: 1% winter so Both i Fhe New i som comamerionl there yran another hese mand £0F bot Irothrek, and if wake Auglh { to gostify bir in asking $100 for ther ens | tertainment. Af that rate sha gol ae} IBany CHa TS is Ble conid fil. Bt trom jan pretty girl, with an engaging mans | oo i per, snd Ber Jecture onpsists in realty | of nothing more than 4 series of anecs | dotes agreeably told. Fer engagements 1 ‘are wenally to Jectora before women '# elnbs or sition of sone kind, amd the Sa oo : Fre ph . ovcupiation i feo from all She glen ; is 4 Teen anit festnran of some phisses fen rerieas sins eons |, i Aressor drawers The basket shown in giemal if. She begali fhe Work as an Wich fixes the | the skotoh has & wicker standard tinted | experiment, avd her success shows how st least it | bright red | anexpectidiy a woman may find employ The sidis arscovered with searlet den pent of an agrecable and profitable | im arranged in bag bape, with & wide gind — Now York Sun, trill finishing the top, Full knots of nS fn nb scarlet si ribbon sot of cho siden A} cA durable material such midenim is by far | Bfiste X 5 WB a Hace em. rE o | the best {5 use, as the dark stockings are wegen sa iliage i Me : Hinde pinto | miel feat Wa ae. 2 amass ta valting vin Pb | apt to soi | 6 | An mnexamiied vicrory for women | IREGERE OL pore jo W oe ort wre | curv wi Columb Ave, F ns k tpnilrage fobs an ahi a4 ¥ a WE te ey Rite. agi dif ET EN : + Wi Lo AN 01 Tione Weshwn's Club. {of Tink Bi be vrerwariris ove BEVEOUTY { emATN © fe es Paw At S30 8 , gata |p TA Awl for the New York Times’ gt i" wrsin for woah sutton | ia uaday. srriviig Drfwion 1 an he a 1 i 8 Worms * shah in thas dat wemendiments Che cusoRs- | b fe I a IORNSONRURG RAILEOAD. city in 1 Gy. It was an’ wintion of | £ %n for 3 dl pr ; ; 5 et |e hives inet Amami ef pan slits ¥ Sesh Yi E pomotjon A COTOIMON. | sively fer ie Fone ear 10 0 : : TY foniet ¥ the ment fhony ari ive aly shontal’ Frat) Sob WL PAN. , APF [Vig a1 {lo % Torii dpm Sn Fae A vibe § i of fle Hedh a vag B : Faibk gy g : TRAIN 10 savas Clormon tat a "., Ba tiety, as 1 or frat. ct pa red vie oi tana a ery ot 1200 woe SHAS aw x | for Faiationars wor : 4 None Ty wel, i i 3 A x Gg iE {ge gd ay holy oder a 2 ] hat | JR AND CRA RETRLD A Rn. LY EXCEFT hi mo ¥ 2 pwr NEAR ane with a tists i the spots, veins j : 3 SIAR IE : ony Wis Mesriiatale fog {hho and vi ; | jurgely uw teed Stason than they have] The pari ond futions as § 9p uh : 8 8 5 4 y hd a ASE iho i SER Rael bi hein fir yous A wall wreath of vio- | “Sow: § hows doar friind wha Foren po wt Masradiate fovss Bumps 1 Jota wrpond the seall Toor Enos ¥ Yds id E wite te ber? sike Hatin Line Pemaey ly ants ite, : { back and tied at the Bp with green Hie as 2% Traing Lmve Teens 8 Suiliy br ie Shalala 5 ; mode pibbon, with the Joops abd ends Tod pia chook Ber hand again, Co gr jd 3 th Ba oor Har This Teoma Mi of plate griaments | standing well sp from the coiffore,i ~TU00 vot wpwenyd. 