comes nonrions asecont from A nery: ni dis The pat ent, where can : the Peyohiatriz | «. | bad a serious difference on the evolution | 1 Tell me what it is that noubles and y » opr at Ce niths % the save dati, ; ie aluont tneokt door %0. thas auction | room sold a copy of the some edition Mo The person who boast 50 cints cerugnly got» it is doubtinl that the NT il gov as much fer be pail for i. The incidant | curios Hinge bapeyae i % 3 S20 fe wal | the fords and praine beled a Job bot | 5 venta copy for im wnat rseminle - . atistactiny fom : seri vi bat on thi other | Had i | gions to tha theater, suppers whieh could 1 of dents one dny ; ble reply. i tion, said: © Weel, there's just une thing En < © Et Peter, vas diverted to the repair ‘eonragement Be gave to the ery aad bis : : pi » dresd. By some means mosgnitons wonld get into the hoose, even though every door and window werd tightly | [seveened. The theory was that infant grew to maturity in the apartment. At all aveuts they did their mischievous work to the great disfigurement and div tress of the members of the hoasehold, pat they were located snd ould not chavs thelr residence, » thing they or giadly have done for this reson alone 50 serions was the trouble ; Towurd the [i tter part of the season ] it wis obsorvedt that the bites, instead of swelling and forming blotches an ineh oF #0 foros, grew loss sumoying until on several ocensicus there were bits on the | hands that preinoed no results beyond the immedinte sting of the bite. A Hit tie notice proved the fart that several members of the family had by ome | process become practically exempt, and the mosquito plugne Secame tut a tri- fling item of anvoyance. It might bein. teresting to follow up this subject aml sen whether the introduction of thie | polson into the system has the samo of foct an varcination, rendering the per ‘son almost Hf not altogether at against mmfforing from foture poprturos from these hitherto froobivsoime peste NW York Lodger. Avasy Monte ro Engin. Rives 18ST every srmy musician in Engl. must buve passed through a SORTED of instroetion st Kuelicr bullee ch former residences in Twiekonbam of (Mir Godfyey Kueller. The bandamen upon the Si. are very Y carctol deriv rm although | fo in wil o iinet a the ove of take the esponsibiliey are very | of the line appeals othe man who pays the bills with foaen Bok Sally Appre. | sending i it in ey wire snd into : tar nm BR the mer v chanical rey in the pall of a cable, | are more than counterbainiesd by many | | conveniences and economies, and now jthe hope that some incidental wba tages in wight may be realized, and ail! a little better seonomy be obtained, attracting atiention tow ard compres: abe Charlos A Bagus in Cossier's Magazioe Carlyle’s Doggone Car Iles dogged Boctoh nueva thatio pereiitency in mesenring every. thing by bis own jduss was sensibly deepened fv @ story which Huxley told me of their mutaal relations Carlyle | and he wera for long good friends but £4 a midi Feraive LE i the pegulution shilling » pine a pepny ext for the goin, wives with forsished rooms 1t 1s of conse atwurd To suppose that fret pate performers would be satisfied | wiih this miserable stipend whon they sid emsily eurn £3 or £35 a week by - ve eveping work at the theaters They therefore rocvive § TRrying exon siiowance from the band fui of the regiment, the poversment contributing £70 5 year per regiment toward tha cost of music and Instrumente The bapdmuster, who i= 8 warrant | oficor and i onder the military onlers i of the drawn major, vominally gets 5 shillings to # xbillings per day, plos | #70» year from the band fund Both { boolean and their conductor, however, setion in the early stages of the con- | froversy. Their persenal istércourse ceased In consequence, After an inter. fralof many years Huxley. happened to poke to him, Fes ion Carlyle did not af Sint roosgnie him, when he had ‘made out who it was | from private engagements, and Gades # | puions congTresTE Dave more than oboe {protested that the employment of the army bands at fires, garden purties, basaurs and wo forth Ws wnfulr to the op | aivilian professions] Sandsmen. — New ight | York Times Phe Bvivers Revor. © K misanderstanding as to the mean ing of » word sometimes leads to perul- inr sitontions, '” ssid Rev. A. LL. Smith of Chicagn. “In eompany with several other ministers I was riding in » stage or hack, whieh served the purposs of a stage, #h routs (oa camp meeting. The roud wind around the meantaine, snd | the air was delightful, while the scenery mosquitoes crept through the wires and | wid MUSICS Per diem te provide twine | 1 devive tae greater part of their ingotee | jag i Jesx amount of friistiinn with swe wy oo, ree wil at mt wiption of ot ar thmstrons as the comp of var food supply. Whetiwr oily savy 18 or in bot muffler i who ok Aforeigh trade, is a matier of opinion. But oven sssaming that shu desired oon ditions can be isting twill nearcely be denied that ev ing oor own shores: mast wil an addi. phonal 4 | erehunt ships abroad. I follows there. operit ful Tending ar the ah of the na | val fotos the latter would enjoy o free | | dom of sotion which they cannot buve by the midline of pw | while hampered #ible jvasion banging avs their pechn MEAT We Ren Te OUR] YOK aginst peing | be obliged to chdoss Deliviesn pence at any price and ruin. —-Broad Arvo, ARIANA Aer API INS pil ms at ting” Soldio me Is eovipigs to be taught in peace? A Rosian general ono poop sel mw “antl” hin slid bry with ball eatiridges during monsovens This ghastly proparetise wes too jee # srr ppemd fo Bo pore private salidiers tig to civilised mindy, and it bas sovay neem cared oat, bat, if adopted, $8 wonld manke the army trained ander such ecireumernnevs nvineible, wad we in tik end tei So sharon War and waive | Jifa, It wonld acousiom tthe elder to fhe wi ghits and seigeg of the haasleBild | aul ¢rerecne hin dread of the unknown. | ft wonld enable Bim th cootral his] pervie iu the tuimeit of tie setusl i posuter. Such a puri ae eiimbing | Bas tee same moral «fool Endaraned, moatusl trast, self cortunl, may be larped on the high Alps, or, fur the matter of that, in Wastials, where a slip on the face of the mountiin | dowry some previpitons golly is nes Tous deadly than the bail of shells and balk of athletics give the sume resaik Spests involving risk to life ani thus of wm prem valoe from the nations paint of |, WA HAAN nN Cutting by Stam ge] solid or Hguids i» very great such enormons waves at we during act tick only by ite cobesitn sud deaden- | ing wet om spon the wanir, at by hav air. Pe that as it may, however, air, wad almost sablime, 1 was invigorated ax though by » powerful tonic, and wv- eral times remarked apon the caone in the air. After one of these olewrvations the driver stopped Nis horves, und, beck. oning to mae sivly, elimied from the seat. Wondering what be could want, 1 follows bins, and soon we were behind & large tive, ut of the view of thie wag- on. Parsan,’ suid the driver, ‘J couhin't hear to sen you suffer. The caine yon siuelled wan in my pocket’ With these words he drow forth a Tage Boils of whisky, which he offered to wr. Jt took ereernl munntes 0 convinces hin thar it wis Bot whisky | hod referred as Geom, em Wash logon he clergyman sav the pear approach | in the old man's fare and asked if his mind was perfectly at a, : “Oo aye; Fee . rien,” cumie the feo. | “Ron wre sure there is nothing trou bling you? Do not be afraid to tell me." The old man seemed (0 hesitate, and | at length, with a faint return of anima. that roubles me, but § diupa like to i : Te Pelieve we, 1 am most aNsre to | comfort you," replied the charg ma. AAs SN Nh Dlvormilens at Gries. { perplexes Fis i I “Weel wir, it's juss ike his” guid | { the old man eagerly. “I panna for the ifs of mee mak’ nt Loh ye manage tas | uh fates that westroas. PemLondon Ti- | Eas : reponse, Thetwonn a yuilivne jacket, a bntion or & peacock 'y feather on the ane hwnd, sad a thistle, a taih or a aber an thie meh ridienie on the pet tance at | to the fret set of erations ly the se Whol wir sopseives wt just ax by the seonmd wt?" There is in thes gestions, and i armen T's Fasey, { The poit stooking has met with aston | © hin ishing sucrias in thin county, aml the | wach gentleman who introdnemt ib rogaeded | mach fore ws a pulilie benefactir by those youu | scmiiad tens 50 the uttention of the men who cepnot ost of meh dev Hg ow wosgls in the proas whi are abwars puking { pent of the endl Bat the rage for poi | t a st La Beug Chang's yelow Jacko | stockings in civifleed commeunition 8 asd peacocks feathers Looking at she Bet & circoisstanos to what ocoursud in hatter mpustialiy, § it mesma be me that Obicago the other day aang » pariy of | a yell Tackol, OF ies otto arb 50 fall blooded Sioux who stopped off i Rt % feather, in siitabibe for in that city for a few hours. All of Chi deconntive purposes than either a bath cuge’s teost hossted sights were regarded | or a gates © do pot say a thingie, bee by tiv with ghlepsatie Sodifferonoe, | cause, no duaht, thet is an objet iighiy but when theses untutered shildees of | { | appropriate to pauy of thos: en whom it haa been couforre Ak —Lemdon Truth, hae RNB Bf RA 27 CAA APTA AOR WAAR They Kika C hi panman. The black csunibais of porthern Quevnsiand are excecdingly partial to Chinamen. The reason isssid to be that the flesh of the Chinese is peculiarly tender and paiastable owing to riee be ing their staple wrticie of diet. There is mow a bumerons Chinese population in| the perth of Queensiand, and somves of them who have ventured beyond the eonfines of viviligation have been cape tured and dovenred by the Dative — Londen Standard : “What did ald Stuffey have on when he escaped from that burning hotel?" “A very rapid move, Detroit Free Press, | of golf stockings they Ledaliged jn a war : {dance apd cxbibited their joy varibns | ctber w ays Lasie £ jote-Democat, Chinatown eh. | Parties doisg Chinatown are advised © that the fue to the guide will be no sraall matter. Four of us ooce found that ope of the resident toughs whose | | services we had soured for a couple of hours valmed thems at $10. We com + | promiised with biw, 1 believe, but the | i Munouing expedition, including admis- pot bu saten, tributes to joss and Chi- —- nese curios that we bought, was rather expensive. Ope of the men confided it to his sister — New York Press Fm ———————— iar ir : NSM ab A pr So “Robbing Peter to pay Paal” mamid | [othe winter season & DEW mOCR 00s to have erigiuatod in an act of the {curring Petween 19 a mand 13m. 2 church ernment of Eugland in 1550. ¢ penn onlder: weathor, with possibly At that Sate. Hie Cathedral of s Paul chal Wwiets freon the nerth. in London bling ont of repair and oo | emt funds available, a portion of the incomte = I ranges 1 of France was designated | fot Westminster, which was consecrated | ‘Fiuther of Letters on account of the en. de sien mall valves of certain bind of stvam drips cut with grest rayldige it whiowed | eluily when the pressure 18 igh sod | L the potiet small, in a feet lolrabiy well SW hat ja thie oi Worenee,” sake on oor § ¢ othr? Yh do we lavish § They say be is & govd sotor, but 1 don’ Stomp aod most gases hive i great deal of friction with solids = When under prempure, this friction in {me rcaned, and | peg Af the gun in sloaping tlirotigh » small orifice the law of frictiae in regard to speed, while pressure and sorface ve- suain equal, still holds trae. 1x iss flirt kpown of Jong obeervalbon that the a very small rise or epening. Thes )temns cute and ents Tos i ite, shied sd Boown 10] hoes old oo gis rs.Philade] Iphin Beoond. A SWanager of he Pr filslter Kenpedy wrot ty the ms ager of & prospinent theater mw Conneot- ent, seking for Lis opin time Kr a week in the following reiertory : “Hem. goas, t Udabelin’t ¥inpuios ued “Damon amd Pethian' jad thos was the auswer: “Walter Kemvedy—Dear | sir: 1 must say vba I heoek never Dard your company. Samson wie st the $ime muinm here wot Inog gs breakin fake choaios, apd Otel played hens List winter at the oppasilion thentuor. 3 cary about playing eolonid © stazs alimy Bonwsa, us | aater to the very best ualy audiences, and then 1 don't tink | wenpld Bike a show with all ten Weis I want shows with plesty of sojpiog andl dancing, sontmeties mol cununinng ¥ al A an Es i8 tiobe- Dennorat, The Guilery nin It is & common saying thet the “gal jery gous’ are the best crigics, and many people believe it $1) be true, It might bave been yours apd years ago, bul at present the reverse is trun. The smi exaggerated melodrons has pot been uplifting. The “uallery godu™ of the present day know nothing of the legitimate drama. They have degenerat- od because theatrionl offerings have pot in any way served to edvoate then. — Albany Journal Facts In Natusnl History. sone Maltese cats drink beer, Now we know why those oats that stay oul! late at night oarry ot on so. Ll veland Lender. At in mid ! that the “pilgein to Meooa, ta from Wi would have to Era] 6,308 miles in order to reach that Canba EL 2a! | California, a bushel ralinre. i NE co i In thas state it od pon trade would eninil consegnences almort | . lete stoppage | against actoal invasion, but sino to poo | tect sdlequately oor imo se volume of | ted we anitunlly of | 0 pry ship sot free from the task of guard: fore that if the army wets in . position. a Ir needs to be ever borne in mind the, | bowser successfully aml by whatever | ry by loading on rifle in ten means destroetion. The wlley of state! phar fete cn the battlefield. And, in w less | degrve, bunting sod the manlier forms | view, and this stonid bi remembered | ! whet) the ignorant und degenevato suall es them. —Fortuightly Reviiw. i It in vot generally roooginined: that ite 1 \ { friction peowern adr wid ther gaves and Bisen alan account of thin friction: thut we Beve ig of bt two of the actors jog mention in § ascendency of fares comiedly, vaudeville | The Philsdelpbin Reeoed says that |... “ts wh sdoty of our] invaded, war upon sel (nsvoonid sot; un poutine indefinitely without at lati : reaching the point at whitish we shoold | weit with bis teeth, - caodk B the saath, on all widen of stam (dveve lis bead slowly bak. The » ob | germrally followed. 1 this plan did pot yoocesd, be | the point ow low down ax be could, and thet, throwing his heels over bis head, tarred « back somereanlt amd came up smiling with the root in bis mouth. It was ese 1h teach Bim that iF was » part of lyin bosiness to find thes yooie and that hiv shaster met go sharon. "oe Youth's Companion. Ee a Plusts That Nat —— bard Francis Darwin, o son of the ro paturalist, has been investigating fhe eiiaon on inssctiverons plants of supply: ng ‘them with asd withboliling Hom La snimal food. He grew fen of thes | exmiivorons plants under similar cone jicax One plant of the lot be fed with TORN Tent, Sne-Aftietl of rain gale of wind The fila of ail whieh dy redores the breaking of the sea wea Wo | wil tell you, fp diy cmap blll : mavier the grain the greater We first. ye Loais Republic. | A oot wilh you there was » mile on. the srk or pot?’ Ke, mir. Narys mole When Captain ‘Noh built the ark == a high walter picket in the Ararat trade smd be went inth the mensgorie bosiness, be found. that ho was a" mule cut” jost us be got. ready 10 leave on his maiden trip. He went ashore, and after looking sound found a mnie snd would have made his i solmal show complete if be had been able to get him aboard the beat. Nok a i bing able to fis » vegro who would twist bbe tid aud mks Sizk WEE SRS] ws by walking the geugpiagk, and after trying to ger his deck crew to coax, # shove, esd or enrey the male aboard, be got mad, rong the bell, backed out and litome for Ararat, leaving the mules iotiely, fricudiovs beast until bewas din covered by o negro. The two have been Lomisville fat friends ever sues, — Cemrier-Joaraal. Lonely Eiht In Winter, Fogs, trying ak they ame to visktors, ane little sripuded by tho Hgbtkeeprm One of them, in feet, Teparted, evident pride, that his steam Rog hors find been in guinterruptod dpevation for #7 dure, and declarsd us be the sibvpee which wonid come With olisar westher. The fog in ue nothing when compared with the wild worms of winter that out off Sheir compan wi Ha fopuy gos. That's he eull fr sations with the muinlepd. Then, in {dwed, the dreary mopolony of the Hght- keeper's life un one of the ontiyieg : Maine islands becosnes well nigh ane bearable. For weeks at a tims he oon. fined to Bis tadnted rocwor tiny slot am atwolntely aw u prisooer Ww his oell = Kirk Munroa in Seritner's SR Ng A Adding Tasait to Infurg The Messaanrios Maritimes mail stemmer Himaisya Hos in the harbor gergeons iu white paint and Beoraping by it comes» coal barge, ing elf slong by holding 9 - - of that! Sheer off at ones! From the Coal Barge—Who the =m are yoa? wn. Shea off this ship. Sheer offt From the Coal Barge~—Then go tlk to your —— oqualh pero in Pn Some en, gh auq In all states of the Union, sxoapting J | EIDE, Fix you please state in The river ls with
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers