Yugs oF the Sry EEA HY Giusy Hove. : yas Ina me them : Lo iv ¢ relatos An swaning | anon of int HH people will only profie by excmide [o ru | HEY oan kien eck. a at. wen Ser ow aire hd dug | vr fellow, She LE BE SAE HB 4: SAIUEY Nw He Joe > das fa be eomfertut | # tronely in the soll an ite flor some wx | at he 3.13 ih greek the uw feet in depth inquest of Grjanie re : oe EE $A 7 : . BAR Lae RY) Prone Than natives in shai vieiniey, 3 fo note. on) ening of ony presence, cain in pum: of vandirivg _ For comtarios the hntrticante of i heey daily to witness the procordings, | : of the coun sropics fave bron duTising Ways | ineeroguting the workmen with pefer. | wt in the neh keep cond, Rot only have the pararal #nor 10 the obijest of sur reinsarchos, of | J whew the aliniate | TESOOTORS of their ow sonniries been | Which the workmen were sboat es ig- | mans x feople in the comverted into methods of cotlog norant hs themelves, ; | whemes, bot the moc handoal skill of | One afternoon three stalwart fellows | | “| modern sence has also been introduced ohh ign while Shey at Co 1 oR wa ER fellas by the fabulonsly wealthy ralersof these | staring down into the | the sport The girie st] semibarbarous lands | dark dich below 1 od & Bpunivh | . ing. he natives of Now Guinea, who are | dollar ou dul of earth, and the | | compelled, owing to the intens heat, | BPE moment i Ee the soil on} to go almost naked during most of the | the beup. Picking ftopinm onreices | year, have bit upon 8 sthene that is P28 itn nee bag _ | clnimed to make Jife not only bearable, | | but highly enjoyable during the long, | hos days when the broiling san is pond | | ing down seeping rags of fire. f While their plan does pot tax the brains of modern mience, Jt is, never. theless, unique and involves the labor | y| OL an norms army of Waelen Their © method ie to take a broad stretfeh of | ® . | land joining their Invige villages and made by the natives in expectation of | convert it into a swamp. This is done | finding beried vase, ats Con : | See tn land thoroughly of aii| pavioh. | wegetation and underbrush, only the —— | trees being Jets standing. Br moots of London Barber Ship 5 | pation Iabor, in which Il inhabitants | , AD intemting fratareof the east. end ; {of the village, both men aml women Paster whe BIR fhe He of fy ion Lb The’ ares fom $n they dig a canal frem the nearest di : a a mags, esch bear it toch Teaid wise then in vogoe; ong to Ea + | lake and dram it into their artis ul] DRURY in German fext, the pame of | LJ WOmn_Ly me was A Bush inch in | dey In theres hours he had all the marsh. The depth of water In these he ervnen. The having ming isevident- | FB 3 it patierns wore the | seaney, sovoral ‘1 O U4" and my gol 1| mmpibes varies from 19 80 20 ex 30 foot, is eetremed a valoslie advertising me. ab reeebl | garhi, Throvgh 3 all bo was ensvity according to the cxvarution dose before wm, for many 8 pug bears, in addi-| 5 k fo o the Modern pOStOr | 1eetf and cool as 8 northwest wind, He hand. siug Ey fhe nvvnet 4 lume, ogi epbleeh | ve worn tight; Bine | wens with 1s ty my room at the hotel, Prong are then cal nd carefully strip of iis trsines The ondertaker pate on o e at ramp Rison focked the don, connted wet Whe he | pod of both Bark sud beavehes and! as Shug she pietars of a richly appoint | Bad won fren me aod 1abd ir, with my driven io grooys in Bhuerous parts of | of — Ts 3 nil the proper trappings | ¢ | watch, on fhe table. 1 indigoantly do the mursh, leaving about 10 or 15 fort] oop 0 bas ariher deone abi Bix mong | alined to be thos reambored, but bel above the water. On the fps of ¢ i i tin wh Sutin pig Ronis ™ coed ty Ajspered of the winter by spi ng shilim of plies, fon boners Are Thon boii a — briny io Tha dentist dis- ; 3 foe “All tho Be weal mawlionl, subo Fi and #0 overhang the ms piay pe traditional doobis vow of ane ; tout thn vet} Tix sean parse of Tndi “osting vii! Beying y perfect tooth The fireman's | ¥ han been pobbin mo, and b nr” have been comatructed with greats mug bears tre iuminated pleturs of a 7h You Splared qa | wooiess. Tha inventors of this mode of Bee gine. § kreping cool came from jaland tribes of al handsome mens ndorn thelr | 1 pation, whet the heat Killed of howe cup with photographs of themselves, | a ee very rear These men journeyed Others place beneath their Dares som: fnsrriptions—a wotitaent from the poets | That swat Cunnt sovar jo the Faker shores and thers batit thei | or an od German rhwine of good s em Jango fas rafts Bowe of these | 0 4 piig'y photograph oconsion. pont mice oh _— vier. sears A: pik wy Bre BOW grown be large prov | tia Bris Bands, Hoge, white and appar | POTIOES and rue near MaoCluer's inten, | SHY APPeurs on A shaving mug, styl } atly sft, ‘had nit the physioguensy "Quin, a8 it i now called, | BOT sud then m oost of arma is em. | w which Jie the critieal obseasey soli manila of wy 200 Bosses, They wre all blamed above the cwaer's name, far - inde," Ton they Sudieatid penmontod by ropes, with some 20 funy TORR Cf arma sre ps abo pdant do th r: | r botwonn, snd move with the Hout wd a a: 1] Tian jE ggonTeion Lol Po arms, manish rather thas bags esonrsion feet as ity 0 yea Swi or, Malian, dig ith a tonch ot effane | appears, Farily fonts Goons cnn shore 10, os i | plaid in boner of the dentrted ¢ bs | the other sod up snd dowa the sirvam do ud — Prarson’ . Weekly. Wiliots : 3 sutehing ail he wir that comes from the peighboring forestn. The difference in Fi | gemperature batweon the lund and the Like a Boy. f rt | n a coum tier | rat averages 36 degroos The son of a down town merobant | : hy ; j i Syria the latest and most effecranll we. found crying when Juin father pi- | arms and trophies, ar and cing Whi ssraping the stifling beat sing, TOSI ome Just ight, an that genthy ; | Bone of Blissington, the! been foand in the subterrase: 5 Passages man 10K) « reporter iis Hurhing, L * | word and war of Napolern, and a era. of which the country hus many. Large HATS he mattir, Todmy®" asked | ide over bis bed. And here hie dwells," | foroes of Syrians huve made mammoth | r | Seriton the eirnie, “withosit any doubts] €xcavAtions in the pasaged aud her, | 1 hod fight with Charlie,” wis | Lor remorses, admiring himself in the] deep down in the bowels of the earth, The Searfu) reply. | most horritile pictures which be has built ubodes It is very cool down there, | —-—— you ought not ko fight. painted, and statues which bo ges dona the rocks oftentivies being actually cold. | you right © get whipped, T 5 r him." : This is largely acconnted for by their ne. said the father. A 1 for bs evubt had received within 13 contact with th merous subterranean | Bue 1 diag's ges teed T liokd | mews of his sarriage a eum of £20,.| Waterways, which flow aloog ones) MIL Sobbed Wie bo | J 000, while Lord Blessington arranged | snenntains aad ponte in the roks caused | Well, what aro you erying about " that after [is decease o similar mm by internal volesnio eruptions. Shang j shoald be pittled upon bin for life sc Pron there, hundreds of feat beneath Why, if 1 bd fot bim lick me, he | # Gower gennine pretiom the earth's surface and in, a it were, | 20 MNE burt. And I never thought! Go : quelle, as it was--mnight have made s gigantic tomb, the Syrians pees the | 3DINE that, so wow [ have to fight his! Bim kindly disposed toward his child] heated portion of the day in et ao | Dit brother, about my ste, wud fom | wife, whe, three years after her mar clusion and peaceful rest. lick him, and Fm going w, bocaase I'm | | rings, whet she had reached the age of | Tho Chiness, although a backware| M84 at him. Then F've got to ght the “1 10 grow to be a remarkably handsome and unprogressive race, have noverthe biggest brother, and bes {hres sis big- woman, Not for her wa the “ brilliant Jessi trind many experinents for keeping ger than me, and won's I eatoh itl” : rien enol, arid think they have solved the And Tossmy refund tn be comforted. -- & question by their tree dwelling.” At sshington Star i exeseatne a urge eirvorn on | Jemst it is the most satisfactory method a » | that bas ever buen % oy Ther Were AT Estee. | ma ven pus in operation | «(p, 1 wonder whose pocketbook tis | nak Taking Sngdian, the. tretie 2” sid » man, stooping down and |g we siraniae of Sending picking & wallcs out of he gutter. Soa : er anupire, the patives have built thei | pry mily 4 ny | houses, like in them. This they | out 5 pockethon? bo asked do by splitt brn : and a 10 ont of »ovowd Hf 20 im- branches and fitting the foundation Yea | mullamiy spoke up and suid thas they | | these houses wrurely in these split. | 0 SulcItane » f Perched up + hundred: fect I “Then what kind of coi is it?" selied | Hm punishment of | the si and fn the direct sweep of the the finder of Ehe man newest Bim. the bagno (bath), one of tie most clev: | wind when thers is auy, the Celeatials A deteiled description. followed, and erly croel inf paY ; away the tedious summer day. still another and snothes, but the mal | oficial of the tortars chamber, was ad- | The type of architectors is more preten- owner did uot materialize. : H Hiram mea Edi abhor seid padre (bir drm. hg Setiod Te- | where the water of the lagoons played| log abl. The walle ww ab. | wan who hed found. the pockethask, | 20 prominent part in its penal wystesn. | with curious designs, and the inter “that thers should be su many peaple en . BA aswell of nd Basboc hery together who had lost poeketbookis ™* | of prisoner Was | woven I! the b Jain 4 Bom. a de ~— Louisville Commernial : sides of which were slightly in excess! lightfully evol and airy appearance. Iu Tie Way Out at 1%. - | of the average height of 4 Duan. Inceder| is an ideal pest, sod one in which the Se = | #0 boid in check the rifing tide of a| Celestial never tires of lingering. A hair of whareo anes asked an id | a | supply of water which xan into the vat| Tho king of Siam has a schense on megress, Who was addicted fo the pipa, | in constant stream the eriminal was! which that swarthy ruler labored for if ah scan ht she was & Christian. | furnished with a sooop with which tc] muny years and which, besides being 1 Lin" wag bet reply. | bale the water as fast as it came in wholly original, represents an expends- | “Do you expert (040 4 benven®" (1 The respite from desth by immersion! tare of inoney that would make a dogen ye. deeds. i thas obtained was more or less pro | mem wealthy for life. In mbutance, it is But the ihe Hibie says wihing uneclion Asnged, seeding to the powers of en | 8 mammoth glass room, measuring shat} enn Now, dhe wenth of 4 ug & by the victim. But'same 30 fest square by 15 feet high. 8 | ulcer 14 waclens, What do you tay tu || : the moral tortfre, the exhaust a i toon of & Jaga | | | own vdegorty Dn rE 1218 aban om Rat Oas | Mia 1 rockon lesws me bref bof | the incessant and pitilie toil by night With the exception of the floor, it is A xn 1 Ser da. Wasngtng | and day, 10 stave off | w dread moment, entirely of heavy plate glass closely fit mre o— Y | tast spprosching, when, overcome by| ted into steel frames. It took over fve Glan : : er and fatigoe, be was ooable tai of steady labor to make thigre-| In making glue break the ahests into 1 a agsicst his fate | markable room, snd so jealous of the small pieces, cover rbemy with steeng | Moniteur in Pay. : secret was its imperial inventor that vinegar and let them somi a few hours What » jerman Wants. a be ee wa 33 wok. | nome col, sh When the glue : “in the forel bo dave to a different place and by work becomes cold, it should be liken jelly. | » hard time. The following is an exact | Tertaot the with the other | When the glue is to be used, the vebel | | of u letter civid in this city | 307 pot structure. —New York Jour. | containing it should be placed in » dish | Minks Banish Suskee The wheat af southern countries om. Walter mocoasing were formerly vo: tains moe albumminaids than that grown | | in gn hn Fk, me = ets soe tod : {La In recent years they have become | hence is better suited for the manntao- po | sarce, while minks have increased inure 3 macaroni. pambers. Old hunters thero say thas the amin in thidead]} enemy of the Makes In 1818 Havens was dnsclated hr and that in a fight the Narva al 20 which destocyed 350 house 18. the :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers