The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 07, 1897, Image 2
Tr bear, bat while she had en ; HE bet 5 pape ad addreas that be was as ignorant =" 31 of her adds, but Was mm- | wien she followed ap her frst | ro went with him The captain did veecguize her, for | serve whether he talks or not: In The cues for ach fan Woo ies alive und ta dead. Hud 18 buns Bie Sithas I bad moh rather Had ih hens Nis Yipntdier Romboy tha the olla. Had 1 bean Ms sate The i's wo vows whigll Rives mised her. Had It been be wholp proeratice AS the Totier far thee nation. Pot sin we only red, Whe was alive snd bs deed, There bv nothing vo Io wed. wNew York Tribune when she sntired the station be greeted {her as Dr B., and isthe rejoicingly ex- d: Thatuit! That's my nape, 01 Bred ii popeti £ Hes seat an tio Ei tipon herarrival she | met my mothe | of her strpnge woanderdnge. She has ever since been of sodhd 1nind and is today pr cticing wedicine wp town. —Phils n We Fin id tens mink | | Is J miming war 1 wa to whom she first told eventsions are Bot VDEGIINOB, will not be strange if huogry Indians © whould cecasionally faitate their white - beathires, ~Chicago Luter Ocean. i unk Bh RE Te rp : Now eames Yor Flim. Stage Sillain—Akn! The plot thick» em, : Dhopnsted Anditor—Then I'm off! Cant make howd or tail of it pow, and 11 never see throagh 0% Hf Rguinny { eer london Tap. Sh and it | Bok 10 get married until be his seen the | Tm blewsie — Philadelphia Toes. ; ins. “Clos of Fromm earned this epitaph, which be may de- | ger to remit, the comuers lave been looking foe » satisfactory sulistitote Ts iw believed that this lias as Jost : TA fa Th pupa palpi They | are oilprod an weil as waterproof, will | pot expand or contract, and will sand mh vogh wee in hipuunt se | Mimaces an were pedionl Sh YT) Mr. Cimrtaey (fst "the Blow when I came i) 7 a pda gel. The worcasn ix redoimd for the | moment to the plane of a loy, whine | - I will even go so mdi bsp Lwhjeet of his choloe dispoet biusel! wpa Migadged. Sf hope yom will oot wpe tos dime | for ram.’ said thie penerius BSE. “Rum! rejotoed the gramful mop ject. “De vena sake we fa a Yankes imior? 1 am ou baws Kaiutue/eian, Sub. —Ludianupolss Jornal & ble hunt jan ot empty hull" Mine Fister. but I Sh 2 al ome sow. | oa Siege at 3 thes ime, ten = 1, be some tele soon —PHih An Brbibon | lshman, told bio if be ddn's. tongue hw would “beak his impenetos- the beaing tet his The win thaws vertical rays on the earth's sirfae only upon: ‘an aren equal te abomt 35 sqnare miles at any ONG time In 1576 $n Tres toa sill -d i fair wis hedl on the be. Town kept sper for nine weeks.