The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 01, 1896, Image 6

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    Wik an oid b
na yo of vio
ro € rey of
bl Wik
of & bonkering fora
while in the lntte
hifting their weight |
se oiler, throwing ong
that |
: gq aml
| hegan 10
Ag the po
} Fiaptine
BNE wn
side, laid him down on the
green, anfastoned Bik eothar gud
water wpin him while he writhoo
polled on the earth, :
Af Inet the moan fecorered bos o
and war asked] what ailed bine,
smeh powerfal preaching!’ said bo.
| bad heard befors of me pio
ander Whitfleld's prefobing, fo
pever supposed it wonkl doable pov
iy i
id shop the oor war of | wo."
to a certain ¢
a almost at
st for t
tho must cheerful fAower
of tay mother's gardon way
x pansy that under
ik me
p up nnd
1 Bot
is the Largest
jud in the animal
capable of contaluing
pda Thaw
i of water,
sex, in gO Wm
throat, ho
the mings
the water,
ho lives on
holes in lie head.
ding wre said
Kk should be able
O00 » year.
: 1,000
v.10 Jas
New York
sr the first
a great fire raged in Constan- |
siz the shores «ff the Golden
a tp
y ary wits. estab
o year 1700,
& cert nt and a
ar of heat. In the new
10 pict beautiful con
and each mine
platiorm of wood that
ieoes at the end amd
§ has ever bron
in wed Dray.
artsonse, Dr Prior gives |
kiss me.
kof my
but my clothes | oT mm
. and 1 have
tial on this oocasio
and bazaars were
y being estimated
“PBat.'' sid one of the deco’
has was not Mr. Whitfield proach
| but only a nearby minister sabato
for him this mormivg.
AE this point tha Bostoes mi Ferny
| mad clear through.
What!’ he said. “Have 1
50 miles, spoiled my best suis of
and bad fits and never heani Mo WE
fold after ail? Well, I'l be po nro
if that isn't the worst soll I ever ha ©
* | =-New York Recorder,
ip, JOA Qe er
ans deg gt
Fhe Firm's Entertaining Frio
In the employ ef ow Jargei yi
mercantile house of thic ity © oo
whose official title is entertain 00
§ of | he ix down cn the pay roll ag «oh
the | convection with the firm 38 37
va | ally known, H it were mucho! bo
fulness would be gone His unl
large, he hives at one of the Bip fob
he knows everybody, has a v.osilly
‘seecanplichmionts, and is one
| plensantest men to meet in thi p.
Heposes as » friend of ties werRl
| members of the firm and when a pro
petive placer of a large order appears
ho drops into the office and an intro
duction follows, The merchant ask if it
So-and-s0 about, and the entertuiner ro
Then follows a diane at the cial, in.
troduetions fo genial and prominent
men of the fown, and after the theater
. behind the soenen. A wine woppor fol
dows, and after it is over tho vasa
thinks Philadelphia is the only city in
§ over to
ary | purpose of spending the evening with
| his entertaining friend. —Philade iphin
place orders with the mowed
siopate royalist, to Nesselroc
Jetter in invisible ink which,
ciphered, tarnnd ont to bo an inscrata:
ble riddle eapsblé of two interprets
| filth in a
could take a kick from behind without
showing it ip hia face. His fellow con
spirators wer: soavosly less bitter in
their dislike than his avowed encrmio
Yet be pursued the even tonofc! bin
th | corse, seattering innuendos, isriton
ing showers of anopyrons pangphiaty,
smogpling English newspapirs into toe |
| eity~—in fact, working rvory wie of
conspiracy. ~'' Life of Nupolian,” L¥
Professor WM. Bloane, in Century
The Indinn Postoffies.
The poston in India not only el
ects wud delivers Jetters, parcels and
other articles, bot acts to a ecrtain 6x
1 tent as » banker to the general public,
wells quinine axl mall, puys nailitary
pensions snd colivets the revenos accri-
"1 ing to the porerument from land and
other scores &
. jot to the fertile brain of one of the
UH | oldest officers in the departinest bs due
the lasost development Bn the work of
The Punjab postoffico hus core for
ward as so clooentary teacher. ii nat
only collects letters and delivers them,
but teaches boys in olemwntary wel ml
how to write them and address the see
ers. — London Answers,
Celor sud Aromas of Colles.
1 Tues pre two thiogs which people
{magne are guides ta the goodness of
coffer which are realiy of Bo oats
guess whatever, Troy are the sigue of
1 the devaetion wi 3 1.0 nites i =
hen groaned Ly :
in- | pot hg aig Thies
pnt gely toi vss
aise ol
Hii Pie #
Ly yomaterl md prep
Lest flavors will o6
es The real we #3
bare pomirice lls
‘aebivh give ae
$50 CLOT.
Al Over.
“Jinks and Liv girl have bad a quar:
‘i dpel
SH hat stot?
00h. he wanted to be original and
gave aor a roll thimble insted of an
Enger TL Lng je
Ee iovad naa. didn’ she Ha 163°
SRO, Nol pus, abn didu't know which
finger te voser BL
Peorls who riod pons are hike wan
ton boys fiat pol coppers ol the ralic
road tracks. They amas themselves
and other clildeon, but their Hitt trick
may upsets Ing
tien for the «ke a battered wikis
cis. —1) WW. Holmes,
Chamele always change Lwir col
on the approsch of a stuns and assume
a neatral hue; darker than their cuss
tomary tint
Sa RS,
| wonld bo too much trouble to show Mr. |
plies that it would be a great pieasura,
perhaps the visitor is given s glioipse of |
the world, snd be sutesquently comes | :
word, Re IY those Whe conteninl to voyage ta
fem: in capatbic of sania
before sigma. | ply apartment building pianos do that
silk stocking. Mumt mid be | YOO can move, you know, if you don’t
might mem rode, saul we didn’s want
10 hurt her fenlings, #0 we just got her
a Bow wimg and sent lis to ber with oe}
soaplbients of all the other tenante
And, do you know, she’s mad we 8 hor
; bE tow a na dL A Ea
YR wa
sentient, On the contrary, &
he mATTies
with one Jeg in the grave and tag other |
<3 Ew pinning i aw dares Kat iF last
fechily tripping » war dance, but If to} the highest rank.
w¥T 7 se
a Degroit Preo aay victims be bi tho greatent A bem |
shit train of converse |
tarde of ans ibus inst
pitroniving the moro anstociatic ith,
“Al fares, plone!’ cies the famil-
Bis pocket, the ornurment of the pmagh
terial bench diseovared, to big const
farthing of mc
An expinpatl
wry of the state of
{ wos prooveding amd being faked
very I part by the condactor w
Here, TH pay for yon,”
handed over, whereapon the gentic ©
moving nearer his sopiifactor, saad
| was persistently refased,
Arrival at a aerial sMfet corper,
however, the ian,
the stairs, looked the magistrate full in
the face and safd, with a mod that
| meant, “How's that for heaping coals
you gave me threo wonthy' bard labor
Just Nov. & “Londo Tit-Bits,
A New Foror of Street Art.
Strent art, performed by *aguevers
of lute in eomsequence of the charts
; "| ceasing $6 throw coppers into the art
plate druwn for their 1vacption.
