f all description can be procured at our Store. A complete line of Heavy at i Shelf Hardware and all Not only figuratively but Iiterally. The most sensitive organ in the body, the eye should re- a a : ceive the the ntmost care. and a general line of BUILDERS | | Have your eres examined T ERIAL kept constantly on hand. See us first before ing. It will pay you. A ou 5 Opie 2:0 THE CAMERI mercial Hotel Tuesdays. Magee Ave. b | { t 3 # BR a ‘and 730 p ng Een oe : will be administered. i Full “double or double sole and Tap Brogans, Men's And. Children’s calf and oil grain double sole} and lace, narrow, § ‘and tap creedmore everyone 4 rg solid leather throughout, worth 50 a pair,your choice MEN'S And Youth's shoes, tap ; Fine Dress Shoes, good sole, lace all solid, sizes from quality, extra’ good fitters, allj12's to 2’s, and 2's to 5's sizes and styles, every irjonly @8cCts. 00. a special bar-] Men's enamel shoes only You are never overcharged $3-50- ; for anything. Everything you {buy is worth the money you pay for it. Competent and po- 3 salesladies aid in every way possible to make buying cry for those who have but a Timited time to stay in the Our assortment is the AS ARS ae