The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 24, 1896, Image 5

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    goo of Dr. Van Wilson over Sun-
1 If you wish to do & good busines,
ph tan ad in the Parroy Cot:
on | hie
| pees be was carrying a gon over his
shoulder and allowed it to fall back- |
ward to the ground. When the gun
enone pimp
cted. There is no advertisement
: this; we feel just like saying it.
was found dead
e in Altoona Sunday |
rt trouble wns the
( 85 years of age and
Hehe al, OW. "Hodgkine, Par
“The 1 &, Carrollton, Ky. For {has dedicated to his American ad-
| sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. - Hodg-
_ | Henry Keller, one of the oldest |
| Srelght condustors in the smpioy of the
of “Menuet Moderne.”
{hd beer tn. the employ of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad company 45 years.
The editor and publisher of the
Times have been sved,
| criminally and civilly, for libel, by
‘Miles, the Republican candidate for
I Tht Phamdeiphia county, for.
| stating that he was, while president of
Hoounsll, guilty of ctookednses in the 1}
‘safe care for children,
Don’t trifle Away time when you
have cholera morbis or diarrhoea.
Fight them in
with DeWiti's Cholera & Ooit Cavs.
(famous pianist expressly for The |
{ton Pharmacy.
A New Mique by Pudereveshs.
Ignance Paderewski has written s
new niinuet for the piano, which he y
= dolar - hy saving "Yn save your dollars by bu
dash tr
mirers and given the significant name
the new composition ss his bon, and Sing wo ae avd al our
believes that it will meet with greater 0
popular favor than his “Mennet 8 \ \/ In
17 Antique,” written in 1883, of which
over seven millon ocoples were sold in | We liket aba
a single year. It is the first rinnet io that wo ae abe 10 mock ou al Som
written by Paderewski since “IAn- | quality considered.
tique,” and was composed by the
. Ladies’ Home Journal, sad will appear} Bet!
in the October imme.
Theories of tures may be discussed |
atlength by physicians, but the suffer-
ers wapt quick relief; and One Minute
e will give it to them. A
It is “the |
‘only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results.” C. W. Hodgkins, |
Patton Pharsincy.
Boo savage or paper or
met with a gunving accident |
may oost him his right foot. It
ground the mustie was
ndone Jobmtown have sointed towards him, and the hammer |
with glasses by Piper, | yoiking a stone, it was discharged, the
or every $25 worth of goods
at Mirkin & Kusner's store
‘whole load entering his foot just back |
of the toss. Dr. Rice dresssd the
they wound, and hus hopes that ampatation |
Pr not be necessary. — Hastings
candidate for State sens | ing between $90.00 and $100.00
{car while riding east on Philalelphia Wash ru large i
express Saturday ovening between ig
ne specimens Hpi
i hook, but no trace of what had become Wo are loading them all in bargains
of the money could be found. He in shoes Call and wee them for your.
offers » reward of $25.00 to any person
g| Soavering his money. Sout
undermined by indolent
£1. Kepbart, whom home is at Hast
from the
Fork and Summerhill. Upon
| reaching the ust named town he left
| the train and walked back in search of
[hie money, Some distance abuve the
fold station he found several
Be an Ta Se packet:
Fork ‘
time ago, but the Governor wonid 1
_ approve it until be bad gone All ove
‘the papers. Governor Hastingy' ac
was hised entirely on Rardsley’s i
3 Hodgkins, sole agent, will farnish you a
free sample bottle of this great guar
anteed remedy? Ite soccess ix simply
| wonderful, ss your druggist will tell
| you. Otto's Cure i now sold in every
town and village on this eontinent. |
| Samples free. Large bottles 50¢ and 5c.
The whole systom is drained and
ulners and
‘open sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
_iBalve speedily heals them. fs is the
{best plle cure known. Cc. W. Hodg-
a A ate rs.
. ing on erowded trains, and ss he was
in no hurry, walked down, 18 miles,
’ one day to the Flood City, and, when
he was ready to return walked back.
Es don't yogurd tm much of a walk,
“hoys will be “boys,” bat you can’t
a: of them. Be ready
| for the green
| DaWite's Colic and Cholera Qure in the
apple season by having
bose. OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Oue Way to be happy.
Ia at all times to attend to the com-
Very Blow birt waist seta .
Fine pearl sets
Ladies’ collar battons,
per dos
Children's school bags
Infant silk _p
nfant’s gaps
long silk em
“ nice soques
jdm on,
sik ribbon, 2 in. wide, .
Fo flimerglog 1in Wide, per ya
Crash :
silver top,
a Iam fully convineed that the Ladies oF Patton appreciate
and demand that which is up to date. What part of their
05 attire are they most particular about? Why their Shoes of
Ladies’ wrappers ‘75 course. ‘That is why I have put in the elegant line of Shoes
net warranted 1 not to go Which are positively the very latest out. Such as the zoth
Good nickel clocks - 8 Century, Low Cut, Large Button; also same thing in lace;
Diner pulls, small - i» ‘also a large assortment o Oxfords in both tan and black,
. 1 prices to suit all. Ask niy clerks to show them to you. I
2 for -
If you have a corn get a bottle of now you will be pleased.
the greatest corn destroyer of :
And if IF il get your money Bick. 25. At no time in the history of Patton has there been such a
's greatest stove 04 large and magnificient stock of
American & mirrors 35
Good Inrge
We arm elowing oat our shirt waists at |
half price, they are nice
6. 0). Brady, Prop.,
I haven't nearly enough rom to dis
play them, consequently there are many pretty things in my
* stock which I know you have never seen. Just think, beauts-
Sis wash Silks at 20c¢. per yard—can’t be beat in Phila. You
will find my clerks only too glad to have the pleasure of
showing these goods to you.
as are on ‘my shelves.
E' It is a well established fact that nothing but the very
1 choliest
iare on my shelves which T aim to sell at the very lowest
| prices possible.
| My stock is complete. There is scarcely an article in use
that cannot be had | in my store. -
Not only figuratively but,
Liste state hah if ab amy tine you dasire anything fom the
(ity I will cheerfully get it for you at exactly the sume price you
would pay if you were right in W Wanamaker's store yourself.
Kindly give me a call and be convinced that I am selling the
toe. guns for au lit Hs money an you will uc ss Ings sities
"The most sensitive organ in’
the body, the eye should re-
‘ceive the the utmost care,
Have your eyes examined |
Graduate in at Com-
mercial Hotel ody
We show in our He New stock of Fabrics for Fall and Winter
clusive Children's De- wear. They cannot fail to please you. The
partment for little men stock is all new, up-to-date in every variety W
at 2, 2.75, 3.50 4. $5. of fine material
We are told daily by many that they have seen nowhere All-wool Stik au good aa. wa slow you for SINS, 10 and P12.
I" you wear ane of our Nobby Suita at $6, #8, and 13, out in the Istest fad, made well, you count & ten
dollar bill you save by staying away from the tail or.
Made of finest well treated leather, on lasts
seen improvement in shoe
o please the most most fastiduous, und to” 8
All reauly for your inspection.
d for the sbape of the human foot. Every year has
ie enough, stylish snengh ang pretty enough to
At Our