The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 01, 1896, Image 4
ps % ; Ce aE ar tiow the Giaperal Gate Pregl ¥ TT : Fo £ xs 3 Corvating Police Gane, 0b : rt Ar Ag 5 OF TH SNAPPING KIND, A J; AMRAaIEn. WS ERIM ORD oo JP B ldtherd boas ton following As the Stat - wHERERY HANGY THIS TALE Aes Cc Pergnfid uo gory, gd Le Bau Franeiseo a pass ffi : T RESY i ANGS HS > wis one of ths “'nmke u on thi pe Nove: iy N ® = . Gmte, Bois n Luke Paren ay Ll ee per, and in Wyeanaotes, whicp he pesid- is Fiver, jhe pushers sce wambers of abi It Opened the Way Por » Country Lad fo oq jue orer the lnc fw Runes CHT. | ir snr sirastol ed peed RY lle anciweid off in shallow water ard | 3 sha. im. Curussevilisans Genie Wan Strest, a Boh Wife and Pustosst po wag the dealer o£ a boii} fea a rie ; ing | jevarinbly ask the steward oyone of thn $8 J Brains wad Res Ar RE ; hm ks Se ik ry 3 ChE ol LL. uF : ap wie ig 5 wis PAIR Lo ia thins he wh fo Coie Pan asules ney, a by Phonograph Sypiboitest ) Suceeny Oantitios Displayed In a Senatl { Foniety, Yor ret A i BY ie = ; Lg we Ant rew Thinner, Si oe Liiva whut they ae there for. The CO} Pp. 9. Fain ¢ smd ¥ af Fading SE 1 ign ientios Which Plensnd fhe Bwaker, | ing down Wo hie paper topo 1G NOIR, weg i ake ti matte of Shiloh reed glveays WEIVED NR prod aed oy Finastiae ney ws 2 5 by 8 i i ¥ : 3 2. FS a Fr RAE TR Wee Ha eh Oe Fond FEEREE a pe i> Ei 3 letark aE ra 2 ST 2 oe CAF xen id Sik Bare indad John's ne § woud WRNIe HEA € rip ie i Fors Laird we £0 A ape fending protry vad: | Lae pracy foe, as ite a fool's ; ent way Boal iam 4 d Ruf aif win i p. erin ° na Damon. Geer i ran Daothin: UME Dy aoa ron wrembhs IW of ii the ads fuvstion " Panyu woe y sud Het 0 a 0 FS Fob] aed her ant, ahs . \ a : 52 : oT dy arin ced 4 fee ARTE a SREY TL MR EL aR Eth ous . . Heda " hon fay He Her t . t nh = - ia Job Fergoos, tim well krewn wale] CLL es TyigirE FOF : Thos ro vand enckers sk ri ind ule hice HE FOREYG Ye) amt of The Vigeck comps (0g S007, AP / pit bowed he Yin ned a pat y Nhat & mind sucker? TRAINS ARRIVE. it fe had pot used such a tune of sus : vining 10 ahs, anid | ind a po ld Tabu that suck up sand.” pein when be Gomanded more MNS Lol ont bounty oir of foluaieation. ” 1 ow Buu Yai o oh serinin Froeks {har 1 had with him i PR Be: DUR ay Ba 0 Be LAR AN LF AA { each eit e fpr iered IR A tg “ b 2 Tw ck ge A Soi ly Bags 2 3 i % 1 fred of the How iio they suck op sand? i 5 : § geval SARE % i 4 Yiia gos re in a oan” {This entertaining bd Field weal) send | sport, tho! kL} RERAPADOTS, Thy " Pri oracle Jocks ab you on y is body Neh 5 we on Eons bd Tee 0d BER fHSE Te ws ¥ ; a : i i ; r Pb 3 WH 3 ip Tits ie uew “ff gqni 2 5 RE A ry + 1 frequen ¥ wikie ii Flies foc Cty only fia WAY, har! io," said A i oe » a . a Te 2 > Ho it { pofee wae dome A dureaioes} young alin a a ni Ee Ea ea CE (Ta SP TE ops Of Caph ORME Li SIAR an Toes peared wilkod right ino ong A A At wii] AIRON TSO Tes FRc ‘bearer. > “ $e didn’t mean to injure you ap Sov sy HOLBInE ¥ nine on CE on . - i tie 4 bm, sil it pales uo great deal mond a i ig ER a 3 $ k i PENT, sd bie Fr AEE 8% BELATIIUS 25 : : ‘ CT i Tog , regrat. This yecoliar At AIL : C1 Te Pergacon Knew than this awfal Py ane oy i bong questioring to fod ott the tack that i S edics ta cddi- | Possibly he did not," said the Set - shi) x : 1 ax you pleswe and asiced 33 if we Knew industry Bas been fo o utiligh 15x COG : REY. Je A Aer EUS § persons] wax in thelr paost, and €YOrY | Losy to play draw poker. Did wal wa DEW judas > Bax bee i to nti ant | might wonhi go earefuliy over every gal | nor thenght Ww : vol wry | BOEIEBL ADK vaky huiks timt are not BE 1 DIR rather ihonght we did. Had wi any i 0 10 won, sv of the | sealer: 418 many have teen due 10 the . training that old Dutch banker === | yop gop the porpose of locating and kill | % A fo s phil : aoney from the public intormar. gave him and his innate desire 0 bet: I i. It er » him vast troable. Every EE . ow ? : = Be Pe ey The bottom of Lake £'t. Clair and th #t is pot an unusual thing to hothing escape. reve | mow and then Field wonld jst write bis | prose wor her Yank. came © Joy | Bute that sarround iv are overed with at mean wedded to the skeleton | "When be and I were boys, Charli | personal abtont Ferguson and then the | 0 FR A cv | beautiful white sand, and Sess bots and the tattooed man to the | continued, “I spent several FUmMmOTS OB | pg oiien Forgason was wires off than then WRets _ I or Mpeg | RO Out every morning, anche in a fr Ho. is father's farm out in Jersey J WAS | gover. As long as ba could not find i nl, ivr Taw hi or Wo ro voratle piace near the channel, and Hannah : Battersty, who ene | there : hat he m et his partuet, and ther® | might sfi1] bo there, It ainvist drove the cruel ot over i | drop eerboayd large hose pipes of cane the country as & fut wom: | 1% 8 cutions little MCW COC with | poe man of the paper. Now and then | a A re and Ton Baa | YR 01 rubies, with iron tips, which | M patricd to a Pennsylvania their first business transietion, ip B | jt escaped hin eagle eye end was print everybody but the Yankes corporal | 71K of their own weight. Then they | pd it is stated ax a curious fact | which he ‘did’ the cla fellow, bot at | 4 "6 euch cocasions Ferguson's bur | pee The re Tank rd, | "rt fhe pumps going and mck up tie Le — pooner wore they mieriod then the same time endeared himself to him. | G0 Cl hevonid the of even a broke. The rest were squatte round, | CaS hich brings a good deal of water — an to lose flesh and he to gain “John and I had been fishing, and Christi i ti bea _— blue and gray. watching th game, when | with if, and is deprsitedgn the Botton | wl YB ei Ww ORONO minis A Tncscased fu rapidly that | stiong other things had canght 8 #naF SA SPINE 10 Bear | here. came that ugly ‘e-bidek ek sn | IG SEC I UC re, and the | Tol Tm mie er 1 ‘took fo exhibiting himeelf as « | ping turtle that weighed about 20 Delay That Wasn't Dasgerons. familiar to the soldier's cor. Ne looked | C0 riven to the surface avd returns fo A CY Keraoo an vy, A thes Ste A Yankee srghant | the river through poles picived for it “| accommodation. Thos, bufers sunset ¥ * 4 BeszEsnEs Ba took to exhibiting A yf | pounds. We were carrying the mapper ; : An Stouption £0 this aie of juonds We i a ue aT of Once in » while t dry jnges of ROY: | with four men, their muskets cocked ho stood 6 fot 7 chen He each end of it, when we met the bank- ernment; reports are enlivened by detuils ‘Members of the Forty-ninth, consider | the hatches are flied with pore, clear eo fo Marths Peaboly the | fr driving along in & buggy to his sam- of sensational incidents. Witness the | vogrenives ander arrvat,’ said the ser as at i nomial € an which: 4 i giantess Several rave Gio, | mer home. following from a report of Jobs W. | geant ‘Ob, come now, sergeant,” the oy, ‘he docks at Detroit anid sold bes appeared in lic eget, Our catch presented a good appear. Fleming, Unie States Iie Supe gorporal began, when « horseman iy for Bailing purposes. or ey | yp x 4 it FA ph vy ; a8 alle Ls ht | or \ Mexico: 1 arr at rill " behind tho guard, apd Be cone iaded, 4 3 i * ¥ o- nal i SL hit i aL . ERT pa ba 3 : : in the 1 iat 11 Pom. Om the morning the 21th penta got ap looking like a lot of whip wn» si ih £53 t WhO Hane a *i we A ) ie GLY AD rd The groom do with it, and we told him what deli. about 314 miles from the tywn. When 1! pander, who eyed them as sterniy as 8 I I re sens ATT 18 i ol a re Obie | tions soup it would make. AY once he | MEived there, I asked the superintendent | sphinx. They Sled in front of the ganrd | A o Joes gnome of oy | “Ar I ad in, Jtaly, The | wanted it and offered 50 eenta for it. | of the mine, Jumes Duggan, aboot the | any started for camp. When their backs uy py rowed op flathoats which EE airiis ware: thon 3: on of | was for accepting the 50 cents, bat not | condition of the mine, and be informed | wer turned on him, Grant removed potas ant , Bp La bord ee tno | ios mio cn | Sid or Ti | nb, men £2, in would Sl ty juamng ore fo rae boing 17 Pe. | or amd heid out for $1, and he got it. had bem in the mine every day for eight | cynical smile, asked the Contelersd I es wruli work os with med, AB being Ly Proxs. | 5 Oia —— wan a little afraid cf the or ten days past, and had taken aif | pogrst him, Who's ahead? ‘Ob, we ot Bela NE aot Ae forwarded 6 antherities in | Snapper's jaws, but John nd 1 bridied | messuremetits and found that the vent. | are.’ replied the defender of the sare] 98 WAT EP 0 0 modern sand sucker D cha in the presed of the parish the turtle by passing a bit of fishing lation was better than ever before. | qnd bars. ‘Those chumps you've] 8 ITE iy pdt A RE xaninn who in the presence of HM PARES | 100 around it and between its jaws Upon toy request that be jirocesd into | sroaght down bere can’t pluy poker 4 rg RA ra die “her sigunture, rote pling it a8 her and so tied its head well bac ur ite | the mine for its inspectica, ho stated | jisele bit. But they oan fight, general,” | OEIC RS A The tous wan foot] anol. We then received cor silver dol that he was required to gto the ocke | 1 remarked. ‘Have to sometimes,’ said SUGAR NOT IN IURIOUS . TT marae Periectly | lar, tossed tho snapper under the seat of ant ot at Yaido, shoes Grant dryly and rode away.” UC NJ IRIOUS. mon + vor. | the old man's buggy, and he drove off | 356 miles distant, anc fl Netury b, Sn : The Iden hut It Destroys the Teeth Is | Ey ae tock | with it poontime, and we would go into the HOW PEOPLE REST. Ricuteds * Miss Maple wus] "As ho did 0 I started on toward | 0S At 11 am. an explosion of. A writer in the Contemporary Be | Miss Maple wak | 0, ot John sat by the roadside | fire damp cocurred in the mine which aoe anes Sit aut Ew Bown, Witte ou. | 4 writer In the CBSE ST an in New York * “What are you waiting faa? 1 said killed 24 men, and showed the inspector | ers Crouch and Kuesl. Yew de vies at o 38 aetie . = col themar | 0 apper.’ said John that, sometimes, delays are the roverss | There is wide difference in the modes | SPUSHPAEDE 0 0 eat en Tan “fg gene, said] of dangerons. followed by the various races of the BO ak. The 7 Ly a ® | Wait a minots and watch the oid man,’ A Youd Mathers Buse. | the Amwiricsn that by far tho mest sat- a ora is ae RIE 81a Tanidbe. : ; There i¢ a mother on the north side jafactory Way to do it is either to sit of opwaid considerable avid bee to sso | wa : ak i . ity of small child lie down, bat there are millions of hu. thit ehampagne his nothing to do with SRA 2% 5 , before the old : Cy ; kn aa man beings that Test quite as well ir the production of govt, and In an aide man had gove hall » mile we heard him | 5,7 0 Lok and it <a | quite different way speaks of that other popuinr notion that ky Jeli ad then saw him jump from his | : a hil ivy at 2 The scat barbarons races croach and sugar destrops the teeth. He says: | bogey. : Lan Fue Yea YW, Wh HH ha thonaht-of | kneel : : hei: 1 ur “1 “In corpeberation of 1h failavy of | * ‘John rolled on the grass and Iangh a ach ae When ak a ot feel ho a fo ~~ the sugar awl gent wen it muy be sae 194 neatly as lcadly ss the old man had 11 > 8) - tures a» sasily a8 an American does in honed thay the still more peprboniling : he hed. ' The lower clames among the Hiv: dogma, from s eanitary pOal¥ of view, | _ a ta | go get our soapper.” docs and some of the South American Shay Nagar Elen the Sinha lieln ia prrnsvLvANIA RAILSOAD. ] en a Im he doling Ea and th thay must not dars come near Jatel dloep tuna, se She tH ras iyeronch-| inte exiatenee fo 8 JEG. F U0 I¥ SFT JUN ZI ILRS _Naat's OE ios mo the | BET, for they would catch it. They ‘kept | In the nest higher grades of civiliza- the Siiest, wiyitemt ais} SEOHREIRE. Cd oi iatel pris and Erie Naiiroad Diviewy the | beautifully all the afternoon, and | sion thoes poritions give way fo HERA Sond in the wosthe of 507 WY Tobia. Trainslmveiiincng = she finished the book. Boma of the | or P= log, ‘hin is the sitting BP O80 SUART DIRS SRLS, : a + WARD, % hats hefore except in the mar. 3 wai wl wl ag a og wk To Bie. et - BIN Fes yolled. : | Poking himeelt up. he said, ‘Let's peighbors also saw the ved flag and posture of Massulman snd the Pu enrliest gears upwanl © Co [9H A M.~ Prats & daily snapper had + | anked the children what was the matter, cifle island races, as is well known. In ng than ee or CLL. Wf pe Sunbury, Maral es bad nipped the old and they said smallpox, aid the report | some Persian houses, however, it ia not w HEV er. SR0EA al i Pe i u's shins and bad taken undisputed was current of" that side of town in a | unnsal. to ses the inbabitants and vales of tai Laer on of the : ¥ i very short time. Not only the ehildren, ranged abopt & roum knealing around among Shedr poiicl Nene CI fellow in state | but the neighbors, kept sway anti] they against the wall, sod moo whether the sugar cutics «; °f Joxrned of the scheme. ~~ Indianapolis Another step tpward on {he ladder of | ORM sbanners have tao Brost 4 clyilimstion Leiags ae ts ehairs of vari and they will Bnd, other thug: , * Anse ons forms. A primitive thair consisting Squat, that She sigur Saker = ho ude, the same time oe LAnsentond iw iim of a simple wooden support a few inch. | RYH Kho Dest 15 Rg ony por sen 8 dame Sime. sell made devil? saked Abraham Ha¥W ard, the famous Qoar- © oa Sap fiurd in some parts of way for scocanting for this hivel cia 7 the oid man, : terly reviewer, bee thought that be | Africa. Then comes the smne support magar seems fo be by supposing hal Papin aE. ths “No, wnice fat, juicy mapper,’ said would Jike to have some ancestors, #0 | with a roond crompleer, Which is scen fa | 9riinated. in the brain of one of « weell days aud Wn ah on dia This, to | Meili viraight lo apiints dealie's | Gaines. and then 3 flat erosspiecs with | Scomomically disposed great grancit *t | uum wa p——r He'll make delicious soup snd plenty Kelosting 8 portrait of a cavalier in Balt | two logs which i wend in the upper | *™ at the {ime when sugar was 3 si0l | ten» mis ant i oti of it.* armoe, With features not quite unlike | Nile osuntry. Finally eomew the three lings a pound order to prevent het wlgery Le shop te J dd pt . * *‘Dounerwetter! Soup! I'll haf no bis own, Mr. Hayward niade a bid for | and foor legged stecis aud chairs, some shildren gratifyiug their cravings fi: inn Pl soup! Gif me my toliar and take de it, but deeming the price asked too | times in simple far + and sometimes | SEE at the expense of the contents of | Am = Philadel phie rate.’ : high. he went bin way. A few days later handsianely carved, which are found the sugar basin “Ort ne a gat haven't your dollar, Charley has Mr. Hayward went 10 dive with Lord | among the civilised races all over the a - WELTWARS 4¢ back there in the road Take the Houghton, and was astonished to find | world, Cy Shin uy Crvmeilly Song, rn nears | rn 10 him, sud 1 gues he'll give | 8 pictus in the dining om. Bg. | To Faypt the fellas retain the four | “XRT Srath SF rCE CRunth, Eo br itera, Dn te So end JE you the dollar.” | thet 16 attracted his guest's attention, | postures of their ancestors, the knecling, English correspondent of the Baitimers | we tied | ts -_— . [7 the duilan. cv dat esti tog? 1] 10nd Houghton aid: ** Very goed pic- | the miting. ihe sro aed ant tio wit | Jun, “mings to Wind 4 Pathutic ue i wpe ey A Bre wou T pouldart gor to shat. PUSSY sow for «| 1508 1hat | Came Into my hands fu A <3 ey i Yogn Joint, ent which conve 2t wR of Mile. Ti- | aces Po 0k. Frain Ll Say eusopt Susang. 7 quarter each vay. Get "fn out and keep rious wry. Portrait of a Milnes of the | All four date from the eighteenth | TOF Suniel; = thy opera house at | Kanesns inscmecae stone. the iar." : commonwealth ‘ Ancestor of dynasty «Exchange. : Now York uw 106 ale famous nvr, : : ~~ *1t was like rolling oft » log for Joho mine.” “Ab, indeed!’ said Mr. Hay- site ad on cpec, nog Raikes Sivour tak Ds eae ward ‘He was very near being an an- Ove Trestment, need,” tie suly tui she did so Wikle iy osstor of mine.” A process has been brought forward he tutte 4 Svs 3x vaojte » Segre of LL | __ ! in Sweden, by Olm and Loftrand, for} ~° ire, snd oa Mile Titiens’ jeavilig : : Witehas In Kgmiafie. extranting od or bismath from ores by ow tage abe Was nforsed that » map, 8 When Napoleon III was approaching | means of melted lead. The process can duped blew lunatic, wan Sghting | sovereignty, he milked | a jodicicos pr be applied to mineral mixtores SoRtain. 2 | seer tan bariiers from the pit | : - John, wt to otwerve him carefully for a week and | ing, for example, iron ores, Hestone, | © v, dsterigived 10 speak to the scon had bis mappership swinging from 30 pete Fe to himunything that he ¢id bismsuth, native gold, querss, or sli | 1 EEE done told the an | gy : ‘omolimmire our stick. We walked home in tri Which wan sot seceding fo gh sérerni] cates, and even when the mixtures are | Io GE RE A mors to Willlsmepart. ish, th the dolls § . : Be mahha EO Was wil man. | an wz i is : ie at) aE SRL SEY Lar nie oars, sutang 18% 1 leaves § vo st 8390 a “Sabin EP | Sill fis dal Su a). wu Us To bar aa mp other. Our joke was too good to keep, oh tien which his friend had Bo | them The method now bronght forward | Law TY SODE AR yon have jus, sang JORNSONBURG RAILROAD | and that night wo related it to oll whe tied. The emperor, after eating a boil | ponsisty in placing the ores in » bath df 1 ¥ cay song,” was the sstnished ee ly SURG Rating 3 vigited the mill. y : ed CER, invariably thrust kis G0 | peeled lead, keeping if aw free ad pom - Si Cha ron are not Croaeh, sorely TRAIN 19 lan ves Ridgway st %20 JOR +The eld man bore vs no iil will, bet throogh it. ble from any contact with the air. Tol © '% dyp.d' replied the composer, | poaburg st #38 a. 18, arriving at Clermont 8 still be over wanted to buy any more Whence this practics has urisen, at guid ores which contain lithe or no CPRS hie then an old wan, ‘and 1 felt Weta. Wm, of our ‘schnappers,” although he osea- | one time Bot uncommon, it 14 diflotls | math encugh of the latter substancy ie mist hank you myselt.” It was indeed | Toop of sionally stopped to look at them from to any. Eome date it from a very early | added to roducs the melting points of the] 00 WNCRY LAe b, who had straped tho seat of bis buggy when he met ue period snd assume thal it was done | alloy as far a possible, in this way pire. ] AHELSAT ie prien ef a pit seat, Litle carrying thera horas, originally in carder 10 prevent witches | venting oxidation of the alley sud jose] MR URLR tut hin own BOW world fae ; Jobn and 1 wer sitting on the mill miling in the eggshells. | of metal which would ethorwise resgin | DE oy pa RIDGWAY AND CLEAKFIELD & 8% srs ting wh sh oman | wan ps WRI SLI BE le wor sais ExcEFr wba fer. Si pp, eked Job © | One oan if tin manifient | on 16 uc tf ptr j . he PAN OO Wir they Arove | distances of the caar's realm from I lah al toh ropes of A prongs “of maw a litte girl in striped and [how : off. They were gone about an basar. ae . Es = rom earn { sheet of mictad covered with 8 layer if ‘ 8 h wirsped nd PX, AN Phat night John said, ‘I'm going to be ing thas a Rasstan geowral who wa in | aebestns, pieces of iron wire and cial white stoekings phe other day,” sad the i eH » banker.” Be 3% berry to get ta Bi Petersburg from ! dost. 1 woman, Vand i sea wii think of the (9 2 OY tu—gring to be 5 banker! What Viadivostok found the time saving roote a ——— time when Iwas a little girl nivseif Hs ponsense!® 1 vxolaimed Yiwas ta go 15 Yokohama by steamer, | Cause of Noss Bleed. Thore was no thongds of binek storkings | od ‘ # sNonsense er pot, it's a fact. The old | Shanice by smother stessier arom the Pu | 17 Weak person bleeding at the nose then, Tae spall Jugs of ail the small e merrier.” Not sn | man tonight asked nse to taken position SE an Francisco, by mil to New | is frequently hurtful aud should] be|Miste looked ike sticks uf saritated proskwayville in a purse. ‘Noth with him. I teld him I koew nothing ors an by Sea tu Esrope. The | stopped without delay, we contiuged candy. Lhe child who fad the gayest MoM) ii b more than sarfeit: | of the business and would be a fuilare.’ Bap between the finished sections of tha : hemorrhage may prove fatal if peglected. conn bination of stripes was the happiest, He a Xk of meat. “Nothing bat | “You po a failure?” he said ‘You, | Transsiberian railroosl is so many bun- | Those who suffer from poornesy of fand if the color scheme happened to be | i Desiois CON #0 A ring has who haf soit me a schoapper and aa? dreds of niles in brgth that the genaral blood, ar anemia, and are sometinnes displeasing to cur youthful tasted thers TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. : 5 round. “Money isa great got my tollar and my schuapper! Dot weal] have lost time in traversing the sen geil with violent nose biveding, | Wad such a fooling of utter woe as [| Hestward Wistwars round. Mone int OE ee EE I a Crna Te Ber | eng which mm far a possible, any. | Kpow © widom feel mow that | am Balafifam = RustNSLE niin og | Fou, and sme day 1 put you nd ax. | TR HL IEE ime wise ay tnd 1 rng to, | Eon vp Now York Ties | ERRRPAR mal 1 “The sun goes over It Shange: ge You Jade human 5a fares asd | Taeamueteut. Stlent bodily Tovements muy provoke] Philippe 1 of'Franed did not dioserve |B XM. PREVOST, 1, 4h, WOO, — En ts do bears is Cs om, balls und i “Why are you keoking so soriops, pepitition of the be merthage, Even | Hie title of the amorous any mers than Set Massa Fons Pas. Ags friend i% best found in “John went with ir old man apd I Bobby: gaked te fon “I ranning down stairs hostile shogid be Bye other French kings, but in spite of a ¢ so, for then there is ‘ever since has had the dollar inoue : Thinkin abun the prescher. He aviiied. this fact 1 was bestowed upon lim on FOR FINE JOB WORK eal A od a ha aia went amd wold pe we anid not coves Bhasding ob the pose 15 oemalies sign secount of bis numerous intrigues with | j “The pride of hand and the snapper on the stick in the ia ¥ ’ as tg ai No: i Vopr i oo BSRALY 8 SIN hs Yada pl Figs & { : the poor.” Not other. He married the old man's dsugh- Otaar people's things ard then tried v | that something 1s wrong with the sys | 100 80s of his court. t = 0 1 whole concern New York Times i pati Enquirer. | discovered and steps taken to romove il}, lhe first gold pens were mae by | | whole coneern. Ni vk Timea. | ym band in 1840 tn the eigY of Now York CALL. AT TEIS OFFICE « por in the most expressive German at Journal Sie PR SRE SR a Ridgway at Li) noon Before Hlanuk Stockings Were Worn. OUTHWARD i Inimad | ioe Haven a w Mills Bios Roel vw rvs BRE EEEBELRE EEEEEEcc cone BREREEENERERD Se ATA TG ATON ipa