{ERE 1S A CHANCE FOR YOU TO GET A VERY HANDSOME BIBLE. VALUED AT $15.00, the correct number yotl can carry guessing blanks you wish you nothing. Guess how many people will enter may store on December away a beautiful Bible vained at $13.00, EY) ou come in and get all the You can gUESS as “often as vou wish: it costs vou thine. and it will cost and they cost von nothing: carry 24 ah, and if you are nearest to away the Bible i FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. What ever else you might do between now a hie of Sister or Brother a Christmas present. we ell is under our personal guarantee. nd Christmas Ve claim we carry the most complete stock to select from iy ovelties, Ink Stands, Christmas Cards, etc. Before buying your Mother or Father, Gister ar Brother, or somebody else's Mother, Father, sure and see our this section, and every article Cownty Smt Lotter. == Pa, Dec. 14, 1906. Three Ti ; in iS To erowd came to Ebensburg to ath court. rye yariy wan held of Lb { ome of Miss. Eva Unrman, the earfiest | Water street, on Friday even vening. : .W. Ana, of St. Boniface, Was AD i on Satarday. : Walter Yothers, of Driftwood, spent | a few hours in our town on Friday. Porter Kinports, & | it and tnfinential citizen of Grant, Pa, spent. t Thursday night in Ebensbuirg. tor of the Brandon at Spangler, wt | onded court on Tharsday sad Fridsy. | t: A Christmas entertainment will be | | held at the Presbyterian church by the of | little folks of that church on Christmas evening. Y The ladies of the M. E charch will | hold & Bazaar in the Tudor building on Friday sad Sstorday evenings of this | week. There will also be an ang Jory and museam in with ‘the Bazaar. Miss A. E. MeDonald, of High street, eparted on Saturday morning for | winter. Rev. M. H. Anderson, of the Presby- erian church, attended the Presbytery which wan held at Braddock last week; of the Presbytery burg for some time. Ee soon be able to return home. i One the most remarkable cures of Messrs. Henry Buck of Carroll town- : atl , on record ia reiated by Mr. ship and Davy Edwards, of Barr x Yostaanter at Desk | townsbip, shippel a earload of sheep to “While out | Philadelphia this afternoon. Whe: st Willheim, Pa, always stop at the Musser house. It is a good hotel and you will be kindly treated. Mr. W. S. Musser, the proprietor, always Keeps & bottie of Chamberlain's Colic cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the : » in case of emergency. always be depended . upon. Whenever my guests have an b} attack of diarrhoea or cholera murbus, 1 give them u dose of this remedy, and it has never (aikd to cure them.” For People “sale by Patton Pharmacy. © W. wp alles aout to Hodgkins. » medicines.” For Chamberlain's Congh Remedy the Faveaeite Pharmacy, Cc. Ww. Kremis, Mercer county, Pa Wi pelieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Mott one. of our nice suits at §2 to be the best remedy in use. We aa it in our families, and it is a favorite oi melplndisigahiig locker Bre Bm x The Clothier. among oar customers. | or We, z able pressnt. : & Co. 25 and 30 cent bottles for sale Subscribe for the Patton COURIER. by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. * anable to move hast ar 0 attack of inflamma. : My dark tele- 2 £ ¥ E x Consider: 1st YOUR NEED. 2nd THE QUALITY. 3d MY Price. 8 B. King, the ‘well-known proprie- Make known your nesd of anything in my line and I will give yoo sat in quality and price. | ing we K wt of toed oka —— purine Kap i Hater Katee Co... Mn Potts Sos per Meh eS pk Sin pein Srrains bir A ls uistand bop Jars a Hosa Ey _t Tard cans, Japanmed. i Cpe rude] wish Bealin Lo eee 13 Meet hE and fre proof imrihenware Co ode Bes ir Powpnlic | Meche ane Ritohen Irs Hand wad stand lamps. Library ST . MEARE ee piedds | Heating stoves. ey We are giad to Jearn that she is moch better and will | isk wlarors and ratiges Sy Poses wesbiing machine | Wester washing machi Tin : Plan rT of Hardware. hag wed A. M. THOMAS. - Lt's Like This: Men's all-wool Thibet Suite $5. Men's all-wool Hair Line saita, $6.75. Fast-black Dress suits, pure wool, $65. Unexoeibed Worsted suits, $12: last SEANOD'R PY : $18.50. Roaoteh AEA, lots, $7.50, $10, $12. Overcoats. Thibet Overcoats, 85. Albwool Kersey, $7.50. Finest Dress (vercoats, $5.63, 9.50, $11, $13.50. Boys’ Clothes. Never before so nice and good for so little money. All-wool Boys’ Suits, $1.98, Reefer Suits, neat dark patterns, at $1.50 MIRKIN & KUSH CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, FURNISHERS. Note the follow- : 15 1 4 Every week's sales foots up more than the prev- ious week We aim to make money in our business by largely increasing o our trade. We think it is better to have And make many sales than to make few sales and large profit. Acting upon this inciple we have largely increased our trade and find that it is paying us to do business in this way. We invite the pub- lic to visit us ind inspect our good. We hold up car garments for the inspection of all. Ne are not afraid of plome serntiny by the public. All we want is sure the ¥ silves. We are the lenders in frst class clothing. You will be benefitted by calling to see var choice selection of stiite and rere before making your Fajlowisy are a few prices: Men's Suits from 5 to F157; Men's Overcoats from gto $15 Boys’ Suits from 1 to $120 Men's Dress Shoes from 1.25 to $4; Boys’ Shoes from 1 to #2.50 MENS’ RUBBERS, OVERSHOES and Lumbermen’s Gums, Gum Boots, and all other kinds of Rubber wearing apparel.