The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 01, 1896, Image 1

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    oo ee Reporte the — 1 iY i di HE i ]
About ihe Peech Creek Raftrosd. eis cndbin tandlion : TT en ene Law Bate for Farnum & Batty mi]
Jo aay | ““There is u big probability that the : "The coming of the circus is looked § Samat xo
Gleaned Here and There by Booch Creek rafirosd, owned by the! For the December and Special apon as one of the most notable of mi- | Given Dut by the Managers
: Vanderbiits and controlled by the Now : ‘nual events, but when that circus i. : f Peas
re $y \ rt Ce
the Courier” Reporter. york Central and Hudson River Ruil- Term of Court, ‘Barnum & Bailey's the interest is of Bryan
1 : road company, will extend its lines doubly increased. The date of this Le
COUNTY QUARANTINE. irs’ ark tint the next NORTH CAMBRIA LIST. bigabow is near at hand, ae they wil MCKINLEY N THE LEAD
i year. The Pennsylvaniu railroad com- exhibit at Johnstown October 10, which | i to
| Bearter Fiver Calied for Restrictions fo Eb: {pany and the Vanderbilts had some pour Good Sin. snd Teas wre Driowit ron} ‘will be the only appearance of the 85 the Regiort Says. a he Fisation owt
emeburg, the County Seat. sort of an agrecment by which the Iat- Patton. ‘ show in this vicinity this season, and Over Yet.
Soarlet fever has broken ont at Eb, ter agreed to remain ont of the Smoky Grand Jarors. for which oconasion extra preparations The following dispatch is from
ensburg in an alarming degree. There | City, but it has fallen throngh or ter- | Delozier, Frank, farmer, Clearfield | have been made by the railroads to Omaha, Neb. dated September 37, and
| are now about 20 cases among children. | minated. In 1898 Chief Engineer Mac- township. handle the enormous crowds that will | appeared in the Thrice-a Week New
| rday the Board of Health closed Intyre of the Beech Oreek railroad, with | Kane, James, farmer, Carroll township. | doubtiess attend, special low rates for | York World on Monday September 385:
the Central hotel, and posted notices 20 engineer's corps, surveyed a pro- | Kirkpatrick, August, laborer, Ebens- the round frip in most instances io- “Ex-Senstor Charles F. Manderson
ding all people from entering or | posed railroad line between Kerrmpor burg. clading adnsission to the show have has received from a friend in Washing-
ig sbont the house, while the | and throngh Cambria, Indiana, and | Koontzman, Lawrence, farmer, Alle. been made by the various rons, ton, for whose reliability be vouches, &
antes were forbidden to leave. In Westmoreland counties through 0. gheny township. ‘and when necowary extra traine will} copy of the estimate of the politieal
rindi there are six eases, two of Pittsburg. The survey ended in early Miller, Isadore, laborer, Sosqoebanna be run. situation made bir the managers of the
| whieh are serious. | winter and when the plans had been township. | The Barnum & Bailey ocircos this Bryan branch hewdquarters there s fow
A notice was zlso posted on the resi- drawn ap the propowd new route was MoCloskey, David, signalman, Cresson year is the very best over seen ander days ago“ ‘This estimate,’ ” suys the
idence of Hon. A. V. Barker by fhe found to be the shortest and most di-| township, the name, which is high praise indeed, | Senator, ‘was not made for publie
Board of Health, his daughter, Miss rect by over 100 miles between Phila- Shatner, Augast, farmer, Clearfield yet the cirvus itself is only a small | consumption, bat is the cold-blooded
| Helen, being down with the disease. jdeipbia ang Pitteburg. This action on | township. - | part of the big show, which compris figuring of those in charge. It is as
: ™E CONGRESSIONAL MUDDLE. the part of the Vanderbiits caused the Special Totm, Commencing Nev. 30. “also the menigurie, the animal creas, follows:
[P. RR. to get a move on, and astay Join A H the ethnic entertainment called Or HEF HLIC AN HLECTORS CONCEDED.
Kooser and Hicks “Moth Ciatm the Newmi: | was secured. Adolfsen, John A., grocer, Astings.
ation To go ba the Courts. The Booch Creek railroad b Riller, Paul, blacksmith, Patton. ljental India, with lots of strange No a phir As Sn
| Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 29. The Re ra a8 6X- |p ser, W. Bi, blacksmith, Carrolitown. People: and by the way a great feattire | A hol i ream mona
1 tended its lines to Mahaffey, whichis Coker fa " {which is carried by no other show. ea mE rer aes
| publican Congressional conference had Bender, John, farmer, Clearfield town- | Hhode alain. ih Tea tm
only 160 miles from Pittaburg on the bi the hippodrome and many other | Cheweticat.
a sensational time this afternoon. It | proposed line to that ity. During the | ship. : | Sew Jory i
: ¥ | oany ng . ‘faatnres. Ther are also 50 trained | x. ai nisi
: practically ended in » bolt. At the Donnety, Wm. J., lomberman, Patton.
. last summer and this autumn the Biech horses which appear in 8 majestic per- Ponnwyivanis... ae
o é weather be- | very last hour, 380 p.m, the ton- Creek en der Chief (Huss, D. A, farmer, Munster township. | Maryisnel,... ha
plate ginear corps, un farmance in one ring at one time, the | Delawum,.
0 Seasons encourages! forces representing J. D. Hicks, of Engineer Macintyre, have been laying Kirsch, M. J., contractor, Hastings. y
= Hisir county, and Alvin Evans, of qt 18 miles of ratizoad in Cambria) F200: Wi. carpenter, Spangler. | Puman arrow shot from 3 is Total.
: nic troubles and 1 11%] Ciuutivin count ted a resiont miles © ‘an
| y, presented a reslontion | wounty to connect with the main line
Germ man
Ri maatana
Miller, Charles, iaborer, Loretto. i | AWRY BP into space, pamberiess ving | crac LaRogLY FAVORING —
: 3 pictures of 8 wonderfolly interestiDg one oon
i you much petty providing for an adjournment until 10 54 Patton. This pew line extinds Miller, Joseph P., farmer, Barr town- character, 24 trained pa, A i :
ess : Batter ward it off |e elock to-night at Harrisburg, to sub- | t,wards the Indiana county line in the ship. forum, (ws Indy clowns and ring. | nduns i
might prevent it mit the question of the final nomins- direction of Pittsburg and taps some. i Myers, John A., engineer, Patton. y Jaws...
1 Ter masters, high jumping and long dis | Michigan.
14 it. ion of a candidate to State Treasurer of the eichest coal Lunds in the bitami- Shope, 1. W., lahorer, White township. Minmesot
10» wot, dn t cure ay™ 3. or, ia His al Aadior or itil be Silt this | Sloan, Philip, mill-hand, Johnstown, | tance leaping horses and ponies, muny
(lenersl treasurer : novel the new woman in bloom- Tubal. hi ;
: have y : Mytin, he or andi. fall and next spring, and is the first Tombnsn, fon E.. firmer, Alegtany ars ET 50 of wild CUA NCHS ¥AVORING BEFTRLICUNE
ns to have YOUT | tor to cast one vote for each county of | well defined move of the Vanderbilt! oo township. Se sn cages of wil] sesoes
filled, to “buy the district. | aystain on Pittelnrg.” Westover, Abe., farmer, Susquehanna bees, A aly —: on ar br ry stip
medicines, and! The resolution was opposed by Som- | township. { a ret Vininia
5 iii : ! i iW hagton
erset and Bedford county conferees, | The Butiot In Nirvemb: Yinger, Robert, blacksmith, Hastings. Basinrss Wot's Fiente Kanaan
| repreventing F. J. Kooser and Joseph The largest baliot of any yet printed | Travers Juvors First Week. LA Mariposa Park, Berwindaie, Pa. tl jr
| E. Thiropp, and the chairman, Offiver for an election in this State will bo sed | Arble, Fred, farmer, Carroll township. | on Thursday, October 1, 188 = A| Lor i
| Knepper, of Somerset, refused to 0 the coming Presidential contest. It! gender, Jucoh, miner, Washington | cordial invitation extended ali SEAT FASE ET
enteriain it or sabmit to an Appeal | measures two feet by nearly three | grwnehip. noms, commercial and professional men | ¥ioming ie ore
from his decision. The majority of the | The number of parties in the field | pennett, T. 8, farmer, Carroll toWn- | to be be present with their families and | {ICUS
conferees, however, voted for the reso what has caosedl the increase in the size. ship. friends. Address of welcome by w, | Gites i
‘lution. Secretary Ogle, of Johnstown, Of the sheet. There are nine cOlIMBR. | Davis, Geo. W., farmer, Cambria town- | if. Denlinger, of Philipshurg, Pa. at! [a olin.
