" Mis Fonds Fer Preddohond w Hon § death on a train poor Oluaba © 08 smh a painfal sheek to the Whol desmatic | THE meMDens OF ie COMPANY. na AON SR IE : Ambitious Atieaos d ae Seesger Which Fatled - His Besetting Feaehant Par ar ging Was Ris Worst Fault, “ “The {ate Prank Mave, whore (adden Howe COMING. rk ek a whens wh Homewsnt throngh The Sight rr ran Tes tine heaven Just ahd Eight of Sow Hobby of vw, ot Tel sare Bond re te eesion, veas ope of the rot sever i wd the game tig mosh just man bus exer been my pleasure | der,’ paid Henry Davenport, | EL Daresipott. the fragediay, of the wof the Girard | oa motor playin 18 took 30 riberranls to ton | ing to Mr. Mayo’ 8 ideas. wt created ihe role of | Driscoll in ‘‘Pudd’shead Wil- | : 0's Inst sncossy, anv] played it} ig the New York ror of tie pro- | j Mr Meyo was a mnrtinet er ome who |¥ ¢ J more than he Ho liked tol of | se an actor give his own conception of : manded a resem for everything. 4 i i 3 t | gesture 1 Word in a pow or ori ] the idea, add, if a good reason was ad Heowss way in everything Ire I ren. fave g that several of the most disti nies | members, Hawthorne mmoug them, found the place so wncongenial that they Hawthorne could work with his : -| did he abruptly stop aod sit down to a |p cooked like a A eme on bed of geraninms, an engerprise hich the ek i Ly previ | i first produnetion or Fadl, 3 My ts for the purpose of thowing the * He took infinite pains the dy when wes ay = cus PolREs and Lied ard d og AE phall driest us bo th way, Sr erown uy plepbeannly iaitt fave bx gill £0 arid the word from sea to £0 $b band we stand or fait fo, For hove pd Bboy ALE La Mussoy ii hw York fan anal AMIS TENNYSON’ S WOMEN. I BSR A St srove rr Fdentized thet Worl of | vo ooge Earner. Tennydon gave the world pictar wos of the fairest feminine exci 3 ef ra Winsome maidens, deo 1 fegr ‘wl. womanly women, Jor al | epi pn ionable; devoted wives, pe | neers ot the commpuey bow be wanted 3 and fait ful: noble matrons, loving ered oot gacrificing, serving the best ©. fine was pesfonkiy ved read, wresta of hone and county every lic ‘accent properly placed 3 bode rh cut clearly, of y and paturally. © would pet a that in his matter to knov it all. No one admired part, but when this was Gone ha Ge “This was ono of bis poenliar traits, If a mentber of the company made 8 rw panes or emphasi ed 8 Figal manner, Mr, Mayo would say, ‘Now, why do ya do that? He would get to the bottom of ad fog it it found ready aoocplancs that be tanght Ine fencing i was a mere bay, and in rein “him what 1 juew about box boxed about one mina 15. I woald make & {ead 4 onthe a & gor and Mr. Mayo 3 Stop, | now. Why fo you do Was traching ms tre a thrast ors ck y "Podd’ plead L ayo dhs time play | Bischildren. I remeniter en the play was produced he ; | that it necded pran pething bad to be cut cut, bat ladon’ the heart to do it Bole my brother in-law and exid: of mine. 1 know it | i br 1 x er line md saidé I can't out this om, 8, nor this. 1 cat cut anything wan some disinterested pers o it for tre. And when the play though he giotw was ro. : Se EE be gave the ovedit for the mores Jo Mark Terain in sn address bo pads before the urtafh the first night That was bis be» ts great was very gratify ing to Mr. Myo, and Le demaved _} He wasted several fortunes in the effort] y 10 give the pallis Sr ches produc Hawthorne : a 8 Worker, : There {# a story aboot the famous farm experiment to the eff used to tn over the pigsty and scratch the pigs’ backs for amusement. When, however, it became Hawthorne's daty to feed the pigs, be drew the line | Sorateh n pig's back be might; feed a he would not. His daughter, Mrs. iron, denies that he was a finical 6 writes in the Cazabridge Mag- too. He hoed many a vegetable; planted sunflowers, of which be thorough admirer, cut bean poles sd ste his personally raised | lable ‘with the best of us He fear to help bis wilco in thelr married life by doing the house work when she was 1.01 strong enough. Moreover, ho did not do it with warly innuendos sud sodden maarlings, nor He washed dishes Toutiyan's conooption oF woman (od por sphere may be regarded as rat 2 old fashioned. Ho was evidently not ia full snupathy with some of the i vanced potions of the modern wom on His burlesque of woman's rights a “Phe Princes’ bas not hart the cous ef the weaker sex. He snderatocad | right relations of the man and the wi #3, end his ntteramces in the cic pi hi pre Bivens, It iw still trae that won alg’s chief place md crowning glo, | ts bo anoen of ti kosie. Thereshe have ma nnlimied fiid for weefuls afd exert a furreaching influence good if she Lat realize her opportusitic a= d frprove them, In the hogs hdd capan Bnde her proper sphers and Ne Ber office thers 10 reser, to Touch, Poot beg oF I met and ft A Duk amgng the Jas, Jo kt The generations each Waa oh No other poet has done more to gorify # family relation sacred. Woman's work, spurring the man to mone resolute ex- geavor and grauder whisvement. Yield heed rromsing the Laser and ends tivating ii “fincy mide of him, she at the gaye [be works ont her own salvation, { hananly spraking, in the truest sense, In on word, it 3% by Joving and beiog Joved that sbe reaches the fallest devel + ! apment and renders the world the best srrvice. Conwervisg and fostering good. | poms und groatoess, ministering to the wants of the lowly, mattering gloom and softening the sting of apgoish-—this i8 woman's mission. —-Chantanquan. The Cas of “Tectortom. Recently inquiries wore sent out by ‘the state department to consular officrrs in Enrcpe asking for information cia cerning the commereinl product called tortorinm, which is described as fol- Jows Toctorinm consists of a galvanized jean web oovered with u grlatinens sulin tance amd i teanniucent bul not trans parent. It is deseribed by » manufac turer as a substance that, first, can be bent without being broken; second, is both tough and flexible; third, is pot softened by the rays of the sun; fourth, is monsolable; fifth, is not affected by severe cold; sixth, is a bad conductor of heat: woventh, is well adapted for roofs on account of Fie extreme light ness; eighth, when exposed to the son, it Joses its original yellowish color © tithe and becomes harder and more © chosp process, to imitate soar os in such manner that it er he tinguished from the | . urtiels; tenth, can be cat Lr slesaR, nailed to wood and transport 4 without danger; eleventh, ca Lo easily repaired in onse it ir crt, pwolfth, dow not break, and thirteenth, is well adupted for factory windows and skylights for hothousea, market halls, verandass, transportable buildings and for roofing. The comsuls state that it is sold in snail guuntities in un few places, but {hint it ie not known $0 the general pub- lic and as a commercial product is still fairy tale reliability and gens ‘Flower » Hedin | We once watched the anited afforts of a litter of otter puppies, the particular being the whatrction of a floe ined a ‘maximum of result’ with amet off of un mere trifle of an effort, 3 a JStecting fence of wire netting be surmounted. One after another charged the fence, only to back baffled, bat not discouraged. flare only made them more deter. ned ‘With savage barks and growls to the attack until, leap and scrambis, the : rolled over among th “ was mn athe, ym i sted in ore the geraninms | nt oe wort: 10 ploort Come r with the other | One having a iri for preserving {mint Sowers ay gos 2y ivping The mixture | which were of great use to the astpon- | “| otoees of Egypt in their efforts t0 ar f range a calendar. i the new moon in summer fails be KL esperiment, Med And He Was " , Lunatie. A gentlayaan was visiting a Booteh | Junatic asylum Whete Dew prensises | were being added The inmates were | assisting. On seeing ove of the fatier wheeling a barrow upside down fran the building to the stones, the vians asked hii why fhe wheelod it in thas manner. Oh maid tae fanatic, that's barrow, and turning it right side ap said, "This is thi Proper Way. That's i” you ken,’ said the inmate “f tried it that way, but they filed it] fu’ 0" bricks.” He waying, be trotted on | bia usaal way. — Excliange. ar AIS Fe BREA SAS. Geaphio, to take & fishhock cub of an eel he bad just pulled in? Hicke—Well, then, you have seen Joaquin Miller's satograph., —Saiee ville Journal ANAS Atl. DERN Ste The year of 3854 days was known os the Sothic year, from the Egyptian name of the star Sirians, cbservations of tween sudnight and 3 a m., the prob » weather # ¢f this poem go ro the heat: ef | Co as he nopccived it is pot only training | the plastic minds of the young. bul gy raqate dh tad | Ours hs o oonend fo cxist matice ts pe | Prion] anery iad 2s has i Hicks-—Did you ever see a boy trying . me BATTL oF THE NILE. [4 Helwan Hald IH ae Fong, Not - Here X itery. Eleve: wort of 33 Freuch ships of thel ime Baal leon taken or dc strogedd and fara of oe Aver Peiogtee 1 waE ol a ” tn vigw Cm PE aIEtE Ka stele ts peu AE aa AE Tg here £5 ige op the Gr an rewards hon wes lige tm d dn He Cerer, Bt 3x Of mean 4 ayant torgonsidey the trae and mwe GF Lod sos tha regent Tey yee abd BE RIL 7 lee 53 Rt, ia Li a Pave aa fh aecomor dl ta jong om} 16 1noniy fis cr pain of ee fights, 14 Pray 6 Siam Erol vp ken of ax a pwvey oo fade, hak dh BW Fie | gannot clotia the $plear of fhe batt of the Prramits. Now tho beg Jt wae the « aqovst of For LD iS WRST ai Hoy anid vitteal cy emmont of it Freseh sry. Bopaparic nner ¥ first, and after ava. oud vaign in Pr ti Kt power hic. MEE. ; cations by mi=sts, nia er A TN: ASAI the maternal sentiment GF te suako UW | ing to Ler rabtler freocs and geste: | | sgrenveiion, hie aapires to a higher plane of being. his EB 2 acooanplishing bis man. | 3 i the best way.’ The visitor took the | * og i fur a day or wad pronght from the East Indies. | Aug. 11: “The Pr fight, leaving Kio pt of the poy Nelson, too, nudes sera They are ap the Lo supplics, The phe love oo pothiry to jess by had. sa B water. Their army is washing wats to flux, and pot 1,000 men will ever oo turn to Europe.’ And some menibs later, March 23, 179%, he: wrote: The embassador of Bonaparte has bees in tercepted by Trombridge on his way to Constantinople, apd among other ari eles of his instrosticns is an offer to on ter on ferme for biz quithing Baypt with his army. Thisoffor is what | have long once How te Be “ Tee, Womens may be arming, whaelly Jovoied fo their hopes nd there Buss bande, gpd yet be po tacts, thought town atid cagravaringt as i drive hose geneva paelin ior copbd rei ll pombets of justapces of women who from wang A tact und mtelligeace ard almost driv- ing thelr husbands mead br getting on their nerves, They forgot that huey men require absolute bratu roe, change of sens, change cf sebjeet They for at, however worryioy the harele affatas of a bonsehold way be, 1h anxieties of 3 gront bosiness upg whith the whole family's present ard fotupe depend are far peiter. A friend of mine who ls sonfidunes that whils be wasnrting one aielit aver by sacking room fire wore dering whether he could nix day possi. biy survive reterrible critis which wes hanging over iris head anid might lead to disustrons bankroptey, with debts 1 of mene.” And, above il, ope win knows just when her kudtand regains pothing more than to be Joft alone. It in women who get on thir hashands’ Bere that drive them to take barhelir holidays when they ought fo br petiisyr BCG Chip THA from thi wife's sian expected the glorious bat lle ¢f the Nite would produce, but if was my detor panichenip. Off corre then are mds who are id Pw of we tteedy sper fic bears With prinatios fromm that resent Royer, if ii La Hs 3458, “wy bury Fis Wp # ron nie Be ponkd be ip itm perinit # neice F pon | i maEnaG thors bust hors: gre TTY funy man to quit Egypt. To Bgyot they wont with their own consent, and there they | ote s who only want jadiious § hie patie tie Sroatoe ut Te bes the Lae " Enis. | 3 shall remain while Nelwe 4 mands, Baile $13 he the detached epateim. A hte er from Kiober to the dipectary, {make x IES TRAL 0 or ihn: senting Gif writien en: ¢ & Both after Betis corte! Leaps poanark your buy had doseted his post, reveals the hope Rend and thn ok wd oii remiben Jessness Shich wed f fdr 1 know,” he | gelligene {ober in wrote, - the imprriane of the pos seggicn of Egypt. 1uwd fo say in Ev rope that this country was fry Francs 7 tha falcrmmm by nicans of whitch she might move ol ail the ootamerting 8 | 1 ten of coy gue ar ef tie ike. Bu) t do t this Huctoail) yap pts! levi | thn of figure our pafiognl Lop sCRons Earinot : A : 0 | firs iy stop, fearing to ran into the hage only expedl ent, Townt Jorntil 3 Mags BITS A NOBLE SURGEON. He Baved » Faticnts Lt AF The Pyeil af is Tran, A certain Laomdee hi apitnd Fa A staf? of Blip siciats fre pd ara Romih Ker winEten mu " goa with the $n rte iw, in tay pinion, His more of ¢ 2 s cries bi | aed wh r frie Fed k, AH pt Gry peg ? eenR | pagel. = Londen Forges PERF i € SH tis Hh, Pru uno By fio fein 3p 7 dos, for with seh SIT ancl Loan atiful skill are these Se pg ada s forged tr fulked’" that gh post practic al expert may now sd agua po piethmied by them alliked | Cwidtivont disgrace pod: of fins the art t cof tw forger become aid 8 fue an art whose herdtam has been don metrated, it the forger, #6 dlabarite his plots and and hie corpselike palicr and faltering eonspiracies to cuted ew the warlestyol gait, although he is in Bis prinee, bear divectors ard celleckon, that often tee daily witness to this feel “Je happersod tm years ago,” said’ fondly salty les needa in written oriarantes o snd proved pif ers iance fron one of the bospiiad cloths | in teiling the | | Gase $43 atin entjcesion wo wtb. story, jae afuer the doctor became 8 peed roller tn any olen oy thw pest visiting surgecn ee A was trvopht in sfforing from a cabo sons growth that must in tho end pene for of tal. The house sargesn in charge, a sxpurts Th i young mag, advised an imymeitinte ope fons forge ior in Sth Kessloagton | ; EE, far at iw plivicaisly the duty madd somata of wohl at sie sari meanest be o wernt, hod ation, phd he and hia Bac Ram ER WE in pot SRT wrk mop > 5% Weidsw Hrvs the midst of it when the visiting ar. | pe pal, that work frauds should be do goon arrived. vA stadent was handling the knife © ! and had laid bare the Life Aestront ng CHU, = rCapefal, careful,” exclaimed the | cad of ali existipee, x bes Hove th a far beth porpoee wy iid bo sepesd Ly hem tives in Cfelinly aw forgerive and bowsgiug them sogetior an a sirgle tne Lo Tas ab visiting surgeon ay the stadent dexter | sdifving forgery sxlipition by Leen: ously cot the flesh. ‘If yom sever that artery, she may dis under the knife! had slit the srtery, and the iced lean ed je the ou und. 1 tery so as to stop the flow of blix n : wend necessarily bring the ent in con able; ninth can be made, br uw 77 1aet with the bacilli of cancer. A mo- psenit’s delay, on the other hand. meant, perhaps, the woman's death, “Withont an instant's hesitation the surgeon's trained fingers bad gripped the artery, which he held fSrmiy until it could be ligatured. It prolonged the woman's life a fow months," continued the narrator, “but the poison got into’ the doctor's system, and ha lay at the point of death for weeks "Pittsburg i Dispatch, It Was Troe, Late in the evening a report spread throagh the train that we bad a follow passenger, @ man worth B30, 600, 001, who had gotten on at Buftale. | made ineuiry of the porter of my car, and hel replied: at's what dey say, sab, but yo mawnin Next morning the porter beekoned me into tho stacking coanpurtment and maid : “Pat story was all 1roe, sab.” “Then he's worth $20,000,000, eh?” “Ali of dar, sab, an mebbe wa” “How did yeu find ong?” “From de cdder po'tal, sah. Dogem a1 has jest gin him 10 cents, Whiie evervtoly clon has cum down wil oa quarter, Senta Louis Pew HY t-Dispateh. , spper Berrios When the berries on a spike of the} | pepper plant begin to am road. the spike is cut of and The hermes gathered It lef too long, vw perfect 11 peness in | attained, Phere 8g pleat ese ai onan by the berries falling off, and the qual ity of the product is hy ne mens wd good. De Candee! su ante a very carvfal ex. amington, histor! rally and botanioadly, of the ie wheat, and claims that fhe mative he aoe was in the plateau of Armenia, wher isis still feced wo be rowing wild i om A i ARIA RA Rie was first grown fn 10800 from wiles, with all gertalars us 0 He ifnadens from whos they were obtained +The warning came late, the kui sad the price which wis paid for then Taw educatioual value of such a colleo- pian would be considerable and as an igitier surgeon had a small ent on Bt « rarctinger To seize the ar > 3 i geet Jessua nstrmetive Jo dislines Teeter, stoedent, forge and iv & Ytrde moral courage EE iw ald wo roguired to st on the Suggs | rior, Moreover, tha fine artists who Tmade them Haight ta thus discovered work Af the smne time the revision a the migserss fabils sbosld be procsided | with and the Gomerous ervors w Bich at present sisliad the public remedied — Contemporary Poview, A Curtoukly Named Garden, There ie a garden i Brixtoa ket by an old genthanan which piesaiils cibe enriosities in Boral soluenciata. The evner has been sotaed with a dais to] label his Spavers after the many of | tific terms consulted an SCLARTOCR Pho result 5 mere AIASIDG 15a pros priate and proves the folly of wisdom where he roe in bliss Seiestific + can’t allas tell He's in de ne Xt Car, | but 1 can't dann say if he's rich tl names have been affixed to all the fow- ors. but sipierly on the principe that sweet. Ome row benrs the nseripbon | oN veanien,t anotiier is boldy labeled | *% enna "and spother to be Par Lions TL wx 1 The apaatene ganiener Bie ospeeddin 2y proud of as oo Heation, apd ni cae bas endigbrensd him on the fmoongruily = the discription. Lon. dom Telegray : Xow Orthography. Mamma-—Soil, Elsie, what dil you letirn at school to say? Elsie {aged 4 jm Lettrned to spell Mamuin-— Now, what did yon leam to speil? Elsie—2Man. Mamma—And bow do you spell man? Elsie ( promptly j=—M-a-n, man. Mamma-—Now, how do yon spall hoy? Elsie (after a moment's reflontion— Washington Times, Bow to Fry Ever. Preparatory to frying liver or veal sewer it for a minute or two with boil. Lands te the extreme of Miry. Any | Lavy wearly a millionaimn told me in | che extent of £200,000 or so, bis wile | sage whining into the room 10 say the | tutcher most be paid the nest doy. Agd + : the amount of the butcher’ a bill wis! andor £00, It ie on sneh cocasiong that a man © Ents on fo ipfal wifh A wii wild taki 3 Lite “ont or send alond the [ase grad | sovel, who yl say: “Coane, 10 09 go i to the theater romicht You peed change | Ti % Coit £3 Hew seleh dis i and concnraged in more bonotabie | Rotauists, but knowing nothing of grin. wg pee by any other tame will spandl as RIE pa i : a third 8 affirmed to be 8 The same Yeuy: only in Hitler letters — ing water. Pat dry with a clean pwd, rod! in flour and fry {in a covers ? puny | i nntil row. TAME OCEAN FISHES. fe BY Fracsenity, Nevin Ties Pe ¥ar : WHALES AND PORPDISES ARE SOME- TIMES PAINFULLY SOCIABLE. Govind Xatured Soh, an Avcgalatinmee on Lo Plaids Const S08 Cpe Foes With Whales In the Pacific Ouran. Travelers uo and down the const of | Fiorids will remember 8 eortain pore | poles that for years, andl up vo 1551 In ise remmetbratee of the writer, paraded {ep und down a quarter section of the FPioriia peminsuin He was knows Beh, and thoogh be rarely answered is imme Le was well known to all sail. cra fn these pots Bob was recognined {by 8 peculinr cut in bis dora) fin, giv sir 1% the spprarance of having & wine dow in it Soe thoughtless passenger, wishing to practice on sil snimate na trive with hin revolver, had fnflioted this injury, and (he porpoise apparently wae very provd of it In suy event, it was | exhibited sf every opportunity to the | sway, within good rifle shot, where it wiid swim Sone, parallel with the thing armas oa Tn in Dishes» , few canes of ie reminders vo that porjwises pe well a plligators | ne Ee (hat aro respected on the Flor: fda oat, fu the Pacific some whales are fricidly, especially off the const of Los | Asgeles county, Cal, where on mere that) ome oeession they have astonished i if not wlarmed sailing parties whe ave | beds becalmed. These whales, it should pe said, are perfectly huomless, and yhole attentions are merely from carlos | £7, bat to buve several of these huge i Ls & from 40 to 00 Pet fBoat- E ing sbont in close proximity is ye gotiy pioasant. What is supposed to wei whale has earned. a s Hien for fricudiiness, and in Te Baning geste ¢ frequently scons to dient a large sivamet that - ah shore, aud cither foligws a : 4 ghent, entostkining the pases re ri by spoating. On ope Urip the whale Tarai feel shomd of the stesmer and wim with it so deliberately that the | cagtain was obliged fo slow down and Eorontnrg . Jee rivapa the mest rear iable iC eho | of fricudiiness on the part of wigles hi as experivacsd by the ow her of a yaks | that sailed from ong ol the southern | Califorats popts. §he becuria becalined ; that second day on, snd eoddeniy four Lor five large whalts came sitsgaide sod i for sevoral hours amused t sopra i vue at they expensn of the ew, «00 wow & good deal frightensd. Ther: Falibed § Laatr buses aatist the hotties of toe Tad and bhi ne. spouted = al the (oo | fell upon the deck ME the yoo — er bad thrown over some 6 oF ore agreeable uid, (hey would sean Luvs gotten rid of thes: compupIanK, Wak Ta only kft them wien a breoos sprig 3p Lard they got aides way, Fishin rove noon the Atlan wal are cosasiccally tabled with nwguisiive wliaest One boat or dory was followed fur wiilow, the whale apes gently Hfting it and rising beneath x, terpoiping the fisherman, who pallet for the share a8 i fat sn he comld, the whale following until the water besa to shoal Why whaies should follow voseis niight seem a mystery, but the salunon is that in ail probability they consider the vessel a competion, sustber whale of some Kind, This was well iilustratod on the California coast by a whale which evidently took the ship Fiymonth for ons of iy Ril This whale was a sulphur bottom, about 60 foot in bagth, and #1 joined the ship off the Golden Gate as it left Sap Friacueo and re mained by it through the satis voyage to Realejo, South Amerios The big fish soon became au nuisance. It swam alongside in snch clowe proximity that its breath discolored the paint of the stip. Then it woold ris gently beneath tlie keel, which would cut aud tear At other times it would swim slong di rictly in front and keep ihe crew in | ssnstant fear of a ooilisien that might Sodey certain cirenstances dismust the gliip. The men tried almost avery deviee | they cond think of to drive te wide sway. They sbot at it with rites phatodn, strock is with plovve of and bambarded i with bottles aud bos onal as it came up Dut all no par poss. it went on “hesping company’ until the ship Goally entered soch shoal water that it was obliged to sheer off. The sceiability of dolphins and por puises is well known, ther graceful gaiubily about the prow of veseds being a vary common sight. No matter how nepid ge ramen, thse attractive creatures time (heir motions that they pass and sai the flying cutwater with the gre ATEE Dies Thea close proximity of soch large ani | panis to vossels might suggest a possibile danger, yet fatalities are mre and fow gre known where the whale has not t teen attacked The terrible incident of he Eases is perhaps the only ono. Here i whale was ron down by the ship, ihe shock fram the contact being so se weve as to throw the crew to the deck and ahwost disrcast the vessel The whale swarm olf and a few moments later the lookout cried out that it was scrming fur them on the surface. The animal wins inspived by revenge, and st tutl speed struck the ship in the bow = powerful a blow that the bow was crash. wi in, and the vessel went to the bot. tom ten minutes Jater, leaving the men In boats 700 miles from the const of South America. A survivor of the : dent still lives in the little town of ta Monica, Cal —Cor New York The apertures in the Parisian letter
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers