The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 29, 1896, Image 1

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    Relating to he ‘Extens
the Water Mains.
Jobs J. McFarland.
OC. H Aken
John L. MeKinney.
8. 8. Hackett.
James J. King.
pects Judge, er other fice of any | Jerome T. Ailman.
office to be then voted for except that | akg bbl
of an election officer. : : R. C. McNamara. a
4 a ; Burgess aad Town Connell of the Bor-
Prancis P. Martin,
McKINLEY AND HOBART. : Mark Tw.) | strocted to enter into a written con-
Presidedtial Eloetore. | Thomas]. Rell tract on behalf of the Borough, with
(Mark Thirty-two) C. F. Fraser. iB The Patton Water company, its snc
Joseph Wharton. COUNTY TREASURER cemsors or amigos, for a supply of
Alexander E. Patton. : | Spark ome | water to the Borough for fire protec
William Witherow. i John H. Waters tion for 3 period of twenty (30) years,
Peter L. Kimberly. : COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, upon. the following terms and con-
“Allen B. Rorke. David Costlow. : First. The ssid company shall lay |
Thomas Hoover. water pipes of adequate size Hn such
POOR DYRBOTOR, -aventes ur strvets as may be nooesary |
(Mark Ome. to place fire hydrants (properly con
apts Hite nected with the maid water pipes) at
rhs Bydrant on Palmer avenoe, north of |
James King. Catholic church; one fire hydrant on
Frank E. Farabaugh. Palmer avente at Beventh avenue;
wo vous eve one fire hydrant on Palmer aventse at’
Eighth avenur; one fire hydrant on
And When You Cast wt Your Mail Be Sore Eighth wrenve at instersection nf Mel
1 Yen ue lh RK, Jon street; one five hydrant on Mellon:
Owing to the fact that there is 00 reat nemr store of Jan Mellon; one.
congressional candidate on the Repub gr hydrant on Magee avenue 100 feet
{lean ticket: au it appeass on. the oficial west, of Swedish claroh; cme fire by- |
fasion and uncertainty exiate a8 4 the | venae south IF WJ. Dowelly &£Co.’s
proper way to mark the ballot. There ou mill; one fire hydrant on Mellon |
is apparently quite as much difference yvenne opposite old Hotel Patton; one
of opinion smong gentlemen learned in fire hydrant on Mellon avente oppo-
the law-or having that reputi; 48 site Contre Block Nao. 10; :
‘hydrant on Mellon sveune OpPOSNe by mach appreciated snd if amy
Lot No Bh Block 74. one fire hipdrant rouble axpanwe By will be fixed
: Its obwerved that the courts, nso on Linwood svenoe; a : Gmo. 8. Goon
| far as they have handed down opinions x Fourth avenue at Melniyre svenoe. | es on
| upon varions sections of the ballot law, . Second. The said company shall
REPRESENTATIVE - AT - LARGE Iv coy. Dave learned very strongly to the the- | menial at all times a sufficient supply
ORES. ory that the intent of the voter must be of water thnvugh said bydvsuts for
(Mark Two.) IAKER Hoh OUNIMeEMION DY Yi hestion | extinguishment of fires. Sbonld other
Galushs A. Grow. officers, rejecting Do ballot uniems i is are hydrants be required hereafier, the
vel A clearly and palpably and incweably id company shall lay the miditional
RAL | WORE. This is right. lection biaeda| pipe upon being sneer, und sha
eC. nema {ron of he. Wheower i 3 green oy vey dito) tre
: Ls Se Ls : per Hing oF 8 iret» ins, or
AT ey TAL A% | ballot it should bn counted. HUGE ds ot re rn
Mark Tw) i How, thes, say the Republican voter Third. The said company shall not
Raat datheraon POR ETE district 1 required Lo) lay pipes in wiy sireet
Samael D. atten i mark his ballot 20 aa lo Make sures that or sirentn, antil such atrvets dire aot
; ‘his yote will be counted? Competent nady dedicnied and wpeised, ami the
COUNTY TREASURER. authority says that he may place an X ooodes theren! established seeording
Lin A Dae in the circle at the bead of th Republi- +, Lye :
Edwin P. Spencer. can column, thus voting straight ponreh 1s the event of the vaca.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. i ticket, He can then move over several si.n or change of grade of 5sy street
. {Mark Two, ‘columns and place sn X to the right of op yvonne on which the said water
Benjamin Jones | that congressional: candidate whom be mpany shall have Jail its Hoes of fs
Abram Hostetler. prefers. This is a safe method for aBY yine for fire protection, the expense of ext T
POOR DIRECTOR. who wants to vote a straight tioket, wonova) or relaying said pipe, if it be : a
Mark One) ‘save for congress. Another method ques necessary torelay or reinove the Fou may be delighted or pou may
James Somerville. j would be 10 place an X. in the squire to | same, shall be paid by the Borough. be dissappointed with the decision
suede by the people,
(Mark Two, ' which would mean a vote for all the pres. to the said company, “Ha SoreIONS or | way {he verdict it is the
dential electors. Then be could move jens the sum of Two Hundred and | ¥ may 9°.
on and put a mark in the square to the poryy Dutlars per aupum for rental will of the greatest Nation nm
right of each state, district 4nd COBBLY | und se of the said twelve fire hydrants, Earth and oll will abide by i.
| candidate for whom he means to vote. /ghat is Twenty Dollars per asnum for Winter needs sup-
Stl another and an absolutely safe. fire hydrant). The said rental wo er Tile wy
plan is to pot & mark in the square op be payable monthly, and the rental for the dlection pom. You
Lismigay Same of sich Poel Sus! each hydeut io cimmeies oth the
wishes to support. takes 100 water is tarned into hydrant sod the
| much time usually, and either of the Fa’ is ready I at ab Warm + Underwear,
j othe mstiiodi ave safe sHOUgH
AAA A A A ip
HA Lr Oa
ShcA SA ek act pi
Sp A
(Mark er
esr i aga which |” opted oe | 3
a ror EE — rental per hall be de
Ty a [yea pe wed ,
Hinks . same for the eleven hyduinte, |
Thropp ean be voted for is tomake a be the
| mark in the square to the right of the
|mametera Jars es otums peo.
i hme oO aoe Aa