* th Bet Knnen and ot ith whith He Ae or the : world, by os pleemg # it ts ire 1, ns flaw 24} ee Liu hI wv iddrs mn & Atenned th torn one of Jord’ oer, ‘g yon will A ALT the stone 4 cornally np 4 tx od great strength—in fart, yim with find that yom are fooliog with one of the mative moet with CF reek Na hbo commrry in the world “1 bas sneha peenline forest’ growth, wad ft is exit tbe next to impossibly iV 1 te work the ped shaped blionk int fae, to give sr tir the Bat fn man who says a Bg iy Baoan 31 Ee pea Teac iy dewaid of grain’ He sothing but 8 twisted fibers -Lomdon Es snd appears 0 pass of woody Be Ao a Feonped he Amita ot Reing Dead. & well Biown Dalian poet Bit on a Sol parities i | peat plan for wectiring tive distinotion for | ht comes from death, withont the ‘He mblished a striking volonoe of lyries, affixed an unknown same fo and in a landatory p sreface told of to speeniation ran throsgh my His 4 34 Dhitipicier alison Fett Jove aw Fins 5 Balin of gaik sre dari above ug For vo 8S Fitht, whem you sire exiling The gloat wing ters Hie topes sre Buliug- ¥aiting for their lost Gwin. Put thouph ha weeping Banya rs mike yom, And Leds fonph to Bog ned Rae youl We canpot sure yoo—Uhem apd | =5 A denits i Giraibite Monthly, UNWELCOME GUESTS, i oe man Rs A Highly Conventional Kose iat Visit by » Farty of Ladiany. Some your Ay three Fong men Wers | exraping in the Sierras Nevada moun taing, killing deer, fishing and coking | delretabie fiod One day it happened | that ons of hem had twisted his ankle, and the others wont hunting withont Bim. As ho oonid not move aboot he wus nstorally somewhat bored, sod aft er reading awhile in the shade of 8 tree | Pi fell aston Thus be tells what fol | Jowed | 1 woke ap with a start and the feel. | ing that sotneching wan bout to hap pen. Something had . Fifteen diane mt ins half cinsie about me, | waiting for me to stir. They had fized oon me their 15 pairs | of Black. beady eyes, snd not one of A a ae All of them bad goos, and, whet was mare important, | each had presumably two sound legs, wherons | wis handicappe! by my lame. Tes. 1 Jooked &¢ them, and they continued fooking ot ses. A Nj sxpress head Ime membered that he Spaty seri? of toe | penrest settlement bad lately shot an | 8 Saath Indian by a cident ami that the tribe had swore to have his wealp Tike the depmy sheriff? Was ft myscalp gun, st least Did I look they wanted? Their eyes never wandured, but mine | did, for 1 oonid not help glancing at my spot where a big Lodisn sat composedly | can it 8 ses 8 cherry from « on the § A little, boyish fellow, with eyes Then ~ mnother indicated by & glans » piece on my eartridges. Fionlly ove buck made 8 remark. “Pighhook?"” ssid ha “No, said L "No fisbhook. ” Stlencs ngain for 14 minutes - venison bong up in a tree and his approval of it 1 nodded, and be TORS; solemnly took it down and laid iv bewidle Bink more restless than these of the others, | removed his gaze from me $0 & greasy of red fannel biside me, with which one of our seen had been clean- | fag hn gon. 1 took it ap and held it ¥ ont to him, and he. E yorod of silent grown spied it with ont. wird composure and, J have no doubt, inward mpture Then we had another | Sg da . grove | and rode of They hid made me a ey larger se they ikra more rant Tor the mit pion ==dtdhan’s Monthly. we cannot tell how far or to what reve lations the parent may lead ne If reve | ation is log to us, manifestation re- ® be opening on our view, maine, and great revelations appear to Agnostiviem is $f it in & counsel of howmecry. but ng | omg nc to bo heard Ht isn commmel ree From SH CHpemsr . "a of Existence,” by Fritemr he | win Smith, in North American § Amesdote of Nav rv OS It is said of Lond ‘Norbury that be || wonld st any time rather Jose a friend | than & joke. On one ¢ooasion he began ithe sentmmon of death in this wise: ¢ | “Prisoner st. the bar, yom have been 3 ¥ £ ¥ : found guilty by a jury of your country: o Many of thosharp things sad in co of Tlie Record. Cobb's | nomina jon. Taath th | % Hon mer he ol with, i from yoor fordship, “ whereapon the | Judge, - Jooks well in 1 thinks inch a compliment only 8 mon of the oriyne laid to your charge, iand 1 must say 1 entinily agree with the | wordiot, for 1 mee ‘woupvdrel’ written in face ’’ Flure the prisoner interrapt- SPhat's a strong reflection fondly appreciating the joke, poanminted the wentines nto trameporta- tion for evn pears. He Cudarston! Woman. Ethel {angrily —%hy 44 you net some lust night, as Yoo promised ? Jack~-1 had odd reasons for mob Sine 1 dom's Yelisve it. What were they? Jack—-Well, just as 1 was about to start Mise Brown dropped in to see Ethel You poor dese! Forgive me. : What a tiresome evening you must have had, — Boston Courier. : os he Wb gp i White Capping Up to Date. : +1 understand that the citizens gave Jones six hours to lesive town?’ “They did,” “Whit vas the tronhle?” asl of them ‘were owing bin mony. ALL Lanta « Jonstitution. PERCGRI DY SRY np A girl fools Battered when told she fs anything, but a wife plet to pot her 10 wear old iHlothes. bog ip orgs pian © Faith fsa certain image of eternity. “All things are present (0 jt—things past amd Shing 10 come. —Jereniy Taylor. | guiries highly conventional woetal vise — Youth's Companion. ee, A Landon waiter, with dus respect . thinks that the * “man.” Be goss cn to say that the | medion! oclemns of any | London weekly, acromaplisied experts, bat a case has ro- cently comm nodes his ‘otic where & | lengt young woinae who hi critic wan wet to answer the medion) to. the exact ssortality of the distriet,’’ be contivues, but the proprietor said if she remained woch longer on the paper he should have had Bo subscribers loft. One of bax replies was something bike this: ‘Ty Daigy—Thanks so much for your kind letter. Yes. The mistake was mine. Is should have beet a quarter o instemd of » quarter Ta Ohiaoas Ct A quaint costa practiced by Chinese | : mthers when a child is restions and does not lee i to write the following verse and jin acopy of it on each of the ony ooramms of the hones that the pase. ersby toay read aud the chim find ress Literally translated the worse reads: Porites snr iling beaver, Britiant spmehiag in w The gonthoaion caning roo the ¢ Enlil | Peacelnl ier ti brad of day, Naw ¥ rk Fiited the WR. Taras, i Cove, * remarked the guest, had | dinner did) 611 the all" “lad to hear it," said the braod keeper “lt “snvely did 611 the Bill I only | wish it baad the sare uffect on me.” This tape the tony face spake BOL — Severn] Kfod of vida are known tO follow vows, horses and other stock about the pasture for the purpose of feeding on the insect 0 tigrarbed by the | font of Huse a animals. Jk RASS pe “Heart oF Madiothian E 8 > Sects in the" | peocmmended the Laint o Dunshiiikes to plant trees, who remarked that V they wad aye be growls winilst he was sleep ing.’ Rebensin b his a developed laryely in the f last 15 years fem hoe wine ov Kat formerly crpstiteted ite teary. Be aos, Vigraativn Ww LHW £0 AND, IRL dr FAS of 3 15 fest away, and at the | fection. snd they | b of correspondents on a country . “of forget to» decimal what was sm hers Sua ehild wisi orks #1 night. da opt aRrTEre BT liad 4 io sep FonEet bey pil Hy ky ol He ant FR KT red Poe ig hi opens 5 le Ble did after sev sR me On hi Hesmgr- tery wither? pparmnr, Bot seone ad Fg pron agar Jim hows hor gh with ia ws ning never tosbow up aun at (he eupiral “Ho staid away three yours, heat the | | pont time he came be 4 oan mapniteds thes 5 rob | president of the United Baten, Shaler C Colfax, of RIZ5.000 in Ponds and se surities. The robbery otenrad at Worm. lev's bate], between 5 and 8 o'clock, on the evening of Feb 22, 1566 1 bad | | been to Alexandria that day aml herd of the affair se soon ax | resched the | city, about # pom The first thing I did wan to goto a restaurant keeper ind ask | hin if any orocioed people were in tows, Ho replied tht there wasa party’ in the Dewdger line at a place on Tenth street, pear the old gas office. In ocumpany house snd asked of the Jundindy if she | bad any strapon there Bb | anid ves, snd on telling ber our Hosivess | she admitted us inte the parlor, where | 3 8 #00] lacking Sosy an was walling | the floor ay in 8 pervins con marked: ‘TI koow who you any after. i bekapging to the vies p a Binow if sod nid Be wan pearly seared ho bad taken. You'll find the staff in 2 the express ollie, fur hie boxed it all up sod shipped i #0 Phi Hidniphia | | this evening. man’s breath away. 1 never dried of | making sch 8 ywift captard We went to the etpress and got the sivarities right encmgh withont any trouble. It wonld have bees an assy mantle to get Holt, but Mr. Colfax, for sum) reason, vetoed the profsition tooatch him, and he went soot free of the piriinier oxime The fallow who tid Tike Ws A erook, bot Bad mothing to do with the { transsetico, and ine ‘give avny’ was plined Bh Jinws the i 1, Sti Fs 5 hd a A BE A SRR NI rd WS A LC Wi grr a= nd Peshape tlm pou of mops w lh PRA Tre : minister ser ging. i The stiry ix 58 follows x XxX. Had gone one diy 0 pay 8 eukgd il visit to} one of bis friends. To his ssrprise bed | found his friend very mock torapied, “Exons me,’ said be, but} sm very | boy today. Bet if you have nothing to do come along with me.” “Where see you going” “1 have been stmamcesed to the palsen.”” They set off Eogether, : At the paises one was contlmiied to the it is easy to perodive, me conducted by | woe of | Eh grievn, while the other waited in wr anteroom. There was a lengihy sitting jn the qonm 4 cable, a pew ministry being in conte of for mation. Ax was very enld and drafty in the #n- terocm, and the man wha wie waiting began to grow very impationt, as be felt a cold in the Bead coming on, Whom | shall we spooint to the iachorpaer? | Whom ty the Fomerto? Whaea to the war deveriwent?’ asked the queen. | Gradually after peach discvision the | msiniaary way bail an bis | was pes on iy ton By PAI od. 1 Wt hives & colo fade st ot A hats 3 2 la fhe pip tepoc. fy the mates P77 £5 *X = Y x soRY Xx) tie yor man for the Tell ML. tsoome i a oe $e #0 emia Lie 4 Ae Luimaad a Keen Thiele Sasrehh Wilh, GEN iE i thir ¥ Thede powder | their dyna pad add artis T he beset Preoch naval br qaick firing cn tomien shisiin will a Fle vent pal emuragies mont. They combensd that thew shells | will abolish armor, ss amr bends tO bites the affect of hoarsting whell The first thing cnr pew govern A will § have to do will be to prdvuli pur DAVY with guick firming guns and shells that shall be pffectnal I dx net lenied that fn both thes particnlaes this Premeh at | the present moment are fir rabeml of wn ~—Sararday Review. armless SE Not New. or Te Bund has bi am Faia senhie les gaid Unele Si. ©] seen a a ago.” “Why, pal” began Aant Mandy. 0h, but I did. Don's you reteset the ule ox cirt we nade ta gar wedding i137 — Indianapolis Junenal. CT ne AeA tis RTI, | SASSI 1 un, 4 mirth try 8 bind ry ron a Hr & Fe ive y agin we Yd a Jub of Bo with the chief of police I went to the | Before we conld say a word bare | Charley Holt } has stolen dot of bonds 3 ‘He told | Biers wis a revelation 9 fake wi » hit. There | silorial minister | A ols 4% cos | vid te 4 Ta nitated by any : bid ht Torkieh Court-No One {no Blent— An Froproseive Peayer, The Soren of “ prpning” the wow Sg Erna vizier 1b feel sights fnsagrbeableg fry - it hoe idiom i eier been deserted an at Setnpt fo mer some die of If ray not The with ons interest 1s was foiand 4 Sehonk on Nuturday afte 3 that the Iricvsd Pasliss foams at the 5 prirte kid bride, pipers, pene snd other | privare parepbimniia This wos the fot imtirsatios Kiven to the world thas the grand vivier had fallen Shortly afte erwand troops filed op the hill and lined { both sides of the road from the banding stuge at Sirkidiy to the doord of the pepe. The news snrend like fire tauler & wisd, sud by 5 o'eloek all preparations were completed for the reseption of the BIW CexiDant of the principal offioe in the cmpire In the gre connoil cham heir the mien win aniqus tn Nequict ig nity. The sooss Was with all the high officials present snd past, and though an Boar or two previcasly sone there havi even guessed what was abont #) Bappen tach one took his place si- ently snd regularly, ‘without confusion ot mistake, awaiting the sdvent of the | still onknovwn chief. At the hand of the hall a sesall vacant the prasint ministers and those who had ‘previonaly beld portfolion Asenchonmes in he puced slowly op the carpet with ane short salute. As soon a8 be reached the end all present returned the teme- pa's with . sweep of he hand $0 the 15 death when Be fumd whose |b tens effaced, for pobody | Know upon whom the sheics of the sultan bad fall- in, Many ames were Ww | round. ut am heir oumers enternd the cirsle of wring followed om, HIE by & process of reduc: hots 16 been & sof only two or thre, sill the rest of Turkey's statemmen i ak Aa tiles of tw yp | rosin. and ow : ar + I : the grand vizier, who bd alvendy thrice | gene through the same ceremony. Was Sanding in thecenter of the ministerial group. There be drew from his breasts a green silk bag, and extracting from the imperial hats be presssd the parch- peent no his Hos and forehead. The dark beards wl sheikh repeated thin homage to the winds of his imperial master, and the htt was banded to the evmak mo- diel, ¢ or e Repos of the re ‘ul Islan, be prolonged his term of of- Boe, Yeing saxicns in all things for the host we ifire of his people, and might Ade mighty Gunel bless their efforts wward that end. Then again a wave of yeep ing lads and bending heads went round, and the sheikh, in full, deep tones, offered up & prayer for the sultan and the empire. In a moment the coon: cil chamber was transformed foto a holy ples, and the politicians. posta and The TOW grand vizier adjourned to his pom with bis ministry for Sciite and and a perfunutiry cabinet eoameil, and Joter on the old sand new visiers and isters vonaived to Yiklia to pay their frst or lant respects 10 their Jord, Mean- | while another batt bad arrived, chang: I ing the exapant of the western wing of ‘the porte, for Said Pasha, whe has been minster for foreign aifnirs Sor ne | pegen, wins Didden to vacate his Dumil- : } far elu in favor of Tarkban Pasha | ponssantingple Letter Trying sel Stoker. Not many know how thes talented [ristyman, Mr. Braye Stoker, cme to be associnted with the fortunes «f Sie Henry Dying. It was in this wise Sir | Henry, when on a visit to Dublin, was invited to a supper party, and doring the ccunie of the evening was induced to recite in his thrilling way “The Drea of Eogene Aram.” One of his sodizors, a young man with a brilliant reputation st Trinity college, was so af fected by the tragedian’s delivery that he harst inte tears. Henry Irviog asked the wonng man to vall on him the next pening, tod then and thers made him en oifer. which was sccepied to the mu tual wdvanbage of both, The FOUDE man ‘was Mr. Bram Steer. spondent. Mes. De) {mle #7 per cont of thapatiital of thin % a ; serants ected to “curry out from ia ——
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers