PREG ROR, EE other | Pasar o soon tim vo Amarin after » Hn New York about the 17th. | Get Your Picture Taken. m sais % skis Tho Soctal hop held in the Yeager wets gla : al Ee i vroer and wie nd om everheld inthe Tinware and cooking uten-| jsils at Trait the price asked x —_v > BR ad + Oall and sxamine | Gayber, Fred Beyer and Mr. D 5 Rubbers. She hy pe John “Baro and Thos. | winter stock at sway ow Mies Katharine Miler Brie, Pa; pow. they are fine cut glam, & st of all description can be ull 4 jeomplete line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware and all indy of DuBois, Ps ; J. C. SR tat Tong ey tg Bracken Mr, Piekel, at 25 cents set. Philadelphia, - ae have othe poe but, we : ho men ; over; Mr. Allport, Hastings William | EET . of Patton held & Hirlinger, Philipsbarg; Mr r. Fitgharris, | ‘new > and yo will soe the nian ; candidate a Romar Pa i In view Be Avent foterent I he BER. ASAI |. the siection next Tuowlay, November 3, “The Phiadelphin Pre 1 > pad. prop, . Paton, Pa | AHO AA RLS of which it ina roember, | | : Men . all:-wool Thibet Suite 8s. Prem” will station Men's all-wool Hair-Line suits, $0.35 : 2 hack Drees sults, pure : Wea, | Wikeon has i» heb sccurats vetarns from alt Pare Clay Dotiees parte of the country. Tt will be a re i Overcosts, ’ or “40 Low Wiliams, meat soung nt] A i § i A FTA Orr of Squire and Mrs Edward Do your buying of refined comedy | ee aud doer of Ym AE. acting, ‘Bender, of Ebensburg. Mr. Brooks is TI civil engineer and has been employed a Dry Goods, Millinery, | “the nr. by the Penneytvania Railroad company Ladies’ and tare for Garry | for the past three years. The Cou arch 13, extends congratulations. Children’s Capes, RE Host iss Opens Howse Nov. Al, 1906, ‘The natural Irish comedian, Toay' Jackets and Suits at Purse in his JJistaresque somedy: | | jinn’s B g Store 134-136 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. You are never overcharged | Geo. O'Leary and Miss Bridget for anything. Everything you | oth of prPatton; wars married a pay is worth the money you! y for it. Competent and po- a salesiadies aid in every v possible to make buying imited time to stay in the Ous assorgment is the the lowest. coming vine: + a stock on for those who have but a| uffs and boas will | and 4 general fine of BUILDE Ss TE ERTAL kept constantly on hand. See us first or uy 5 * jing. It will Pay you. a Specialty. THE hein HARDWARIF g Ave. | - Patton, Pa. Is bere every one ™ clothing. Let me say tit it You ate in and ; purpowe it will he to 3 your advantsa rg - porthasn elsewhere. hécsiaee nest stock of blankets and TOT AE on ever POR Patton which I know gantiot be b un oheaply as Sag ih Indus tis simply impossible for 1 nae and numerate thy many arg ah Shi line. Come s T take pride in ‘these nk To the front, My sock wan all bought early the w haye all the corect thingy nd ai 8 mine) ir Bee car Bagh ote ‘Which is my hobby E wait to say that I have OR OO AN the latent things in does g in eto appreciate than. [nfo for yuu 3 BO ial omsible a you so anately ia mpomitie th stock before all the cholo rl Why I almost forgot to 6 aay anything shou my tock of 7. 3 2 But even if hd know, th enormous amount t of U have mi Ce rn | which is no doubt the Sls thin win Xm) amie here tia too 1a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers