The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 19, 1896, Image 1

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: wonderful incrense oe
; Thre 5 Noon an
nes | in all I dies, paren: |
| Be the result of the eloction, and
I= # markiv] revival in alt tends Is antici.
pated doom,
CanLasTON, 8, C. A Detter feeling
in observed in all Hoos There are
| prospects for a good trade for the hal. |
: ance of the season. Celllections oon
I The Symon Teva, of the Fatton |
Episcopal church, will hold |
a business meeting and entertainment | :
the M. E. church on Friday evening,
| November 20th. All are invited. Fol- |
ef. iy
Aes BIE Chit >i
Fee nt Mando Foo i
5 Flog
Miss Jleeder.
Instrammen Seloeiion Mr. apd Miss Cowher |
Cal Me Rpiuy, Bim | rw
: Lantern
= nr Tod Fao,
soninl Sebetion. SD ian No Faeyr,
Rration Er : Embeys Fann)
™, da : gr
(Mk 5 dl Musie Pawson
Bien froace
reed SEA ian Ketowiod
Arr fe
; Mies immer,
nena Mien ( wots Ebon Hibs Fpew.”
Master Piva sun nd ory
hE Rao Mandolin Clk, |
Sa _ Hemost of Lenape,
Baga Horren
Attempted Snickie.
On Toesday morning kn attempt at
| suicide was committed in Patton By a
large St. Bernard canine know as
Ridge Cool. The particulars of the
‘story are thus: On Sonday Rover
| Marks, sling Orr, Robinson and Wolfe,
| or better known te “OLE Rover,’ the
, locomotive chaser, engaged in a flere
‘altercation with Ridge which appear.
ently ended in a victory for Rover.
. Of course this filled Ridge with shame
f and ‘winter
and remorse, a3 wherever he went he
‘guyed” by all the other howling
dogs in town. It: was more than be:
d stand and he at otsee procured a
a8 ealibre revolver and went to the
woods where he tried to commit the
horrible but much needed dead. The!
bullet from the deadly weapon entered
snd eame out
fave the dosied sleet Me. Ridge be-
Wheel ' ‘aid as sum
_moned in the pervon of Tir. Moore, At
present writing be is lying near the
Bl oF conn, a Is, if he does not
eID matters, 0 ond bi terrible
The Golden Wedtivg of Mr. ni Mie |
-N i 4. Parrish, of Rastiogs. SR re WR PITRE
| On Thursday, November 12th, 1886, = a
Written by J. Cc Patrick, | Leo J. Parrish und bis wife Murtha, Gleaned Here and There by
Formerly of This Place. wings, Siehrated te ¢ the “Courier” Reporter.
eins life. They were married on Novinnber
A HEALTHY LATITUDE 2. 1848, wher! tho Monustry at Car- TELEPHONE EXCHANGE
~rolltown now stands by Rev, Peter | fri Sot
. ad os. | Lambie Mr. and Me. Parrish have To lee Loe in Parion ~Tproved
Se ters the Wiker 4 Cabbage a Tet worked well together in married 1 Pele
Matao, Brunswick Co. N.C. Nov. 10. | na to-day sre hate and hwarty B. 8 Maulsby, representing the Cen
ton Me Epron:-- ‘and have gaioedd 8 fair share of this tral District and Printing Telegraph
1 have delaged in writing to you for Works goodsand are living in comfort. | COIOPArY, UF VICebAE 0 in otter
| twis renmons. first benoanee for the fist On the morning of the INH their words the Beli Long Distance
two weeks wh were bere there was children and friends gathered at their Pheme Company, bas been coming to
very little to write aboot, and the last | bome 0 do honor to the aged nonple | PAllon daring the past tw or hive
fens works 1 hitvé bean on busy. We fo the pamber of abound 50 MW HO restlen
jeft Irvons according io programme on PEOPIo and ix peore jovial crowd it company Is extending ita fine from
October 6th, reached Baltimore in Womid be hard to Sod When dinner lo 1 a1) the principle towns in
time that day to fake the bust. for Was announced and sach a dinner it} CECE Jo fle edgy ple towns
‘Norfolk where we arrived sarily op i seldom falls to the wf of man In wit | ng San Be is pene y oe
Wednesday a. m., were firried acrom down to, the talble groaned with the I at no or ad ges w
to Portamonth wher we took the train | §o0d things prepared for the gusts. * Sob 1 0 OE } Bas SEesborS,
for Wilmington, reaching that city After diover the carpets wore taken oo 0 a loeated
‘early in the evening, and wrriving at ‘up and a violin brought ont frm its ie pobis pg sirens diated
our destination on Thursday in time to hiding place, when old and young emi A Ee from ean; Slstribued
appreciate a good dianer. joyed themselves by Upping the light hr wi ja or A Fhe
Om our Way down the Chesapeake fantastic toe. ® Te Plies 48 work bie
Bay we stoppsd early in the morning Wiser present were (llinrles Sot on placing
at “Ok! Point Comfort?’ where we saw Miller wife, of Spangler [Mr i
five or six of Unde Bam's large gon Miller was present <t Mr. Parrish’s Thi Baw Jin WIE: give sll thous who
boats riding at anchor, From the time wedding fifty years ago); John Par WC % phone Ry pr
we left Baltimore we ssw no hills at all, rish and wife, of Rockton, Clearfield priv pe a ing 1 mr.
the country bering as flat and level as pounty; Jos. Parrish and wif, Wm. dh I ht Suing 104 py
x table, and the railroads ax straight as Parrish and wife, Henry Steaser and ation, fb tet inten
A pun barrel, We were toll that thure Wife, of Rowlw, Clearfield county; Py ihe Satara. ko eventually make
were sixty miles of road thut we came James Hancock and wife, of Mahaffey; “1 S058 ge a Soames
over without a single curve. The Wm Lantsey and wife,Gertie Lanteey, [Sot] Whee a A
oountey at fini sight to & Pennsylva- ‘Miss Ftta Lantiey, Laurence Wyland iu i the er "give
nian in very discouraging, we we ssw and wife, Henry Damm and witl, AL FL ond alf fever lpr”
nothing but sandy soil afier leaving Hoppel and ig, Shien Friek, tick, He a ao
Portemsonth, Va. In some place the Flick, all of Spangler; Geo. Sherry Sug
‘and is almdst white, in others grey, Wife, of Nicktown: Alfred Bailey and. When this Ure is Sos picted 1 8 pill ps
but always sand. After traveling so wife, and Cor Parrish, of BEakton; Fas SE . will
far through this kind of toontry we 8 J. Luther, A. A. Luther and Mim oe eda. the Y eh > —_—
came to the conclusion that ft would Annie Luther, of St. Augustine; Miss SLY SCO ve how .
be ameless to look farther, snd after Alice MoAnulty, of Johnstown; Miss. {expected 0 iy working order of
Jooking srounid and seeing what others Ida Miller, of Spangler; Mra Martha his'h a Man Juke & number of
were doing on this same soil we came Witherow, of LaJoss; Mise Stella a using places
{to the conelosion that it was good Stegr =, of Rowles, Clearfield county; maphope..
enough for us and we have bought 25 Wm. .«. Bagly snd wife, of Alfoona; Ovitanry.
| wires each, (four of us) and are going P. E Dillon and wife, of Hastings, and Stella Taylor; of whoss death the
to stay. Mr. Moore, of lrvona, had many others whose names could not Covmiest inade mention last week, was
previously boaght a farm of 200 acres be secured. All join in wishing Mr. aged at the time of hor death, 15 years,
here and he is very oloely sitosted. and Mrs. Parrish many more yom of 10 months and 12 days She was af
‘We are abost 10 miles southwest of We Ong oF TER Gir. listed with typhoid fever, and for six
on the main line of The ive at Albans, meals dle was a patient uflsrer,
Harvey Wilkins a much respected ; mumuring Beng pe.
fronts on the railroad. T lisve already snd ror knows pesident of Alfons, /9WIy Seaited to hear of Jesus sad when
iron eee te i i ee erected a smd! house and tse others died on Sunday’ of typhoid fever after gqriestionnd said: “1 can trust my Sav
y result of f choo
on the Beech Creok railroad Monday, |
November 15th. Very little change,
however, was made in the old schesinie. |
g miems aniverssl, Trai
for the fatare,
oie aman valor the ne, schedile
absence of anything | leaves Paton at 10 p. m., ming he,
a 0 Be Sone; } rough cons a ae lettuce that will *
: : No changes have bees made in te growing Will soon be Contract Commmated. :
“The increased ed and She cotinections which | pomdy to transplant. 1 stick a good On Monday Burgess Donnelly, ander
Oe age of 79 years on |
Bbe leaves a husband |
and + large family 10 mourn the Jom of I have a beautiful location, m
on Funeral services were hold on Monday |.
x st Ashville where interinent took place.
i ow pine floyring and siding for hall Adnoiission will be 50 cents
3 dimond po ie 8 WO! ited to attend. The place im which| =
lap. Wem it not for him wi should not
will build soon. an Hoes of but & few days Fle was lor” When the end cams there
We visited tne ian whe in making &' sed shont 40 years and lenves a wike seemed fo be perfect peace, and with-
specialty of letbaoe, and bi tid on thet and c large family of children. Hiram OI & struggle the ransomed soul de
be cleared last year from one-fourteenth Witkine, of West Magee avenge, who | P piirted to be 3 :
[of an sore 4 ttle. over i. 0. A Mr. i a brother olf the, docetmed, Fem :
’ | $500.00 ast yor fom two meres, 80 you EG atid hus fir aeral which 4
sen there i money fa thin mindy soil on Tuesday. Mes Wilkins, the
We Bave nee cabbage plist growing reaved wife, and ber children lave ¥
{that we expect to have fir Christmas heartfelt sympathy of heir many
dinner, and soma of our perly hove Sends in Prifoa.
of water by driving a pipe on of tive Borough of Patton, | I have
fastens font, the pumep: oontracted with the Patton Water OVC ed my
pe We Have a position not ZONpany for an additional supply of Jewelry Store to the
[water for fire protection. Twelve J
extra fire hydrants will be put in, for 1} ourig Building, op-
which the Borough agrees to ky $20.00 :
per annum for each. r posite the Palmer
{it down, only 175 fet back from the rail- | Pmsepiving Bail House.”
road, we see all the trains Shs pa; The Patton Pire Company No. 1 will |
house hold a grand ball on Thanksgiving eve, |
surroundedt by pine, a] Wednenday night, November 35 in their
| mass than half mile from IY house;
ope a thousand and shingles six | Good music his beer seen ood flor the
; inches wide and two font long for occasion. The best of owder will be
does | maintained. JTreryboy Bs iene
i bie
whacky of The Baptist’ ung. i
We have some dra of course. vi People’s Union
"We have no church within (hree miles . will Bold an oyster supper on Thanls-
‘of ns and no school house Dear. icing evening Novsmber 36th, and
but we have the promise of a school ganer at noon, All ave cordially in-|
get a few more families ire we are oo will be held will be ven in { : .
going to have a canning fiwtory. sext per ” Is the most attractive
One of the nuisances of this country | AS tp Rmpiiat Chrvh. ‘we ever handled and would
or se crane ck SE aus. The new pastor, Rey. N. O. Patter. | like tp show them to you.
ow son, was greeted last Sunday with Any yx you might select
a em I somethin ke the a8" congragationn. In the evening sou will be kept for you till
the right of water bap... u vus ad-
ministered, the first in Ww church Christmas.
| monarch of all he surveys, for he runs Siboot Report.
The followisg the report of Bangnr |
i school No. 2 in. White township: Num- |
{ner of guplls smrulled boys, 1; girls, | L
‘at large and lives on what he can pick
have to put up sach tight fines.
and there is &
| NE Shore 4s Dither sickrioms nor die |
: total, 35. Per cent. of attendance, i
“This is certainly a healthy country, | 2 The following pupils constituting |
| that gives us an excellent appetite, and ° the honor roll, Wers present e¥ury duy |