The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 10, 1896, Image 2

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    A ab tf As SR igi ia
and destroctive
re wader An admirable and tcientifie
tion in all fis brant hes and to the native
courts a maperh sf of massive and
wrtillery cdephanta
Although they will seMom or peeves
breed io captivity, the grand creatores
fer many Bprcial puroises, omen, and at ther
don ban whatever tusks they AY Carry go
§1 i= the butter generally its quality. Bat,
or? | in any care, Bow sepsis it seem to eX
g | tirpate the fiving somree of this busnti-
fal commodity, ax the reckless honters
| and ignersut mative chiefs and mer.
chants sre still allowed todo in central
Afriox! When shall we see the gover
ments of these various regione sense
{ Jive clophatits are ery much ro LL
3 | able ever cormerdially than dead ones.
| and thet the presst vation of thew stale
18 has been truly remarkad that di
are convinced that one live elephant it
keen to preserve the animal aa they pow
are to exterminate hima. We might plead
earnestly, oven npon the groued of os
thetidiem and patural science, for ©
| protection in fotmw of the note beast.
wr hows aa jesty sod tranqaillity of wise
#0 well boomtown His silent bhaants
; philosophic, harmiess existence
at 14 fl ears of thise, EONEVSr, Who musssacr:
o composition of » boy of | She Inpotwent giant to cut from him 30
y American, bie fatlier - Ia or 30 pounds of waterial far paper
a | can #20 strimgo and na) Tanda all who tnierstani the vale of the el
suthiess of his annssios may ome 15
Jeary thut they ary destroying Mwir own
{ markets. The rest is for official satiori- |
vy! ties to do. Eat certain it ie that if de
§| cided miasoyes be not promptly taken
there will be no elephants to save gil,
inl we shall se in another somtinent the |
os | shameful haman Ho sl folly perpe- |
| trated which bas stripped Amerion of |
every fren Miving vestige of ber noble |
Avoves of Trmoar.
pate, whith zives to the administra
faithfal servants, fhe comminmariat and
16 the world's stock of ivory, The older | Loo oon td wiizo for. When the Socials |
ist leaps ones proposed to nie the
wind by & dram sti entertainmont and |
waggested that he should provide the
play. bo 268 too: once and provided 15
yeotly the native snd foreign hanters |
worth domins of tagks thoy will be as
1 knives mod shod Burns wonid be olsnd |
be a ae xy
( wild elophant and i
formu, :
On tha enlifos
thasiaeria young fires Ar. ont)
probally hava given Morris up after the
first sitompt to gather his opinion of
ibe Sorowd Mrs. Tangoeray” as an |
ordinary citizen who had sever formed
the bubit of playgoing, snd neither knew
ner camel anything about the theater
a #) Keep antl manage, invainabie BXOO] an trent for vhildres once a year
devine the pantoniine saan. But Mor
yi wonla boave written for the stage if |
there had been ony is Sat & pret hat
Avid what kin of play was is? Was
{it a miracle play on the jines of thows |
kernel in the Towneley mysteries bo.
B 8s perostve andl procts vr | rwoen the she aside abiding in the |
field,” which b> used to quote with |
1 great relish as bi: is. ies of geod bit of
comedy? Notat 1 Iv was a topioal ax. | :
poriion, 2 parocent. The|ly and seriveeablt animale shail to eruvagansa, enti: “ Nopkine Awak.
i diffrent cocupations. It henceforward » fixed policy for African |
ened,’ the chief character paris’’ be- |
ing Sir Peter Ediin, Tennyson snd an
imaginary archiuibop of Canterbury. |
Sir Poter owed the compliment to his |
meieiRy at that tivte in sending sceial- |
3 ‘eps bg + yl Bw
duven to due eronsin ord :
thi came dor hig rip
full ied vile vo talked at ides der |
pobilityrady blurted out: *¥e
will! That's what I'm here for.’
such cirrpmstaness i was hard gree
errs my digoity, bot 1 did thot fl
a odd toe .
