i RN i ga SR RS Pgs AIS a» il. | & jane hag | Ri08e 1% : for what akg pind bt » white fost Ard foul Bot anim in codomle far sway, 1 With ewer Inlitag beat. bark, : And tangled tis and kn tid root | Ard surekiine spiitabes, and bn Te Awl many 5 wid bird's te. Bere det me 8 antl he Is dun Sk hh sopper colored fest pothes : ae muriatie acida which mote ae | OM loge made suet with (rath, rough bin of down, with star fire and mask o — ie stools, are borne awa y by { breath of air. Bot most oir oad selves 00 heavy for thin ofttimes provided with 1 + wings that carry them before the wind y | them quite cone, an they " 1he branchlets before the loaves have Nombers of pisats have boat the | wing Es Stain | Dubin mae Thess epeciine vase OB a | bunch of seeds, cach with & circle of alone | fine bristles on the sommit. When the ‘secds are ripe, ailing comes a breese, ket hangs from a balloon. The bunches {of long eilky hairs that coms from a bursting pod of milkweed and 811 the sir aronnd have cach their precious pals = ire the sheps of a small brown send. Ilw seods that ripen in beads on handsome the elem atin after tho C#ower leaves bavo fallen bave long | feathered tails, Hie slender bind plomes, 1 | that do the same work that is given to the silk of milkweed. The "'cotton’ s cand the seeds of the willows at the riverside and of the poplars along city | streets serves the same useful purpose. {Cotton itself is only n bunch of five | white hair around the seed. Ages before { men thought of spinning it snd weay- ing it into cloth it was making itself {ly | 9a fal to the cotton plaat by belping Tink a = ‘How | Pant developed % | Byrend,”” Thonias Kearney, Jv., | in Bt. Nicholse. to seatter its seeds ~~ * NOT GOOD EV EVIDENCE. jo claimed, are not soowptable as proof bef re 8 court, inusmuch as the photo A Eo a oh changed es ut fox. gold or plasiammm priate © en and hens Je taken which would seem that the rwunlt i- | monn perfect photograph of an original {| poy. ~~—Philndeiphia Call. Senday In Chinatown. days is about 4,000 or 5,000, sn weak- P| dayw very much jess. The difference An rperknant which iliustrates ina wery curious manner the sotusl philoso phy of the formation ef halos or “sun dogs” and Dizon and is explained ky them as flotiows: Take a solution of siom and a few drops of it over a pane of : sprend glam. It will madily crysalize in small, fiat cctohedivins, soarcely visible to the eve. When this pane of propared the sun, or ever eandle (with eyes very close to the mmooth side of the glass), thers will bi seen three different | but distinet and besstifal balos, each a different distanee fromm the In a body. —8t Lonie Repablic. itty A Roynl Prafismen. The Iate shah of Persia was an excel- lens drafismian. Oni his visit to England i aketehed {seven years ] the artist {wan dusted of with # Boon ot smerag. of caricature not often | | Altair 6 ain Paria] nade the first carriages manufactared © lentire in this ecuntry. Several were this life built in the year 1514, and the event have 8! was duly noted af the time as an evi- Sr dence of the apres! of United States en- ii Henry 10 of France was surnamed the Minion, it is said, on account of bis 3 compliance with the wishes of the em- Cue toi abi mets ee ; dard HEARIENS Iu Guu ; Bold betwen the ohwerver sant cote She mail from China aod where the Chinese wiset tq discuss the affairs d | may bor socounted for by the fact that | ony Sunday the Chinese fram all parts of Mew York and Brooklyn, and from a Loui Inland, New Jersey and Connecti- i cut towns, Sack to Chinatown Ww visit 1 their friends and to do business. Hino the American Bubday does vos permit Isundry work on that day, the laundry- wen seize apon it an 8 general recren- tion day and go to Chinatown by bon. hus been msde by Dre Brewer deeds. This, therefore, is the groatbum- pess day of that region, sud sil the stores are (pen amd every employes is oopeantly ooeupiad, dry groceries, their clothing and their lwwsdry sopplien Hers, also, are the great family besdguasters whither of their people and Incidentally she varioos phases of American anti-Uhi- Dei logisiasion. — “The Chinese of New York," by Helen F. (dark, in Century. isang AAAS Se ER “Hiripes” Has No FPrionds In he Jungle. Binds and mouleys will often wam the jungler of the approach of w tiger; the latter espevially take every oppor: tatiity to express by loud bootings the intensity of their feclings as the bated | presence of eitbor of the dread beings of their jungles. | have heard, ton, that peculiar bask of the sambar stag sound again and agnin in the night air from Norbuddn as he sends ous a warning %0 bis kind that murderoes “stripes” js stalking near —'° Panther Shading In Central India’ by Captain C J. Melliss, in Scribner's pA SHA SAA * How It Got Thers. A young man took hi wateh toa jeweler and asked the reason of it stop. ping. ‘Well "” said. the jeweler, “there a tedbug gat in a watch?’ ‘enough,’ said the jeweler, “it went in beitwesn the ticky Hennessy Press. | Democrat. oor wondy md Dogs Sued | as 2 sail varries a boat. oe mn ine. | and, puff, away go the seeds, banging ie | from thelr tufts of bristles as the baw Is ae Rasy Matter to Change Photo: § srephic Pictures. of The population of Chinatown on Sun- | {eet Frenchavan, | Constantinople ae a detoitive with Ibe Pionch viabussmior. Abdul Haid tek {& fapoy to him aud desired lim wooor Here the janndrymen boy all their ous the dark jucygies on the banks of the is a badbug in i.’ “Why, how could a | Baily pur ae Tin ® Lever » Shapmetirs trp 4 of the Irishmen of today, prob oh 4 3 at hail av rent a pening in fo acters an in ucla tori wer in mary commonly ued, though tinet varietios of clover are represented, elover ia #0 rich sed so valuable for they have done so in England. There. {fore their | Beearnce in lawns MUSE Bot Standurd. Visibility of Lights “ Night. Hight visibility conducted by the inter: governments of (he United Staton, Ger: muny and the Netioodands Bave boon handed in. The Gurmsn sol ion gave as the distan at which a light of 1 can: dls power became visible 1.40 miles for a dark clear wi ot, und | mile for s rainy night. The American experi: ments shor that a light of one candlp power ix visite at 1 mile and one of three candie power is plainly visible at 19 miles A 1) cundle power light was | sein with a bivooniar at § miles, ove of 0H at 5 milo, though faintly, and one “To beth the mate side th 108 veepaitively. It was noticed, bow | ever, that great care had to be exercised 4 oe a 5 pr of the shadit of the col | (bs ton o | or, #0 a% to give the mininvam ~ penee with (he intensity of the light 1 The shuts acted in aslesr bing gress, 1 Yellow and employed. | ive miami iy i ; A San ta Wo Mev Yo Bn Typewriter, The m To fol transmittisd vanishes. A couple of typewriters ut Innchecn will illostrate badly a siton- tion yet too new to be fuirly reckond ap. Over koife and fork thy will masch employers as small boyi do petnies Out of boars the hoa ix only a man of wham necktie they muy disapprove, some yung man at 8 neighboring mia- shine, Mary Gay Humphreys in Sexsib ner’ HR) G4 pp os RRA Be SPR TA Rounin A Bonnin Pashia, the chief of the sal- tans private poboe, i a plump, thick. In IRNL he went io gains a detective fom for smvies about the palace. A corpsof Dhodgeon men was the resull aud thelr tection mich surprised the Pavisian agent, Soudsis a few yours apt, when we invited his colleagme’s help in weresting a sotorisos swindler, Tapp.ng nt thy nalefacten's doar, tthe Turkish official tolled to earth the servant who opened if, and the par ty proseeded through the house, knock: ing iusenxible everybody they met Hoodies was busily engaged in soaring the wonnded, while Bonnin collared tho real orimipal. Bonniy bas a comberta- une. Sources of Ber Contdenon Unle George—I really can't sudler- stand you, Hattie. All the married ‘wo men you krow you say have mude bad matches, nud yet you are quite read) to try matritnony yourself Hattie — Don's you kaow, Ulele Gearge, that there's an exonllent chances of getting a prize in u lottery whers so many of the blanks bave been AMWLT— Boston Prasseriph, An Exchsage of Compliment. HeYou may be vogsged, but 1 oan never cancvive of your belog in Jose Shée—-Aud you may bh in love, but | gan never copeeive of your “being on gaged. —Detooit Free Byes. i orto (Gd wine In limestone distrion the hive clo: thers in no) definite rule, aa i shown by " They have accommisted farcility, and sind, ~ Londol| | The resis of the experiments in | national comensittes cn Behalf of the | ponfoamndiad book of God than in room” a of 88 candles nt the same dintance with | oot difficulty, Photographic ccpies of an original, it} sxperiments | wore madh with green light, ae it bes | ein been conoltsively proved thut if light that of that color fills the | a ght of th same rey wi | | more than do so. 1¢ was found that the candle pownr : green light which rensnined visible | bei gg Bi yeep eed interfer | wetury of men’s lives in the | - | world, out of which illusions are spay, | | hax always Had groaver infloenes (0 | | determining the fate of women than is p | readily adoutted. through ' the ring fingey the slecttio | Heil} of business, of politics, of clube, of the stivritg movements in the life of | men, gives uny woman vantage ground over othire of hor sex. But in the astusl | cotsmercn of busisess, the community | of affairs the wear avd finr of duily life iu offfors aud olevators, this mystery with a belt full of Palos anda ing x run for the Gwe, Ee or of the way he wases hin hair or pi | ‘bape of bis grammar, aod it may bo be | appears. greatly to the Wdyantage of | ble house in Pers, aoe his wife, as | eourt dressmaker, has considerably in. ereaseil his mvingy--Now York Toibe each frequently, Even the large red | outeille fneladed, There i 10 other | plant shown, because there is 110 othe | shmmnrock. | The myth iv destroyed, but | the clovers remosin, and ib is dos to} their prescpce that the frish asttires an) | with/so much or: wa fundity of good ‘seten; thas ¥ There in and sdded, “I know not a from I ani wemt of the Lord God. *" National Hero of a Co Boutet the Monvel, in Century. A AA PINS ABR QUEER BULLETS. feats way be of interest drase h tn Fatiroad wen and eames. — Progress: i H i HF Ee gl : Inga un A er Kilt he doe Now York San onion of Barston NOE one of these inventions. Was {aver used, amd today, os during the pit, hones are shod, The only shee that ean ba put on & hores must be nail ot on by x blsckemith. Thess in no vor op ves to wealth, and there in no Way © ahie » hors axcept to nail on the shos Phi $6,000 is bot » musi] part of the weoney paid out in vonneotion with pat ented horseatioes. "Washington Star. T Sarduws Hokby: jardou’s bobby is building himeslf posses. Iu this way be delights in spunding biz wealth. ‘On Mount Bovon, ie makirte of Nice, suds bys abine far below. “In my opinion,” said We bi, “no inventor will ever hatch s real flying paschine out of his head. The buman Sl i fo thio.” —Chiongo Tibia In no European conntry bave so many . i — English dead been uried oy a § in aly an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers