The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 17, 1896, Image 8

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    Eurationt fo in » pitchof;
Fxcitoment over the introduction in the
smbiie sehoci of Chioago of a system of
oy | IDetrmction in shat may be termed
my pt moe
: Davenport |
ng arithmetic, Many of those
i ro maintain hat the proposition
| i impracticable on the theory that only
such persons af have nataral arithmet- |
1 | ical pening con be able to ase to advan.
fage auy post of api] Sticuierfos The |
for the ;
the company how he wanted |
jambs of
_ Ho tock infuite pains fo
fet multiply long Jists of figures in Hilling | 7
out goods of
the atwnding interest led |
or —— Tn
: not a little discamion |
o| cde in praia:
all sorts as fast as his as |
ett scald nal them off to him, and
of | fn 500 pages « ledger
made not one single niistake, Thi Dis |
or accounts having
patch was interested to know whether
the system wentioned in Chicago was |
. | related jo any WAY to that whith be
Mr. Hinkle was fopnd mest enthusi.
- | natically interested in the method, and
of quickly roranrked, upon being eked,
at the smoposed now system way fdon- |
ically the samo that he has been uring
"J for 23 years Indeed, Mr. Hinkle has
been for a numer if yomrs thinking we
5 | loasly of
‘an effort to have
» some of the sehdols take it np as a part |
1 of their conrse of nstroction. Speaking
ond of the new method, Mr. Hinkle sid:
Ix the system sound? Te it practical? |
Ive most exphatically fo both ques |
1 tions. It 3s natoral computation, god it
this relationship of numbers as is |
{ia to teach them the relationship be |
wn persons. Um 100 for the head of
he geclogienl tree of the fast} of fig-
rex, apd | nataral| —Ob
EI thar 28 por cont fF any
amount is one-foarth of it, becavss 35
aye | 8 one-fourth of 100, as it is to teach |
he | Bim that that ob} gentleman is his) pare
'} pecans he is his mother's] JOuTS past
sow how Bis passin ase Sands one
{ ather, or that 135% per cent is one |
#1 sotal, $81.87
mmaennt, beoauss it is one
% 100, as it ia to tosch him that
"Phi give examina tn short
ental srartie for a Shang Say!
y Jou buy $0 yanis of enFet us 82451
Tents: cents ix fiee-cighths of 100;
Jor “Fan odd on. Say 56 yards at
ne of 80 ix $60 add | hous
tho tien 633 cevtn, which i 1. "ii:
Huy you bay 18] yards
. | of dress goods wt Fig cents; B35 cents
dessrvod 1d co shied of 390; one-third of 167 is| prince
| i
pi buy 160 bushels of potaton at 501
penty, $50. Bay, bmi? But if is were |
bushels at 40 cents you couldn't do it
y- eT te ami
jos once 99, which is $45.01, and it is
s no mere Sifflewdt than 100 times 50.
Gin 0h Sven child can do maltiphi- |
5, bat how many older
as eaxy to tech a child or grown |
Ae Bandringh
, un clear sont
1 the green backs of the fin, big and
tle, bap wey wen Ha after mr { Eile
& Eid ’
boat ft needs {wo men to Fe % pie ne §
| m Presently | bigan Wly cast
Ly A
Jost to try my ew 18 Boog rowt, and the
first thing I knew a fish was hooked. Ee
galloped aronml that pool, Jumping
out, darting back » 1 forth, and 1 wad
od right in Mier avhie [ger him
pretty tired. I bad no Innding net or
gaff, but there was a smdcoih gravel bar
£0 rods below. Then I towed the nnfor-
sanate fish down there, got kim beaded |
for shes and tan straight bark on the
bar. Out be oatise, Sopping sotsersanite
lon the gravel. The gut leader broke,
but I threw mywlf on top of that silm-
on and clasped my arms aroond bi
He wan slipgery and strong, and 1 conid |
pot hold hive. Finally I jot my fingers} 2°
gills, reached for & sone wd |
in his
in flavor aed law
someting the it pitah
of diol thas otuid be taken:
drenmatuncos. Then the Engl
jish ale, which is
alocholie for the climate,
drinking the pure wine of the coun
that is supplied without stint and gre-
tuitonsly at all mealx Thew British
peculiarities have done much to destroy
is far too hesvy el
romder the better known hotels witich |
supunaive su the Soetin
The experinnoed ©
ve three or four mereil :
over the head. Then I hid Bin.
with mud and dime, but 1 was 00
proud as well as too nearly out of breath |
for words —Fraderic Irland in Borid
mer’ a
Weight Petors and Aer Mens.
Why i is that a man does pot weigh
more after esting a pound of
fod than be did before? A little refive.
| ten will readily explain thiv apparent
mystery. Duritig the process of masti-
eation, deglntition, ste. certain muscles |
wre brought indo active play ny. Now it is
& well established fact in physiology
that the exercise of any viusche or set of
moses necessitates & Temporary waste |
of tissne, snd that a certain mmoont of
carbon is alinsipaied and passed off dur
ing the course of a meal This Joss
however, is trifling ss compared with |
that of respiration and perspiration,
both of which functions are increased
during the operation of making & weal.
The length of time ope may take fo
consume & pound of food makes bat it.
tie difference in the lomees. If it be eaten
Jeisurely there in bot slight inerenss of
respiration of perspiration, whereas, if
it be harried through, both are abnor
mally secelonited. Henow by the time
the moan! is finished the consumer hos
Jost appreciably in both moisture and
carbonic acid.
elear manver, why it ix thats man nay
oat a of food and yet not weigh
but from coe-third to five-sighthx of »
a xight to behold, wot and bespatiered |
the experience of centaries bas privind
or Tien Tans
| i Ze os
noally to enoarage pistform
ular system has been in
ist of the sonoessfnl stations being pub-
bedding, as well as a list of
evergreens and creepers, | with
pnd mee Tish he did before the teal. hinge
Louis Republi.
The Princes Cust Off Clothing.
As the Prince of Wales has wt the
in matters of fashion for many
it in something of interest to |
cording to one of the British p
prince |
of slothes at & time, ar of “which!
be pave the uniform price of $40. He
Dever weirs a pair of trousers more than
four times, and sioes his valet does not | Review
fall heir to his wardrobe and as bis dis
carded clothes are not muon the pir-
| quisiten
thousands of them at Marlborough
house. At his death bo will dots loss | Bamma
an large a collection ss did King
trp IV. thie saotion of whose clothes
cents | extended through throe weeks All the
*s plothes, old and Dew-—exsopt
his bats, which for some reason are kept |
snare stored at Mark
borough house in what is knows as the |
“brushing rooms,’ where several men
are kept bosy locking after then. po
whiforion and state robes alow at Marl!
borough house are insured for $20,000,
so that Rix entire wardrobe must repre
sent a very comfortable § fra bone
x Coutly Wate
“While in Geneva sone months sgn,”
{ writes » corpepondent, “I visited the
wewbeh works thers and ass
matter of curiosity asked the manager
what wad the highest priced watch that |
y | was mad in Geneva. He said that the
if ie 35 18
dd to 153, males 106. To
. ined 2,500 pi 2,401. The = ae 100
10,000. To get squares of 9999 and
201. add to 10,000, equals 10, 201.
**This may lock hard to sone, but |
hen ome has been drilled in multiply |
larger pumbars mentally it is ss
easy as falling off a house. Same will
Complain thas J ee po vibe to say
{that fs where tigre is loon
J mechanion] ara Sialic
blunders; the vine has Locome Latuitive
from good drilling and ix a savy thing i
always. There are legions of doubting
Thomases, the mist of whom will pot |
50 yards of parpet at 635; ont
that's just what I don’t want to do
With the |
drilling which a jupil wold get prior
| to doing this work, one of the tmpor- |
tant things taught him would be to
know that 8G yards at 6215 cents of
tive-sighths of 54, os iu Lois cae, world
be B50, and not $5 or $500 or $5,000,
Whisk often cecurs wi th pupils whe ue
the old rules for pobiing off. One is}
dhmstroas |
look into this closely envugh to ander.
s stand it, whe will advance all kinds of |
arguments against it. One of the first
arguments will be thas it wogld be nay |
enough if people would buy and sell |
sverything in quantities and ay prices
ng new | that were fractional parts of 100." —
w | Columbus (GO. ) In :
* ee
I? the haman subject the brain is the |
ope-twenty-cighth part of the whole
| body's entire weight. Inthe horse it is | w
mt are Shan ote feud hupdrediis part.
| — gr
gd Bre cgaite of 80 is $30; that I don's |
point off according to roles Well,
oO. 0M). France comes next with $37,
watch turned oot in
was worth £140.
ptuetiand Was Wath £145 4 vont
and struck the hours if pelled. Jo also
had in it a tiny musical box which
three distinet tnoea. This watch,
| be mid, was the finest that could be
one ornamented with | Be
made, altboagh
a en worked into the
case would of course ren the prics up
into as many thousands as the purchaser
“He ssid there had been one wath
made in his eatablishient the cases uf | bench
which had been studded with dismonds, |
and which had oot £3,400, but so far.
as the watch itself was concerned it
was worth only £140" —Pearsn’s
A sheri® of Edinburgh had forgotten :
his twopbnuy ticket Asked for fare, |
be mid ‘1 have it" “Then
where's your ticket?’ I have lost it.”
“Then Fou must pay again '® Coe,
J friend.” said the sherfl,
a ito my face and (8 modo ll:
Jookslike » man who wild tell yo aie
fag sudh » trifle as twopence? The cash
talr imnpected the countenance thus
offared ss a guarantee for its owner's
ingeggrity and then dryly said, “I'll joa
head: you for the bwopense. ''—Bay
Frlncisco Argraact
Wealth of Nations.
hte wealth of Great Brissin,
3 is estimated by
-m Foran sathority to be $a0, 000,
$08,000, 000. The wealth of the six jar
oe nations in the world aggregates
Te porpose of coining a § cent piece
wat to frnish a proper equivalent for
the § oem postage stamp
pcan of 75 per cent of siives
3 vent of supper
of his valet, there is a stock of |
stamp when that!
stip was in use for letters. Thiseoin
the smme wary, the
juoanecd a suse The Grest North
vies lett allotments to their nwn
hes posi
Unisdanmmeble Pelrolonme.
been made to render petrolenm unin
Jonger inSanimable below J
C., and, ss it contains chlorides of tal
| heated for one hour at 100 degrees C.
heated up to about 85 ¢
ing to the method thos
foel thereby resulting will be uninfium-
mable below 70 degroen. :
ing anecdote
statement of 1581:
duty. Just before Mr. Gladstone rose 10
to Lord Pawmerston on the, tesery
the groat proposal tonight? Is it to be
tos aud tars one? “My deur Derby, id
wrote the Premio in moply, “i in pot
‘toe and tue vor” 18 isso be’ paper and
! stationery. ' Vemiit. James Gaeta
Ovssory In Londonts Hyde Park
arasory in Hyde park, Londod, on San-
day afternoons. There are sturep ore
and politiesd opinion. Some mak them-
selves hon
Dehwrs are vob
i sd os spon Sgr 4
Sosinlism 1% cham in ane sorter
and marriage of the deceased wite's sis
ter in another
a =
Duriog th Jour of a putent
ov A Ct
’y his as | Ra
that Canadian im-
years b
ein te vrs
Unoadh or
itl pay te 3d for a GL bottles! od !
arent. of |
the advantages of Toreign travel and to Thooiand
are frequented by English familie, as |
England. i
(wl tr
fa Bugle? the Great: eer and | SERRATE
the Midland offer sume of money an- | Fal
In the cassof the former company seg.
EW rE 8.
1% years, £950 being voied annually for} 3
The line is divided nto i914
sections, To esch & wpeciad prive of £51 |
js awarded, snd there sre 165 ordinary |
prizes, rangi from £3 to 10 shillitigw, »
dure ie to height, color, dates | cen
for sowing asl many other Dect saary pi
mms Fama—
ir por 241 Py , - saat intention i
rig mom Ai on dishes which tie | Sed
natives know how to cook and which | oF
to be better suited to the climate and ” ns
econo izes soinething ke 50 per cont |
on the cost of livieg On the (ther |
hand, be taay have to content hitaself |
with a very small washing basin—the | ge
introdueticn of English habits ithe] s®
ntatter of pirmonal ablation is ranch}
peed thee drainage of the hoteldl sod it wT
may leave much to be desiad. ewer bos 5
theless, even in this last particain’ e- | a
ts are boing efeend Hey ami
Habed mach your A cirenlur is als) sot | wy
round formishing a complete bit of (702
plants suitabh: for various purposss — for IN n
Re Shusder, for Inmer bed dies: 5
mixed bor i
The slove explains, in & Tough but} spring hardy plants,
Bie the number of short
rents in the cane of the former cotapuny |
Feashisng ry Seay 3, 500. Quarterly 5
In regard to the efforts which have os
flammable Le Revue Ipdastrielle sgys
that if to 330 gations of pecrolean: thers |
3440 pounds of common sair, |
and the wixiure be hestod to 100 de |
grees O, thaws will be coljected aboot |
50 gallons of voistile and canily in- |
flammable hydrocarbons, known a ben- |
gives: the smaining petrolenm Ww po}
0b degrees |
Mr. H. W, Lucy relates the ‘ollow- Wo
to the budget | anal
badget speoch | 88
bemmamdalisiiinatbyen orbit
of the sehen would be repeal of the tes |
bench the following note from Lond |
Dertiy: “My dear Pum What 14 10 be |
There is & vast amount of open alr ie
tors of almost every shade of religious
ent agumatoapi terion |
| he rar,
The Midland railway devotes £000 in Bre hor
£7 10s to Shillings A tally quiified iui
“inspector, whose duties take him to pry
part of the lirie, is deputed to deal Fweith | on
the matter, and the whole seheme 18 Pro- |g
ern and the London and Northwestorn |
ww RePNCT IT JUNE uw -e
iid udelphin wad Ew Raiirond he
Vite dwhie. Tras eve Dried iviion
clam, bromide of magnewinm, sud sob | Joo
phate of raapvesia, ite laminating |
power is increased. To these 190 gallons
of petrolenss that have undergooe dis |
i sillation thers are added 375 gations of |
erode petrclonm, this mixtare being |
A vu |
The 40 gallons of benzine thas | “7 8
Te pwvinals separated wre st this | =
a added and the whole is again 0 4.
explainid, the |
make his statement, thers was landed |
x ¥
SB le 5
f SBuNuREnasERy
t BE ee enad |
Hea =
mets Lhe
Gen’) Manaier Gen'l Paw, Ast.