walled in with a | chemical combination of the carbon of ! the coke and sawdust and the silioon of | 0, the sand. The prootas is continued for like earborundum is exiracted, 8 series of | coke apd the entire mass p rd floor in front of the pay I #0 nicely adjontad as 10 be ‘and downward When to the window and the caabiier grabs the band, as if wo del perstions Onally preparing it for the or market — New York San. { dr mbm apie bel Fit AIDEN | wedged jato tio shock Between the get : : : spikes, from wisich no amount of curs A gentleman who ix wsnslly a homme ing will extricate a | keeping man, bot who was induced to, enter the race for n minor office early in the campuign Wad “giving his ex. periense’” ontxide of meeting the other day. Be said; “No, [shall never ron for office again, not if I know it. For Aid fot ses my family, and during my) absent at that timn & fellow who wax shipping war Tmelins for me pocket the rotarns for four carloads and ski, own i [ed $100 in bieytles. my | Jow for me to support, and ail of our kod | motnyl relatives cme to congrataiate pic- { my wife on the honor which had been conferred upon me and incidentally to cost 200 in round tambers $400, to say nothing of the son inlaw, Who threat ened to be perusnent, aod the offi for wisich I was strivitig is worth jost $800 ol a yor. I won't De elected, however, { and I'm — gis of it. Bot this hax been denghter ran sway snd married & fel partition, being bulietproo chooses to shot, it only adds if bs ; Ae alarm already given b7 the bank's offi- | po cals, which brings the police to bag) the game so efcotaally caught New Tdoas “1 nagorry fo have fo my it,” re mark 1 a sleeping csr oor somek v-~and I bavi no « oF it--tuen ci ¥ whet they have their wives, thing in sight<—are jn many cass the eduticen, | female relatives traveling with theme | and they never fail then to claim every-| | gwen who decline to give similar favors 8 to sthor lady passengiin. Asn matter men: ‘Say emivr secing you before.’ Then foreman spoke up sod sxid: “That's but! ighe Bill Traynor couldn's wait Hel went off home, and we got Jos hege fo | of fact the upper berths in a sleeping — and I think experienc: has shown the slot in onsen of wreak. StL the de pasd i pearly swage for the lower bertha, bucause it is casier to get into friendly feeling for him helped me fo win # do Bri 7) # a cmmpaign of education to me, for in | it 1 have learned “jast how much of 8 Fol ood Tuan them Tuk is partioninrly wo with jsdy a! fool [ really vis 1 Atiunnts Copstity. Darehms. in my fast half dowen trips foot 1 ™ A ia Bi from snd back to thin city I have bad | To —— { more than the nensl pircentage of Indy | Chisago Record RA CONSOLING HER INTENDED. | Pu Foal whe are inclined onc ose in getting any of the nen trav ; ills from which they el: 4 fo surrender a joer both for an) ipetion of elestricity up er berth. The men, being ing more ex- | 3 rounds for complaint yefomd to give them np." — Wash ips of the lives they fon Star. Poe cme ie 9 ont “breaker; M7 SL 0 the vulture in clothed] “No. dear. You know that 1 low | allthis bi cr work W 1 a “Then what is it a 1 tallow cucdia dru enleinm bi An eolsole | thing, 20 lors He stewdy. TU socom Lo] Bave to be worn glass Toe the most W'1 of fren. Thirty ter out of te 38 rega- "1 Jars an aby on fawn division Wears, hats already. = Philadeiphia Reo | | Paid Tou Muih For the Baby. bas tires thildren—Jaht, had to be muds, his for quite Jong time and had brought | I foul a if I were robbing him of the eal | bis wife a handsome fan on his return. gromtest aud Dost Precious hing in the | mH “It's just perfectly lovely, Harry," | world : 7 cf beautiful fon | ever maw.’ “Imm glad you Hin i8," bo returned, | with evident gratifieation. 5 “flow vould 1 belp liking saything | od, with» sgh, “1 only wish I could carry it some time" o | “Yes girls always cost more than oye” Lo “What did you pay for Jane?’ Jape im | a wd int degp thought. = | Why can’t you?" he demanded. 10 Sri he 1 fn a few moments be seid, Mamma, “No gown (0 go with it," she ao- od her 31 In a few moments bo seid, a - BY Fon nd her bousebold 38 | 1 gin's think Mary cost too much, but | ¥WAT! PROSE) iy. “Zhers aught to ho 4 A Dangerous View of Kite, vain mite fale | LAO LC Tate. Now York | $OWD. fo match, or at least oeh that A ingle wih fous ber time for ime 00 00 : TE | wouldn't lok shabby beside it, if "— We are constantly cmfremted with prty of | . Toe got the quwn. He Kicked himwlf | the: fact that neither Biterial Asbeni for two days, and vir thereafter bought | sages nor intelligence nor eduestion ne A Bat ate already had.) tye & good moral Nemed 1 PROS Chicago Pest. : against disioyalty to life. Many canmim| | sod ow the demain wee are adduced, grief, shame, remorw, di | whole island if Lin peace ie disturbed. When Young Clief, a prominent] Buti perhaps the foundation cane | bode v hawked about for sale from member of the Umatilla tribe, in Ore | which underlies nil others may be said | gown to own Nut a few white tem gon, goes away for his anpual vaoat jon, | to be the common habit nf thinking thist | snd pativ - ; Be in granted the fivedom of the stats | life is to be valoed aly for the happl- |} by the followingeotice to whom it may | bem it yielda Many people grow up | concern: Young Chief hes permission | with the iden that if pers Lite De | Like pot personally happy itis oseless Thaw | ! ne me spoch when | »| his gaard. I bo attempts to go inland | and ascend » mountain, n, his life is hard- A Unique Republic. "he republic of Gosst is the smallest {in the world Andorra is an empire in coioparison. Goust is about a mie '[s stands on top of a moantain by the. Syanish border, tar the edge of France, and §t gots along very comfortably with out ever mizing itwl! in other people's | ing papers, or, wo far sx we know, the | to visit Wallowa and surrounding coon: | mening ones. Tie delectable 130 govern | try, with various other Indians, fo be 5 | themselves by a conneil, one member of sway 03 days He is a good, law abid- 1 {which is sciected to sen that the busi- ing man sad very friendly tovesrd | od ; ire, ihe dd { but miss agreed apoti is executed. Matters whites. If any of his crowd are boister- meaning to them and is enaily partid | che ¢ ste all the happier Imcanee nobody me, I will have the matter re titled. untrue snd most injuries —New York | wars thiey are unenvied —Kansns City Times. ciated. He respects the whites and asks : : Ll that they re pe of him tt ’ 2d 1 A pew terror is in store for epicures Her Gentle Mist this morning,” said the mcisble board: | ~-namely, the Walsh mena. The South Sihe— Music hath sharma, you know. | er : 4 ; He—Yex, I'll bring op s beass band | **] went in on bosines ronpected. | lands and 8 fagida’t you take it » gold band bury Peppiss with muh dignity. { Wales Daily Nows recently printed the | with a solitaire in it? '— Yonkers States- | “Oh, beg pardon, be | sholos belongs ta evary oon, tn | soy desire or attempt to disclaim it — N w York Ledger. “Saw yon coming out of the ol Auight but poor, weak olay ie, !! said : Gheteiaid. | Baws Bufun a (hwowmeranu Gwynbysy. Dsateithion. Pameidion yr Yinechodrew a Thensuon Oem. Asem Yiligig & March roddygl Morddwyd © Fochgly Birog » Saws 0 Win. | apa [ae Frees | Jalifoenias and Vermont. ably aftir the diner has finished letter to go from Naw ‘caws’”" but begins 10 feel tho effect, land islands. 3 9h SPREE | In most of the states 58 pounds make | ange is downward to 33 pounds in The white lily in the south of Enrope, | particularly in Italy, is sn emblem of sweetness, light and Hie In some of | 4 pineuls lilies ave always placed ou the | | met ea p— York tothe Falk- S.A 4