! 4 opie of the’ ' United States | {should never be anmindfil of the grat- | they owe the God «f Nations for thiul ore which has shielded | amounting in all to $135.92 Woomer, 75 cents: Enoch Short, $1.00. minutes of Council meeting of Wednes- | | a mie Jo : at the same time and united with the Hogh Hunter, Walter Beckwith, | kv- | married 10 John Jones in [352 in Mercer, x nnie Donvelly, Emma Haden, Bessie y Widen, the Rev. John Jones officiated. | Swank, James Joes, | She came to America in 1864. The Bap | itist church of Frostberg, Md, was Has, TH Fish {started in her house, as jilso the church Er, Spe Coe ba, Toms Charles October 30 1806. PUPILS s ENROLLED a : Anerease — of Hleven Pople] On a motion it was curried that "Over the Previous Month. : . | orders be granted to Jas. Mellon, tax Whole number of pupils enrolled in | | collector, for percentage, txonerations, ail the grades 395. This gives an) "| ete, as per bill rendered Ang. 14 1896, sverage of 49 pupils to each room. The per cent. of attendance in all The president appointed! the follow. | grades is higher than that given in last ing sa a commiften to investigate a month's report. The written exami | denin on West Beach svenne in the pation in the High School shows a vicinity x the property of Dennis myrked improvement. Fourteen visi | published fo the o town 1 nua McKinley's plurality in ambria : plurality; Spencer , 25. "Hon, " Pe orang ipm Hicks was re-elected to Congrews from | 383, Noveraber 23d, and sdjonral this distript by a handsome majority. nm Priduy, November Fit: 2 | Following is the vote of North Sam: | ne C | bria. for the President and (ounty Flynn: 8M, Cornelins, Ralph Leisch tors were present during the month. Trew i: and Joel Dixon, | The work being done in all the grades On a motion it was cigrried Chat a jy entirely satisfactory. Following isa lump be placed at the following places: report of the several rooms: Ome at the corner of Fourth and Mé- Frigh Sehool. {Intyre avenues; ove on the corner of Namber of pupils enrolled, boys, 10; Fourth and Beech avenmis and one at girs, 21; total, 31. Per cent. of at the east end of the irin bridge on tendance, 5. The following pupils, | | Magve avenue. On motion it was carried thit the une every RC daring the ‘month: S| following bills be nocepted and orders Rachael Anderson, Sarah Holter, Min- | drawn for the same: Hatton Water ni, Folter, Katie Wilson, Sadi Hous 5 [Uo., $18.34: Patten Pad, Co., $81.80; ton Harry Mellon, May Hunter, Annie. BE Will Greene, 35.96; John Boyes, Moore, Ennice Clarke, Ollie Swank, $50.75: Hooter & Baughman, $11.77; 8 Duncan Sandford, Walter Mellon, | BE. Jones, $1.00; Simon Bortman, jimex Sheehan. © 1811.85: Wm. Loos, $10.45; Frank Me. Grammar Shoot, incely, $10.85; Ed. ins, $0; W. J. Donnelly 70 cents; Geo. Tempo, $14.00; Wm. Gill, $5.00; Jobin Bortman, 75 \ Jos. Carthelm, 70 cents; H. Nnamber of pups enrolled, 55; aver- age attendance, 42; per cent. of at tendance, 88. Hooor rofl Fred Fuller, = Bdaa Blair, Grace Cowher, Lida Davis, | Edith Holter, Agnes Hunter; lee On motion,wHick wan diy seconded racsapon, Edna Brideson, Annie 3% next regular ey ght Wednes- q day, November 3, 1998. . Mis Martha Davia, bern in Meroor, | Haden, Lades Mitchell, Mary Semple, 1890. She was bap Joueph Radoliffe, Charles Wilson, Le! i tized in the year 1840 by Rev. William roy Wiking, Bernard Nuttall, Edward | Baptist church in Merver. She wis Blanche Chapman, Margaret Jones, % i ¥ ¥ % ¥ B 3 £ ¥ : 3 Six children were born to this anion, 3 Eorrit M. ZIMMERMAN, Teacher. boys and 8 girls, only one boy, David, | Phird Entermedinte, of Prosburg, Md, and oe girl, Mr. xovne of pupils enrolled, 45; Roger Owens of Paton, Pa, are living. | Average attendance, 34; per cent of attendance, #1. Honor roll-~Clarence Hill, Ohio. She became # Kessler, Poter Kerrs, Emma Emigh, | a tir : 8 | Carrie Holter, Anna McMahon, Tons year ago took ber letter to the Fim Baptiss church of Patton, She came vioor spon. Ceol Wilson, Ward | : from a family noted for piety and de i votion to the church. She diet No. &: 1800 ak the age of 87 Jem, and in the : | Atisgheny # ] Gomittiain Tern Putian. : Honky Hog Kinley, Bras on Hsiried La P Ashville FHeshON Barr. Crrotitow EE ; szatalve © ERas Biola; Dr. D. I walln Indi i FafEasFlauiaiani® Suiitain Tep. i Mat i CEEzEoud oe | asa eEzufused ‘He Sewty | Getings An Rastern Bimmer re i iiatn, bir. Bryan Saturday gave oot the following telegram, Sidra to the saaters Himetalinta: on bryan in receiving nomerons | andl letters of response to his addr calling upon the advocates of sliver to continue their efforts in that behalf, sssaring bim of eoncur- | pence in this view and of co-operation’ 3 | In the work. : | organimtions. Heo Baws net the 24th inst. for the re ception tendered him by the people of y Denver. x Mr Eenpe. i pry evening. On lait Wednesday evening Jas. P. Sucllygoter in Politics,” by Hon. Scanian, a traveling man of Jobnatown, Ww 3 Ham, of Georgia. "Ham 1 & young driver had anarrow espe from lighted. ‘The general impres | being conveyed by a team in # carriage over delivered in bat who is well-known in Pateon and a | peat Soe, Clearfield.” : from Shia place to Currcilieys whens gq a nr ut. i ~ the accident ovow A sewer is bo | | Number of pupils enrolled, 45; | ny erected at the of 1ifth and; ae ill bo etre of enc even: | verage stenduncn 41; per cent. of Magus svennes and Mr. Solan and 91, Honor roll — Joe hi driver and the texm piled into the yon ye ¥r | ditch. Mr. Scanlan landed 41 an iron | pip, his breast being badly Injured. The driver was not hurt. The horses 4 were badly cut and bruised and the ‘buggy was badly wrecked. Mr. Mo- | Langhiln, who has charge of ying the Eekenrode, the horhes and buggy. He also offered Lm. ed he ther Bal 108 to pay Mr. Scanlan’s doctor bill, but be Me ny, Novem shopiboigme rn declined the proposition. oh Juste qvening sessions the dah been abie to work since the nceident. will opent at 4:15 p. m. on the day fore the lecture or concert aud ab § ~ : From L.A. W. Bulletin; : | Poor Evi without a mirror had to strms, so we The hatte wil fe open n t o house corridor, and afterwards suppose, 1 Bat how he ever managed it “The Devil only | Kawa! | A “squeaky shoe may exprom it Panis wil gion for the soit, even if it is tongue-tied. Talk is cheap—from a barber. | can give it to you at cot rates. It may be a joke to step 08 & tack in. the dark, but you can’t see the point Programe have been sout to. oll & | just then. | rectors ind teachers, and should reach | Some farmers who can’t find thoe to | them at Juast ten days before the Tnsti- Puller Romaine Smale, Does Prescott, | fix routs waste weeks in hauling haif- | Cors Blanche Decker, Clara ; : loads t) market. ¥ { i The following Is She ancfficial vote in| each county in the Twentieth Congres. | | slonal District: | a i Blur eo TlH, 1x | Gill, Claire Boyce, Earl Wilson, : Somer ii WE # Anderson, Dennis Burkey, David be the North Star of Cambria county a meee GES 30 Trumbell, David Ross, Charley Bau-|and don’t you forget it. Wa have the Toile of : ma man, Willie McTigue, Ned Crompton, pecple snd the business to keep the —— | Thomas Dixon, Charlie Spence, Peter people. Hleky planRty ov... Am | Sumiteh, Albert Wilson, Willie Mee- | ban, Frank Short, James Peightal. M Joy SivcER, Teacher. A Grad Danes. a ARAN Wie Sv allt
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