Tvites vou to it sapict Hie steak of : window blinds. (extra size ns to order), room mouid-| paint your house, hang¥opyy oo vou a good suit i clothes from 15.00 upto PANTS ‘S10. from 4.00 he And would specially cali He wit do all attention to the CLEANING, PRESSING and ALTERING CLOTHES. Will be found one door above Kessler's Bakery in the Solo- {mon building with over 1.000 | Fall and Winter Samples. Al his Clothes are guaran- teed to give satisfaction. {amr ug Re Magee pais avenue. Fire Yowor- Some of the Lang shoe of the Wald Consisting of Loaded and Empty Shells, PS Cartidge Fic Primners. Ca Shot, Wads Revolvers, Powiler, Gower, Also a good tae to buy’ | du Flower Crocks S TOBACCO and (NGARS b |The finest He in Pulton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S | Restaurant on Magee avenne, P. BR R depot. — AT ALL HOURS Do your baying of Dry Goods, Millinery, “a | adies’ and ‘Children’s Capes spose CENTRAL - HOTEL, Jackets and Suits at le far RATES $1.25 PER DAY. wr 134-136 Clinton St. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Johns Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. > Aceommodations rhein. Bent of Linwors and Wines ot the bar. Wtabling attached, Omonos FERGUSON, Prop'r. for a "Everything you buy is worth the money you Be for it. Competent and po- te salesladies aid m every ; way possible to make buying is {easy for Attorney-at-Law, Patron, PA. city Our assortment is the argent and prices the lowest A SAO A Ibe good the coming winter. I or large a stock on «, Guns, those who have but a} limited time to stay in the} Fur capes, muffs and boas will = A Le. ehh ET3EEEEEE TOURNE » P PREvEARaRUSTESLRAR waned E $usasgsts © T4488 PRNEREBIZENERE Sua PRES i A # Tk CELE = 3 ® I chide Sok exo k HATRED A Ee BREESE RY Pas tt uate, rollins; at hy | Papneyiicnnts samt Korth western m ¥. € 5 Re : BR & P Time Table. a, Tue Betworn Dus Blots, ae ge nino, Buta, Shiite’ = afte Nov, | a AG Paisoer, from Comet 3 iu Cw op : aan se ditzati § » PSs EasaRa Tew ag duds o ak asi aa i 8 a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers