relic of » once dis- tinguished Russian family. Not loog so » woman, past the prime | of life, tall and stately, and with the dark, imperions eyes and hanghty hear: ing of & Cuntilinn, cniled oo a Clark street broker. She mid whe was of 4 Spanish family which had been com- cases Rly would pot give ber pame. | AREF Aid sli said, yon wonld be ine sredalons "Then she handed the clerk | | pendants, all ses with geass of the first water. She wanted $30, 000for only | | Jun would be of nes t) her. The jowale hi donbtless cost a great deni more ; than this mrs, but the broker feavsd he & _conkd pot realize that swoant on them, | and the woman left sid never starned, A tow days ago a will dressed, digoi- | Cf meats waded nin tis same estab § 1 tities N 4 rie. Hn < I Yon might pave Part a Bran and feo peg oon atish faraily | ldyhootes Nome | 4 n | mars ecwews we all liked Niboy, broker to 5 Bit of giiled vid hos that wan | { pelted to lewve its country for politieal | atireide, and bed never hear it, bat fet anvhody that he Evow will gorons the for. and he'd wag bos tat] in his glee % We GL after we'd had Nivew a tote bor of vears wa Jost lin, He jaa disap peared one day and didn’t come lack and we dido’t know whether he'd Teen | ran over by a train of cars or sliaved | away und gov Jom, or whether some bonly had pict bm op sed carried dim nif, Cor wher win the mgtier, bot he dide’s come back and we mismad him very “Nw, ravhe yon SAD guess what hapsesied. Ouse morning esrly, abou 3 of bitif pant 2, some months after that, as § wae moving dowly 18 the dark across 8 100m on the weond fleor of a hones that 1 bad called st some 60 miles frorn where 1 Hived, 1 felt the loge of a onoil dex thrown aguinet wine | eonidn’ t sve the dog ak all, but it was standing on ite hind lege and resting ite fore legs mininet me, and I could till by the movement of them that he was wig. Ee his tail violently. It was Mibey, of course. He'd known my tread, soft a it wan, and woke up to reosive me. “Well, you know, glad ns I was to find Nivay, I'd vather pot have found him right there, because he was simost certain to make trooble for me. He be- | gan to whine with joy the first thing, and then he guve » little That Was just what Twanafraid of. Hedidn's want to make any trouble for me, but that one yelp was enough. A wisn in the bed sits up and pulls a string and turns on a light and mys: * «Now, what's the matter? “And | puts np a great poling Wot and savy, ‘You swiped my dog, and ye come to gut him.” tRwiped pothine,’ ba mys TH Fwips you in a minute,’ noel he ‘Fas’ | slow in petting at it either; [Efe was getting cut ff bed and conviug fag me all | the time he was talkiop, sod a good healthy, powerfol looking men he was ton. Hot Nitsy was bright Nitey pmmede Jrist coe dive af the man'h fot, but that was enough to stop hin until | 1'4 got torped and started, sod a mainute jater I was going down the youd, with | Os tard aniversity. his Me Hardy. The i no for avight to the contrary, will at un contested elect ouch eloptor to rroord his tof mouth before tellers wivting in the convocation hoes of sme other suitable plore of meeting. i Inte Professor Henry Smi ot ad taller for Mr Gladst Biicouth oonptry parson of tie nenal question fur whom to record his vote replied in f vote for Mr. GlsdeI (Andy. 1 clato that vote, ptt in Professor Henry Smith “2 nes, protest d the old ele “1 did pot finish the same,” “You didn’t even dry retort. A story is told of an eminent legul practitioner who was afflicted with & similar difffenlty in pronouncing Bin wiptrates many years sage. He had o ‘pirtioninr dislike too Inte earned lord shanoetinr who bad published » book spon hymns Ogont musing bis sival en Wir he conve on one coeasion he [ aeard to i | aiing ‘os ‘ymns; ‘oly old ‘ymbug, ‘ow {do "ste ‘im! —New York Journal Sams dxpression 1 to a tiniem on the subject in his suousl ad. dress on oriental discovery. Very soon, however, the niost stout hearted chum pion of the illiteracy of the uncient sek wan obliged to yield, and the “erition’” were forced to admis that on this point, - all evonts, they had brea in the wrong But it was with un bed grace | that the admission was mad, for it did “pot Tennine peck recor ratict fo me thet the discovers depriy ot He a of what} fay torn thebr base of du nibans Jost ae Wall's sheptioton bu mwaind to the figs mrad mathe no et Heaney yoated on : iw belied in the fate tie ne of tapiving for Hurary p10 il 4 trees 5 Lo. the rosie vir PE if Sovitien’ slimy 0 hes anti | patharshin of thes Pow Aoerae thay ‘peithey Moss nor his bigin the other,” was the professor's Eh 5h HE Boaght ‘em | “Om the contrary, a mtimbtae of WY yout and said he would Hike to wo Nibsy ccising on bebind.”'—Now York wold read or waits ‘ friends told me | was first rate, special: | ears - lost of & few dsiines On Sing | San. tablets have com (© Be fia sort S————" ; fut and to abo ; 2 bo { ¥ §e ae Lg | weil aot ont’ Jy when | any that comic sng.’ eo Flies asd = “1 didn't bar anybody Iasghing.’ : o “Of course not And nae whee 1 without si fencing WAY YOU are Ki blames low ovaid you : : ny ncEing i radyind tis Inugh? You didn'e state | ol Toa think 5 \** anid the | in the progrimme that it was & comic Demand Por Frintiocha § a8 it may appear, flintlook : ar meres? record of by "gone ages In 1506 po fewer thea] 11,890,000 gor Hints wen produced a3 a the Langlhieath mines, Brandon, Saffoik, { d. Thiwe Rints arg chiefly to de Hight African sod Other savages, who, wing been 10 long ved to are reloctant to give thei op. The methosl of nianafictariog thess wil, gently tap tha flint with a " er, giving it cach time » wel] di- ipweted blow. At qr fnches Tong awd 1 inch ‘wide falls into being disesrded. The knappers work these flints with hammers with long, thin beade, often made of old files, granwysraely striking she tripe of fins on au iron fixed in helt 3 their benches —Bt. The. octet th the railroads by conntry will comtiise xr to grast ball raves wo been repeit. | With an om by ma: i onity of the, the cloth. Bat not by ail. and resproted commenting upon the niatter, aid: 1 in had hoped thaktherailrcade ware nally semideadbend the sui beneficiarion. Oe vont Bare chafing under the clerical half fare some «of them have been trying to Quite ansible of te fit. —Philadel . pun Record. ow pine v atid Now Furniture. Color. . ! Bealing %ax red is a wew color that it | being mach used in staining wood | made up ino odd pieces of Inrpitore. 1 The new stain is applied with equal | success to Wicker work in all ite varie | | thes and f% u rich addition to decorative effects. Sots very atiractive settles are Ealows 19 this coloring; though the for | est greem finish, which bas proved a mos popes tet br ue means de {shroned from favor. i png na Bhusg te the Quick. omy, yon look wiry pals. What's | the trouble’ i “1 was stung 10 the quick by an adder this afternoon.’ “How did it happen?’ “Why, | dropped in at the bank, and the the Bookiheper fll 54 SY MCG Waa wa of » wasp is synonymous ion or lm com | gon fiat fa vary intenmting. In the toperation of flaking’ the worker will | fake un qumrner’’ in his left hand, snd placing it on his kuee, around which a protecting bined of leather has bean tap a Bake 6 ; hand, aml, if a good one, is deponit- od in a pail br his side, all bad odes a Ta Ee ! | naked what ssonrity he had tr offer be | Copper From Grean Water, ! gave the dapper broker o fit of nervons | prostration by calinly PaRovisg » Blane i oye i t One of tha most interosting wiithts in the greut mining town of Botte inthe by which copper is esnyhit from. (was » highly Heerar FE 3 $ on widy to watch thy sciisg teed rela noe arith which the Cerivies’’ bavt sv allow. od tho ubphlistable fact that, after alk E ry process This fa remnrkatly fine eye, ha ex. | ith emeruld soloed water flint Hows Moses could have written the Jeraelitich | plained, Jeisureiy wiping the dislodged | | optic en bis pandierchief, *'I have boon ; | ld it becomes me better than my own, i which bat if you would let me have » few dol | the other for a day or two" The broker admitted that be had onoe amisted in parting pennica oun the eyes’ of a deceassi relative, but coaldn’t ww { hin way clear to place deliars on the gine eye of a Jive mun, and the visitor | ; seared tha address of a econd hand | sinthes dealer, replaced his eye, bowed "iffy and walked away. In the Mgber class of pawnehops— : those that sestrict themmelves solely to plate lonns fire negotinted aml goods re. | eeivnd are i parated frots the front show - oom hy a partition. Te give greater | of staile along a counter, Theat ave fitted with sprigy doors, giving them the Isto sue of these a povens oun step and tranmset Bis or ber business unseen by - muy wave the clerk behind the counter. Last summer, about bBoliday tin fashicoably dressed wotnan was in ooeof © ry x privacy toetstomens tiers ix a little row 4h : appearsnes of a line of telephone Bose. | oy oh ie from Hie Anaconda spd Be Lawrence mines It ds setioiated that this water, for four or five yYoars went to §waKte be pe w bringing the a Jarw on it 1 think Leonid got along with | A ie x month ot u cost of { mh A # woah $ i oi dnp aE time several pr of weed with wooden vate “i geithy Bll the old serap : avid. It oss proved (aplen- ; ip edispuion of the tine and Besa. AEA Sik fim ey Lo Dal aoe. mab Cperovees OA Bosting onges, wales tan nelharsenm, raalvond fron rated to this serv. | dinoonds, watches and jewelry--fhe | er. cial of jpon pat ii yisprodgend. wo REL Rs water Sear attacks ¥he irom, £3 Ctl ieee oudipletely wition Ww Afrer the proeipls | { ration is efucted the wane Lrdiiwn of e pier in transferred to another tank, when the water is further | {drained off These Mrter vam bold | about 10 tena of the copper, which sow haw the svmearanes of a slavish sob Tie in sacked into packages of these stalls in a down town broker's oI | oy 100 pends. When in this shape, | fon She wantsl to barrow $30 na jriog. “1% my engngrment ring, ‘explained, “and 1 wookint have id hasbund know for the world, While this was going on aman in the | GOIAPATEIISIIL DET 10 her was dickering with another clerk over aloan of $50 ob s watch, The owner's initials were on | | the back of the watch, and na this lesy | ened its sling valine the clerk hesitated #20 mush, "om, that's a point in your favor," the wonld bs borrower. “My it is seni to the smelters in Lain city. Tlie poxinet carries an average of 88 | {ing in it makes a fine flux, & ard when | mized with other smelting ome it is said to tring the ore up to a value of abont $200 a ton. The water from the mines is the most of the Anaconda Cop- { : per Mining company. — Anaconda | (Mon. ) Recorder. i ————— The Unilevrs. 38 wife had those put on thers when she | gave it to we, and I'l be bound to re deen it shersly, for if she knew 1 was "| soaking ber present there would be in- | somzia in our family till I bronght it | home. =) By this time the woman in stall No | 1 bad secured her motley and departed. Afr a little delay the man did fikee | wise. When the watial Lint wan made ; it was foand spallied, and that they wera, in fact, man and wife. The ring sod the watch 1 have long since been redeemed, sod peither guesses that only » fuw half ineh boards stood between two awfal vevelaticos —Chisago Record. ] A Distances Table, A lady sponding simmer at a Sshing village on the south coast asked one of | the male residents: “How fir in it to Mr. ‘Dibeon’s house?” The feafaring man pulled his topknet politely and answered : : “Just about & dog's trot, mom.” “How far is shat!" the the lady aaknd ani, The man besitated an instant, as if searching in his mind for an exact mes gre of distance, apd then replied: Ahent as far as it world take ye to maoke ab even pipetul o torbackar, mam! = Pearson's Weekly, Pe Sk na Ouse Duy ot & Time. simple and so peantifal, so good to Live, wi good to look af If we cosld only think of it as ope long joey, whety | every day's march high its own spa sort of heanty to trav Anroagh. — *hi | pe Brovies, iar It seeps ns it Nife might all bewo | {when be reads my milliver’s bills. -- monsters of antiquity. It was. accard- several se common im, bok air eof i : white unicorn, Bisurme =the maiden! and bine ayes snd s single horn a yard | ‘in length; the eglisserion, which re | sembled » gigantic deer and had ss vory sharp born growing from the taiddle of ‘was of three different colore-—witite ati | the lower part, black ss sbony in the | middie and red at the point. ‘Common: anicorns were said to have hd horns | about i8 inches in length, but #o #irons shat they conld esstly kill an Hepa. | 88. louis Republic i ——————— “Abt” wid Mr. Knight (iture, thot {emotional tragedian, as be cums in leight of » farmbouwe “Mayhap this worthy peasant will give some refresh there!" The worthy peasant gazed at the tra. for a moment and nnswersd, “Yew dura fool, don'ts yew koow ub! pitchfork from a boe?'’ And having thos spake he disap. | within his abode. —{lincinuati aier. A Matter of Pamlon, Mrs Proxy—Runding is quis » pass | rion with my basband. Mrs Drosser—Sa it is with mine | 1 Sew York Tiiluae. Per bent pure copper. The iron remain. | ' The unicorn was one of the fabled ing to a, summary of the opinions of | A | bwortl, Esq. was the favorite mandi- ment for the jpoer man What, bo, | mw =COnterapornry Review, A Cheerful Liv. : When I vie out wmong the hills of northern India, © suid the major, “1 bad wn experienc that | wonder didn’ turn my hair pray. I wan camped all aloos an the «ide of that historic stream and had ocomion to go for some walter 0 boil my beats in. First thing I knew | stepped right into a quicksand. 1 koew what was up at onen and knew thas [ wan gone. And 1 am willing adm thane | wan tirightenad. af | “In fact, that in bow I came 10 os oape. As | Wood there with that hort. | tle sand demring. dragging st me like ‘some living monster, I tarned colder sud colder. Do whet | eonid my foul i wonld keep on shattering, though I knew that every vitestion of my Jaw was shaking me farther down into that ready made grave and colder, Saddenly I noticed hed wropmid sinking, i **Srrgek Hotton, eb?’ | “Certainly not. I had grown so sold from horror and fearl may as weil silmit it-—thnt I sctaally from the water in the quicksand frogen the whole busi peek, wie” ~~Poarson’'s Weekly. Bonny Robhy Shafts. An early version will be fonnd in Bell's “Rhymes of Northern Bards ™ page 388, snd Sir C. Sharp's “‘Bishop- riek Garland, ‘ page 6d The latrrans "ma follows: Bobby Bhafta's gone 10 sex, Sitvar tookbm ak his Jone. He'll ome back And marry me, Bonny Bobby Shafvo. Bobby Shafto’s bright and fwir, Cran lg down hin yellow hair. He's may ain for seermaly, Bouny Bobby Shaft. According w Sir C. Sharp, the song wns need for elertionesring purposes in 1781. when Robert Shafto of Whit | date and us popuiarly called Bomy ¢ | Buty apstta Hiv portesit at Whit eur pepresented Bim as very young snd very humdsome and with yellow @ a Mion Batlawvee, : FRragcrpith, mo said £0. buve died for Juve of im Kutta wird ‘Queries the forehead, and the Mmonockros, OF com: | mon unicorn. The white anioom’s hors | vo mah ann salutary lesson tbe alwasy cheerful onrwelves The | cheery person, who has o plesssut smile {for all, a genial word for every ae {hip tes ah, whos proses 3 ils | abuenos is always noted —Eschange. i i i one Letter Miming. In an advertisement of = milway company questing the owners of wn- elnimed gouxis to remove their mmerchan- "dine the letter “1” was dropped from ‘the word awful’ in the notices, which ended thus: “Come forward and pay the awful charges on the same. ’ ! ee Pit {burg Chronicle AAAs A PS. i The name Agug, mentioned in Jew. lish history as thas of an Amalelite king, was used in commen by ail sov- ereigns of tint country. Re From New York to Alexandvin. via - t bdo, requires bo diags Gaiel ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers