many year of his life were spent, and : PATTON'S st BURGESS. by those who accompanied the body Dt eo a Be [from Patton, all that rem 4 1 ak tex veut ns She henatiful nspotery of Le amt teativ which wit rove vary : Clearfich]. So ended 5 useful life, and teresting as well as valnable to the rt on emtiuaee tt Pon to the sorrowing wife and daughter, ton Monday morning af 6:30 o'clock, fhe sympathy of aft is extended. “The ‘Tohowing is credited to the a receive it Se € | Johnstown Tribane: “Diring his stay zens of this community, where he SRANGERY i importance I! in Loretto Father Kittel] has endeared [spent the last five years of his life. Af tr 10 Aviat Sreention a’ atid one fn; which twas himself to the people of that place, and His sickness having been of short dur taken on account of the intricate ques ‘by the good work he Bas dons, will ation, it wan anknown to many, and. The advance guard of the Bute go. of lw involved. Tt grew cutoff Jong live in their hearts; hence a brief | to thens the news of his death came as Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, ar! ting down the street and pavement roo wk sketch of his kd may not here bea shock. rived at Alloona Monday, the majority grade on Rh svenoe in front of the pl Andrew J. Jackson was bos in the Of the State officers taking ap quarters property owned by Mr. Yeager. - | state: of Virginia on June 6th, 1865, the Altamonte. Among the arrivals The testimony of the plaintiff showed to meet 0 F competition Chpreibony Baving besa Porm at yivinia parentage. During Were Muster Rhone, of Centre Halli| phat the pavensent had been cat dowst ators who are GSNE Sunmit April 30, 1547, being the son of his early childhood he went to Wasi Secretary Jerome T. Allman, of JBISEA | ine the rection of the building snd ¥ that oxi apy and Mes William Kittel Soon ington, Washington county, Pa, bus | 20UREY; Past Buste Lectarer (3. C.{gue Mr. Veager suffered from $500 to later removed to Scioto county, Oh fo, | Brown, of York; Bb. B. Williams, of | gag damages, but on cross examine to Always patriotic and loyal citizen ol | Jonista county; Delogates BlvHolder | po, it wavered and was not conclusive, | ¥. 8. be enlisted in Oaptain F. 0; | And Corry, of Armstrong county. The defense was represented by a 1st Obfo Light Ar The legislative committee held & pre. | porougti Solicitor Somerville and tillery when wir was declared, and re: liminary meeting st the ANMNOBtS | iin Evins, Bag, who showed very | taracd from the front with an honor | | Monday evening bat Ho basi of | conclusivily by the teatiscny of at able record after having served HN per ape ; least 4 dosen witnesses that the grade . malsly . C. Brown. of | catiahed anid ‘complained of wan Ee I ar Vien ho’ = | Anton fo 2 period of lhe yu. 7 Jn exState Senator: beneficial to the property of Me | gent to Rome, where he remained at! Clearfield county, Pa., snd during his Mocre, of Bradford; Jamew MiSpan | Yeager. bis studies for mine yests. When in residence in New Washington was = _ oo 3 a Mn OL ie Vou Outage? ome be wud thelogy tin Prop leet A wares: I A a. Are you gobag out to see the fan snd . in 1868. Int the yaar 153 he waselwe. ex EE drive awiy the Blues? Woo, gotomes : Ee Li isitation De was during the following three yours Lh potied a Profmsor in Se cod al an jury commimdoner of the day morning. se the opening weson 1 | said county. During President Cleve | °F he Gringe way beid er 2 tr te | couples land's former administeation be occa of the a Roo, The grewte por ei topther on Thersey sgh. piel & position in the Docomwut Divi | | Al others 1 cent Feserved seats | sion of the Department of the ly TT, o | Washington, D. C., which position be ad the Solivery of the master’s sn. retained for four consecitive years nal add, i ae Grog x Aman amd Site we | & resolution will likely be intrdoced Hodghkina, « | protesting against the retirenvnt of ing. Chrno sare to ook 1 9p. grewnbacks in favor of bonds or | Vote and Fomtval. : i. Ta when he we ete to Tyrone, Zo RR = | mations} bank notes. Na aad Brmxsens, Pa, Dee. 7, 1996. ‘week of the bolidays i “ Regular court convened bere: this are de 0 mals aus © wasnt 7 [TE TT ae Fre So Kite waster or NX X y | morning tor the pu of ante A tadiest “Tam © Shanter” betwee torney; also of Rev, Puther William i EE 1 Sueicinl court. which was beld 1 Patton snd Hstings Finder planee ¢ | Kittel, » priest at Pittsburg. During ANDREW J. JACKuON. tant woe, wan wall sttinded, © | ave mime siConmERofes CL special- his last visit to Pome Father Kittell In the yer 1991, when this location | ’ ; na fl ebrate his shiver Jubilee. | wan yet alovost a wilderness, Mr. Jack | | Dinos B WHI seats o the Pur. x son began preparing the site for the | es ot Redwood Raion to Waningion. RO town of Patton, and be can bo TINS prominent atforney, Were P : ‘among the Pattonites who tended 'or the benefit of thowe who desire o;nedered the first dew resident of 110 attend the ceremonie incident to | patton. and its pd citizen. He | 200rt herw on Friday. | : Be augurdion of Dresidentelact] roy 2 town of uperance and hun. Hon. A. A. Barker, of Eveimburg, Morini Pennsytvania Raiiroad fnence springing up lke magic where | spent Thursday last in Johnstown. | . will mall excarsion. tickets to {he had oo Ladely cleared away the | J.B Dean, piopristapel the Moun to etorn rom March 4 to 4, at ‘the | was » source of pleamire and interest [his bed the past foor weeks wit putes: Prom. New York, to him. It wa therefore in the pai | 7Th0M fiver, is improving slo. ; Philadelphia, $5.10; Baltimore, nt of things that he af ie me Meusrs. C. H. Carpenter and BF ort, | the first imiisirative head of thin C2 of Johnstown, are in don of Pasion a a borough, Mr. | CEE aR | Jackson wan unanimously elected the | ensbarg to-day. Don ae 1 Mrs. Jaies Rush, of this pcs, vi have bought a present for $e na apd ay During bis. residence in_Patton ho Company arrived bere this morning, terminal advantages a Washington Land & Tanravement company, and | | the Opera House this evening. Ths ith {make 15 especially popular on such his EE TtY a tieir Ifares, Bia do-| very good show and our people shold Tt is seldom 3, | occasions. votion to duty, and Mis sound and 2¥3ll themesives of {his oppurtunity’ Jou ei Liable Ji ade him valuable, 2d ot Mil to me the anly comic aN opportumty. ndgement, oper of the season. nae kos yes, who beid him in | OFC INEREN oo this pivos, de. So much GOODNESS westy and Integrity was ud-| parted on Priday foe Florida. to: ste Mb ,, uch VARIETY & mired by his acquaintances and his| "VO Dr. Griffith, who is at his $90,000, | pind, and be was » devoted husband winter home at Ocala, and is quite I So much BEAUTY with consumption. Little hop avy ands devoted father sod coe whom | 2 for in So much QUALITY A Saory Wiha Morsk ‘So much STYLE Abraham Lincoln once roceived in, and bin many fisnds everywhere. letter asking for a “sentiment” and And all for for so | any terrors for Mr. Jackson. He was | "Dear Mamam:- When you nk from. L = member of the Clearfield Lutheran a stranger hat which is of interest church, and before he died he fre- only to sell always sucioss 4 the hope he had in samp; theew's your nl wat ad store to = Fi bliday ye _ | quently expressed the future snd his faith snd dependence. 1, way 4 great man, but his in his Crestor, and “Gairs SST | stamps didn't cost him any mors then, All that we claim is carried ou to + Following i a lst of new ade n the, It was his desire to bared along: |Conmms us weeks Fr. Pr 4 side of hin on, who lies in ibe beaut | | ful cemetery in Clearfield, and Monday afternoon, after s few beautiful snd touching ressarks by Rev. Chas W. | Wasson, pastor of the M. E charch of | | Patton, the body of Me. Jeskaon, se...