this weeks’ vacation, : ps penn] sok turds in a Jine. comme Lut once anhasl: : y be wasted in beck. yw tind, snd the r ee did Bot pomsess Then, Jy— fearfully 80, fw he bad mane mips, for be knew Fpl min. : A 6 sop ut some definite : regard the men EE nd : : loning peacefally, do you want another » jy the biz you might . Yom know oad yesterday? Well, he’s one o “em, er | miss my guess He didn’t want you up here. Mistook you fer s government ' chap See?” Bob grew inte » him. Tne regult wan | that the miner's 4 were cor rect. Several ings lute on scare head Opt i a three column ; article from The t at Jimtown followed a visit to Rocky Canyon . en¢ officials and a “The close of Bob’ s vacation found Mm in the midst of the government raid, and a telegram from The Meteor™s man: : : aging editor complimented him on his , pod work and roguested him to remain - Jimtown antil farther orders One night » belated traveler wm rofled ap in A Blapkot under a treo, nine miles from - Jack Doolan’s mining Tn His horse was tethered near by. Toward morning the sleeper wae gently aroused by the madden tightening of a rope sbont his waist, pisioning his arms 0 his sides. He looked up to we four men, two whom might have been recognized as members of the counterfeiters’ gang. ho had somehow oscaped the onde of | ho be and for whose recuptore a heavy rexcayd wan now waiting. The others { srerd strangers to him in the main fuets {$n the mimrder case, and remained ithe background, though po one of tie four seemed #t ail timid shout being ob served The prizomer saw at once that he was known, but he waited silently for the ainouncerent of bis fate. “*8a you're the chap who brought the hobbies down on we uns, alr your be fan the recognised leader tauntingly. : "Come up here and spied into what vas fime © your d——d biz and reported it - Do you know the fate 0” the spy?’ The man remained silent, “Wall, they says thelr prayers; wo if ray: A | you've got any messages 10 Cire up ‘ard ast I ¥ teres with the nay wt of this t to us. Come bait A was convinoed Doolan’s. yom better be about i, station eloses in shout three mingtes’ Tie proscner felt ward ie chin Alrewly the other end penn ower a Fil of the tree onder which | be lays He set his teeth firmly, threw out bis wrmt ins final, desperate, al no uzocmacions stroggie-—then it was eer. * » > * * The Metocr went to press early. The | Pirefly 1.04 The Recker held open late | for terther particulars of & mysterious , Iypehing that ocnarrid in the Rocky : Canyon district the previous night. The . Meteor know nothing of the event until E the rival papers announced in leaded “ines that avother horrible erime had | beet committed fn the celebrated Rocky Canyon A gentioman, whose ame had thouglit to be a government official, bad been food by members of Juek Poolan’s mining esmp banging to a tree moveral wiles from imtoo Todi cations pointed to the escaped counter feitery as the perpetiatons of the deed. For the frst time The Meteor’s oor- The Meteor couldn't understand it Message after message, wired to Bob Long, Jimtown, was reported undeliv- Lered. The Meteor's editor grew desper- ate. Then, as it neerd time for another “edition and no story cue of the lynch ing, he determined to satisfy hime}! snd hix readers on one point at least © Be sent 5 briel message to the operator at Simtow, ‘Who was that jay who as iynched up there the other night?’ Inumedistely the wires ticked back, “ Bab lang "'=Brookls n Citimn, sa The Reeen. Jira wi io rs and —— a One is the beech, than which there is | po better of more beautiful lawn tree. | The branches are Jong mud graceful, the leaves have a peculisrly bright color, the buds are Jong, | limbs lights up the shade of the thick | follawa in 4 dark E Say and 4 shines in the 0 attacks of insects. We plant itn for- 3 relative, the copper beech, solely 1 : tive, handsomer tree is utterly neglected. For a sual Inwn tree there is no better _ Justice—You are charged with steal: : rented, He wam't par. ticularly smxious for another scoop, but E neither was he in the habit of letting a of shes popes slipping too pointed and polished and the bark of the trunk and larger ase of One Minute W. Hodgkins, Patton bs the prompt Congh Care. C. : Pharmacy. that's goin, and there's it round these diggin's jot . We're mspicionin, Jack | | snd me, that thay's a gang 0’ connter- : | feiters back in the mountaing some’ ers. ; know that feller yon met on the Ripans Tabules cure dizziness Ripans Tabulex pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules: at droggists. Ripuns Tabules cure indigestinn, Ripans Tabules: one gives reilef yielik ure nausea. Speed and saf of the age. are cared by it. Pation Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules curd dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules curd headache, Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabnlex; for sour stomach. Ripans Tabulex cure torpid fiver Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabulek . Ww. Hod R. 1. GRORGE, ATTORNEY - 1. association. Ww. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at EBEXNSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. J. 1. DIXON, i ContractorsiandiBuilders. Plans furnished on appl! cation. teed. DIXON & McMAHON. tts will sell you wall paper. window blinds. {extra size, made to order), room mond 1ngs, paint your hotise, hano your wall paper at a Xeasonabl e Price. Care this ere : Corner Drug Store, Magee avenue. but who was Some of the Largest Fire ITasur ance Companies of the World are represented i5 the | respondent at Jintown was scooped. | Protect Yo our PROPERTY. = *Office in Good Building over 1st National Baak PARNELL 3 COWHER. Agents. ... FirstNation’ Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID v P, $0,000.00. SURPLUS, #0,00.00. Aveo of Corporations, Fins, fi vistn- ale ard Banks meetved wi Hye pened vais tle Fras. Cosa ibrnt wit sale ad a Sona TY RITYE haoniing. Sisnmmahip toler Toor sale Rig aif the honding Uv, Pome Tsfts dnyvadile fn the poincipad ettion of the (3d Wari, CAM woerespesiie es wilt Co personal atieaihn Internet paid on tine deposits, AE Parvron. Wu H Haspwponp, President. SUBSCRIBE For thie Bava prstapd and 2) cl Julep’ w chickens Have you : ly are the watihwords One Minute Congh Core acts speedily, safely and never fails Asthma, bronohitis, coughs and colds | gkins, AT » LAW, P WBE GALLITZIN, PA. -. . Solicitor for German Nations B. & { # . Law, }} INT) fen) Wigton promptly attended tn. Offi In Armory al, Ripaus Tabules cure constipation. Beech C rook Railroad. N.Y (C&R R R. Co. Lessee. Condensed Time Table. © Rud A : ET } May 17, D6 1 Ye Noa tr m ie & &r i 8 5 Lm ar yn $485 Ie of ag -* po 5 wr er -* New Tipo Manta Siletiotis Cleartient June lense ; 3 he = - Bg REERSEBUE aw 0 Eee ER EAB aaRas Na Fiearfield Jane Ww gir 2 Moria Mines Munein Pibiipahury ERsESESE hd Ii ¥ 3 ASHTHESS Bux annreeBEREESES YELams hk hE NE RE SESE wl el J Egnusasszusn EE ANHANSYEBERUSBENESSET HE nnianENe Wil Hamaport m pm oy FWasiidays oN v hy? Han Rand BNE Connesliions At Willlsmsport with Phils pode wid Hanae stipoad ol Je Sire Fiancting with the Pati Brock By cat MUD Hall with Conia Bath med of Pennsyvaniag at ; 1ipmditivn with Peorghe Foknis relive; at < Foe hester with the Sgt Pintsbarg adler, 2M whi - and Patton Laid Cuanbets snd E nvrieid vdston of the Pepuswrvunia mail hatte with fhe Penman tere suitwny, A. 45 Unlmesr, Sppetimtendent. a Ree SU WB “ ox SSeanass i ; Natty ; on Paiers V ae, oy J Pockets in pei Pasty. fn Siew from I aaa of Pia Ent, Dauble he varied 4 ; iia ; 3 samme Prive $206 oy > sn ” B R & P Time Table. The Short Line betwivn Dafiois pda, Lead td, Sammanee, Hale Hoehester aa Flatts, sad pods in the Dpler oil Remi. Good work guaran. elothes from Second Sore room from = pets CLEANING, teed to give Cashier, BL AUKEERRY CORDIAL Bape sure or ail wows, Every bottle guaranteed oF money, Je Cir and Giter