Wi inter is now here in earnest—youn Know what 3 need not be afraid to spend yous money, for the ange 4 | Nex s Prosperity by the rentert ‘Sale of the ET i patrons outside of Altoona, and all goods sold will At prices easy to pay Fine casmere at 25¢ a 40-inch es plaids lo. "oto sll-wool Henrlettes at sho i a 3 Rn Gal nih sibeed solbings at Moa yd. 53-inch camel's hair iting Sime ayd owe Capes in Black and naga” "2 96, 3.95, 4.95, ete. ime Jackets at $5.00; 8.50, 7.50, Sentral Peaneyivania F150, ete. re 5 French Coney Capes, lates No. xO Jot of ground in Ash. le well fined, 27 riches long, 120- YS Been do of ground in fa, gr ve swap at $12.50 ¢ barn. No.9 The following lote known and # numbered BEE wg Lots of warmth an wear in these, a gry wr white cotdon blankets ati a i4 avy floscy cotton bignkets oa XSi aes de Sd A Sh We hope to have some member of every family within 100 miles of Altoona to come to this Great Sale all next week! on 3 a To sivery remder of the ERI RIERY ; whe edie tin Coupon snd Betigy 18 with phen 0 The stare wo will well 15 vareds of | | pest Ty ihimehied Muostin, fall yeni wide, 2 sett sant. : i oll 5 = nF Sabie Go... oy for But, ltoona, Pa. : = SER SAR ARS I RY Men's ali-wool Thibet Saits $5. Men's all-wool Hair Line suits, $6.75, Fast-tiack Dress waite, pure wool, Ata ball who called her bean an Indian be- cause he was on her trail all the time, we are on your trail ‘and won't be satisfied until we secure you as a customer | | do ‘We've got the goods and prices to bold you with if we can A Tapia tee indigestion wool Kersey, $2.5 et you started Rigans Tahules: fof seus stamacy. Finest Vero Boys’ Clothes. Never before so nice and good for so little money. : All-wiool Boys Su, $1.98 : ] Route Suite, neat dark patterns, at —eT hat we Largest Fire Insur- “ance Companion mie of the Worl (Call and see us and you will be well. St ES BS A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers