The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 10, 1896, Image 7

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    Sn I AR SH AN A SARA HAR SNe Tb hei ts a
| cotpparativaly little entity, Iscostsonly
{a valet, providing one has the costumes
Ptoatart cen Ia oa skyscraping structure
{down town, employing a #mail army of
| geourers, pressers and renders, in kept
Cin constant operation, and the wagons |
| the coneeril, however, lost their soonom>
| Prom her it was learned that » yearly
{ ean jostle up aginst thos of the Foor
| quired to keep their wardrobe in repair
und presentable condition. The chests
| pane and widress are printed. Ove of
these reurinine at his home, whils the
's oadi (bbe
nwa vs. 1 can is up his old
fellothes vutil Bs coomulates a fow |
suits aud then follows the example of |
| hw rich frionds bere, ho will soon find |
out haw tiacy pose as howling swells at
$25 u year fo lock Jike a pian Who owas
a suit of smntacos offic 18 oonpied
by the clevisal atal of a cnuoern which
some of ogy worthiest aml moet infiaen-
tin citizens in repair. & large factory
of the company may be seen daily cov.
ering regnlar routes in the best parts of
the city. Ho sensitive are the patrons of
ional proclivities become known to neighs
bors that nothing more than the ambig-
pons title of the firm is painted on the
vehicle, ;
A Iady with a pronoonced French ae-
cont manages this part of the bosiness
subscription foo of $25, payable in ad-
vanes, entities any ordinary American
citizen to membership in this concern,
by means of which his plothes at least
Huondred = On paying tise feo the meme
bers ave entitled to atl the services re-
gre allotted th him, upon which his
other is af the fectary, Wagons eall at
the houses of patrons of the company
twice a wink, if seccssary and oolicet
the clobes which have been placed in
the chest. at the same time laving »
rine Nomber, con ladnin g about Swine as many { beat it 16 death with wing and beak.
re 1
pages ns the ordinary bisues, together with »
Inrge na aber of pletana
Aster Place. Sew Tink Clty.
To take effect Monday, Aug. T7, 18.
Daily, exeipt Sunday.
A —— ———
seticin al Be Marys win the PL 8.
] we Ar Ce
ou W. N.Y. 8 P. Ry, m0 |
! thermosantor mast bo on tho ales. Gene
| erally the owner can restore the ther.
wometer withuat sendiog it back to the |
Hyde for all point
| chest fall of clothes, carefully mended
and prosmid mowdy for wear One young
| man who bas four a paticon of the novel
| extablidhnient for seme time says that it
| works like a charm, nod bis apparel |
© bears out his statement. Of conres the
© tilors, the old clothes gatherers and the
| survants who have strutted in the cast
| off garnsesats of their plasters don’t Jike
| the tnsovition, but it is a pooesity of
| the titoes Eonping up sppearanss 9 8
| great bukioess here, and this now clinthes
| fixing scheme ie a regular boon fo jobs
- of men who travel on shape and style
.; ~~New York Latter in Pittsburg Dine
| patch.
1 3 Astor Prace, - New York. |
» S wwim. It will also pumsoe even the most
ation, | they unwittingly rejoice in sn early
OUTLOOK, 13 jj teen born to thetn sad in infancy
| ously enough, geese which have experi
| of their snemy bad become mitigated.
“1 away at it in the fell enjoywent of
| downward, give several strong, pendu-
‘| spirits from the top and send the index
Among those birds which stay at
there is offen an exhibition of nakind-
| veriter in The Cornhill Magazine. The |
graceful swan, & g., lone of the most
ungracious in its ways. Not only (in
the breeding season) dies a male bird
resent the introsion of a strange gentle
man, bot it will spend the day in driy-
' | ing off from its domain any unlocky |
win | 10 have no designs upon ite domestic ar-
| rapgements and have, indeed, po desire
beyond that for a comfortable wash and
inpooaiat of pewborn ducklings while
| taste of their common elemer
When an only child has passed oot of
| the eygnot stage of life sud grown to
i foil physical if not mental maturity,
father and mothor swans bave been
known to fail apon and deliberately
The gratified parents swam gracefully
about the mere in which they lived,
| The pricect The Orrick Is three doilark & wisile the great white corpse of their |
| year to ndvance, or Jews than » cent a day. grea y vorpes of thei
son lay, battered and dead, npon the
shore. The following year, alter another
carried ppon hiv motives back, they be- |
gan to treat him so roughly that, not be
away sod we saw hin po move. Card.
spring bave been known to retaliate in
the calmer sutuman, when the flerceness
I have seen a gander bap npon the back
of » once arrogant swan and pound
gratified revenge. -- San Fraocisco
At times of severn frost many pee
eters report remarkably low tempers
| turer. These are oftep due to the ther |
mometrie liquid baving partly evaporat-
ad from the main eolame and condensed
at the 2a of the tube farther from the
balh, the thermometer then rading Jost
a8 many degrees ton low uy thers ave
degrees of vpirit at the ton of the abe,
Good thermesnetiors aro §500 as Hable to
thia error canmon onos and there
fore evs Uy vas DRIES A SpinE minimum.
maker. Grasp the thermometer Srmly,
posting » finger on the tobe so that there
be po visrarion, and, holding the bulb
jous swings. This will usually send the
into the bulb. Stand the thermometer
verse it and very gently shake the in-
dex ont of the bulb und let is slide to
the end of the columns, ‘when the ther:
mometer will be as good a8 pew. ——New
York Ledger.
iy Feet,
the fly foot is a sucker, others that ad-
hesion is «ected by the aid of A viscous
is rugawid fa kveping the clothes of
every horse had roturned fo the ences) |
as possible. The dog's 1naster staled
that he had trained him when he $s
| goite a poppy. and by the thine be vase
3 yeard old the dog wos as good » judge |
perts of the agricuiteral depcitnMet
ing pinioned like them, be wisely flew | it 1
cultivation in Ireland. Botanically is
giniana, but in after yours iv was pIop- ;
Janam taberorum. As the winter slock |
is mow beiug laid in, it may be well for
the inexperienced © beable to 4 leet
sons not skilled in the psa of thermom- |
be no chanee of & mistakn. ~— Washing:
thought she deweted # trans of suue- | jg
The mans by which a fly ean creep go
up a pape of glam or walk on a oeiling ta
have long bren the subject of contenticn, |
amcne scicntists, some claiming thas |
Plan Buri 1G
An urs or a =
A he RE
Shaot 3p #07 #8 say bas me ile
Roy Laney si ERs
Ehe'd crane for wick Ud ga fr Sev
i fra i
Wan! Narihy's pone, an wma dead
Fisk pre the Baptey year. |
A Burebik teoom tus Baye bam steed
ATarenin if on shoves) Ee
$hut 1 allay think 0’ the goed (36 times
Wen te an Marthy bith
Cet biisedal daw an mis an Hiv’ Baye
Woz berraris bark an f0'ih, :
wid Beaten in The Clty Bee |
fhe Familiar Giable C31 Dronght thy
The editor of Thierfren reistes Ow
{following story of his own person! ex:
jr SON on MB ek ak oA
perionce of the sagacity of military
horses, In the year 1873, during a skin
mish with the Sioux Indisos ‘the
Third cavalry regiment had formed at:
ctioampment in a valley on the southern)
Border of Dakotas. At nightfall ths
the gronnd. Toward daybreak a violent
storm of rain and bail burst over thy |
tare awny up the steep sides of the va»
lev into the territory of the enemy:
Without horses, st the mery of the eli
emy, wit should be lost. Yat it was in
after thent into an pnkoosn eoontey,
a¢ 8 lest resouros, ordered the stable
call tobe sounded. Ju a f'w minut w |
ment, apd we were saved.”
A gentisiann who was a finished mil
sicinn resided some years ajo at Derg)
stadt anid kipt adog, which was the ter
por of ali the singers and Bptroments i-
fen inn the place, for it ld the fats
habit of raising ite faco to heaven std |
howling whenoeer a Talus note Wis
paittedd. It never made a ubitake, and
well keen singers were sald to tremble
whens they saw their ainwseloome jodge, |
seated by bis master’s side, st cones! 68
gr at the epira, for Max was a regular
fires nighter and a great friend of fhe
theater director. He was Jizver koovin
to miss 8 pew opers. Mak as no le
specter of persons, and when the wigg-
ing was bat a shade oat in would 1%
tract the attention of tho whole auili-
enews to it with a terrific bowl, One tos br |
the dog was removed, bat Mix was so
great & favorite with the Darmstids
_poblio and suek a well known freque at
er that the singer might as well hive
remewnd from the malls, snd be Yas
obliged to give jo with as good & gre
a8 his master of a false twee. —Bosion
“The peculiarity of thy Irish potsto,
so called, is in the fact that it is sos |
Irish,”’ observed one of the potato ex-
“The potato originally grew wild in|
the fields of Chile, Pera und Mexito. |
Sir John Hawkine did not take it to
Ireland until 1365. Sir Francis Drike
took it to England 20 years afterward.
Tt did better, however, in Ireland tian
anywhers ols and got its name, 80
doulst, because of its early and exten) jive
was originally known as the Batata pir-
erly identified and clad fed as the So- |
“Cite the raw potato #1 two and rab;
drop, the potato will be soggy Knd set
around on esch other. A potato that |
by the same action. The pieces will
stick together if the posato is a good
one. Of conrse the whole thing is to est
the amount of starch in the potat, for
the roure starch the better the potato.
If, however, a person intinds to lay in
a very large supply, the Dust plats of |
course, is to cook tiem, upd there will
Not What He Nendo
She had undertaken to help him in
hin literary labors
an Smo AA YAY He
went #0 far ax to refuse (p sing name | "0
thei buives together. If the moistunion |
robbing is soft and liquid enough to
will be dry snd measly when cooked ‘will |
give out s good, rich froth, while a |
poor ane will show ouly w watery froth |
mrs uk Columbia Ave, Pi
homes were tethered by o long Hoe ©) HD ie Ve!
vatley. The terrified snimsali broke Joos s | Tu
from their fastening, and in their fright
possible, in the ball darkaess. to gb hE
probably fall of Indisns Phe captaity | Dawnd
# Ze 0), Falls Creel,
TA 4 AO RIresnEviie
2 a od of ;
"3 HP eam WRAY,
12 8p. nk. Falls Creek. he
13 A Curesaeviiie and
Pd ¥ Readfud and b
E09 mg 8
4 4d {
Sd a SE 3 EE OT
: Th
FE Cn wait i
Aen Fraime
*Hiare is something that you resily |
ought to read,” she said, looking up
frops the magazine she hid hastily boon |
look bag through.
“What is it” be asked. bo
“A Jong article about how to write |
short stories,’ abe answer,
“Throw it away?’ Be criod, and she |
guid exuding (rao the foot, aud others
yilary apparstos which answers the |
surpose of a Book. !
yal regalia of Gros) IRUMIL ming.
again that the fy wiiks by means of » i
made for him at biscoranat
A foot of commen mes
Fine Job V V
ecuted at this ofh