1 Bell | Por Buttes «3105, } ehurshs of St Nicholas, “inakes a pretty sddition to a rather Soe ha ; 2 = 8 123: 2M : pi | sewn twist of hair. The combination of j 10 © © Feiss #33 | Bor 3 ping 5 Bos. dei | feathers and flowers is a favorite one for | Lis i a : he voone alte Bit Aisa, ‘small theater bremets and for a finish TT Tr —— eT . ns = oak S45 Way 82 12 238, i : a ay ] . y TeTr EST lant > Tn to the cciffare with evesiog toilets | PERRSYLYANIA AND NORTH-WESTERN,” Ren Fn RPO Hers PEA A A SA 4 anid € nOR. § i a or | The Double Veil. RAILROAD CO. Win orm a nn AEE a et RE : : ; Pe Sry 7 po gs Ton TS oy 3 3 A dooble veil is possibly the Ravest oO" seal witer Wonder. TNireemper Wd, ISL 3 “ne arate] 1% Krmting aes Ha whe po a et otto Trix Fi had ai to woman's bemuty and attractive [LF paloemgar ioared will run dally, elapse rthwsrd-Tradn 3 sew Kariba. 58 E. tk poss. A thin veil of the mest deliente | SOrPO de Rilows rR m, and arrives at Konting wt 508 wt. shade of pink toile is first procored, | nour ari sain TH TRAD LE AVE KEATING and over this is placed one of black, ["77TEC wa REC Ex Ac Fasano. Co Westward with dots or designs in it The two area! # | 1 = 8 wo miss 38s wn UT Tain 1% 8a, m. REPRE: om 4 ini ones’ i: soni & She gh. Sh 2, + 5, A securely fastened together, and the im-| | pm lv Tra [as 1p i, mm Ep provement in thy sppearapes of the’! oo %H NewYork 38 TH. Toata SEH ry Boney ondy, somplexion ia renlly wonderful The mip mi geen poma a in 3. Frood, RE fashion, which must have emanated 1 0 0 T E i 3 ain adbetphita. aA ; Santi. Manager. from the brain of a Frevchwoman, will | 8, oo dus “em am ie be a blessing to the women who have ie g CT MARYS AND SOUTHWESTERN N RAILROAD TINE TABLE, | bad at indifferent complexions. . i om pmam To tate effect Mondny. dag. 17, nos BS dog haiEmare LB 4G B00 Daily, excep SEsany A Misch Satin Skirt. ee emt ps es : abd pp | Sombward TTT Sermwanf A handsime bluck satin or brocade! Hi BNE mameven a mlew in, says a fashion writer, ia always st ig om Ww w priate to wer in theevening with) ETL Alboss.. k $F Ha a light avd pretty wilk waist, which | ——i— mre homes. (cm are of swt § | may be lace trimmed and made quite} won iw Puusens Pe Rh | ornasnental with 1ibbon and chiffon fin. : ross pe pp | ishings. Taffeta silk, with sud] dros den fligares seuttaed over a background, . also makes a pretty skirt for evening! sw so Lier =~ | wear, Handsome blsck moires are newer | | 1 & Hommen ©. 10 ” and make an elegant aki Beantiful| 118’ £m £1 ON a waists of chiffon or satin may be worn, |. (4 Myst. Ualiviiie £. as will as tbe fancy sik ones. EL Condemned Pettioosss. In Beriin, ni the recent international congress of Wound, the petticoat wad condemued as a “ridiculous invention a of the sixtismih oititery. ’ The clothing | of nyen was approved from a practical and sensible polat of view The costome | ; work by Quen aise a math. hs, eral Empires filam 1, was decided: : hold 1 onary cate: ly favored, and a motion was made to Free Press. adopt it. : SY ATIANS, ls 1% plesennanesazenes [11] ]2 AANA ARN: A Oo wm eer pa i aie hab ; ~ Sbawmay dps § ] aD Re TE 00 BR 653 5 ERE a FEENENNCEREANESENTER RYT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers