ni Gi Theses and Then | and wvihey Apa, ek 1 3 jasiers in the tine of Bae | Bia Khan made $t appear 16 thie » ho tw Jooked om as if dishes from the tables actually flaw throngh the air Cran of 4 the travelers win visited the regions of fold. J a Hi i ti Se or Prowas } whinh Marco gives os son wating ERT pe : : hadi i the Hibir a they wine ana ay bean, Amd Juggicre canes ent of gold Lover in mstonishe ent. It wat Hank! oo 0 0 Bb a SEA 4 | to fly through the air and offer thet: | Fhompson who finully walked Wp fo the a irsow| Soruisup acres ge tect) ah si. | selves fo all wha Het fo drink.” Aut | worn man on a Rtroet corp ated groff- | H ¥ barrie thie taken 10 Big Mp whawld Thn Batota, a Moor whe 2 itd Catlisy {iy domamiled: plained] UC idk pover acetik in my pis 4 century after, gives this ncconnt of A > Ruy, haby, are yoo Jookin for yor a howto Eee oh ¢ iin and cup | smile incident: marsin bottle?” : i Add, ah vil promt wold, Jou sre Bob Ww Fo desiynatead ty ! . ral BA. Bight a Jngaiex Aho Yeu Rinr, do on aldecth me?" naved Tt ie id ts they - ; ihe i - pine of the his 8g the Foung man ae be straghtetied vp | 0 pend ped des oS rhe. all Tha mathomabicoe » i w of the _ ned the cnr 8 im. t 9%an het Wiar's yer mae al bow | Wey ret in Paid vive By Che nets on the poly rs ' 1 steement aid ues fal UF ase AGE Cone an SY EI 8 Hd you hap 10 gee lost?" [0 Beige, ais Bt . Ay ma ith home, thiv, and [ ao pot When Shs a with sever s croekin wy be Won are vory rade thir.” re hip ~¥. B Yeots : are very rode, thir," gacsind i oA ; senor wi he beckoned to the boys to BUSY CLIFF DWELLERS. : 4 Wie g i i S Bo i ¥ 5 2) SH sind baying 5, the | conte tag bn tha con os (10 Ihe ain 1 Ss bh hak we slows in aed dpe tho fon, nd. bp : : # | yong man a4 be Jonked the other ove, Hie Peels Women Are Litany Ba Sehnt you don't like oy Jookiis The (li people a8 3 busy folk,” Rd Jokie witieh proreekid gp | DRIREE el gm | 2 tH people sh ey : ; 3 among the bonals. | court + ; said only o Betle | Ng, 1 dotith.”’ : writes Haamim Coerland in The Ladies’ ww dim i tors are pardoved | it of a thoig 10 the con | oand that you want to plik as futh Home Jotroal, in ap article deenbing any biunger, func ever, boone ther © hink ch ha dowtred one of the bop with pat : tie how ok iH and cusfomuof the o very tatn. | BPS, With ow SXOUpLIGIA banioroas | Whe sedsicd him te lay bold of 1% and | mA fos with a baby. Ha hi, bat’ elif dwslicn of the sonthwest--"the Faas of | ‘who nfiven the tedium of | most. Ho hd, so, elbaibing by the | posred Hank mest myiterions people fu Amerion St with woeres quips and Jets, Tie thong, aud wi lest sightal his aden. “Thiy, | ain take care of mepthelf.” hn desigtintes them. > he women grind Pores. Whe are copstantly se 2 | The conjures tis enlied fo hime these © “Don't want suy ma to rouk you 10 gal aml weave blankets ariel basknte anvarsing dnllndes and difinieno, ase times, but gesting po answerer hi smateh- fgleen, ahi | wud male very internsting and alun pot apnred when they tauke Sips o Yi ed 0p a kate ne if in 8 road veg er t “Wa thir, and I want pm to go! Benutifal potiory. Fhe old men make tonne, rE Ds hold of the thong aan disap ise. | gway before I burt you. Wien I'm siocenkint vory deftly, while the young. LOA pmeper who in Ble Glare OF 0 % ow Boys ome Af the | pited J thoot™ me oF met gn down from tho oliff © the ; “Hour Bidi—he theots?' shouted the fislds to tend the growing cop #0 % HF 8 x search thi straggling oom aE it battles ygainer drifting hot sund and against « da 4 : : 4 : of thoie dHmate. Banh woring while I . shin What the Boo | BERS the prousil air ned | Of course Twas Whose finnk or yeas in [ano § heard the men at sar ir # cre Tanopirg uf Los pRB CEH § 15 Buoy aa pean, Th | surpethag did you escape fron dd lawn gn singing down the steep rade a8 tid stapddity pi ly | SEE gave : Eek UO sade Thir } thes thath yop whpt me hewn inte the prrpla plat nd Their qua- pl bre gre ib an : 21 omy friend ip eek the Twla Ped | shoot yon, zal shoreforn 1 will thot Meting sings i ated ip to ma with a Fries fowas Loe Brgleh aia Suid shew foe gna wnless you go awsy. trange bBeanty. Bah morning, while 4 tary ulin a hore fave a kick, whan id arn Wal Oe will thent! Fi ha, Bal Bome 1% Wan arid] dark, the women wolos me Gia Jokes We TX bi tut Bonen of | the BOY, X got ap and stood before hedy gir some sugal and a rafs Mebbe lay catering the roam where 1 lay to Srncnd A int fram Lhe ne Al this preteniehiod rhe hes nad pens | pats hungry : : jing orn, und wach nights I went 10 ae Of mirtie. n fushing seavuay olin | ure, and 1 Rud au attack of paiitatin | SORIE oo tioct, bat thee T| Hioep tothe rogulab shythum of the meal bo ssovemens of plenirabic sn Like that which overcat Tue Ghee bes | peeth,”t suld the young sa, and before tag stonn timed to the mystical wolic bait the fondest aoghter follows su fore in the presense of the rnitan of Tie | anybody eos imedd ww inak bie wis at he had lous ching of the tdling women, : semmarplios § s | Hin when he shownd pie something of | pulled oat a little popes of pop and | “Lat 6 bo anid that these is no wou o fhe Jiodee ta compet ina The Kiwi Ali | mont mix biickabob bullets site Hawk | 80 slavery among thew people any more i and guoth hes 3 | Thempeon's suntorny, The big fellow than among the Navajo The seanien | “Ivonid bavl proovedal wn romark, (ie mv evinion thers les bon nel | stagered about and fell dosia, wud eve | BFE chief property holder The bouse ia abl a poping Ge tater, if Pha pd Usher pong up wer toaing denn, Bab erybedy Ehiing ht he was dond for oti genni the woman's, and discent is Already anticipated apd Tepiated uy thor musrisis rr mending “Div all ho 1g doctor foekad Bim over avd anid ne through ber dnd nit through the father. ou cus pric = Nouh Brooks fu 86 Kick | vital spot hud bean tooched, Fauk uy | The men are seldom yore ia MuhHES hax. il | with hie ores closed for » long, long and dn Acoma and Walp, a5 well ar in MODERN PRISONS. time, but be finally oposed flan and Laguna and Zuul, Taw the men fak- +i ? nd ht ie he other fort, then to { terror ws be Janghed all ovr taay, Ra Ana jem 2 yr | bers, what ix this thing anyway?’ » down bb sil putting and L “Wath you miering W me ¥ pskond w ; bilge : | the ying man, tainly aaked ; fag sae of Uw hablo ane doing it with: the zpos : no es Ra “Pps, have T bin shot or yrhat? great wndernpes sud smiling paticnos. we Thiet Vers Famprovesmenla Ay Wiat Drive : * : Sie an 2g TG 5 v his spoccn ; : i] ih Eis Convio ad * § os, yon 've bia shot, amma ered one. | 1 ms BO svidence of auy severiyy exoapt Ji was croc} treatment, but possibly | wg aml be at theta elit | Wha did BF’ in case of the ald women. They we une rg 3t was wholoscane discipline fir RoryR: | ory oo op uci mended Priors “The young feller that Joska Like a to be the diradges of the house bold iw ire- | Jous speaker who bad baud the Pa | ae oss ale be ihe CO del and Tapa” g Waipl and in Acoma, carrying wood Lie wndicim obi. thd ed derteen are Boonly ahve bo the posible ar i aa § Betiion of water ¥ dhs steep tradl, Lienos of his sudionoe on seas 0008 | toy of shaming, sud they besitats 0 “Curent Hontt, you don’t tall mel” | and Bolts if Wa or Bp tp Wh, | beg enalsom i edeie rs A ee tn the avs. | | Yon Br driv six bullets right tute | bent, withered, morse foe CR le Ce af ea Rt mand} Purliatuent i ok he hardeyt of all | can for tie administration of which yer owrcamy, Hank, snd you won'y cau | DE They alone of ail these people of vorbis tier, | min in wih 1 serve ih SPREE | Cy sen wi irgely roponeibie, Stil | SL CD ei RT [ead meme? quadragpeds are nok | tieeship In public rpeaking. x. Farnell | yoy foot reiiaing that the ratio of insap-1 [ADS 1 wis that fellar?” | tn Parva i | Searneil to speak when the members | oo oo gl mL Can Bigenines Peruvian Potiortes tut | were bent wri interrupting Biss and | Xn TT Bas exantly doubled sion | Weal, durs my Bide Tvs alts), A loig. aif heed in a distinguishing. tel be 15 oe Sub Se 5 7 : 4 a y to FB 39 ; : : Co ; ®i a. LE yaa] font ed pitch af tho Pirayviag ll ing i bot low publi met) The admitted general increwse of in. heard Hint nuthin on the fue of thie tery, wid nearly every rN po f bave 6 pertinacity and gt that Bo | cee i not so flaient to seonunt | wirth conlil Hep and shoot, Wo LE baad bibstmadelbae Contin a 2 gis faye. i ot a 3 y i a HG Many Fi fg Eh ent Ea] woODLNS for i ga WE by Ea ww Z x] nent sgitls 5% Sars af sae Blt, hove he | GiRpaye jo Wad never, BoWever, Bioeng grartli aware dfsetuiine fellers that toid me hade’s never run ye a : | bore. His sunnier in bis sadly days § is startling fact. Prison discipline is ts. 1 EE {ug holes tom pAosent ess and ciher bore. His nsbner in his sadly days inf et mbiat and therefore | OF ag’in 8 baby, '—Chicago News ig, Tm aaa Aan Bl poriiareent war crude Cand halting, Bat now more Je Barend, and therefore RA Ss in] i pen ES a SEE : ey 2 Passage for the al he always Bad something to wy, al mre depressing. I Yory improvements | | Win Mistake. | ade Tosiea cat by she Haguid wis poor wi i ehongh he aid not 51 Seat i ae AW Beaw mn this respect tans thie nears ot of a COlergynien are frequent sy jrock sory | ed inte the eossck By AN DRAB El i. : st | say iL ~=Youth's Companion. 1 man.” It js probatie that prisoners | gliory but, as a Fain & propir dignity | trivanoe the wir in swaping pridacs § . 7 $7 : Rn are far apples = the old napefir wooed 1 prevents then frond Wa i) oo appear wend iar thin BEY af LIE Renae | Ciremmatantist Evidaios. prisous, whem they herded togother nd Lf gas Nght publicly, The: following | feprestiicd, Tiras a utensil dooomted wntispsa 5 66 ton had companionship of & kind, vas narrated to Teporter bit a pope with ti monkeys embracing sal othe A gentleman in a country town, Kaye | : wa sed tow yoparter hy a popular | thie New York Lodger, recantly tocume | 0 Au expers witness who had passed | gio. a PET en, on living water poured fut oF from ® 1 conecions of met suspicions glance four and twenty years in jail told the | ep, pw dug of gay early ministry,” | 15 weniil give a sound jike the sorvech- : = Y 2) ‘ wat hay by bia etiam and sts : prison SOMME Save startling things ha said, og thenghs 1 neceRary 5 Prag ing ofl fhe Anipanin One : beat 2 quaintances. hen he 3) Based cut Aare froan the COBYICE # point of view. The | press thonigha of salvation by ovary with a birel wold “anit birdlike tides, + chat bis footie ps were dogand. rulve, he sitid, are soo aiinute SOF bOMmAN | thing I otters, wint I am sivaid I was {While g mountas in ant ou ano Jur woald A comstolie was ocossRbally seen observancs, snd rome nitude are (OMIT | gonetines not aliogether aluipvet, mew; makes coiled around anche ; ATS round ia > his yd aid suegaenily 8 unable 10 bear the strain of them. Al “My flared work wos in Hi eesti would Bis The ost CULTOus hint we stranger, who stierward toned ot tp an pay bo peported fur knocking |g fning ensps snd 1 hid to gizin over have been was the fgure of mn aged be a detective, appeared. Tiiturod and something over in hin call, though i% | pugny ae w roagh howl to ait for 4 woman When the Jar was in us, het troubled, the gentleman st lust sakod may be ly pure accident. The name | goon 10 convey me to wy destination, sobs hicame audible, sad teats wrickied friend the meaning of it all : for this cifesse in “ansecessary noe.’ | As the gable a savage {ooking man sid | down ‘her chesks The manufacture : : “Pont you know" wid he They Aa the por wretehvs waik thiir weary graft: : ea I memed 1 hava kuows all about satus. : 1 mpact hui ot der gs : round in the exercise yard she 1oRY fail WR paight be ver lps, young fb pherio! frome. De ie Plangeon bad + | “What do you mean? out. The firsy off cuder or the ht—any | « <Gaving souls.’ Easid « eanly. opstramed this It represented 8 don 1 “You received a postal card last ane, in fact, cu whet the. wander's e¥8 | «(ght was the culy rejcine. bie hwaded hind. The vesscl had to be 2 | week®” | ha pens v0 fallin Liable to pruishment | «Afrer suppor & coapsely fesse mil Tied through » hole in the bottom, and evi. Bitud it qr this miischanon, ; ars WEI ot bi ting 16 over Dot & ArUp We “Vers likely I received a doesn.” . 3 { approschied ne aod wad yet in tuming 1€ gees a drop would . wBat cn on ote Were written these | In this way the conylet gradually an. ws ‘Parioer, lo’ 's make suse kind of | spill, bot the Hud wonld readily flow words, ‘Be sure and save the oo ut gi. ExpvIan Hat Be lewies dicker. We're in thor sae foe, ag [08% when the jar was simply inclined. Kill tho father.’ snd the pou “e BU | him-—the round the oo wr glaney Bihar ain't pnd for Ny | en —Porinlnr Scenes Monthly, kn the father, and She poaaaeer Lyin whi drends a ty rt 00 the pouno thar ain't wood for both There's a i thly. read’’= A YS BB STIR OL 1 But at this & smile, ending fo a Xe want a new Howard if the system Samp frie up the erik whiz yo' corld Cautivan Prophet. BH RE ahs Nisiiaes Thal) only hilf as bad aa it bs said to be by | “think wold a Ee Bah Aa In these days wien people are wont ped laugh, broke in upon the dislogne. The | oo wha bi aaa ae I think you we miitsken. my ant hui” var } ¢ : hate Whe have bait remAcn: to know. — | sand anid CT am a spe OF Lab | nla any sistas mie ein He postal care bud come from a theatrical pmsuagir, for whom the getiean had dy PL to : ; ‘written a play, which the manager ot Bresd Fad nis Te fa, PAT, kL thougit sor of the complaissit manper in which wanted amended in certain particnisin | “Dy you knew,’ nsked a police was o cobbler!” *— Wanhs ar. So by pa wow England Al {what that evowd of young M0lety peo Jost un Woman's Wisp. I nnek!™ for the year 1709 kod later, pre ple Jn doing w Sor igi Fabs sini Poo weapon stood cn thi wrong «of dicted the weathez, ina oF . bre batng Barsl ironed muny | : Vas t before mpduight In ths of & Cross street that futeribon Fea “Furhupe,”' he says, from 1 his or rin plein BarhiY Yb west ¢nd, and a group of young folk had | way and signaled the cable tare, cuir uo | to the 38d of Jaumary, “it will be very . stitan | time. The wealthy Abyssbuis en [TS chutting merrily, into the door Of | goa thers shoot hy In the moe wz cold weather if ir frase LY the tie £ whos be fs togoestionabiy | insisted that their husbands should take a largy bakery. Se | yating way. ] or on thesuny sideaf a fence ak noon. © | nunBl though 1 into Ahoir owusen these priseoers who on “Thay will wait there,’ continued vWell, of all the trapudenos’™ In April bo nays: “Pris wot erm a i tenicr wreicon that graf | Tebow until the fist batoh of | ~Did you ever! | weather if it rains. © “Now fair wiaths Cd Cg : EEN a] read in taken out of the owen, which “Why, it's worse than wo read ahont. or if than slvines; + “Windy or enh dh _joccury about 12 o'clock. Hot pread | Hore one of the griptien sbhoamy And in July he writes pleasantly, d | janchis sem to be getting all the rags | comething and waved his huid back “It now the weather do prove fair, peo: B {| among the swell sf, for every night | ward | ple to Cambridge do repair. { about this time I see group after group | What did he say?” It appears that! Mr Samuel Clough go Bp to the door of the bakery and pro- s“iopmething about the wrong corner.” Koes btw to weave hime! against [eure the freshly baked bread, so Bot | Well, Pye got bin number, asd 111 | critioiem, : | thas it scorchies the pager. They take 1% | poport him for not stopping ' {to their houses, and there i% is eaten . Here a policeman cue np and took ii i with plentiful spreading of butter and | thom to the lower wide of the sixesh, Numerous Sap primerves. To be thoroughly enjoyed if where the very first car stopped §. | Jontlier ure produced : must not be cat, but polled apart with | gum, 4 : Hid Considerable quaptitios are made to the fingers, '— Washington Timea And they both said: simatilate glased Kid, black and colored, fist is 4 thing of the pest | Welliagten on the Defent of Ligny. le. Er © {sewmblanes to the veal that the differcaos : hem no self. respecting race | xt morning Wellington wes con, : iid is mot always discernible, even 1 men ea saad GEOR she with Geppral Bowles when a | From Her Point of View. fumbi. or with the trade. They ure in use: hat or OB | tat \ Mics drew up, his horse flecked | Both were vury young: They ston [in the production of show that can be | with Noam, and whispered the news of | guxing into a stors window, admiring |#old at low prices, fur which the demand | Ligny. x change of counte~ | the pretty frocks thut chiliiren eo love, | 18 RrCAber than neoal in those times — nanos, and turning to look 1s the tagged figure | Bboe and Leather Reporter. ut the @ pasion: “Old Blacker has had 8 ~—r beside ber Marjurin said empariin ee oi cus mainly Lgoed licking, aid gene back to Wave, [atoly, “Little girl poor little girl, an Einssin produces eight bushe els. of ere few and far between Peston | I8 piles. As Le bas gone back, we |those your besitos clothes?’ what to the ave and might produce ep Le Eat rush go tuo. 1 suppost 30 England they | “No,” the other resporided with a twive or three times that gnantity it ; ] will say we have been Vicked, I ean’ [solemn shake of her bend, “my buses the cultivation were as careful and aye help it, as they have gone back, we |clothes is wored ont» —Boston Hernld. | perraany or Franee. must go too. — Wiliam ‘M. Bioane in | hl nn ] : oom LL } none hors ee | Muoggins—Is Bjones weil informed? | called tie Sconrge of God. The desclar ; kes An FBunoeent. Buggins—Y es indeed. Why. he No- | tion he wrought in Europe aannot be tpi amr She-—Am 1 the Sit girl you ever [mally jo as the avers Head even at this day without the ut-7% 6 of buildings snipe Adsaid 7 : iy it be nl Leanne in Rome in the | He (nurprised b- Why, nol 1 have i CT Lobes sisters —Sonierville Journal. | ‘While nowt of Menalek's Falian pris- a ig
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers