The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 24, 1896, Image 4

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    the correct number you can carry away a beautiful Bible valued at $15.00.
You can gness as often as you wish; it costs you nothing. You come in
‘youn no g
Guess how many people will enter may store on December 24th, and if you are nearest to
Eudssiag banks you wish and they cost you nothing: carry away the Bible and it will cost
and get all the
I line of
Sister or Brother a Christmas present.
we sell is under our personal guarantee.
‘What ever else yon might do between now and Christmas be sure and see our beautiful
Before buying your Mother or Father, Sister or Brother, or somebody else's Mother, Father,
We claim we carry the most complete stock to select from in this section, and every article
x Notes 5 Reriby green thas ap la tan with I Fromm Nine fo Som,
be HE oof To PE dananry. AAW family Medicine Racon’s Celery |
Te Palas. King for the Nerves passes from sire to
(son as a legacy. If you have Kidney, j
ruin Af Liver or blood disirder do not delay,
\ gril Bh, Be ne but gt a free. sample package of thin
a te Toms Pitch tn the ma: remedy it once. I you have Indiges
: bi,
i a ppiy of fd pas to the ; ‘Hon, © constipation. Headache, Rhen.
font Indore ory nding | mati, ote. this grand specific will cure
vellviiie {he Townwhipe of 0, W. Hodgkins, the leading
gel to TA drug, sole agent, and be dis
mm oitis hog ob oir png priv. tributing samples free to the afflicted.
i Ih, el and the Repplessenta | Large prickages 500 snd Be
] See par windows for Christasas pres
Cente. Muofers, silk handkerchiofs, and
smoking PORE. Bets, The Clotiter.
“are interested in buying
3 Meatitng. shoves
Eo please read this.
the following prices:
Milwaukee Grain redacd from $3.00 te 2.50
A good allsolid split boot reduced from $2.00 to 1.63
fe “ Youths“ *“ x 5 1.25 to 1.05
Five dozen Children’s spring heel shoes, sizes 5 to 8,
orth Soc, to go at boc.
urn Five dozen Children’s spring hee! shoes, sizes o to 11,
tand; tickets for the worth §1.00, to go at 7oc.
valid to return 00- Three dozen Ladies’ fine point toe shoes, button and lace,
from | TOTIIET Price $2.00, now 1.73
ork, $48.00 from er Three dozen L adies’ fine point to shoes, button and lace,
partionste rates from other former price $3.00 now 2.50
Two dozen Ladies’ fine point toe, Goodyear Welt,
A lot of the latest style
Vici Kid Coin toe, lace and but-
week a woman, ton, shoes for ladies in narrow widths. The price 18 83.50] a
Re oe
be Sour of and Mrs. low price for the kind of a shoe Take a lock at them.
Ladies’ over gaiters 25 and soc.
sole shoes 22, 35a and 43
x baby in bur arms, and, saying
i Dar dagpeare on Thanks
All our Milwaukee Grain and Split Boots to close out at
Boy's split boot reduced from 81.75 to 1.50
, Three Things TolL's
3d MY Price.
an in|
my line and 1 will =o : :
in quality and priee. the follow-
ing seasonsb
A wef of Nat cheat paring atv. He
Hoteder anivea babi SoH Hh be
Hee Portis fal roe. pers wt
r= vst” 3
ab te ARIA A SY Naver before so nice and good for so
oan ueieet wissly Desde. ia team Xa 4 {little money.
Cond howl re 1 aR " Re
het froin and Are prot artheneans z All-wool Boys’ ; Ls
Ar pe www Reefor Snita, neat dark patterns, st
She ov Witehen TRAPS. Eiki at go n.. :
Fasd andl stand nop. LRwmE
Lito map.
Swit Bteryion and AA
© Bowe waking aching.
Western) ing masobine :
The best Air Tight Heater made.
Tin r work. Plumbing and al
general Hard
We hold w ar gents’ or the
inupaction of NP are not MA o of
want is oaroinl oxamin patie; a we are
sure he goods amin prem them-
selves We are the leaders in first-
claws clothing. You will be benefitted
by onlin to wey our choice lection of
suits and overcoats before making your
fall purchase.
Following are a few pfices: Men's Suits from
5 to #15; Men's Overcoats from 5 to $15; Boys' Suits
from 1 to #12; Men's Dress Shoes from 1.25 to $4;
Boys’ Shoes from t to ¥2.50
and Lumbermen’ s Gums, Cum Boots, and all other
kinds of Rubber wearing apparel.
| Wolf &