The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 01, 1896, Image 7

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    Attarney od § Counselor at Law,
Enpnentra, Pa.
Al leg business protaptly attended to.
po the prompt. use of ‘One Minute
Ofles in Armory Hall,
i Congh Cure. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Pharmacy. : o : AW 388 12 : El
y: y 3 Ripars Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. ns ia er 5 ) Ge
Ripans Tabules: pleasant hixative 1 A a AN » ie oy
Ripans Tabules: at druggists, out of mansfactoring allows a smaller pr hs or Beech Creek Railroad.
my anawer | Ripane Tabules cure indigestion. i than any shoe sold at 3300, : Co. Lessee.
¢ Ad tras ‘we parted. | went homs | Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. : : ao. Rong. Om Fite Tully
with hope deferred. The next d came | Ripans Tabules cure nauses. W. L. Douglas $3.50, $400 and 30.00 Ohoex are the | En Mast May 17, 108 Ex
and went and | heard nothing. Poe wun be productions of dlled workmen, from ibe best ! Noln Nad No
sank in the west, and my heart pa Speed and safety are the watchwords material ut into shoes E Pi Patton W
i with it My heart was in my boots for of the age. One Minute Cough Cure price J : | om Lae Westover
many & day, but pride finally came to acts speedily, safely and pever fails i aw x a | #00 1236 by KH errmoor
sg 8
wha on a eo 0 OE
| the reacts, and I determined to try lo Asthma, bronchitis, coughs snd colds tn in ot haan
| forget Mary and the ‘whale female Pex. | are eared by it okt 1. is New Miliport
to have any peace of mind with Mary : Clenrtieid June
90 near, I planned a long trip to ere | Ripans Tables cure ayspepsls. Clenrfield
i It hod siwnys been my father's wish = Ripans Tabiles care headache
sat] na som, should SRS el i Ripans Tabiules: gentle cathartic.
trip, sys opposed it, think- = pisane Tabules: for sour stomach.
ine tha hat be could =e ated it, for be i Ripans ‘Fabules cure torpid liver,
| Jounget | Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
miei, and Tlonged to we. them take oe a
| that position in society which a good ipans Tables.
| eduestion only can give And, while
| this European trip wonld not have seri
| ously interfered with my wishes for m
. sisters’ advancement, | knew that
i | mosia entail an ammount of seme Hip
home that 1 did not like to think
AE 1 should po ing my de d spirits and!
n friend of my father, perhaps guessing the cans, my father R. L GEORG FE.
10 8 generation Previous renewed his persossions, set forth in| lon op 7 AW - — mesmnsene} Connections- At Wikitaneport With
He took a great fancy to glowing terms the advantages to ve ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, ws Jet ; Sampron Suit ett with the Fi i Sulirey i Jrrwey Shote
i 5 Ly. at ’ i Hail
a boy and often told | rd, Which none knew better than GALLITZIN. PA. \ Extra Pasty 1s oii os nh Tail ond of Pennavensing =
+ was in * be himself, as ho hed been quite s trav. AALLITZI ! Yas NG : 8 Grey end 2, “Blown. sires from frit Rg er and
and finally i © Rolicitar for German National B. & Gates” : 3 {A "sy of ape a Y are mide ligt 4 ” ut una putin 7 at M
106 write it out, which he | all my objections. « association. | Biwe p with wide sartaeh Braid, loed with + fast Bier with Cambria ane Ceartieig dt
fiom that Jt was not fo be | My trenk was packed passport and | hin semis a gh JE te i Trominl sd we | Frama ied aba ERE
| guideby wiles Were IVE Arrange. cog Ey Ro 5 Sie oy / ¢ DASE Pal V. EB Herriman,
bis Hifetime. As ke # LETH err the hein W. H 5 CHLE 8 y ; ¢ Aa of Baten elim Bunt vo oa oh Ti y ipiertutetdent. ae rN
40 Zou end all ds fonds to meet my expenses, but not a Atte Ly {aw Grr & geese] nie ta vi yr fatter 1
hate ¥ word came from Mary. although she Attorney - at - Law, po Erie e Breusted wi § ewrs Fasis | j
TE oun be po inipro- most have heard that 1 was ready to 7 ; Bri \ ns BR & P Time Table.
it to the public. It is go Father, mother and sisters bade me FRENSBURG, : Ss a) freee X se a raat es ah
Le for me to fox that, o sad goodby, and 1 was gone. i Ta pither Pout Offre of with | : Ets Bradfynd, Som HHL, ao, a
50 yesrs, it was peoes A few days after leaving bowme I Cambria County, Pa. HR } : Mooey Chriee) ny J 3 ns Fale and points tn the upper Of
oopy of it, as (ie orgi- sailed from Now York and in doe tine wien AR ri resend Pots Qual CC Tn wd ater Nov. 10. 186, pansenger frulng
YR iE A h 8 ¥ Bo ests, hn
- x
dE el
wep A 45 RAL
tiioarfield June
hie wo
BEN ssyaune
Bsus nEssREE
Youepsdate “Wayne
Jeiwey Whore Junetion
eraey Khome
i WilHarneport
Weekdays BO pm
£30 35 0 on ¥ ¥v
- Ew aig SL asmeate wb kk uf
Zs RunnnnseeEBRBEES
ESA —————
Hilti had just completed | to see all that 1 wanted to aoe of that { Mais 4 expt Sunday, . fon
_eareor, which had bien country, and I spent two months in _ : —— a, Brock ile Nidpway. Jobmamar ig Me
4 ; i ; ad ew, Btu ie 1 EH ey
nor worse than that of Scotiand, three months in England and. 1. Bhar, comming at Jonmonhang with
of % A slow, pi ng Picented jo Pasi er | i niin iF 5 Wy Ao A FT Ea x E. traps 3 for Wikser, Kune, Waren,
Bt meh in rae br he . of CIMAHON. S Bb | | SATEEN i
hair, » Areckicd face gunge thoronghly. I spent tix months s * TW AWRIN E : gpibadiisy i tm 2 Ridge, Brocka lie; and tutes
in Paris and the rest of France, and. : ; oer 1iostrated % Jone late stations, for Du and Panzwo.
me withoo, |] 1 might have spent six more if I bad | act i r Catalogucl a 148. suo Avram moda tion For Do Bole Syk-
= ative, ht my father could afford it. But Contractors and Builders. : / T. al | : ee, ig oe Panssutawney.
of i ET rare were rot atondant, : : : Sous 1 + : . : (A a Foy wde ws Coy Elimoot Carmo,
not and so I harried on into Germany, é! Plans furnished on appli- x : Bd Bors Ruel mes ue | iy way, Jonnsmburg, ML
Sol voting a year to that country, Switger- « Ae on re re n ® 1 ew in mayor a tote, Sykes, His Rum,
. 1and and Italy. 1 was on the point of cation. (yood work guaran. § SE | Voor ong] . {| Panxasmwney, and Wa
A § Toston arrive. 1000 a m soir from Walton
i winding ap my trip with a few months : : rr ht LTO Pusxsuieney: 007 Bx rowed
in Spain, when a slight incident caused | teed. ; bd BE Joe 0 Braidiond snd nhermnedng vations 1:10 hog
me mawch | We to turn my face toward home with J - } pec aation Tn Poniimaetey,
lege than 1 Fan much haste as if a legimotdevils. DIXON & McMAHON : ena - BE toes Buffs and Rochester.
ve of wear Preparatory to going into Spain, {baa BHC i JOASKENT 200 "ME 10245. New wip [Y § C & M Division.
Jelena of my faken a panish grammer out ef poglaay . . . — ‘ ‘ . J FALLS OF
‘ | irnek with the intention of breding up) a .
we IY know leige of Spanish, which Lad i B mn a ’ I
and ] become (oie rusty from loog disuse. Wo Fs , br » ¥ Pa ta
: was As | opined the book a moall Jetter ad. —— 124 22 Dutiois Sanetion
to dremed 10 me in Mary's well known; will ell vou wall pa $0 Luthersbu
handwriting fell cut It was without | y papeh 5 ges
= 0 Andesson \isduet
oY wa Thesosriam
ot. z 4% Bridguport
aa LEE
SA 5
hg »
HN ER 58
wow & pe we
. =p £38.
dis: postmark and wan amaled WI indow blinds, (extra size, Invites you to inspect his
; i nrwetsvitie
ory as on the day 1 parted with her at rr
tl the wheels letter: - Train No. TE sores 5t Bo Roly for Hide
9 ay § : i. HC ARTI A API» CH Noe
: Tradn No Zit connects at DaBotk for Badfond,
1 then yemembered that 1 bad teen Corner Drug Store, Pili ei He will do all kinds of re | flew Creek mitlrosd for Phi , Lowk
the very day thin letter was written, Thysusand mile ekots at (WO nite eee
the Towet trom what % 7 : Fraser , ot
ath. | eS open en the table Reside pw 1 bad Yee FT anon Companion of the Ww orld PR ESSING and ore cen ar emo hk
1 awoke, I must have shut gp the letter
| tore it cpen, with a beating heart, made to order), rom mould’ : MEF RANT TAILOR, stook of
for hey Smapc WaR a8 fresh in my men ings, paint your he ING. h £1 a ani a
be doar. It was vers short, and 1 cb] your wall paper at 3 Wills nake you a good suit of oo 15» HT ea Crook
served that the diste wis nthe pext clothes from 18.00 up to $40. . wa re pm am am Iv Ar am opm
day after 1 had lsat sera her. This watt easonabl Price. 8: Ping, JPmily, exept Sunde
0 FICS. PANTS irom 4.00 up to Johmontury, Pradtord, Buoffkio and
ran Jorn Yew Nr : t :
d Store room | y vould speetally call A [Ptah
Only four words besides the date. Second Store oon ; And. would spergily ea TN Si conneis at Clearfield with
locking over my Spanish grammer on avenue. pair work, {ana rn Whim! ig
Horded had dozed ; ; Sp fi \ wi 5 ¥ 1
cL oft nto sap of a few min ] : | : © : g | ge pm tyne al sathohs
a roamed up spade nly Ly FORE Or salle are represented : af th dete will Be osibtod by sonduetors
and declared in the y nN I I hed Sah = 5) A FL fron 1 stations
by our, | SME Toe. and au it was marie dark when, LL OF ARTROY ALTERING Epo IREDT mtemimn mia
0 fn the book without seeing CHURRIL REL RLY
ns Everything was now clear, ami Mary | AUR UURRBUL RUL 3 CLOTHES. ati of THINGS
AVE BET & had done all that I conld have wished. Ae
Ed ousisting of Loaded and
caver. 1 Jrock the first stewmer for New York, Protect Your C. C. TlcKelvy KE mpty St felts. to make the
that Mary was 8 amd mever did u rman cross the Atlantic DDOD EYL” ; ; =
Be _ geean with greater anxiety, Well might I ROPE RTY. : Detoriarss Cad Ds op : THOUGHTLESS
F Mary have remained silent after each a Wil be f fina doa alien Primers, Caps, Powder, : :
) note, i reproached myself & hundred | B( ice 15 Good Build ng. 3 Me found {313° : [650733 SAM 3% a . : : : pi
. Wa 10 apoken Bien tor pever making a over ist National Bank. Kessler's Bakery mm the Sol Shot, Wads, Co Cxuns,
m ro help 10 the canes of her silence snd cursed PARNELL & mon building with over 1,000 Revolvers. :
ber ; handsatd ( my fool. pride along with my re ’ X Pall and Winter Samp! ak. Kevoav Et
» week to consi COWHER PTT
» onmides oy goon we 1 got to the end of my * 1 AN his Clothes are guaran- Tac cine a of
that two days ‘ oh Also a good time to bay
ot ae, nd. | Journey 1 went directly to Mary's house, Agents. teed to ive satisfaction. A a good ¥ ¥
; even before guing to way own bome. She : F aap
ax decidedly cool toward me, though
ty had been years since we bad seen cach A : kK... J ee Lr
other, Bus when | explained the matter First J ation 'IBan { TOR: AL C0 and OGARS Do your buying of
she simed fully satisfied, and we were | : The finest Hoe Bn Path
marr ino few weeks © OF PATTON, KS
I afrverward Jearned that the letter Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. : J FI zp ATRIC Dry Goods, Millinery,
had been duly sent by a trustworthy Co on Magee Avene, NOEAF Ladies’ and
© mene , who had come into my roo, | 3 PIL BR depot.
er ext day o \ CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. MEALR AT ALL BOI : Lx Ly
aod staid ut his : a ding the Ey SURPLUS, $20,100.00, | Children’s Capes,
: ) | reach : Avvngnts oF Corpantions, Firms, Individa-
of a
Flow er Crocks
| enjoys his trips more than other riders
| would soe it when I woke op. Calman Ranks seeetvert spony (her mica favors. | CE NTRA L - HOTE iL, ; Jackets a nd Su its at BECAUSE
Many years have poased away since Jie terms cheatstant with safe and conservative ’ a.
these events took place, and there isa ne inip Hirkets for sue be all the loadin JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. ; . 1 : Hin wheel is lighter.
little Mary now rupning in and out as Goes Forein Dest payshls Lo Gu prin seommodations the best, First-clum {inn S Bi Sto | € ves caxy movement.
1 write, who bids fair to equal her eth of the (hE Work ad Avecanmo ations (he best, Firstclum : JIU CC The long chain gi a%
Hm promated mother in beauty, And pothi All enrpespatidence will have oie promiptand Bar in connection.
La ng pleases | persons attention.
onse, To b : R r 90 much when 1 tell her the story Lg Soya pb vss tne depute : RATES $1. 1% PER DAY. wat i oh Cliatan Q } den oF hy hearts aids that
A of mamma's letter in niy A. BE. Pamrox, Wax H. SAXDFORD, F 34-136 Clinton St. . tp.
Spanish book on the borders of Spain. President. Cashier. | : re CEP RRS : 4 ; :
there | gold lester is now framed mud glazed . - MAHAFFEY HOUSE J ohnstown, Pa. CATALOGUR 40. IN STAMPS.
: % | and bangs above me. It has often been Nn Mahaffey, Cleartleh! Co., Pa. lie rs "HE
: bp- : taken down and hidden hy my wife, SU BSCRIBE Acvornmodntions Rodainse Paod, of Tdspinas You ste Aever evercharyred ! KEATING Ww HEEL CO.,
| and many made to Th snd Wines at the har, Sabin attsatied, : ;
3 | burn it up, but [ always ana GEORGE FRRGUSON, for anything, Evervthing you | HOLYOKE, Mass.
8 no sone 16 and bring 1t back. —New York Even- ~For the. Prop'r. buy is worth the money you
, ; pay for it. Com pet out and po-
Reuel Somerville, Lite salesladies Nid in every!
wy possible to make buying
easy for those who have but a
Patroy, Pa. limited time to stay In the
con of Asim Office in the Good Building. city: Our assortinent is the
iy ly cog tian h. Stowe JOUUNIO!L largest and prices the lowest.
might duit Is belcud ‘Oueney, near i | Dr. Meeker Ss Fur capes, raf and boas will
| Oxford, then it went to the Temples, = only i ” BEACKDIMIY CoRbiAL REMEDIES. ‘be good the coming wiater
M Te, i TU Bewel trsihie. Sporty redief ar Phases: We have ea lary ge a stock
i tem and pein. And hp
PLUNG PUNE, fer oolite second floor.
= er Year i ur sade hy alt Sonlers tn ot of ine mil :
RCE v ] ftw ns, vary Botte guampiaet or iy ney — ; i
SE DEAL, wens Every nome g James Quinn.