>| Wednesday Night and Tran- | sacts Important Business, Atite pas | esting: wi ris the mews deparsment very crowded. el ty mt 130 pm MANY BILLS PASSED. We would recommend an addition to sec 0 : AR all be devoted entirely Mare SEred Cronstmgs and Paard wae 4 Oytared tn bn Laid. Tan: Carsten wo promi Spear Mra H . Banoan; recitation, Mrs 8. police while in that capacity and shat be oma the borough furnish him with & badge. V On Solon i as Snantmondy esi! i is 1s Ons motion it was resolved that if |B the board walks in froni, of the prop- |absagh and Simon Boriman are not | Indd within a week from this date, that “the Borough will proceed to lay the of North Cumb da Sok te gieme We vom of the Te the Weak of the orders drawn for the same: 8 W. i" ow! f -s Davis, Prothanotary, $8.5 for record. |p mee however, wil Br open for | Ei third of bo the Sete {ing special eleution; Patton Water the transaction of busine oy y day |g’ ho : | month of December; Rewel Somervilhe, : ‘Enq, $5.00 for services to Dee. > ist Ee nt pny. 1996; E. Will Greene, $5.43 for Clark aidathers snd & Merry Chris | " services for month of November, and | Frm SEO Years 10 every uu 6 pentags ang express: = i Cen, body the Corus bids the GEara ‘Co, $2.56 for printing: tr rim Christman feoess $1.10 for express, Board of Health busi. jadien amd will start again with she) Shane to discum It dius the mess; BR. McPherson, $7.41 socount of -. a ie Ch ‘reduction on valeation of oc pation Ansewmisy Kinker's Report, | from W600 to $200; John Boyoe $200, Through the kindness of Jopeph | ‘meals to prisoners and coal; And the Ricker, samessor, the COURigR fic able 10 | Ca following costs in the Yeager damage patlish the following report furnished » oor rio of ‘the hep quit: W. J, Weakland, $7.50, viewer, 3 by him: Voters In the Bomagh of 97 Cuba wonld make it incumbent days; G. J. Plapatrick, $7.50 viewer, | Patton, 467; Military rofl, 30; Number 8 tnder {he Monroe doctrive, to a 3 days; John Somerville, §7.50, viewer, of births from May 1, 1998 ta Nisvem. ist in maintaining that I ‘2 days; John Somerville, witnew, t ber 1, 1398, were 36; Number of deasles if Coba is unable fo do. i days, $8.04; P. P. Young, witoes, 4 in that time, 12 According to the Nesistance. days, $6.04; BE Will Greve, witness, momber of voters on the lst taken by | | 4 days, $6.04; Alex. Hunter, witness § | the assessor, Putton has a population of | 1 (dey, $8.04; L. 8 Bell, witbess, 3 days, | about 2.500 souk. if the population of * $5.04: R. McPherson, withess, 2 days. adjoining setthements of Paton within | aon; W. If. Sandford, witness, $ days, & radios of one mie from the borough ¢ ghok BC. Brown, witness 3 days, Hmite was included ® won: reach * $504: BM. Wilson, withess, 3 days, ; aver 3,000. ‘ : ($5.04; witness, 4 days, | (9604; BF. Wise, witness, 4 days, $6.04; J. BE Dale, witness, Sdays. $5.04; J. R. | Corpelios, withess, 1 day, 1.03; And! A int ostste o Hed amd Wie the following for street work, ele. as ili be eid is Mauntaindale & Portman. $1.56; ay: Erimppellydospdyfieuinn sm H, sham Seam $1.33; Janaary 1, 1897. Asiong the ho New York before the Job Dunega nw: Prank Me my momen: I Potent oi inet om Sou da Shad 3 am de od 4 ws : i : Stevan, “Evidtnin f 4 teacher's mo. foam, om Eo, tow ae LT, OE Fre piieint [tomtperloss igh raion oor . or "i olabmed for Mr. Wanataaker that oem or fallure,” A. H, George, B.C. E Jones, $3.65 cost and judgement. from this pace expect to sitend. ihe House vo show by s thorough es- Re, Jur seman Van Scoyoe; “Can an ongraded school. On motion it was unsnbmously ear. AT Prices Cut One Hat mination thus they J What the Rejublican party of | UC ETaded and taught soeorting 10 the ried that Ordinance No. 36, relating 10 Special attention in directed to the CSSSMeREl PEREPIL et (of Any suste, ta bn toed of the Bdopted coarw: of study? Rachel the adoption of the plot of the Chest jurgw ad of Cook, Salmond & Cowden, tay of an importer ae 8 maker of our Leidy, Emma Rodky, D. E Hollen; Creek Land and Improvement Co, be in the Coun thin week Which states E08 18 which some Senator or Repre- Fanstonker is perhaps The teachers’ position in the sehoot adopted a read. that the ail Boilidi oda in weatative doesnt make a conspitions i dt wh on ol On motion it was carried that Dr. pr = inte ir. dimplay Gf his gages of the os “Individan work in the ‘wcbioet room.” gon be exonerated from $12.00 per store is cot into Ju Constization. lod pek 10 $4.00 per wenk license, and This will be a big boone for buyers, in st1pposs that. Bowman, 14a Ruthraufl, ds A | that the Barges be instructed to col. fact itis the fergest cut hi price ever Notice of) Fi Chas. J Myers, Mis | 2 Fp Ra A dar — aa viewers Appointed by ihe Court of / tan scheduln’ What dury ' * iy : i.e, . Common Pleas, to view : hi Yose 16 aja on oo) and on Mary E. Beauy, t. B, The members of Washington CAP und ssmemy the demages ma ig cation, T 1 Lather, Chas. E Rink; On Monday Patton Fire Company fou, will attend meryiees in the Metho- opening we Mellon street in Patton senate mersly | LAterary exercises for Fyiday afier. No. 1, received a bran new double dist Episcopal church next Sanday Borough will meet on the pres y : it not one of poons,” Maggie Kesder, D. Cyrus action fire bell to be placed on their ‘evening at 7:38, at which time ihe Michael Hoggan in Patton Ab unrest and div Tudor, Ashbury McCracken. All bailing on Lang avenue. The weight pastor, Bev. Chas W. Wasson, will re hare af ae friends of education are cordially in-| of the bell is over 406 pounds and is aoe preach a sermon by request of the Log guy of he PosDet. : CommrTree. of the finest kind made. It will be pot Camp. Everybody welcome. : place fat 4 Seve days. wick Work. Christmas Entertainment. Frank Dosaboe, whose risidence was heard relative othe sme. The Christmas eateriaioment, of the sussamud bY Are is asiags t6 Thus, | LRG say. (oclck p.m, when and RRR ae
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