The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 24, 1896, Image 5

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at a Sg RA RS
Patron, Pa.
He will do all Kinds of re
pair work,
HN a Bee an the |
HARSH, Sobeit
Ww in be found ome door hove:
Kessler's Bakery in the Solo
mon building with over Io.
Fal and Winter Samples.
AT his sath are
' AE Parrow, WH. Sasmwonn, i
Dir RH
p to Thiok.
Se ons firstoinm. Bont of Lispaory
aed Wines ot the bar. Stalling stfached.
GEORGE: Pmmovsox,
‘ever seen in this section at
wr) My Store,
Are nearly all hore now. A shipment or two yet to come, but
we have many novelties to show you. Among the fot are blatk fi
lastres, black sicilians, Henriettas, silk warp plaids, cashmeres,
Slacks, s} shaded ek Sancies lows blouse plaids, Shephards plaids and a new
We have Ho rec ived 1 the Targest a and finest ¥ine of Handkerchiefs
ever brought to Patton. Among the 50 dozen we can show you some
beauties. Prices from sc. 1041 90 each.
Nothing more useful for 1 5 or NEW YEARS GIFT than a dosen of nice KERCHIEFS
Don't bay il you have seen om Sew sige.
E to your Better Half just call and
#® our new line of table linen. We 8
= Ahow you something in this line thas
“| would make a present fit for the Queen TT.
toeat off of If you will ask we will 10 thie Hint we Shink We oan save You
be pleased 10 show them to you. Table (me money, quality considered. We
If you sre thinking of making sgl
we can save yon rooney.
cloth and 1 dogen napkins to match. can well you a strictly sil-wool blanket should buy Groceries prog i every
x Bogs raw SEO 40 Y00 he wet. for $180 the pair. They sre worth. reason why you should bay them of us.
Benutifil things for a. Xora gif more money. but that is your gain No : I you are a little particular as to the
there. "We have a few ore in Facinators and Shawls. ius of goods you buy there is 5o
mixed blankets we are selling at $200 pisos in town where you can be so
this pair. Abo some at 750, $1.00 $1.25. If you want to keep warm and pom- completely satisfied. All Groceries
Haps from 90c to $1.50 each. fortable just drop in and buy one of bought of as you can depend on. We
our facinators: they are buanties have & grmtidenl of pride fs the faith
i : ; Tom— Prices from 25¢ to $1.50. And shawls our customers piace in = Das pin
Nid Yak wale in plain and plaids are selling in a is equally as great in our a i
Did You Say Towels? Shoes manner that go to show that the stock Rvery article you buy from
Oh yes! We have them, and beauties ba people know a good Shing when they us that is not sstisfsctory you can have
100. Prices from 25c to §1.00 the pair We don't say much about footwenr, see it. it exchange] or your money back.
“Throw Physic to the Dogs.”
1 ‘illiam was all right pe erhaps {jwhe en writing Fraitbds but we don't remember of him
‘ever running a grocery store In Patton.
So if vou need anything n the line of flour, feed, salt, in fact anything in the line of GROCERIES we can s
your wants, Come: : : and see us for Rangams.