| aseurning to sct as chairman, and im- | Eight parties are alrendy in the fight, ship. 16a m. Hon. John Wanamaker, of | IY Jona.
mediately the Hicks and Evaue men 0d the pinth column is for the toe Of Davia, Robert D., farmer, Cambria: Philadelphia, will speak on The Hos |
rushed to the depot to catch the 4:11 °F party that may jet decide to go township. Outlook From a Business Standpoint,” Rou my
train to go to Harrisburg in time to into it. The parties and their esndi-| Beans, John L., farmer, Cambria town: {a6 2:15 p. m. Base ball at 10304 m., | WY AE
! reach & result before 12 to-night. The dates, as they will appear on the hallot | snip. : between business men of DuBois and | x
| Kooser and Thropp conferees remained | 47% Republican, MeKinley and Hobart; | Grigith, Evan (., farmer, Cambria Tyrone. The Bellwood band and Vol. |
and nominated Mr. Kooser for Con. Democratic, Bryan and Sewall; Probi-1 township. | ariteer band of DuBois will be prevent. | /
[gress and adjourned sine die. Myr. | bition, Levering and Jones; National, | Jones, Owen M., laborer, Ebensharg. | Admission to Park, free.
| Kooser at onoe secured a certifioate of Beatty and Southgate; Populist, Bryan | grap Prank, carpenter, Cambria town- | trains leave Punxsutawney PTE Hata
{ nomination and hurried to the 411 and Watson; Bovialist Labor, tiank; ship. a. and 3:10 Pp m. Retorning lesve Nevada er
train, going with the bolting delegation Free Silver, Bryan and Sewall, and Kirkpatrick, James, farmer, Carroll Park at 918 a m. and 434 p m | Senn iin
to Harrisbarg, where he will file his | Sound- Money Jeffersonian, Palmer and | township. Specis train leaves Punxsutawnay st! odie
; ‘ nomination papers. | Buckner. at Kirkpatrick, Jacob, farmer, Elder town- | 7.30, armiving at Park at 820 pm. “Prun thes "tile the Senator
| The Koower adberents declare that | Died (f Comsamption. ship. Retarning leave Park at 9:00 p. ms, ar | argues us follows:
the nomination of Mr. Kooser willbe On Wednesday if last week, Albert, | Kohn, Milton, farmer, Reade township. | riving at Punxsutawney at 10:26, and “qf to thw mates claimed to he
| sustained by the Dauphin gounty court, the 11 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. | Litzinger, Robert, laborer, Dean town- | Fordham 10:40. Round trip 75 ents, surely Democratic, having #8 votes,
becanse it was regolariy made by the John Watkina, of Lang avenne died of ship. from Punxsttawney, and proportion. von ean add tite doubtfal States, prob-
only body constitoted ander the law. | consamption after an illness of nine! McCormick, BE. P., coal operator, Pat- | qe sw rates from intermediate ably for Bryan, 78, you have bat 174,
They elaim that any nomination that months He was an exceptionally ton. { sant pecial--B., R & P. Grain and i you add to this all the Staten
may be made at Harrisburg will be | bright boy and was kind and gentle to McMullen, Lester. miner, Elder town- | leaves DuBois at 7.30 and conaects | that they say will probably go Republi-
| his associates, besides being very obedi- ship. | with morning train. Returning Iaeek oan. with 35 ‘votes, you have but 208,
srrisbarg, Sept. 29. When the ent. He would not give up as being | Rhoddy, James J., laborer, Ashville. | Punxsatawney at about 10:35 p.m. | which is 15 lets than enongh to elect
from Johnstown, composed of seriously ill outil be was compelled to | Thomas, M. P., farmer, Allegheny for DuBois. | Wim contrary, if you take from this
), Hicks and his supporters, and F. | g0 10 his bed, which was a short time township. | AE Democrasio tatement these Agnew
J. Kooser, who had the certificate of i hefore his death. His remains were in- WT- ty ive Mes
Thomas, Martin, teamster, Elder town- | # | Republican syre, 138; largely favoring
| nomination from the Twentieth Con-|terred in the cemetery at Brishin on; ship. } on Satasday the Benton Coal com
. : gressional district, reached here, State Friday. The bereaved parenis have Frnversd Juporn -Recnd Week. | pany st Hastings discharge I about 75 Repuslicata 116, and you have -
: The for the 14 ovr the mamber needed.
Treasurer Haywood was ready, and at ‘the sympathy of their many friends. = | pighart, Herman, laborer, White town- joi} ha Saltjes » act DE to w sand if you add the 35 from States
{1 o'clock the conference Was again Base Ball i whi publican,
convened. Joseph E. Thropp, the The last three games of the weaeon | | Hammond, George, laborer, Allegheny company did not pay exactly on the! probubly Repukiiegn, YN ta =
| Bedford county candidate, refused to will be played by Defiance of Altoona township. | dot cue day last week and the MUNEMS ~ , \yo of is that the cause of pro-
go into the conference, and went to. "and Patton clobs to-day (Thursday), Jarvis, Thomas, farmer, Cambria town. { unceremoniously cane St on a sprihe. | | tection, reciprocity and real bimetallism
consult his counsel. After waiting a | October Ist, £10 & m. and 3:30 p. m.; | ship. | Mr. Allport, the shparify ty oth will itumph over free tradi, free coln-
reasonable fime the Blair and Cambria Satarday, October 3, at 320 p. m. for | Kline, F. J., confectioner, Hastings fied the men to call at the offi on oo uj iver monometailinm
| ponerse and half the Bedford delegi- | $100.00 a side, on Patton grounds, Ad- | Lather, Fran
er ~~
kf © 4 J Saturday and they would all roceite in the electoral ¢ for YoKinley
tion, with Mr. Haywood, proceeded 10 mission to grounds Thursday, 10 cents; | ship. their pay, which they did, but ac and Hobart of nearly
‘a ballot. On the First ballot Congress: | grand stand. 10 cents: Satardsy, ad- x ily, 8 farmer, Munster township. | Ee pay pi a Noni dE ey Reopened. vil
man J. D. Hicks, of Blair, was renomi- mission to grounds, 15 cents; grand | Little, W. A. B,, J. P., Loretto.
inated, Alvin Evans, the Cambria stand, 10 cents. Ladies admitited to | Lantzy, Joseph, farmer, Elder tows- toa out of the mines at nena wey be eopened after being closed for
county candidate, going to Hicks and | grounds free. The Patton boys will. ship. ‘would be removed. A like cireum- iy three months Two gentlemen,
| Making the ananimoos. ve a d ball in the Y hail on | Cambria Staion Wan ex perio St the Palin? | W. & Dally. of Luwaster; sud Flos
| the nomination | give a gran eager Makin, Robert, laborer, LOWD- | (lay Works not many weeks ago. It gp Mofirath, of Harrisburg, have
Kooser's certifioate of nomination Saturday evening. A good orchestra shi
| wis ite at the. the State department bat | has been secured. P- ‘ geomn like poor policy to stiike if
je Jallaley ‘will be contested in the MusTay Hum + » laborer, Ebensbarg. oey are not paid exmet y on time. ied She Jims and are now Duly
1 ‘county courts, ; Changed Loeution, eNulty, Frank, engineer, Barnesboro. | cn alter cians 0 igh) the iachinecy
Diphtheria at Cresson. Geo, O. Brady, who waa proprietor MeCombie, Wm. J, farmer, Carroll h an extent that it is impossible 10 The ary a
Diphtheria is epidemic at Cresson, of The Basar store on West PRth, township. have pay-days come reguiar. ¥ a of
avenue, has purchased the entire stock | | Nagle, Henry, laborer, Clearfield town- provements k being men
| there being 15 cases on the north side of and building of the Racket store, on | ship. Sueoh Thomas Wert. 20 years experience in the laundry
| Ray Sod West Fifth avenue, which was owned | Sweitser, Joseph, farmer, Carroll town-| In the insurance case on trial at Ep. business, wit Ao Sankt extainh 8 gud
“ bind Judge and ply Aged. by RF. Gallaher, and last week moved ship ensburg for several days during court trade in Fasten 3 sarang
: 17 years, all Cresson children, have died | his stock into that place. Mr. Brady Thomas, J. J. farmer, Carroll township. | | of Jacob Thomas against the Western Joautey A fou Sree nupdey
0 | of the disease since Priday of last weel ‘has elegant quarters now. Mr, Galla- | Wirtner, Joseph, laborer, Carrolitown. Insurance company, of Pittsbarg, in for a ey 8 a bi
| There are also several of diphthe. | Ie left last week for Coalport where Weakiand, Charles, farmer, Susque- which the plaintiff sought to recover, ax Panen proper place to have
{ria st Portage and in the vicinity of 4 “XP TEC for a few weeks, hanna township. the amount of a policy held ou his it. ay these two gentlemen prosper.
ne | itt Scarlet fever is also prevalent | hem be will go cast in search of a Senator Betts a Printer. grist mill in Elder township, which A First-Class Entertainment.
6 ot Portage. : location. Fx-State Senator William W. Betis, burned down in March, 1585, the jury Um Thawiay night the Hastings
iu iri sire : State Grange Ofeers Coming. who died at Clearfield Thursday after a awarded the plaintiff $1,000. Opera House was opened for the season
oA Nant Paper, | 17 Arrangements are being made to bave lingering illness, was born at Newark, wT by one of the best shows that has
The Couns is in receipt of a copy | some of the officers of the Pennsylvania N_ J. in 1840, and atthe age of thirteen | ; ever held the boards there, “Old
Ind : | State Grange at the meeting of Cambria ws apprenticed to learn the printing All those wishing sewing done neatly Farmer Hopkins,” by Frank 8. David-
{ County Pomoua Grange, Patrons of adville. Pa later he en- ‘and promptly should call on Miss ., people always go far and near to
| Hinsbandry, at Chest Springs on Mon- | gaged in the lumber business at Clear. Mamie O'Hara, who has opened 2 4 or hear Frank when he is booked.
day, October 5th, for the purpose of field He had been burgess of Clearfield | first-class dress-making establishment ry, play was pot only first-class in
| giving instruction in Grange work and | gad held other municipal offices. He in Ope nul ery store on Beech ave- ,..ry pgpiicuiar, but is the cleanest
‘nue, and is ready to accommodate all. | 4 best drilled corps of actors on the
| education, All patrons going by rail | yu. elected to the State Senate an a
will be met at the Ashville Station, on | Democrat in 1886. | Priows maderate, (8 sil the mm roid to-dsy. Maoager McNelis isto
the Cresson and Coalport Railroad, by Reh From the Cy. A fashionable overcoat is what you be complimented in securing so good
a Recapkian Commities. Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, the Magee will want. See ones at §7.50, $5.00 and an attraction to open with.
* yuchuge. | avenue jinn returned from the ¥890, of tours We have thers fuer. Biggest tock of fall hats ever
| enstern cities last week where she bas) THOS: ons at $15.00 In a =ally heuer.” brought to; Patton. Prices must uit
| i Bmx, The Clothier. you; anywhere from 30¢. up to $00.
Ripans Tabules cure billousness. Bis, Hatter.