The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 26, 1896, Image 2
¥ id # 4 8 3 £ x gotten | and if be Jv back again sud the abutter {a good business. But some of its coru- [form of liekingt them up until § the jpext morniag. town, whether of pleasure or affairs, be | lax but to anhetk the window shutter, dl by the Sour of call on | bor aster in the venue thers will be Bo complaint, fir less any ponichment. {oisl visit. Jin the green court a very rag. ‘piw an startin thar smiling bo rest of us,” replied the odd | “Ome of our politioal prisoners—an a an ii a blake tone of & tederation. i § the jailer, salating with soldieely for. fneorpant feo Beiaten,’ said the resi. pens’ i are cur tea mality, “as this in a feast day I Jeb upon the mountains haoling gots Presently we cams to tie quarters of the worpen, Hitwise desirtid, When see cor good Talis?’ ssbed! P the resident, And the Jail shesrfally | responded, 1 thik, mcpsiear, that 1 they have goon somewhere to make s 3 i visit.’ ; 1 It hod fen ihe design of M. Delar- pelle, whe war mock in Jove with the 1 whimsicalities of hie small resis, to 1 slivit somthing comical, bot pot even | be expeotnd anything so perfect a the Jost. To completes the pletars of convict aa clothing, and, [ was about to write, lot yo do it. lt i’ kin gam | rn op the nu 500.000 ur men | 1 “Paris! Yen, it's a nice city, if only : i hclomiplgi have an exposition.” | The French soem to be an upright ih Brin” Bow he visited the eaia- | 19 1 bose of Tait baths port of entry — Ey | sod found it eeepty. From this poortide quietade it rane pe not be sapped the prison wes waten- | © oir | anted. The calsoose st Tai-o-hae doos © { pants were gardiming sv the residency, | and the rest wer probably st work np- | ¢ | om the stronts, 21 fron 88 OUT sORYODgETS ¥ | ot home, alibovgh not 80 industrious, ri On the soorosoh of evening they Iiwonid be cailedl in likw chilren from = | play, and the harbor master, who is al #0 the jailer, womld go threngh 1 haste bar de cormet The averse} 5 Bhomid » priser Savssny tall In bh] Bot thin tenet all. The charming | © | French reviiient, M. Delarnelle, cmtrigd "5 3° we one day to thw calsbooses on an off. | UTM the i ¢ ged gentleman, bis legs Gsformed with | Lye didn't come perce euy | the wiand elephantineis, eniuted om dest, ard then fo the jailer, "I thought : = het 1 bad vodorad Biro & mew pair of tom- + HY M Sane le no oiher ponviot wal to i OMomsidnr the Resident,” roplind | thems go to the chase. ’* They wern ail | i fife in Tal-o hae, it remains to be add- | od that tiwse (riminals draw a miny | | as voguler'y ss the president of the re {public Ten mas a day is their hire Those they have money, food, shelter, | 1 pe bat swinging bi ngs with hgh precision. | regione and lumied on the samanit of jo | Greatest huight yet reached by man. ty “while the ” grige ars mole sb bar ap to within | center, of that #8 a etl pave] 8 pir of supolementery [rips of the plane indirated by the position sneumed br the 1ider, oF what! Dodeoitedly the press y.der, for one thing, bas BO srive drop poll wo low that be cannot reach them Eomweniontls | mo that Ms canon position ia with his hands on the tox of the tr, | I toened bars. who vee abide to reach their eri senmlertably, have sequired the lex Wie think that Basie bir leverage is HIRT hiv rit hE in Minded Amwlard oepiaey Re sind ad grin » gg in Om pay wm with Shee snitl the resident, i i pie Farhi on : Hat Tendenny to Degrade Maerings Bo he Level of Commeron. “Y cnpnct Sleshiex this athe without © depraen : | puRiy tae i pra riage rs thas be sed wrane Ths few, ti i iB, in Tee Ladiow on Sonrmal in 8 paper on “The Young Man and Mar. ' Ti Sopot Genyingt that share | are matiria} considerations thas in this, mater, oe in sll others, requ to be re gpecidd. A oF FOUN MEL IaTYYing - por yoomg girl, with only the prospect this their fife will become more and food. 1 have bad affoctionute complies wait upon me Ww be marred “and then ask ms $0 trast (hem for the wedding | fen. 1 think that we who sie clergymen ought to relome to murry wpplicants who onanot show to our Mm there is Dd ain ol ‘or their possible offspring will ever oom wpm the town, : “Noy, on the other hand, does my y-| objection lie against any smouss of sects with which either or 1 somtingent | both of the contracting parties may, oil | ehanor to bi sndowsd My ouly conten jo! tion Js that in every mai aan Dok ee sentially wiboiy the basul clement is {| Jove, and thay resrriages which sre ‘ar. ver. | Tanged.’ marriages which mean, Sess de | of all, sn alair of perquisites or & bar- | over | tof in oomiodities, are a distines in| oe : fewotion ap. the spirit of the seventh ; ext. The woluminous die Fo with which we know such anima am “asing bs gro ma some " worne ad sry body cut of the hous." | mide. I “You wonldu't run your grendnoth- er out of the ons, would you! she she “Nepo,”" the tot replied, relenting Wade He urtemal appeal. “You conld ould JOU TON YOST ANIMA oat?’ “No she eonld Bide ten” “Wome pana snd 4 ang Mary sad Jack Shed alt hide" cour, What ase would your the | fpcndin Xo “hat I conld fied you, | i though. * ~~ Hew w York Mud snd Fxg In a sketch of Sir. William Martin the “climbers walk" —that fs & ge8- tie roll of the body, with po unequal [the He is a sli man, bot fr fall of energy and with iron | Muscles. When climbing the Himala- | | 798, he spent 84 days on mow and gla Al ther. Duriog that time he from end to tid the three longest known | glaciers in the world outside the px Pioosr peak, 33.000 feet high, the Mail from New York o Batavia will | Si. ie Si ee ny re a aod spain many riders, with evel or vp | ef GF Iipmes 10 tee pare oom plicated a thn gow oo, ws grandmother overheard the mark and ealled the little one to ber | J feewint oo ut them?! porvisted the be delivered in 41 Gaye from the data of {4 [ee ng experienes with : # ad Soph Wha dw Rees Erol weapon al enough #0 Joop Haan fu po Hight, bot the mornin ther sue thst thedr prtual wibmbon i 0d within range. Ho myn! YA thew had beom folk Sonn, and the owe eos erie ho fos) i the Biker was Erosen ip $n fog of pare {fad drive. T hoy eter» of # ein pits, Tweed Jon ss they rennaiid the fir pain | ther mw a foe Feanip tariten brik | thee |BU0BE 506 vards ahead. As soon ax hw i Jo Ldugs maw it they gave ayelplibe gpk | B bef wolves and started Ble an wvaw | trom » bow after the earibos, whilh 1 bociked round on bearing: tie yop, ew itn pursners and Sew over the ion, kon» pull op, fering redid fom the fi tions sed garieg wieelally nfter Bix ing I dimsppeacing. somrwedes, wha clung 10 the sleigh Lhe grim desth pd mijerel | this move] bunt. Of éoptim, thors Trae {2A thee slightest ehaion of their satel imgt the smiront, which, imitead of mak. jug for the bush on lw eared shied I heli oo Lo the wi AF thie dulos, rlpht wy to the end, vies it Teak fo tes was imposible fo sp tbe Yate or necks when they oald snide Dobe beh, Slowewer, ther Hew disks Wy their mode and dropped aif ann by te, polling over and aver ju the enew, or licking sous distanos awe, with moth | that dmpage to their nether garments ami while the dog, relivenl off the iresbed after the deer, snd, entering the | wands, got tangled 5p smog the tree, | wml, ws oenal on such eeions, won | up With a free Sight among themmives. | boise, where they repaired damages, down in the club's logo” Noteres Cold Marner Hotes. which Sows from the Ural mowntatng x Gi. md a A but they come - wha | meama a barren waste, for there iu noth | chamgen ita appearance. wolves, the jos melts aveny, and pature’y bounty stands vevealel The asutiumy snows fall here snd dover the plate with their Joads of frait, keeping it in: ngtime, when it fanuishes food for es of Binds that mabe this their summer bosse. New York Ledger. 3 ime these New York Chinese (juartars, the Chinnmsn, snd that is the conoert ; “o comid afl Bide Ipaniien. Tosngregats in » public Jie Oh, Yosie seplied with delightfal: to drink intoxicating beverages, listen to sensoous muds aed watch THdgat dinlare of thn humm fggurs, 4 than sesticnabie ehiaeuitter, to Suid part this is benenth the digeity of a Chinas ah man, snd nowhere in the Obinest qsar- dng 0 end, can sch A Plast te fount. But they are fount on Bowery, snd (Germans, [ridbipen, | Italians and Jews fill tive places 5 the dooen. —FHelen F. Clark in Century, : Arid pines Tos Wack to Swallow. paper y “low was that : “Hie banded in a5 amount of the | pers of the foot races wins a B—— oy. | —Washington Time Hem When Nero made hie artiotio tour ae | ot 8 id x for hom duly wii B. po after the game Wheperer no ig ‘toy fom ow | fog in the middle of the Jshe. When tle | F Gog wiarted with » jerk, oni of the party | wat thrown off viedentlr and slid a mg | Fay on the hard spow Letirs he eonid vie | Ma. Bary, coe of fhe foremont and most woods The improspde baaters sha | foond themeivos La 8 ditfiouity, far it ound pot resiics that they bud wiakgh boliind them with pasiiagers (The | PH driver tried in vain to «0p thens al} thire was every protul $ Doulas | much slrasion of the cwlivle Moma - | barked and drove quiktly bark to i E rehuied their ad ue snd wrod 1 | In the valley of the Putchors ries avs the Asetie oomam Baur Hove Zen: | tervals of fwo or three | and those which retarn er the most perfect comilition notil the | There in owe feature of New York | Wi | szpusements that is wholly suknown $0 | Pi I Srretop the muscles | ew the hard work which ¢ uation |FEnTe s ra, nan! “Enkwell mearly lost his ob ca the | athletic sports and said ane of the win- | | hn a { socirenefel f Amieriesn fanpiers, a ! thi to sux of the eye: 4 (“The white eve may mens fhe coma Tet, ad, i eo, idicates (hat the Sd will fiy Bigh, have great endorance and wing power If times indark, the hand ronind and ree beak short and clos 8% Sie | Site wii be of fhe syesall is nt whtion have teen mbjected. While Mr Stuer. in common with other socormfnl American fancies, pays Bittle or po attention either to the sles of shape of the head, thin polos is the _setond at which Eoropesn fanciers look with interest. It is generally cononded thant the shape makes but Fite differ se be esneptionally ra cranberries, | of wings require mmeh added exertion [| for the same snonnt of fying. The volor of A pigeon hat 30 sight 1: | comes, but the rule in Siendiy wen ens the colors when i grein fr eene bint in wobdch les ahead o 4 months the made, and he reimadprg mabat fottovd Many birds are Jost in Hated fic i pecpuize of them, Hi A Ta 12 days’ Hime the distance between o | New York aad Sk. Petersburg. maybe peraverwd. Cs wn v. 5 ie inp empe. The ral} may be fiat, long and du iia | Ww or"