The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 29, 1896, Image 7
J 0 oof W. Tr itl of ox. to Ww. w. ir, Allegheny, $989. | Francis A. Storm to W. W. Amsbry, | RAR . $1,138. Bamiaion ot ux. to Eimer : James W Sheridan et ux to Peon- | ylvania Railroad company, Washing. | +s Thon uF. Armitage ot ux. to Pean- : jvivasia afizons company, Washiog: | | Mary MoCann et vir to Pennayiva-| - * catepuny, oi A great display that has called forth thousands of comments. An exquisite array of ail that is handsome in trimimed hats. Ladies who have never before bought hats outside of New York and Philadelphia are being suited here everyday Beyond a doubt our styles are the prettiest shown anywhere, True, we pay highest sala- ries to our trimmers, but that secures for us the best talent obtainable. You pay uo more for the work than yon do anywhere else but jret better value in the form of good taste and first- class work. Is it any wonder that we sell nuire trimmed hats than anv other honse in Altoona? The SPECIAL SALE of Handsome Trimmed Hats at 1.93, 2.95 and $3.95 will continue. EVERYONE WORTH DOUBLE. ‘Store Open Every Evening. r botle by CW. eommmm—— in Sd poet rt (Want relief. W. Hodgkins, nd de "i believe Chmaberiain’s Cough in! ¢ 10 Remedy is the best for children 1 ever Ee For croup is unequaled It ; that foot shonid bear his in wind and always iaep she someny at hand. It is also, ——————— on SA RA SIR RN : OOK MOTHERS A RARL TALAT FOR YOU © Gn i on Sort Lovodhii Pair of Pants, | Jr Yovourpoow. Wohl , p Clothing Massluctenr | fn Anacow | others would be laid wp for two Se e wooks, if lot longer. Writing State Normal Sehoth Liye They are wo little you hardly know J They Bet quick wk club and on a a now in De Witt's | eran, ang ie Barly Risers. Small in ise, Eras in results. Cc W. Hodghkina, | TTON NEWS DEPOT, i be the best D. FLAXNIGAN, Prap's. manshlp throughout the a out Bien 3 Site Pockets,» Tab atid C : Ent Bods sed D8 of Pants, sso Patel Pet ool Pine Ba Bias fiom 10 ty fn ph y and monthly Mag ae ct, Duitie mars Post) L potice. ¥ ¥ 5 Begramage | ah nimitting sind ATED REME EDIES. | ROTAL. Sur cur lor aft x poli fay humane | for colds. I Forme oy AH deaters in paedidnee bs alk i TWH, Fonry Bok tiv LNs Friel OF Jeol "i Rev. os paring of P— Letts will il’ you wall paper blinds, (extr: size, diy to order), room mould, lings, paint your house, hang] 0 will PE. ein paper at a ] ‘Reasonable Price. Second Store room from Corner Drug Store, Magee avenue. A M THOMAS Invites you to inspect his stock of he Rt le aay enc oF PATTON, MERCHANT TRILOR, Will make you a good suit of clothes from 1500 up to $40. PANTS from 4.00 up tO pan CAPITAL PAID DUP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, ¥ 0, oe. 00. Aveonnts of € wi Pivane, Individoe | aleam] Banks Corpomi it the mumt vom. | | ple Germs constelent with sas god vatservtive | ip Hokiets for lo § fant: uli Que Teal Fomign Deatts in print ition of the Old Wa Fatde AH torrespondence { peratial Allenton. Tuterest paid on time deposits. : AE Patron, Wx H SaNDromb, President. SUBSCRIBE me FOP the ~— i ’ $10. He will do all kinds of re- pair work. CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERING CLOTHES. | Consisting of Loaded and or| Empty Shells, . : Primers, Caps, Powder, ce Shot, Wads, Cartidges, Guns, \ Revolvers, Etc Also a good time to buy Flower Crocks Will be found one door above Kessler's Bakery in the Solo-| mon building with over 1,000] Fall and Winter Samples. All his Clothes are guaran- | teed to give satisfaction. i i ¥ 1 i 1323 Eleventh vente. a Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. Canliler, i oar Hh | Soliuitor for German Notional B.& L. asyiciation. ; W. 11. SECHLER, | Attorney - at - Law, ~ PBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa 3 Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table August n 1896. Lenve Crmmmon- Fnstrard, ali S53882 gmsEss Joimatorn A Snort an AX Lai fF Way: Way hinges. Ani hi hazy: Ix pre Johnsson Roo. wk dy. ki Soothwurd: Maothing tmin for Pulion and Civ om | Gilen Easnphbell E45 ky E mw: j Joma a Nostover a? hast i ~ as | Funet lon po So Raplor. oe FE » om, Ct iti gNsess TTR RE i ih | 3 a SE { arriving at Cresson ion i i Patton and POR Ww 3 dm: We dower 22 rusin Lr oF it #5: Baylor £00, arriving at Cresson at tn Northwani. ] Musing tenin loaves Cresson for Mal ta Dbl Kayier x: § RTWRY np Llonn © LX ah ostiver 7: p: Landon : Re tying at Cilen ¢ avd Matt | For asi; Japs, ole, { oun E Wan Vl 5 , 98 | dr. Th te WaT J. BR Wood, BOM. Provost, a Br Sen. Pass. Agt Creek ‘Railroad. N Beech Soi RB. Co. Leese, May IF, a’ 5 gg +3 , Sot #2 irl | Td on SB £25 5 - a oR x we * g esEAuzuRs EE 3 Wa RTI RE Szusns stave insanoeSEUEEEEEDr SERERERE~~ BE * ~ 50 ED I SST A ST UC Se ei - . CRNESE VUNERZENE SHAH BSE AEE a 2s BY dn a £277 Brie =i. An a SELsiraneivaruAsBENSERLCARRASNEENES re SBEsvveny Bho Biv Ww ianapmre BER andn ibrar Some AL Wilh iy pity dd amding on he da 3 shane WW 5] £ wien {etal Hunt ai of Shes isin n “Phi pebang w ania rod w Pr Tih she Ho Haghion Roctizater and i with Chambris. an Chori divin of the EL Pennevvanis retired at M j Provan 4 and Northwestern mi — Fe EE Herriman, "shinies en, Pe. Age Philadetnh "BR & P Time Table. Tiue Short Line Between Prabhas, Ridgway, rh vo pe % holy A, Hoehoster Ix, and poli mn the upper Off ¥, J at Johnesnbay Heox, Kane, Ho oth Vox Ee tin 3 for Lo Clery, snd Brie. cr Ke Express Drom Le f Ridgway, Broek » stations, for Do py A sedation. Por Dull, yk. rg a iu Run, and Pan xsuts whey. or wr Accommodation. Je % — Hi. Jewell, od | wren, inter - will havesar ph hE Seas = » ce2e2d ce EG "5. andadddotd i eden > ne ¥ GHBEBSAER sntessssine wluddde ¥ sewecssescusss 3 E Esgbus 4¥ Es » wndeddlialaun?® ea » E oe ii hn FE