The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 01, 1896, Image 8
nr 4 the noble, : nLvies of the} highe ef these the on | ¢ from the bay "Meon hy in ‘Lady Sadith” | petical as well as the > are of this rémarkable hat Imprisses the visitor to San | most | areibly is the peonliar | window. Bat this Lo ei it 2: nt the F one with weak lungs or The summer is harsher Tr, BY He gr asa we Tren He Precumin Like Any | his Ling in the family. The bride was an 0! gant of bessty and loveliness who be 20 | lieved that the affair shouid be o com- ® | fmportance, and to me it was one of the Teally reat events that are crowded into ! had no pa | adornment. Beonnse of this pronounced - ideas. My conts were from two to three {inches lomger than those authorized by | the tendency of my punts was to make : — on this cooasion made me the any that it was fearfully and wonder | meted licenss, It was the pent up yearn: RoiD ThE SPEER en © THING. Other Se nibh Man. oy wise fever dressed Ware to my sats 1 Jt declared Nebbily, who is now the “pink of perfection in attire, Caan 1 was on the cocavion of the fing | marriage that 1 bau the honar ¢ { attend. mensirate with her conception of ifs dividual life. : Be Hq my father was one of those | stern nen who seam fo have largely dis red w th an early generation. He pat oe with the little vanities of our common human nature and could net be bromght to defer to the pride which manifests itsell in personal bine on his part my dress had always been in socord with his most practical most | the prevailing syle nil made with spe- | cial reference fo prospective growth Beoatve of the san dominating idea, ms ‘walk Spanish,’ while my vests were oonstrooted without special refer. | epee to the messurements made by a wtent tailor. it the intervention of family iz- happy dictator of my own outhit To fally mado is tet a modest claim when made in ccumection with the honest facts. It wes representative of untram- ing for freedom worked out in cloth, i i frimzaings and that conven dont grade of | | jewelry that has no piace in family beir- Joma, “fiadf inch braid was then in vegas, that worn by me was a Bush jpeb in | breadth. Fancy vist patina were the ! propis thing; mine would have present. | odo hopeless task to the modern pater | artist. Rants wers worn tight; mine amotnted 10 nema of cramp People | wonld stop to ask who cot that cont, fogs render the Dights ehitly wi =a and deny Chua: os Cohn id HAR SR AE « AND SHOVEL PILE. Gh hy ap Old Be. 1 me 8 bilo of on the sicowalk in ho a said un old soldier, : ue ink of a pile of sbovels 4 : up at the tnd of a fu art ho irk at the time of vil war Ther were siege fans soriars of one girs and snother in on koutiered along thoes worke— particular buttery that 1 spunk of re two 100 pound rifled gous % 0 rnyerm tween the tWO er the outer side of each, ton unfie retand, teing a i 5 rath raoning Yack from pat find at right angles -seet the gon and the gun- | lutersl fre. This pile of = Hw nf} of Su : shot vole | Bn i rs Tl amare xed mud adn the foros gun bad just i dhe men id all sand and front of | °F 1 quered monastery bo lungs to the early | history of tac Canary ialands and is fe | 3 pasts shirt sods netracted wi wy 2 attention that tha youthful mind could a for envy. oh in ail the gery of & soi gmph,. and 304 4 was that samo #i0 parnpt who fonnd shied plessory in the | damling exhibition, for bad to clearly i | | t wy find nothing from de tromen of ray bead | Roles od aay feat apn Which wr hee ive so. AE happened 8 dh | yet 3 am got | thom. i trot Fre i fe BESIEGED BY NUNS. Ss The Corio Tale of » Monactery In the Canary Felande A vartons tale of 5 besleged and cot | told by Charles Edwardes in Lig do seription of the jwes Li the aviy part of the eighteenth cratury there Hved in Orttava, oni the tsiand of Tonixile, a | eomvent of Dominican nuns, wh, after semae years of cans, had the misdorinm to be turned out of house and bom They weed into rary quarters for a Foor, but bocanwe diseatished with such wnconentand is sid {locking shout {oy a parbianent sliding | square | riuce. # oye 8 that vee there was jp Orsdiv va 8 booes of Jeagits, which had lost re fornier frportancs, wid, thoagh some but two men, the sector of the homes | and his sexistant. Ou this mansion the hugs cast dover 1 ons £yen, nd won restdved to appropsly ate it. Ope marning abont 40 of them 1 advanced opon it, by strategy induced {the Jesuit leather to open the outer gate, and then trooping isto the coart- yard fell on their knees, thanking God {for this preliminary success. In vain {did the two men resson with them | an their somndalous conduct. They mere of a Swiss re Phe languages spoken by the mem: are French, Italian and German, 5, trae, is not as often employed other two, the members for Tis canton in the sooth, very often ng their speeches jn French. As ucated Bwiss speaks German, members ave there- 10 madessting each other's 4 young men, scrupulonsly nentral, 1 ly held their ground, exclaiming, a i ther Andrew, this {sa large cage for wo few birds." Soe of the more reascn- able members of the sisterhood explain. | od that they were really in need of a dwelling ss spacions as this an ? that they did pot propo leaving it. The pector in despair fled into the sacristy, from which retreat ho exhorted his col Jeague to be of god cheer. “Patience, Grother,’’ cried he, “and do your to extricate yourself frorn these ladies.” .| That, however, was more casily said {than done, cepecially as the nuns wore | becoming so exoited that they might momentarily have been expected to re sort to the argument of nails The siege Iawted for three or four hours. News of it flew about the town, and bands of | watoh- ed ings from the bars of the out- or gate, Eventually the Jesuits yielded, and thy wans occupied the house until a new convent, entirely to their taste, was erected for them. —London Globe. HBA ara Why He Didnt Ride. “No, sir,” said the man who had wavered, “I won't learn to ride a bicy- ele. I had thoughts of trying it, but I have just heard of a peculiar tiait in the machine that caused me to change my m ¥ “What's that?’ “I pnderstand that when you first try to ride, if yon see anything you espe pk wish to avoid, you're almost cer. tain to run into it." | MPhere's a good deal of truth in it" Wall, that settles the wheel for me. | 1 have enough tronbie with bill collect- | ors ne it is "Washington Sear. Sint eA Jaabelle Kaiser, Mlle Isabelle Kaiser won the prize offered by the Swiss government for the | best cantata to be Suni in chorus at the ) of the Geneva exhibition, There ranie competition, but Mlle. Aca "4 sent her a Srnplimentary lotter fee of bron scalp. | overshot the mark that the relative | i who had Tet seminal In wy bohadl ceadd | a 6 SHE BA EN | peg 1 thet fore if Ting wearoal) but gradn . fwenn : Ray Lo dious snd bealtidul, gave ldging to WYANDOTTE CAVE. A PARTIAL DESCRIFTION OF WONDERFUL HGROUND HOLE.” Among the Many Corio Thing the Cirentest Is the Piflay of the Comstitn- Thousand Times That Ase. Wyandotte cave ix inferior to Man moth i ite 9% miles of avengers and chambers eemvineex the visitor that there is encogh and to spare. Of enurss be neunlly takes only the three rountes—I12 miles—nnd is matisBed As is the cuss with all other sven that are in horiposs, a bear hears the credit of discovering Wis nitoral wonder. It was in this way: Ia the early days of this state a hunter ong day saw a berr and shot but did pot kill it, wherenpon be gave chaso and was in close pursuit, when, Jo and behold, it disappeared! This much pozzici the sensomed hunter, und he stood in amas mont, bot finally sammoning bis reso jation he wept to the spot where the animal bad vimished. Jere was a large opening in the side of the bill. Investi- gation revealed the existonen of this vast andergroand possession. So much few tradition. The same thing ooonrred with avery other cuve, and why not with thie? The existence of (his cave hau been known for years Aw early as 1812 3t was owned by a white man who gath- ered saitpetey in ite chambers and wade gRnpawder——a precisa arfivie in the eh woode The early settlers worked the cave that way for years going far: ther and farther from the entrance in| Saye 4 of this mizeral Flually it deased | + be necessary of proftable fo make ot own perder, and tho ow wer of thal | onve: abavdoned ib, and the Jannd revert {ed to the general government, In 18480 rp INS & man mammal Bothree Rk lomaht fl the Tans SoA conlorad the At thy time only fonir "alles wire kuown, Emi CHS by chance 8 mall ope sing wis woriend, li and an investigsiton vovenled the fury) Lost & now and greater por rion had teen) digrovered, This mwnkeodn rode wie | sapien , BIR prion mae of cava cwme|l AR he fava Wa er Wid 4 to hilt that | Th pew find dis fu x uF hed & bones th oes Sato pd ; LE Bes of A Eo ke “a at Me Seana TE abril pi Near # cf the oputat ibis eagl the ope, When ho bes FRY Ty vig he Beard tw drip, drip of the that nevis sae at aw the elilnet edittin Crngirs of stone wih iokh Kael 1 Epa by ike args g ators, To bd } C the growth of the stone steps he marl iad oes with the anpcdes of a enanlio an ! pweattod resulta Almost 50 yours Bale elapeed, and ht Tew today to imoker a nid Hen ree ¥ An § he £ THIS, jensrth, and vet s walk through | Fpnelh a erifle, i i Dera, CW in of theawnes, and is feed! ¥ d5 > | cone, i misty psy lor i mel. | : Bature, the gen thet mother, est of no child, Orr toy Son we Row Yule bir convorsation A sums altersonn, Ber hovhekodd, ber seaembiy! And when the san poox Own Her voles mineng the abi Tnsttes thy Hm prayer Of the minatest orice, The most unworthy Sawer. When all the children shiv, Fhe Lorne an Jong Away Ax will mMee to Mah ber lunips Then, bending from the sky, With infinite a¥artion And iafiniter pars, Her godin Banger on ber Bip, Wills siletie every whore ~Eanity Dlekinsun. A oh ie bf AS RSS ep Sn FANNY KEMBLE. The Farmnouns Aotress Was a Troublesome Woman on the Stage. Charles Halle once said tome: "Fan. ny Kembie wan the mest diffionlt per wey 1 ever had to deal with. I remem- ber one day at Maricheatyr she wax to rend “A Mitenmmer Night's Dream’ with Mondelusohn's masie. Well, some. thing in the lighting, or cir tho feel, or the reusie, or the chatr, did not quate | gem id be alin wel, Bo Fanny Kembla ings | piy sat down © artaide on the airs in the passage and cried. Nothing, she de slaved, wend indoece hor fo begin anti 1 everything was cxactly 10 her taste. 1 mpl fepoid har 10 go fn, ae the place was | | erowded and Ie Bnpatient, Af last I got Bey latform. In Sy gar 4 WOTRAT in sasetiy % Tensei £37 a a thus pars v4 ev Poy Fi 4 aow tha shy pate F $73 fipressnn § be rd Ber “Mien PARLEY i g Mente] lwobin . lage bea Tait orchosts: £35: WF Ae gabe Yamesiny # ¥ SAY oI oe thet Was sir mR BR hry SRE wiih fk rpmay RH WY 4 Fg gy ## fei vy 5 Lied Hd $l 7 fala Mrs HR Ns il “YR fer. VAT he caTenE Yona a shart ose #f tvoy be ae TYE sine, Lat all fhe = Ads wie fin her platform LL ads Maduith, nor sh 31d Pf ever pm t fhe thi eilling and putes FE | pathos 4 of tha ol ng somes of her YHo : en and Julien” Lhe $i © Sher wah then (abun RSG nol so # | sont as ake afterenrd berame, Flor | P Ther are colnrans torn weve feet Ligh formed by the Seasgnt drop of watef. Omiya few f pers the top Fim pag from the E ta the prehistoric, Wyandotta x tesstiful in wedines tlopeatalnginites and stalactitps) ane ane] eelling, grow babrbrendth dna you legminsing the distance bf * #5 oan 2f a 3 wel ke in de on. “the Apo ix sharaber ul ww Wes ha dinpir ds, the we Eon sinsive ghitrs La tinge wealth itr 4 a, you | was facile princeps. The council | have Alsddin's cave, a8 rich a the ada | rietoun vison of the Arabian dreaguer, he nose routin reveal (he Dhanties crystal, thn old route prosmts fue to mnltnons, the grammed. The paseges and chambers wre rogeh, broken, the amen of grandeve. This route terminates in the chasaber, and from iB erute r, weming 1y out of a boflicg cal tava that had been chill 2 ud left i movable, rises thi piilar « of Haw oi totic. It stands alone, the grand erlaman ever exceed by roan or his mas ter. Thirty fest in height, 75 cirenmferinee, With Bute] surface unbroken body, it stands bu porpat t darkness, no ray of Fight ener gliding ; ita sparkling exterior save that fro a flickering candle Let ua take ont car poteboal abd cal culate the age of (his venerabls pila gray bearded gulde hue told ns the fragile fi 5°L 8 ’ geenths of an one inch in 26 fs 8h ck i aii year This pillar tnd pele TE mingle ooh then it torn: 3 fron Boor and ceiling, that 2 bnekhes are formed bu that © Aveording i unr islets, it wen 44,1680 Fare LLP of this colon was fall crnittod one factor, The wend have farmed in this ix £700 Cispes ne gyest th din Our pets wits nnd books agaiis-- js bewildering. We cannes the lapse of {ime contained i the 4, 5930 years. Why go eu piliog ages Epes 3 ages? Who 14 brave enongh to say tha America lacks age! Why, compan with this the Ramesses wire bot ajo ' ters upon the homestead of antiqui iy. Before leaving I found a sauall £ 5 OER es i OF 4AM Bat vie Ba t tone Bugger pillar. It had been TOU years since ti redskins had pusde orpaments from this with me as a relic (as sient as oo American can well stand up under) of the colunin whose foundation was laid in the eternity of the past. —-Indianapo lis Journal. Soloman was called by rhe Jews of his time the White King, from the ‘cole of the robes he wore, The alicsicn mado in the Now Testswent ro tho ity of the field, a white Hower. in cone dist &; tion yith Selunun, is thus mad gploirey : i 3 jaisd i wantin bs tig | ‘ é "| sod roggednesy that turns one’s thes wham tol climax of attractione This bs fhe senate] of molten fe ae oxact fort ni oy RIE % $a oe grew they vogixe ro} g tht time, bar of nek the Iniians bad dug froam : th beautiful stoue, and 1 carried it away dark fae ted Black hay, plercing black | errs and Jong black ve Jet dress gave | he we & strange and tragic appearanes, which she entirely shook off in the’ sdrly lowe sone, hat which served to | Loedor pro pandiy the terrible pedaon i tragedy of theo Len Faony Krantshes had 6 an Fmpetfert Ap gr yeedat ion of musi, She {was for bis st this apd onrtail i that Pat H wiry ube Mondal : %. ct the I st ta gre tay, wend S00 er r— Sade, “1 don't rhe fT shall take pi soma thie piEtaitia, "wid a yoo g phe writer nok go. ¥en see LH | paven't mn pufficle © § talent, and own | what is the ned Thera ts just this na ¢ Admitting hal ern can poor learn | play as well aw the moss gapretend ing | prefessioninl or tives Ww hd | which latter ve bo bet dem tod. % mmnsinai | ada: ation is valaable, inasmuch a8 it { wild teach yom what W enoy and how { po endo of Wwhenevir yon have the portunity to bear good music, To thom whe think of music as only a soccession | | of pleasurable sounds i may not seem | yeopth wisile fur these having no talant % 3 Be lemgt * i ¥ i PHD study the miles governing oo | ton, But if vou ones learn LU : 4 science ad mathe | that there 14 an exquisite beauty in develrpment of an idea, the workis Lrart from | 4 {out of a musical protien, *lehe poetry suggested hy the melody or | | even the harmony, you bave found the kev toa fresh world of never fatling | delight. Thongh you way never be able | Ltn pilav one pags satbdfactarily to your | weed PEE conrselt, yon will have heres] TLRS lL quinnint ire ym Engle. regaimsts Tor Bate pr Yath., LL Now ind then we bear of some | person saving several bondeal © Po saral dollars to colleges and oir tions. If rich people would doo to | perpitaaty thelr enuory, ® novo | lasting monument to them woud bo oo | seivet JUG a deserving youl d men anid bequeath to them #1, GON ench | with which to stars in husinens, Lhe | | ble sings bat wold Tolinw suck ; lanthropy capnot be ewkini tert, hast || 8m Va | Trivans ar i, bad Hi pias 2" Winner Paageeil Is Weak Hei y dja, Ay gq Ll , you! Hew to E w Mie te Wg 1 i vated Pompei? i you Like WE . I must say 1 was awfaily AER Lied 3x Toe pha 5 was beantifaily loeatd woed all that, tat | it was drsidfuliy cut of repair Hall: : fax Chronmis In GYEL 12 vay atk 060 Basses Were burned in Copstantinepls and T.000 lives were Jost in the fire. In 1743 a fire again raged in the Turkish capital dar ing Bee days, and a series of terribin | 1550: When drops of water stand on the cutside of a pitcher, the air is fall of meisture and a charge of weather for | the worse is impending. | the desired thickace {solid metal bar tha suit hor, but at that late hoor nothing | | Fe whbnsad, 3 : gt 5 : The Yi Fiebrew Union arses | en hep] THe os Pi . play hy onr. in neh a way that you | will net regret 0d time spent in it€ a0. 3 sade af Of ovraome it | gondagrations also oecuree #} 1 the year! THIMBLES. (A Brief fe Cleur Dexeription of Bow They Are Manufactured. The thimble is a Ddeh ovo bon, {and the first one was made in 154 by a Ieiivermpith named Nicholas Van Beas Leboten, Originaily it was oallid “Hmm: $ a % 5 (hell, because ig was worn on The thinb. {In making thimbles the gold anil sil “ver inguts are rolled ont (ube sheets of and cul by stamp into cireslar pleces of any re quired size. These circular pieces are bent into thimble shape by nwang of a oy 1 the snd sign as the inside of the Vatended thimble This bar ia movnd by machinéry asp avd down in a bottomless mold of the cote gide of the same thimble, and each time the bay descopds it presses ons of the cirenlay picoss or disks into thimble slnpe : When the thimble is shaped, the next work iu to brighten, polish and decorate it. First, the Man gine is feed with a rapidly ving rod. A slight tonch of a sharp chisel cuts i very thin shaving from the end of the thimble, n seocadd chisel does the wae on the gide, and a thind poatly roonds off the rim. A rotnd steel pod, wall gllod, ia held against the sarfuce of the neva ling thimble, and it is thus given 4 pice polish. The inside is brightened and I polishe ad ina similar manner, the thie He being held in a revolving molds Then a delicate, revolving when! with a rafwed, ornamental edgn (in proewd against the Blank thimble “and privts the ornament sos Justi vat cette tha dims, Awd hae ghee] wh grad with shorp notte makes denial t 3 i ¥} Cy Farincs 15 f the 1 al eon uy r the remminng bl ot iy ia do wash HB thar A Ewes S BROKE THE Ace. Tile Fiver RY evkniamty Th pe Funny to Ro : Hop of Bn Onosibus : : | Gn my way from iho Lenisipoe is. i to the exhibinivn, while sift g of fhe hap A a pan ver. » young hr of pome 17 sowmers, witha five, intelligent apd winnistakubly Jowish face, cues ou and wit herself beside me The maiden hissed an te aidon pever Blostiod belo, and ny dariodily was arcosed fo ie { highest point when 1 notieed cvory per sein on the car stare at hor with a asileaof approbatiie. Noy, more—of the mute prople stopped snd jooked ar her. Men | pudned their hate and wowen waved their hauikerchiefs Indead ehidren Jooked through the windows and kept their eyes Axed on the (op of my tram till they vould se it no more. What could ail this mean? That the young Jewess atl. my wide wan the woman of the hour," a pereon whom Berlin was iulolizing, some public benefactress to whom the denims of the oapital were giving evidence of their thorough appre dlation md heartfelt gratitude wea patent 0 all whe had eyes 10 see. What, then, was ber heroic deed? Why did every person on the car Say tiost conlinily, “ich gratuiters thoes, dkanicin,”” when the lady was aliont to inn descend? The solution of the me seas as Minguise as it Was amusing. : Band by the vigorous Inws and costoms : Pdf the Teutons been denied until the weed horning in question to the fair ex to descend the steps of an omnibus of tram car throtighont the Jeagth and reads of Crary. Bote of the munly women' in Ber- Jin, gasping for franchive as weil as for i fread; wit in the sonmer months des Cplared (hat they had tolernied long ppeugh the cyueity of being pent ap an Lf brash 3 pare ¥, und’ it is 10 ready for wy Isay’ ww Fhindelphin Tinos Sp pd THE DIVINE NAME, h a Hawn § dite WW ord That ‘1a Never Fpoken ey Many Parselites i, Fie Tir bt 13 T by u ¥. oolloge ab Cine jpn, of the Ro Sorgt Jews fon $4 sry Bie vie hig :f tho name wf the Folwrvnd Hs Fe i Phy x sither | now Trey Eg 34 ¥ thi orpt , BL 3 seed wlohins | fete AgraT! Sn i ad i Pate maerod name, snd retained, fik lERES extent, : Jews Rut it wonld appear fra ay {engge in the Franlemue that Adon, of Lord, for Johevsh whe more groient Paver than tha td race of the Fhe ir thins coors clght timpew in Prag Ta Denxly HY alse nppens th | where oo Jehowah®” bye pee by The ariginal Flebaow. ween ld seem ta be older than ane oth wy and if in yor common among all Jews Dr. Wise wey he his foal that | anbon of teansiatioos testy In favor * Adonol. i Looking at thw H Tostement, 4 pi Foseatin, § i i i English tears] ative? the ind viii foann Lely af the navi Jehovah appears tf Thonks of Uenesis, Exodus, J PF Peatins and Pesta ¥, et NAN Yuk His : Hx EEE A5F A Xowapmper Carimity. % 7 ne oreanas Beaith, de, whee Ree pe : atuthand forpibare Sor has ln his | pe wapapay whi ch fu a Ti Ea ery years old and con Foxirw ever printed in ap Resght 8 BE five proniver's eRtate of Jones Leow Mason, wi ¥ omissions 1A an nd and covered hy glass cn let Teidin, =o 2% to permit js bung re asl; fitiiuy Bapdling. The beading Be grin Lapa and | Country Journal Monday, M arch ! OF the twin} ‘of the Bo St iota, are od 3 the © He r ian [appeal te all patriotin ani ps with held from purchasing goods » Lemsmufactere.. ibe : with fra radily ‘are mnpeH (fret five i Lemon, i The paper iy e Ppnlie, mpd it is said this tia Bora (Mr. Mason have affvred tw ly it fur | ‘a large _ hot Smith leith it ¥ ork Tritne, x Cr fro oF im Aes AWE pone whieh re 20 American independ. < romely valnable asi Nike Mop dition Soren To Clean “Softw Poot ain may be ranoved from 7 applying with a oapiel’s Ba a Emad enantity of exaite os with = woater and thie Rio vba lions will Tis ret ink Edt pra IE Al pak JERE pager. 1a ae aave all {races of t the int ronse Spode, lay power yy AK the spot and pred (as hat as the paper ibs La crohing, Bougetimes goss Spobs nay Lhe peanoved fro Ly paper fre Seth By lag Lag a phe of i pape Ol jand: then fotting paper +3 fant ny is th | preass a Vo Writer Wen “hha A i olay REA than ix a if ged the Blotting ba piper aborts 3 magnate Ege. a voter mre Castaned J seeetion from the bendy, Fron $50 0 Bin) eggs am wid at a tiene, and the little boas shaped constroeted that it will me ot ber sung or iD anys i ‘ are the Erbe § 83% Ck YET - Ir ves AY min peed Bry wimnd, rain oar enter is abandoned by the tsect, sid the egg we hatched by the beat of th sunor al mosphere. A temperitire below frees ing 1% suid aot to destroy the vitaiity of the me sqaite’ 3 Es. In 1541 Smyrna was visited by a con fagrastion which destroynd 13,000 houses, The buildings destroyed wen tight wooden stroctures, and a fire cam kindled in a town of frame building slosely crowded together is almost ite posible to subklue. Lind 38 Lpoersen Pre rLes Loega nid : lighténl Kumar bas W i, {i widlene fF tho | ¥ A {foe 1A Loppde spirite y Lays no fever Io fivey | thr } + BE ® fTeninh, His ot fa the Nee ; 3 ¥ nh i 29% Center old? 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