8 der ear vere he disse Mike Diol | eonid and
go up nuit de air ond coi not din |
thirank goes ap over de head of der pa
and der spies nnd men plunk in der
teh. Vone of der "Tal wn k
| toro legs and he he not sthrong i
ger vaik ve put im in mit der Jog
yi, ond ve pot find him easy. bat (lero
biws nodings for him to Wit op derive |
| dines be coms down purty sone all 7 ihe.
Der growbars ped nine shovels mm
dirty #0 v5 waits here Gill Mike Docks
Cetimn down foo. Yours, Jobn Bell pais
| dor, "+=Ratizoad Telepag te, :
A Farm Where Hanis Ave Raised |
Crier in Switpirland the people sre
kmg ago beoame imposible for wen
| sharp eyed wouil hunters tn find al the
| sani is they conld sell, and so some! the
clever § Sw bon have started sail £4 trues.
tio, which was y siways proved by get ! | places, SY & few rods square ant di
fing polio an th swear that if any
passe 7 or vehisla bad wished to poss
over to particniay pos in a thorough.
fore gin hich the speaker or his sudi- |
= Bappened to be standing their pros |
sie would have otstrocted him.
This contention, which was regarded |
| as quite sensible snd ppanswerable by |
to such reuomstraioes The best Bogs of |
How It Ta Practiond at Home md Abroad
and thy Need For a Neform.
The question f “tipping” sooms
| mall enoogh in Jfetail, bus rather for |
portant when o
| 0a of the most symptacnf New York
i i 1 eenly fil
| the man's ides of what was dos him,
and His *Thask you, wir!’ was bland
quarters always found their grave in.
| the black waistoost pocket, with no ex-
dons of gratitode frome the weeipi-
| sent of board wit th » melancholy teniper-
| wee it aod drilied hits in 8 certain por- |
A wotaan whe pent lant winter fn which was sil the more instructive be- |
: emows bo delighted in Tennyson's verse
a brenily ae Wager delighted in the
meio of Mendelmmhn, whose eredit for
| qualities of larger scope he wivertbelom
I wrote down sod destroyed.
| Bimnelf B07 1 odie 00 atiemnE t make
| mp the part ia Cio ondivary wage fash-
4 wen Boe oor for stage jiinsion then
and gracious, bis the lady's modest | Lo. oe semvestional symbol,
prism for two months beenose anvther
$8 § BEWEApETR of the day, was put into |
& nutebell in the tours of Sir Peter's
camming no {0 th play. “Ia fact, gen |
tienen, £8 i8 A matter of grave dembt |
whether we are not all of us continually |
oe Ja,
hate. no man but the sailor | ephant for Africa is that even the most rns itting this oOlenen from cor cradles
to our graven” This speech, which the
real Sir Peter of cours npevir made, |
though he cartainly would haw dose so
Bod be bad wit enongh to me the abs i
surdity of solemsly sanding 8 man to
mov could pot widk throogh him, es
pec iuily when is would bave been so
eusy to look hits np for three monthe off | o
sun Tospecta blo preset, will probably |
keen Bir Peter's mowory groon when ail |
his setual jodieial utterances are forgot. |
Fata Tenrrmn. Morris took s sociale
Sir Bapiened to sombine the right |
tent as incivility of sooech which, taken
| from the quality of hie remarks, threw
s light on Morris’ opinion of Tennysm
Morrie plas of the idesl Archbishop
jou kioaln aye popbraded thot Bor geome |
mach 30 a Baio for» saint, a crook for a
Bishop, or, if you liked, 8 cloak and
vided into small parts, separated) by
fanicen abouts two fest high, with tails
along the top to prevent the smalls rom
renting away. Little arborea cf moods are
¢ provided for the wile wd wlelter | from
the von, for snails do net Tiles the on
I there is pot Hane or eluilk in the i arth
‘of the furs, the or sprinkle it
- about. Seale sat odloan, sata, 1 tthe
and dendelion. Tv ; be
hungry alter a rin
Tha harvest riihe fio ¥ rapt § in 1a Int
ter part of A 1
for. Tren the si
i Those Bavitgy ried wip
eomiddered a1 and are s
fide Thy Bie Law Bend in Fala
ing sofE bar for and
for high pric gol, nd ;
wignifieant protect, mints iy ever!
[do pot own a bal i BH
this is frrevceatle—meres atts T Ab any
dingey or supper which [ atavd « wnsor
for. Why shoud IF Everpibing is ao
companied by ite own sie oF ‘relink,
always safleiantly rich aod bal ber in
a4 unpeconsAry wi the tesditions| ffth
enrtwheel It is pever teed af the pric
vat tables of those New York families
who live eorvectly. Oociwionaily | have
aprotest. I did sot hing ego, Mier a
inner on which I pride mywel! euch
yor. One of the guests 4 mad, came
to xen to give an crder, mying (8 the
saree tigi thas be had recently dimed
hers and was much dimppointed. Of
sours | oeged an explicit stat iment,
and be Saally told me that first there
wea no huther, to which 1 pleaded miley,
bus explained thse my rain in ths par-
tionlar was Suwarisble. ’—Now Yok
Tin Sg
Stiontd Study Fae Worse.
wile ii
Then this groom gave mea sera
wor prise. Coming up to me, bo Haid,
‘Mister, what's the demnge? ‘Nui? og,’
I roplied. Tm ghd fo have boon of eee
ide to vou.’ ‘But I won't have i that
way, be asid I know it's the coon
to give the minister somethin, aud a
yiup veon's name a sum Fl doitmpwif.”
Anil he handed mo a $30 Bill." New
: Yerk Tribune
yery fond of enails—almost as foul a8 |
the Awmeriosn bey in of mines pie; 16
Doe on Ames J, Comings:
A gossiper fu the Washington Post
tolls this story on Amos J. Commings,
| whieh be says was told to him by Amos
hipeelf: During the leet campaign Mr.
Crasmiings tried to say as litsle about
frie wilver as possible, though be was
ranning for congress as a» five silver
mii, Seere in the friendship of (very
polineman and letter carrier in his dis
trict, bo got on swimmingle GI 4
moat the very last speech be made,
we oa great ball and be bad » args
audivees. © He tallied shout national
Bonar, and the flag, and the equality of
pity, aud the rights of the muss, with
& twist or two of the British lion's mil
by way of variety. It was a great speech.
Suddenly it was interrupied by a man
dosent in the front vow, “Tell ne nbout
the atin!’ he eried, and be provonnesd
Lge first syllable to rhywe with bash
Mr. Commings paused, perplesed. Just
then his eye caught the sya of an espe
einily friendly policeman. No
wire asnhanged, bot an instant lator the
strain Band of the law descended on the
eoliar of the inguiving man. Ho was
yanked clear out of his seat and hustled
to the door. 71711 have you understand,
suid the policeman an ba jerked Rime
down the aisle, “that we'll bave no such
langtage ved bere.
] Polsoning by Phosphores.
The attentivn of scientists bas been
caliod to thi rupid increase in the num.
tuir of earn of phosphorous poisining
among workers io match factories. Une
len the ventilation and general ocadi-
Viome are of the best the workmen inhale
Nargequserigosof rade phosphores sad
les wooo ann wage rapidly develop die
AED Sable es pecily to this deletions
Sia antic of the poison is
tf oat, But ones It DEON
ai we aratem it iw very
Adee In fact, it ie bee
in phosphorus hes oBes
i of the physical
+ eliminate it sod ¢
«x of decay Bove ——
_ able posaliarities is hae
iput the tones of persons
phopherds wre mosh
4d than those of. other
dager fur thn villain wed iw pied wig for Berlin squestrian Pratnes Baw been : Le ; a o hawk Bi bie winds in fm
pease, heey that we are
ager of finding it trite
* possess k divine
igh a gift. is not en. |
our wn exertions
t shall min
; dead immerse it in a
of vere hat water, the water 10 eov-
i srs, Ooe minate i usa
ht 10 keep the Tow] under
Peo fou sewking is lable to
sein. | After thia hot bath
k Jocwened that they
: almost ebb off. The bird is
ed in cold water snd wiped
to cotton big pt for this parpose
Be aoe. Wham fowls
ones, they should
th keep thing
¢ | Ducks eaunot he maniged In this way,
us their fenth contain so much oil
ith the water sex pul peantrale them.
- with em."
mash keratity a millionaire, 1
| he ¥ bik the 8 guest aE Joye Aunt! od ed of Trying his band at aserions dram | wire quite Seid GWing cin preser-
1 butler with which to a Sign, Tiina. | and would no dosbs bave dove is bad | vation by whe horas. hi incident led
An d Ani ie > > | thera been any practical occasion for is fo an tuesaligatioa of dha vrope ries of
‘or any mesos of comsummatiog iS LY | borax and Hs fhisal wagon by Be med-
ard black stoekings proviaimed thedreb |
A oh to To. A dollar,
serenming langhter at him when bo ory
0 ag at dinner 13 4 Susbinn waite wrk soni nos dirtaeh, 5 laugived Se
or { erate ly nryeeil, can will gee | nate
| er stare, sithoughs be would have the | quite clearly the long top floor Gf ches of art the positiins of the horses 4re
| saw in glimpms beiwon mY a0
3 yuna, with Alora grave. y oe ih A
" hol & customers hill ma tip TI Nt aeard: 1m
dering o dioner thas | ly loi dane, run sided
id, on settling his bill, add a uiband beautiful fipese, in
chimney pots, at the other, ad & Bl
| socialists betwoet,
There his been no other such sucosis-
only ove drs
William Archer. k care was so inter
that be for some time talk.
| stage representation under proper sondi-
One of the mist splendid crowns in | | tings without spending more time on |
| the world in that of the Roope em
Anna Ivanovoa. Aonlaug to
| Hamlin, it is well proportioned and smith Socialist #ociety, he played the |
1 ent’s fae, which wore 8 meaning look, | :
| aw of ome who says, " Wamen are mise, | the soameding. A pair of clerioal bands |
{an ever knows ‘ow to do the right | bishop TH Ho veut be did by ctiiterating
thing by & man, hus ece 'ss (0 put up | Bis he ‘4 3 | that she posision of we horses” legs
| fra Bis owns press "to the andience Hi: of the Grea Kurfurst, of Fred-
| Iti omly | in reckions, good natured | & laistern with the light blown out, with | EST ‘Predaria
el v rink Wil |
| Jey sem of yoiling, wallowing, gudiewing |
fat Brut might within living memory, 11
examined by a veterinary surg on of
Yam Hand IV. Ho finds the mame
rid whith several misaten of the wi ident faults in many of the paintings in the |
which in 8 common enough sum for » > Mrs Grant. © did not kuow the natare
of the contsats of the jetters to lis wile
until after the war, when Mo Geant,
Berlin Nations! gallery. In Egrptian,
Amtyrian, Baby loaian and Perviag works
eal and right In those of the Greeks
presence pocket it quic te
ye 2 ind ie an nithach. sale | Wavebausa in the PF arringdon me | eel gay Romane they are not always ¢ormet.
fad- | which apportions 5 per eet on the
The equestrian statues of the two Baldi,
father and son, in the Naples susenm
have the legs of the horses in thy proper
position. Re
While prospecting Deny Death valley,
eovered the demi body of a bored which
erude borax deposits. As they were
pearly dying foom thirst, they (ot into
there fompd thal both flesh and. Blood
fed fen ity we an sButseptic ajent of
I grEak Vids es
| the job than it was worth, Later, at one | rm ro in ld 5 mn
of the annual fowivities of the Hammer |
The: Fly's Honth, :
The fiy's eating appuratos is sally a
lightly formed of open gold work, io | pid gentleman in the bath chair in ® gopher of very lurge [Euporsiols when
| ghory piece called “The Duchess of Bays-
Bi 1
_wrasted with a vast nuseber of exquisite | by oy be hinasell), which once
_ gems and amony them 2.536 diamonds |
of great perfection. Om its top, sIVINg
a ie BE ton of pearls, ni | such » born teller and devourer of sto
compared will the sia of the ; minal.
If the mouth of a man were of tie sume
| perved ite tuto ut the Haymarket asa proportionaze sis as that of the By, his
| purtain raiser. Jb was impossible for | hud would bave to be enlurgell about
| two feet on every side to socom gnodate
‘which the Ruwmian etubassador pur: | ries us ho was to be indifferent to an 7% | buy lips and werk.
| chased at Peking at the price of 130.- which ix nothing more than the most
| vivid and real of all ways of story tall
oo robles, i a ——— ing No man would more willingly
The Geranium. | have seen his fares move and beard | gig the duntist fo the quivering wretch
The geranimin expresses preference. © their voioes than he, —Ssturday Review.
The idea han pet, so far ss Enown, soy | Stim fae
foandution iu history or Jegend. It is A Juvenily Taste Explained.
said that Henry VIII first showed mark. | Little Boy~tinr cook has gone away,
ed preference for Anne Boleyn ty giv | and T'm awfully glad. Now mamma |
ing her us banc of red ficwers, Some | | will have to make the caki, and mame “Zhe isa Danghter of the Revoln-
have supposed these flowers to | ma’s cake 1s always heavy.
be gereniups, hut the plant was little, Gmest—Weil, I declare! Do you pre- | cgiger, | believe.” — Indianapolis |
sil, knows fand at that time. | | tor heavy cake?
ta es pi i Ene i Little Boy—Yen You get moreshuw-
A fiy salmos invincible Tt willsur- nina piece. london Fan.
wive long banission in water and will | wii mer
pustain the oines of sulphur and other | Hie Business.
“disintectants without apparent injury. Bebblea—I buar you are in business | , ow tire always oes. —Philadelphia
sti, chloroform and am- | tor yourself wow?
ments ean ot the Dester of a fiy.
Wiggins—I thought [ was, bus from
Yoo True
“If you bad the nerve this toad has,”
in the chair, “you could have this all
ever in about five seronds "es Chicago
| Tribune
Mare Van: Aemnrption
Quick Action.
i Men may come and men maj’ go, but
the woman who usc a kerossgo can on
| Ledger.
dg mm SN
montis the little I got out of is is appears thet The standard measures of Gieat Brit-
Thirty days ure required for mail 0 1 am in business for other people— ain are preserved in ‘theashivie of par~ |
Sravel between New York and Bushire. Bacton Trarscriph
ir ———r
To A——, S—— £ ins
C5 ri a 05 - Le Ao———
Potedam samed Boagirs, who seserts
in Arigons, a miner and his fridod dis-| §
had bees lying for same time oon the |
the Bech in onder So moisten their lips}
"ested by his saxperiment in this sort of | with the blood. Mach to their staprise,
corpo tion
bey po sands Lr cinalition and veut
Bois of sal Saics iat saint aD OB forbid
the moo of white ik inapiierig in thw prep.
Britie ant ad Se A. ioomen Dp LOR w York Lodger.
Gowns War Petter to His Wile
hs waaal on the evo of battle before
the general reticed he wrote » letter to
la upeaking of Hem. si that they al-
Ix in a diffioult matter 10 draw » weil
defined line between instinct and intel
ligence. During the war [ had with 1
my large Newfoundland dug Felix
the march this faithful ananal was
ways of the heels of my bores. On one
potawion I notioad that be was suffering
from fatigue Turniog to my servants
peur by, I said, “Stop here. with Felix
antl my wagon comes up.” This was
dome, apd ever after that when | said,
Felix, stop here and get iuto the wag
on when it comes up,’ be would leave
the oslumn, lie down in the shade and
await the coming up of my team to ride
into camp. Animal Friends
College Bred Criminain
When a graduate of Cambridge uni-
versity, Eogland. commits a criipe, the
authorities of the aniversity take hisde-
gree from him sod strike bis nme from
the rolls of the alumni. Commenting on
shia the Now Havin News saya: ‘Some
of our American
make or sccentoate the punishment for
crime. It is a healthy deterrent fir those
who haveany sation a society 10 lows, **
Odatest Musqnuns In the World
Perhaps cue of the very oddest mona.
ments 1% the talilet in a Berkshire church
tu wemory of a soldier who had his k
leg taken off hy the above ball" |
actual cannon ball being inserted at
top. Glen Dispatch.