Now Hr ele Finis Twit anfive abd dvprt frome Fas Orel 3 nation, daly, eteepl Mundy, on Tollows {ER 81) Batibo wind oehestor mmih For LD Heel sbnre Die. Ridewuy, Delamonbare ME 1 Jest, Beadion tse, Datfhle avd : Crowe diamimrs wa Jenga wiih BER pale Rae, Wines, £ ial fetal Re i eran Tron [Treadifiodd, Johiisea- bang. Ridgway, Hroekwayvilee, and ober: pwede dations, Sa Yniols aral Prinses CD me ney 5 op, 14, Aerenneda ting For DaBols, Sek- i Bg Fun, sired Pasig ta wines. ae po mo Beauiioed Aon wei wadn tion For Eo Peoediiree, Broeftway ville, i, Exitmon, Curmion fhitgary, Johmonbiing, ML Jewell, io iid 2p 1x Wor Pa Bolle, Sees, Bie Ron, Co Panasiip wines, ond Walston | Tradne OE RE Syston Cand Monaentawnes 109T Exp - Bread lord snd Insermestinte rE oie sty, ssi psestat on foe rt TY * . ab Expres from Pusssatarnes; G80 pm, atl frosses | i as aril Roehpstior, C & M Division. FALLS 5 [aE aot AY ix - 2 | —— Cc Past Cronk rs Pas Pos Piste vu ste Juinethion Meg dirty Lathomsborg AAAS Tens 25 as 8 wr * fnvites von to inspect | stock of A nd Nox MCh kh ARNT TRILOR, alkali aXudiianwdes Exsdssaaive 8 % B® Se sodas gesans te sus? good sit of : EY JE Will stake you a ! p 7% 4 Ay. CR La hail, Foxewpt Novia, ; Wei 21 sivemeets at Ta Bois far Bide aay, Soles P ht a Eng Train I Sah ardware: And would specially call atrention to the PANTO Tem up Ww fps WEE Sporting PRESSING and ALTERING Department CLOTHES. Consisting of Loaded cand C. C. McKelvy Empty : a ! yes wun sae AT sxnretpie ‘iH he found one door above Primers, Laps, Powder, esster’s Bakery in the Solo Shot, Wads, C mon hilding with over 1,000 pn v1 11 : Revolvers, Bte Fall and Winter Samples. AD his Clothes are guaran- satisfaction. Hradiiand, ae and LB bater Frinton Not TF oovioeets at Da Hole or mda, os wed Pitfaburg. Peds Nin. 74 convets at Clstetield with Feel Urvelt metiroead Thr Philips hele Cbg Jersey Shion W Hitsmaport, § Set Philade “wrod Netw York. Thonsind piite telvets wl wo cons ger nibs, iw Tyr psi hed wees A stations, hand © apes, Gen, Pas AR : Rowhaster, Bw Plotentgers are mgilesitad to PE a Yin De Pa he purist This gates ATS enous cle of Tarr eats will Bes cediroted By ponduetors win flares wee paid OB LELDRK, $108 atl sitions sehen bh tele offer Be ouintatesd. PPR ey % THINGS to make the THOUGHTLESS think. Shells, Cartidgus, Guns, THAT THE RIDER Also a good time to buy ting Dicycle enjoys his trips more than other riders BECAUSE His ‘wheel is lighter. The long chain gives easy movernent. The polish of the bearing Jide that Quinn's Big Store 41.2% PER DAY glidle-—that eaxy glide--that pleases. 3 PER DAY. war £ 34-136 Clinton St. CATALOGUE $0. 18 STAMPS, Pa. 1 KEATING WHEEL Vou are never overchargu HOLYOKE, Mass. wer Flower Crocks TOBA and (OIGARS . The frien Hse fa Paitin at SRA BER Py % iy WON G. |. FITZPATRICK'S Restagrant on Magee avenue, near BOR depot. MEALS AT AL Fe BOE is, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R CORDELL, Prop’. Asvammpedaticos the bent, First-oluss Rar in enphaeetiog, De your haying of Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ and Children’s Capes, Jackets and Suits at 5 FETS Vh A U8 <n] AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clenrfield Co, Pa. yaaa renta tion fenton Hest of anor advil WE shh altace, Johnstown, CoO. rm al The head Geos FERGUSON, Prop'r. for anything. Everything vou! buy is worth the money you pay for it. Competent and po- lite salesladies aud in every way possible to mu ale buying. easy for those who have bat a limited time to sty the OfMice in the Good ae erty” Our assortment is the! largest and prices the lowest. Dr. Meeker's Fur capes, muffs: anil boas will CELEBRATED REMEDIES. he good the coming ites ‘We have a large a stoek second floor. James Reuel Somerville, Artorney-at-l PaTTON, PA bared tremble, tint aml pain. CLD NGITONIL, for oulds Forsalis be all dealers in medicines in all Spe 3 pede! for rhea. | fase
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers