Rs rm AERO SEAN a ee and sell, and see how | x | quickly the American people will help Jot fr ttn soe live on nothing, : lieved ‘you must have no suspicions pretences. Do not be deceived by the oo éry that your banker friend wants to contract the currency and to throw silver out of ase. Your banker friend is the best friend that silver has. He | wants such legislation as will keep it in use, and at as near a stable value as it is possible to keep it. He wants as muoch silver as the country can tee * | legitimately, or the people (not silver | merchants) really demand. He does inot want to contract the volume of | | money either by throwing out of nee | necessary silver or Government money, | even though there may be grave ob- {jection to it many times over, unless " something equally good, or better, is "Your sive tend ws Your silver friend wants yon to have | : Smaie; 0.0. Winslow, H. | No 18,0 I in id eT Do you care to be the | | bolder of this money while it is de | preciating in your hands? This de- | : preciation will be shown, of course, in | will bay, not in the money itself. But (Is it 3 whit more honest to incrense the | | prices of your products in that way ‘than it would be to pay at fifty cents ‘on the dollar? Is it not really the same thing ? And, after all, are you any better off in the end ? Now let 08 see if we cannot all join | | hands and go forward to find a remedy | . for your troubles, though they are not | i» 1 Gorm. wil a hogs sconer than will barley or ity of meat is obtained from groand.. : 3 ood | oate and barley. (money) to you so that you can do, {your work. If we cut off even one ifinger, and leave the wound un-| staonched, the heart will soon come to | a standstill because it can no longer | + | supply enough blood. You make out an tia case of gross injustice such as It The mower should be ron over every | field that contains weeds. If the weeds are then collected and burnt, it will be an advantage, but it pays better to plow under the weeds when they are green so As to use thew as green manure. : It pays to grind the corn and cobs _ and the mixture will be eaten | | by all classes of stock. It can be fod ‘to advantage by cotting straw, hay or | corn fodder, moistening the cut food i T | ground mixture. Parmers are learning that it does not. pay to expose corn fodder by leaving it in the Seids for the winds, rains, snows and frosts to destroy it. Enter- | prising farmers are ing Whedls under 4 t which to store it, the com being io ; . | small bundles, for convenience of hand- | “| 48 an important one. But by no means | Jet him make his own private gain, and | {to an enormous amount, at the ex. pense of everyone else and ander falss | ling. The sheds erected will cost ‘something, bat the saving in fodder ‘will soon pay the sheds. Acorns are plentiful this year and] they are good food for the hog. When there is no sale for fruit it isa good plan to oan it till thre is a sale. | Canned fruit is nearly always in de “1 had chronic diarrhoea for ten years’, says 1. W. Kichlein, a justice of the pence at South Easton, Pa “No | remedy afforded me real ridief ontil 1 was indoced by Chas. T. Kilian, the droggiet, to try Chamberlain's Colic, | Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy. It. cared toe and for a year | have had no return of the trouble.” It bas also cnred many others, among them old | soldiers who had contracted the disease in the wrmy and given up all hope of | recovery. Jt will cost you but 25 cents to try it, and the one twenty-five cent Prom Sire 10 Som, As a family Medivine Baron's Celery | . King for the Nerves passes from sire 10 | Jobinsoni. the incremsed prices of what money | 300 88 & legacy. If you huve Kidney, | Crain? 1 Lather te Wencenty Koj, David J. el nx. dram Bougher, Harr, §150. - Gayin I. Davis ét ux. to Pennsylvania Railroid company, Washington, oo, {of all description ¢ can be procured at our Store. A full Gayan L Daviset ux. to Penny ui complete line of Heavy So Shelf Hardware and all kinds of Railrond company, Washington, §1 Guynsn L Davis et ux. to Pennsylvania | Raitrond company, Washington, $300. Joseph Nail to Adam Rudolph, Alle- gheny, $375. Ferman Edmiston et ux. to Sarah Jane ‘ Edmiston, Spangler, $50. ; Daniel 8. McAnalty of ox. to Clars | Tr ' M. Leiirn, Barnesboro, $200. . Quart, Cresson township, $1,000 Margaret Helfrich te Andrew Hahn, Elder, $250. John Wills to Anna Barto quehanna, §1. Philip Dever to John Dever, Munster, | o #1. Philip Dever to John Dever, Munter, | fn HH. Somerville et al. to Clara Thomas, | Carroll, $600. Young men have Jou seen OOF BREW i shirts for immediate wear? They are and sprinkling the mess with the Henry A. Quarta et nx. to Michael A. | and a gemerel Hine of BUILDERS’ I MA- TERIAL kept constantly on hand. See us first before buy- ing. It will pay you. TINNING ARKD PLUM A Specialty. THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. the Intest in the market. Prices right. | ™ = BeLi, The Parnisher. Are you insured? | If not, now is the | time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberiain's Cough | Remedy as insurance against coughs, colds and croup. Mothers will find this | remedty ewpacially adapted to croup and It will give almost’ whooping immediate relief and is safe and pleas ant. We have warranted it and it has never failed to give the most perfect satisfaction. G. W. Richards, manager Eagle Dmg Store, Duquesne, Pa. The above card to the public wis sent out by this firm to their costomers. They knew this to be a medicine of great worth and merit, and did not hesitate | Hodgiion, Patton Pharmacy. Liver or blood disorder do not delay, | . hi | but get a free sample package of this ‘remedy at once. If you hive Indiges. ‘tion, Constipation, Headache, Rben- * - matin, ete, this grand specific will cure | ‘yom. CO. W, Hodgkins, the leading | druggist, is sole agent, and is dis | tributing samples free to the afflicted. | Largupaciages Se mde. Chron Good weight means good Good health means Good Blood is at the ak Slccd Sa the TorOm SY 8 you have allied your- your only. Let us see what we can | agreeable and shortening Scully. d st, which fact has cast 411 do to posh the country to the high [Tt derangwe the system, causes sick 3 your motives. YOur | eat state: of prosperity. Let all hard headache, bad breath and poisons the re “honest, his, possibly, feelings engendered by these late blood. Tt ean be readily overcome by | & flesh chances are ten to one that That man ls the party who | troubles with the pocketbook, which, De Witt's Littie Early Risers These the blood Bs impure and Beles. be be a producer of with most men is a tender spot, be Httle pills arv great regulators cw ig Pare bload buds up god, fm . y. Let us see if we cannot Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. un use. a Ey Ty {find & way to help you pay for your | farm, even under the new conditions, . {which have sffected its value. There must be a remedy. Let os find it. ts | maintenance of a financial system | under whick the farmer will aot ob 9, tain the price of his wages in standard | {money of stable value and full pur- lling | chasing power. 1 en who will be oh ee the de-| you try a new scheme. cast off this alliance with ly and make & now 4 Join 1 hands. ne be | you had og at ot care particularly he Farmer? n people have The End.) Talk about ‘men's suite Well that's Y | where wo are above all. We have sn 1 all-wool at $5.00 that is honestly worth | §1.50. We have all weaves and prices. | Bras, The Clothier. The Bet for Children. ‘l believe Chamberlain's Cough - we | Remedy is the best for children 1 ever ‘used. For croup it is unequalled. It rE im Wants ry at Rat. It is also’ ithe best medicine in the world for: colds and whooping cough. For sale ‘at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by C. W. Hodgkin, Patton Pharmacy. Nother. | cation with the Secretary of Internal | Affairs of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, for a warrant for a certain piece of vacant land, situate in Reade township, Cambria county, Pa, bounded on the North by land of J. D. Holland; on the Eset and South by Parricxk H. Waris The undersigned has filed an appl | pation with the Secretary of Internal | Affairs of the Commonwealth of Penn- | gylvania, for a warrant for a certain | piece of yacant land, situate in Reade Cambria county, Pa, s North, East and South Ww est thy the land of E. D. Stiles, and containing four (4) acres, more or less, S33 Pargick H. WALLS, Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles’ Ripans Tabuies cure bad breath, Agent Gore Kesig hs. i J. W. Gore, agent for the Peansyiva- | nia at Cremon, is about fo resign on account of ill health, and it is under: 1 stood that William Calbert, night sta- ‘tion master st Union station, will be | | promoted to agent at Cresson. Mr. Grove will make a toar of the southern | states, and may locate in that country (if he finds a place suited to him. Al i 1 £ circular announcing the sbove changes will be issned in a few days. Johns town Democrat. fos canse no griping, and are most in their effect. Such are the | amos lite pills known as De Witt's| Little Early Risers. Small in size, [great in resuits CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Gin Things. | The grand specific for the orevailing ‘malady of the age, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Rhbeomatismn, Costiveness, | General Debility, Ete, is Bacon's Cel ‘ery King for the Nervew This great herbal tonic stimalates the digestive organs, regulates the liver and re- stores the system to vigorous health and energien. Samples free. Large 50c. and 25¢. Sold only by Gs Ww. Hodgkina. Tetter, sczema, and all similar akin troubles are cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissoes to their natural condition, acd never fails to cure piles. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton To Advertisers Hereafter all patrons who wish a ent display advertisement in the PaTroN Courier, or who wish to change their “2d” now running, must hand their copy mm not later than Monday evening of each week, [If hasdied in later than Monday evening it will have to be held | over 'till the next week. Try to get copy in early, Paryon Pun to De Witt's Witeb Had Salve is ao antiseptiv, soothing and healing appli vation for burns, cots, soalds, bros, etc. and cures piles like magw. UO W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Laudics we think we save the Boost shoes in town. Our 2h century shoe is right up to date and the price—§3.50 and $1.00 the price is o third too low, Beri, Shoe Dealer. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence aout R gives you 4 belmnee fn thw bank of healt SB Sat you ca : aw on without fear i radia] for ampure or impoverished yg RB just the sort of remedy that her used to dig up inthe efficient. For Sale by Cw. Todg: kins, Patton Pharmacy. RI'PA'NS | The modern stand- ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common y every-day ills of humanity. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Broscwss, Rs ny i hr. well. At a ball who called her bean an Indian be- cause he was on her trail all the time, we are on your trail and won't be satisfied until we secure you as a customer ‘We've got the goods and prices to hold you with if we can get you started & to recommend it. For sale hy CC. W.. Call and see us and you will be act gently bat prsmptly upon the kidaeys, liver, stomach and ny cleanse the system effectually; dispel colds, head- aches and fevers; cure habitual constipation, making enemas GAnecessary. Are acceptable to the stomach and truly bene- ficial in effects. | A single TAnULE taken after the evening meal, or just before retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the fre indication is poted of an approaching cold, headache, any symptom of indigestion or depression of spirits, will remove go — the whale di culty in an hour BE without the patient being cone | scious of any other than a slightly warming effect, and that the ex- pected illness failed to material ize or has disappeared. Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. " ro te rm rene © ropes ris RIPANS TABULES # you are Billoms. Constipated. or have 1icy RIPANS TABULES b your Complexion bs Saflow. or you ikx RIPANS TABULES Por Ottcnsive Beeuth wad it Suurdees 15x. R [PANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate 9 the Svslems and Preserve the Health. EASY TD TAKE, OUKK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR: S BILL. 13 a Si > [1 EX om a 7 45 A tg ST ABYEL BY APPLICATION SAREE UADOSIST. GIVES FER EEEE —— C— ‘" ee a v—- > a —- —" —_— —""—- C— — \ Romsey Ets. Birt mmm t
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