A “aorvever” who for the press
has Joeated himeelf in Gray's Ins row
1 has devised a pew plan for embellish
ing the footpath apd instructing pode
trians at the sapce Lider
Dastead of mal
Jesmons in Hinlosetann
ment ag aki
down in that
one whi desiris
that may bo request
Fie explains the 7
those who may be ini
Jeot for a halfiwuny J
of 118 verbs iu change i
Hin pictores mi;
in color ae this ef Biv praioei
they bave the merit of usefulness
rit wef
east. The up to dts “etic
adie XO
as A sthocl of Langong
ord ei a
Tt Made Ber Augers,
ew strange how siridadly sone
oromen oern to pegard rifles,” said the
| fiat tenunt thoughtfally,
“What's the matter now ¥"' asked the
“Why, there's that woman with the
you knew,’
"Yes. What of ber?’
ihe has played one tune IR times a
“day for the last three monthe.
| poehins,
far oy, when, throstiog his band into :
| depends much on
C1 Aehiek ir faiia
nation, that pe bad rome out Without »
iT airs i
man, sitting near, sodidenly paltied ou :
2 permis from his waistcoat pocket aml
The ticket was daly punched and |
LRT ae
©] am grintiy indebted to yoo. Kind: i ALTE,
ly Jet me have your nathe anid address’ |
But to his debtor's great Aurprise this
- he moved toward |
Copawgne (ip ©
look up yor old cha tw {oop
my name, yor worshin, Yoh ih Loa gant §
tral portions
ble water or
i tion of viol
on the pavionent is umlergoing a trans i
forniatices. People havi become tired of
| the daube intended to represent salmon |
{on a piste cr bloe smisets or troos une |
known to totany, snl the artists in
chalk have experienced very hard tines |
habe 10)
ie mts
etter known as Od G77 or the
Of nourse. Neatly ail women who
like ju.”
tell, we don't want to do that, It
pet about it." :
**What was the title of i?
= mics and Low,” 1 think
thing ike that waywuy. Mame Gh lage
A Gustronomteal Expoiriment That Palled,
Two French epioures ling near
Toaohwes weirs not satisfied with the
favar given to the turkey bo its staTiog
of troffies snd recently dotarndmed tO
fry whether the truffle Gavar < ould nol |
bes imparted to the Bind by 8 pr pax sy# |
ters of dive. They selected a fut young |
turkey and fed it far two months with
thse mbt do licate trafles (hat the weath
end of the two mesths the inl was
killed, ronsted carefally and deliontely
and ought spon the takle
and Smad to his digest that the taraey
hints fy Bo Ernie
The Sewspest Test.
fond] ny wisi Time
BE 5 ope tHE sin ban eal san
foam when vw gretts bear
Bd ep arii ae
SF ani
pease iy Si wight of Sho
WE PEE iatier TO aie
fot ly 005d y fie or
1 oassl Than gr
daring t
ng flores or to work
the current —bgel,
Whe Admaives x Wasrior.
The Matateds girl
greatest pride in the exploits al the ms
ons shor on By eds pay the $ilowewd
in the kraal
pred Fuck wi wean ivy x 3 laren pd ye ¥
Arete Jub cusped Ls dram 3h
5 Yoos Beh
wr fined 6
W bon
fobs Tather 6310
Cha pee Curd Trogon Bite Wl
Toronto Linke,
Wark apa Flag.
Fhe Getor we
th musician plays when he Workih—
Phe baal dphda Beovrd
of Promee could produces. The turkey }
aero to enjoy the experiment. AL tn
Fagor so NEW}
: | Bruises
Pig severest test of manhood be sever
bas unde iy hard |
yD oaeith
pens pnrresg, |}
toad |
Egyptian women,
* | recdntly ane
| she coxuetion aud perfumes whch wer
3 Logwel by Egyptian
tle nay be old, ethloss, A by Exyp
| head
rhs when be plays apd |
ers of I= whic
the dwighe free
~oornning from a gv
ko oly gathe? wn greats
i of fromen water in
aris, the Fronch weatl
eta the Je that Batleten
& Fo says the congelatics
Acenrding to this novel theary,
whin the external surface begins 10
Srerpe, the alr bubbles are driven to
Hom rad olen ise $y 8 PIES
under sehich the crust yields
aya: “The shook deter
wintton of a fresh layer,
dof two distiuet parts,
! air (and cctvsequentls
the other cloaded or
squenoe of the ibeladed
bas pate
Sar Solaro
yor rtaie tie vis
which is for:
one deprived
air bubbles)
nese non 8
sive oonpelal.
reach the gv
process has
« ope apthority, this phe
soduond at cach suvces
y, and if the baistones
nd before the freezing
wn completed their oon
uy yet contain air bob
petals of jor. Pyramidu
ou he aeerites to the a
sopgelation, which cansrs
thiv ecnraine Suld to pis the crost
jure thiren, foie or more pices,
Professor dannaSolaro also gives
soma good 1 agcas in proof of his state
peeve that Lailstones are formed Justus
tr couely. He Louis Republi
wo 4
shaped baila.
Perhaps there is mmong the vat cap
'ieale of civilisation po more celebvated. |
0 Tore beautiful street than Pleeadidl
“hie origin of jos mame is SL disputed
Sthemgh the mterprdstion Risen by
a Bono Fo Byag, ones universniy
gown a8 © Prodin' Brug, on sccuont
the earlipess of hiv hair, wiki gern
well as any other,
He hadd that, rather mors than wo
steric age, it was Charles I's habit,
en Bo tork Lis morning's walk in the
sen park, do boy some cakes or tuo
wes from an old woman with whom
exchanged many a merry jut, and
a0 kept bor booth sl # FpOE OppPOIW
1 the present site of Apsley Fiouse
woo cakes were ealled “plokadile
Lud from this circumstance the fashion
vie western artery of London was sup
wed by “Poodle” Byug to have takes
Poodle’ Byng's sabes repos in Sb
Tunes’ ohureh, which Bir Christopher
Liven regarded as ope of his most suo
cima] stroctores, not far from the
wove of that celebrated yous and volup-
tusry, the last Duke of Queonsberry,
; tar
of Plocadilly,”” whose dishonored bones
pirpose benenth the communion tabi
: 4 London Telegraph.
wpright plane in the flat next wo pring, . >
A florist of many yeaos' experience
#ives the following recipe for presory:
ng bouquets: Whim you reseive a bon
Guet, sprinkic it lightly with fresh wa-
ter; then put it into a vo sel containiog
some soapsuds, which nourish the roots
and keep the flowers as bright as pow,
ake the bouquet out of the suds every
morning su lay it sideways in fresh
water, the stalk ootering first into the
water, Keep it there a mingle or two]
then take the Bowers out and spriakie
it Hghtly by tbe band with pure water,
Replacs the bouquet in the soapsuds,
and the Sowers will bloom as fresh as
when Brat gathered. The soapeuds need
tr bo changed every third day. By ob
prrving theses rales a bougoet oan be
kept bright asd peantiful for at least
one month and will last still longer in
a very passable state but the attentun
bo the fair ated fradl creatures, as diveet
ed above, piast be strictly observed.
New Crleans Times Deuoorat.
a a PNR RT
Hot ov Cold Water.
In a paper read before a medionl aewo-
ciation recently a prampivent physician
sun, sonserning the use of hot and told |
water, that while the majority have
eomeladed that hot water is better for
bathing the eyes there soe cases Whew
Bach of | wold is required and that the patient
the esperimentord eagerly Fock » wing |
should decide for himeclf, giving ibe
preference fo that which the more
quickly relieves the pin and leaves no
had effects Hot water is genarally con
sidered to be far better than cold for
Water whizh mw not wo, coll
drank in quantities ta one of the best
pyeans of producing the persphiation
pecessary for curing o heavy cold, It bn
gad that » bowl of water stood ak the
| gido of the bed will often cure troubled
Anirabis wats
° Gat ¥
Tras Waal
se tusominda. I oan ad
of paeifying the atmuod-
a pests whieh has eosane fog
rp Eagle.
pois £
bobo on stank ow Brockl
hkmmee Talog me.
Lali Dave wip ald Rand
tis say, taey aod
PERI 3 das
guy similar te
by the aclnt
segs ost iy jars
teh at Pyramida contain
that which
prioeosses, ®ll
vogue today anwng Chiness ladics of
Peontine St Louis. .
The city of St Lonis 18 pet I any
| county. Unser the Missouri constita.
| tion of 1875 the city was separated from
as I the soanty.
sy wy dw where the DOME one
it was created a
IE seems Wo be
In 187%
srparate raunacipality.
{the only oity fn the country had iv aot
| oweithin the Mimi of a county.
Ream, |
A Guehurbaes Malady.
gay wvour husband suffering
“He called it ‘catching toning’
| Chicago Record
It has also best the geoerall
opinion that the size of the hatlstee.
na from without, and tout the ® :
Ceatied nuclease the resalt of pres
Fowhieh bear a mossnblanee to those 18
cons discuss did Dr. Goods |
Lteoaty favorites ap:
a CAPERS BE is the
Fall bonds that
ig evd
pir bilo
bindifforenea o4
ret vel specimens of fine privet
Husgin, the}
fps 1
ser of She beagtifal in
, of Ie, anrofiepder
{ane Bande opted, Bic apstect
Jie on ped for whet it cottaine aod can
arn atate ipo more thong Mae guker
ehithinig Pepe the mark of the most
artintio siciil If ix madd that fv never so
meh as inguived in what fos bis own
broke wera th bo given to tho world, mo
jong ak bis utterances appeared, he dared
pot in what garments they wer clothed,
I Ernest Renan was apother scholar to
whom the outward appesranse of a bok
made no appeal, Hi urge library is
wii 6 have contained ho fine bisedings
Fix study was his workshop, hiv hooks
the tools that aided Mm in the attain
gent of hiv end, and bo was not parties
niarly earefal of his tools, they auf.
Of Darwin it is affirmed that he
seemed apnware of the difference in the
silos of books and would treat a Zarhie-
der! Linding with the sau soant cour
tray that he exercised toward a penny
them off. Bometimes the book waw bore
power d
fe iw said that in the end his friends
peed to give Him any book which he
wished to borrow, for they knew! that,
if it wors ever vetrirned, ite weefniness
5 a book wenld be at ny end, we YEH
; Conypanson.
£ i
Fie Fatal Fnsder,
© fsenngiful one, he said, Yoan’t yoo
forgive me? J will tr to live it down.
I will besome great for your sake and
makes thy world envy doo ax my wife”
“Ka! the fair girl replied, andi there
was un reeclute ring in her vole, Ud
cannot be. | must paspect the piramise
that 1 made to my jaother upon ber
Hie knelt at ber fot and looked be-
soochingly op at her, nnmindful of the
fact that the fies wer congregativg i
droves npon his parson, ;
“Jape,” ke groaned, ‘do not lewve
me cut hero alone. 1 cannot, 1 will not,
give you np! It would kill me. You are
the Gnly one Fever onan Jove Ray that
you will recnll the words that yoo haw
| ing wy
pamphlet. Covers appeared to jim a}
gue bea seeight and decidedly in the way, |
ard he often got rid of thers by ripping |
od of work Mr Fiske saywt “F
it iy visits Dickens was sot #6 W
‘pws a novel, bot he what pimself
Foehiter’s chalet from 168 mM fo
mm. plmedt every day. This wae ape
prt of his methodical systems. -
felt in the niood he would write an ‘Une
senvrereinl Traveler” article. Jf not, he
weld amewer Jobters; read AH the
Year Hou procfy, jot dows jean ce Al)
wp the Lime with scare sort of Nterury
Jabor. This he ;
dissipline. The one room in the shales
& 14 spirsely fursivbed and bad windows
au ll ddos commanding quiet, pleasant
whews of folds and plantations. He sel
dem talked of his bsoks, but one miny
diy be showed me the bound manu
wiript of one of them and told me bis
miethad of planting a story. Howing
stincted a subject, he wonld write dawn
the name of the hero and surroond ie
with querios. "Shall be § rich? Parente
or gnardians? Defrauded of hiv prop
erty? An early lover and =m on with
the other charactors gx they ccenrved #0
him. He afwayy used blue ink, and =o
did Yates snd Halliday and the other
seriters of wint was then ‘the Dickens
solical.” They all called him chief, and
Ie liked the title, ”’
Much of the valus of knowledge de
pends upen the way it is obtained.
Rowxe of 18 i% given to ns, and we accept
it pasively. Some is throst upon us
and wa receive unwillingly, Some
wo crave and wosk for and finally ob
tain Ly menne of eur own thought anid
resvarches Of course in very
childhood knowindge as well an ew
thing oles most be given. This is nat
oral und right, dud xo Jong as the giver
is judicious and pot Wo eager the child's
mind will thrive by it Gradually,
however, as his powers unfold, this
constant giving joss ite value. The
tite arrives when bin mind needs de-
welopicg, his curiosity awskening, his
faculties stimulating, and this work
should jargely take the place of impart.
ing information. If #% Ye dove moos
fully, be will soon. show « desire for
seek it with avidity, and whatever be
guine in this way wilk become vitalised =
and a part of himself Iv is a slow sed
‘gradual process, and we seldom have
the patience to pursue it. We have more
faith in our systems than in nature's,
and we t00 often treat the child "sen.
Jost I moan spoken’ —
“ Ah" she interrupted. “There itis
again! No, no. a thopsand fives nol
musk pot bet I am sorry for you, bok
we are not iy the mime chaos I hope
who will make you happy." |
Then sbe bounded lightly over the
fences and started on #4 dog trot hack to.
his cheek upon su ant hill and wept
His was from Buffalo and ten ininotes
before bail said, ‘1 done it. ''=Cleve
jand Leador
How De Men In Murs Behave?
1t dons mem & crunl thing that what
{sort of beings the Marsan frtgutons
may bo should seve bat to us abything
| beyood 8 aypothesic. They may Buvo
Cand they probably havi—gonipen and
| formu very different from ali that we,
reancning by analogy from the creatures
| on our plapet, can agine I they
excecd us in intelligence? Have they
! found means to use the forces of natuny
Lin a way pot dreamed of by os? Then,
| a Bore, are there some overtordened,
| with wissith and others in wirery andi]
twat? Do they, Jike ue, maeaere envh
| other anal des this the most gitvious
| ceenpation in which beings rnackervwid,
i with reasoss ean bet ongaged? Do they
| have kiuge and grovel before them? De
| they overeat and ovirdrink thomestees!
that some day you may find soother
tally as we would physically were we
tw keep him in oar arms and feed hime
“with u spoon long after be was able to
walk aud to help himself —New York
People who are not aware of the con
ditions do not realize the continual risk
teeurred by doctors and sures in bos
pitale, in the operating wom sud when
dyessinig wrod Jn spies of fhe most
EF slriigint preaineos, steviiind instre.
seetits, ancisopte washes, ote, slight
, oar Cf bod poisoning are BOE aneom-
soon, wid the appearauce of 4 nue
with » bandaged band eweitcs compara.
sively little romark. The trst a |
dager are sn quickly detected
reused that thire are Sew fatal coms
“A nurs whose infected. nger had
inmeed to the bone and scraped sid
eheerfully: “1 ought te be thankful
that I shall pot Jose thenail. Miss Sew-
botios is in 8 fur worse state. Her whole
arm in inflamed, and she bas lost a
thumb nail. She went to bed ;
well, but awoke in an hour or two with
shooting pains in her hand and arm.
However, she's doing well now and will
be all right soon. "New York Tribune.
X Parone Folien
After the Dutch had taken the Mo
Tuceas fram the Portuguese they intro
| 1s there the vaguest resemblavot in their
| thoughts snd habit © oursi-~London
{ Truth,
Iw hie Blomaerckinn Veil
The reply of Julis Favre when: Bis.
marek said that if any one bal begun
to otant six willinids st the birth of
Christ bewould not yet bare ownplodsl
his work is im the best Blemarckian
vefu, Well," wit the answpr, “that
is precisely why I bave sumpaened. to
my side-some ano who began 0 count
| pven before the birth of Christ," the ul-
| justo being, of poarse, to this Jewish
| bankers Bioiohrodes and Erlanger. Aud
Lit ba any to pictare Bismarck growling
Lat dis physacian, ‘Don't Aak WO many
| questions,” and thin caving in to the
retort: “Then pliase consuls a wetes
i inary surge Fo asks no quiestioon.
| —eShttrday Review,
sot A HE oY,
! A Treas Americas,
| Enthusiastic Briton {to soigly Arai
i ean, who bas been tunping Gown ail sur
| national monnmens Eat oles our
| gous of oariingimt haven’s dn 3,
{| pon say, with tw Tid swe tenspla of
| Chicago, surely, sie you wii sdunt tha
| Thaaes ero bankas nut, for stan
Seedy Americas Waal, guess 1 dom 't
{think go durped mack of your Thaoes
| smbankmend petther, IE ral all Ehe
| blamed time the sight © slope on oe
inifaln Enguimt
Tu (Bicago.
{The reception ut the home of are
cently married Chivagoe couple was pros
gresing uncothly when the wifiy, whi
was circulating noong the guests, heard
a call of Oh, Alice!” fram her his
“What 15 it, dearie®" said she
“* Johmson and 1 wang you to settla a
husband ¥'—Cincinuati Enquirer.
i A Politiond Pointer
Bragley—-Restagraut wailers wold
pet for us. Am I your fourth or With |
duced the enltivation of the clove in®
their own possessions, cut down all the
clove tries of the Moluccas and pro-
poutesd deatl on aay one who would
plant nn single clowe bash or gather or
well a pound of the product, Expeditions
wire sent from their other eastern pos-
sessions: every year to out down any
bushes that might have accidentally
stirted in the Moluces islsvds. This
parbarcus policy made the bxlands »
dewert, for, deprived of their forests, the
voloanio soil wis waned away, and the
popularion starved or was departed.
Early Daywn of Coffec.
J is recoded in a “New View of
London,” published in 1708, til Tone
James Fair, a barber, who kept the
house (which is pow the Rainbow) by
the Inner Temple gate, vue of the oldgt
in England, was in the year ALT
snted by the inguest of Se Dunstan's
for making spd selling a sore of Dguer
enlled calfoe, to the great LRERNOS ad
projudion of the neighborhood. And
who Cudds the sathor) could then Baye
thought London wonid ever have 3, 000
such nuisances and thet coffee would
have Deen, as now, so much diank by
the first quality and physicians?"
From the puddle of the sistomti oon
vary uutil ed the Dutch regaisted ox
| sought to regulate the clove fade and
the price by anpaally destroying & por
tion of the crop in order to cnhanes the
rice of the remainder. The burning of
gloves took place snmaally, from 8 guar
tex ta a half of the crop being thus de
stroyed, The last clove burning was in
1824, when the practice was discontine
Alfeuso V of Aragon and Naples was
antitnd the Magnanimous because on
more than one cocasion he released pris
pners taken in war instead of putting
them tw desth or holding than for »
| make strong candidates if they were in
polities Don't yuu think so!
Roxbury Gasette
AA om TE
: The depmarinent of agricnltars onl
4 io, i ik k 3 fg a ! ¥
WW IRWAT Cop § ate GW. i
| mates that the cost of sowing an acre
Bragley—Harua't you noticed hang of wheat io Alabama is 80 cents, and
they enrry everything before thes .
| fron thus moun the furs dpa )
| in other stapes to 34 canis 1a lowe YE
told me, was in self