The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 17, 1896, Image 6

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    hid habirnnd courtesy. |
nd irl great honors gr fhe
Mores of kinge
© ¥ shall not soon forget
fold of the evinis win ct it these
| Earepesn eapitals, they wore sil so in-
meting, avd Be was so wtitly frank
1 sd matured In their narration. He was
Wha growin hie
ling at the court of the czar, us sovereign |
wlio was deeply interested in the work
of the inventor. When Mr. Francis
went ta Europe, he had letters of intro- |
| duction from many provuinent. Ameri
he | cane In S& rg he called upon
| the A merioan minister. Here, an he told
me laughi iy, 1 forgot all abot hie
letters of Intro one of which
was m the president ot the Dnited
States and another from the wemtary of Qleen
: : offi old) Bas %
sdenos in A stute od manhood Aes for as?
: ee vig Yi £1
{ smasement “Meet. the rr per
Ble, man! Do you realize what you are
| asking——an introduction to the car of
| Rasen? Why, it wonld fake yoru a month |
{ wget an isrtroduotion 40 : $0 the grind dukes
Hd Ro
{ in his pisin visiting or tmsinees card.
| Hla had not long to wait The attendant
ushered him oto a misguifoent salon ini
6, “From the farther] ©
i pons, " wavid the old |
gontlergan to me as herelated the story, |
glowing with the recollection et
of the trinmph of the hour, “appeared |
Rix eyes
rand Duke Constanting, one of | |
he Gi
deals reir noe 10
A ‘
his hands outstre :
mine in his as he reached me.
T rand duke asked what | he could
ing servios was sven then of such vajoe
Rosia Senceant, Sud Whoo inven-
San merry}
ne nian loved a
fal whan Fir Praicis hady
tis punt
deine to rae
try Aen in
: merits Which
gone, a gaic?
a « for the ae
nT on wd
I od Ho fin ob
took oth of =
earth?’ Amd how little way can
whose imagination i most cotipact 1
1 As we Contemptues the Changes Sade by
Infant Belenes, Wes Marvel at the He
Wi Fellow Whea It
Tieneks ihe Ape of Manhood.
Already seiencs Biw made neighbors
of erstwhile far supdersd places
ready the feat of ginting the earth in
$0 minntes, once aicribed to magionl | -
jeacy how boeonnn well nigh Ln possi
Ble, avon thar of one's bodily interior
being Bo donger guaranteed, Already!
seients haw eo far conquered the envi ies |
of Tifa that the Hiring are jostling ¢o
other for elbow room, and already the
mations sleep—if they veer glesp—with
their fugora on the trigper of the latest
nagarine ri It this be the caso in
Another guostion fitrades yteif hore:
Is the teanformation, wes for ax it has
Are » id $he 3 better or the
femr » prom a fn than i pos :
il a Fn irioe. has Je sepls
iL the i :
BYEY POW powers id 1a
prauRisd fo felt
Chine destin
mn.of wivaow to aie
w earth x
sod, hes -— — Inter:
; s of Applies 4 ehemisi
Eo te tir reset Pasginat
ro bo what will be ax hoaside pro
i ighest peotry, Who ean doabe » soil
Who ean forbear wanitimes from
tempting # comoeption of the “mow
anos without » stigger and a fall? I
is no wonder that wetence Jifty her beowl
pnd surveys the falnre with pride
M. Borthelod prosuises a few Dan 8
well as a now earth, Given tie second,
'} ths fret bs 8 pecemiity, for the old Adam
in a reconstitated den wonld soon fall}
| from grave sam, unnided by the ser.
pent, in whoa, by the way, be no Jon
; a belioyves. COnxie more Dmagination |
rons riot This new mean—what is be to!
org The new woman wa koow well
| enough to make depoription superfluous.
*| Tha real question jn Whether we aro $0
segue froma this feminine to the as yet | Wi
rmined masenlioe. Let of hope
wot, for otherwise the lookont is ex-
tremely bad. It giay be, however, thas
the pew man of applied scienon will ex- | 9
emplify the mystirions law roguaisting |
forors which neither increase nor di |
niall, bat seine x.
= sation he problem,
| and it fs a very serious consideration
that nothing in the past ean help us to
that pv uitire “woeial organization Ww
hdug tranaformed mid conditions for
“Sotng w the quostion :
fear the ape
the comprehension of which the past}
offers no sogprestive provede
As Mr. Gilbert obwrves in 2 wiate of
oxabarraseent, Her's & pretty how
ft dye dot"!
man, without radder or compas, aad atl
We are ut son as to the new
Our personal
small Tho rian f the present will lu
) all his facie, 1 he
years honos is (me Bot caly of unos]
Se but of palafel iotereet, We shall
pot be abla to repudiate him, but, on!
the other hand, he may disclaim os
just as many people SOOT
| fully reject the thioory of man’s descent
The sabjoct is thus seen | ah orn ot bg
$0 be one of a very disquieting batare,
a the scomer the international eon:
pro pmderanoy
3s found v0 be on the de’ of bon.
iy as against exceTuption, provided.
iy th at acntiment were ‘waliciontly
: it The purpose of & com:
pad m andor such circumstances is not
con vinee people of what is right, bat
to simtiate to the paint of wotion thos
whe we already colrvisend.
To Be Expested.
swallows fiy low, beoanse at sach
; the insects which constitute their fom
pear the groend, sud the swalion |
of applies! chemistry or other
body throws farther light upon
ft the better. Shirely science oan give
some tokling of what ite own Adam is
Iikely to bs. We do not ask for partion}
jars of his Eden, bheosuse we know that
‘a railway will rep throagh i, and that
suffers, Sut corioaity sa to the recreated)
gardener are inevitable.
and an angel,” exclaimed the late ests
How thin the burtert” We will bope|
“A post aan
Dr. Young, “these between
for the angel, thoukh science may sot
recognize such Kn creaturs —~Loadon]
re re Batiew Od Pers.
When » pen Bas born used outil
| appears © be 1potied, place 1 over a}
| ap a pasiighs,
for instanos,
quarter of a miiute, then dip it use
water, sind it will be again ft for ase.
CA pew pen which is fouml too bard &
write with will become softer by Laing |
thus heated
That fettled It.
Peterson—~Do. Fou soppose
Pipps has weriows intentions!
Mrs. Peterson--Undoabie:
r} bim ask Lancs last night w
wera a partoer in the fu
merely worked on: a salary. Cp be
Linn) SU ERA I
When bad weather is
fore ng
SLA hf Ut ve
are fared to fallow thé w 1» Yorter
: gic £531 at other seasons.
Al a
‘| | 3 oy un English girl th
Ho saris is of the earlior oreation,
rocomaprnited to the devout stody of fat i
| fowl he EDONY whet
He Tbs ;
for al
ys a a
power, has been eft hopelossiy behind | | ie
by a new ami scientific Fock Already
| The Hed Trpe Thar Bites the Position otf
Weainen at Patie.
denes at foromd English inners |
| provents a humo TOuN Spr
Ay sereoni
! white {6 be miserable i} hor Hts if shy |
ay Jed the way to the fosral board,
ilove is the fable of rank in Hs profur
ander, whinh sho net have engraved |
ial 2
gery the Bonbiy tablets of hn 3 henry. ¢
complicated swith oxnet
aries be dye wa ter which of twa barons or
tare American countemmos or duthessoy:
eughtics of thir greet.
Wiviga of The guess san.
Livia of tho opin * Lrathurs
Wiss of $
Wives af She edit
Danghtors o
Wives of the
Wiens of Knights
Wiese if poriger uly spat Cees of 1s
‘Wives of Intent Commanders of the Bath.
Wie of Kuighte Backelors
Riven of the oldies sons of the Fotmger & 5s
nf saw,
Wives of the widest wn
Prenghbers if hatin
Wiens of Puy cibent sons oF Kuighie of the Sir
Wivewe! hue 61 Gens Brice of Knight oo The Pah
al A 5 Wight of ie fry
2 Tempting
5 pineneab aon of Darspiets
Sheen of Byoghis
of Senter of the Sum
Wivww of the hae
§ Wives of ihe Yo
maga of em
Vaan ite rs of gu
: wan od ollie.
Wives of Lanpeeses
= Philadelphia Lasley
En Berginry » Betepos
The modern bursine is ascientist and
inventor in his way. Recently a new |
ra In ele Teva
of the ernekemian 'c s2t bas pened,
the favions jhapay, so kag rampant © a
lve maccsmstnl burglars sont of arma,
to be suprrwded by more convenient la
por saving fools
In Marseilles the otler day o gang of
Ingenions cracks in ited a anf
office armed wii a steel saw of tho
Shere Wak no peed for 1h
os cosaity for n good strong wrist st the
st, 68 there wan at one time in the
+ | annals of famons robberies
A The Kittle engine was started. the
mw put fn the propor place and the |
‘eonpections made Seating themael veal
serenely spon a couple of chaim near at
hand, these modern |
the troe nod rapid work of thedr appli-
The big ate might bave resistad for
the saw, impelled by the engine, Jt ooutd
pot stand against
over £600 worth of gold and bonds, and
taken to have committed the robbery
andir tie old ecnditions the bunpian |
wero | Ai oat of the Fin aie thas
The poring woman who takes mane
Jesecns sind pr wo eondos Bad
moved (0 fer frie ude that sho wus
going asvay.
“lan it rather a sudden Getoriainie
ti hal
Was btw the doctor's orders.”
“Why, you don's book the least hit
“Oh, I'm perfectly well Aantie ia
the one who ww wick Washington
Patents In Nogiaad.
Eritish government makes no
Gun to detersyine the validity
“ics Tor which a patent is asked,
: for grantial that every lo-i
eiriretind, Se he
2 Shen TiRLEtaL
Sam isi i
yak wok Ee aa § fire,
To Americans the great prestion of
bad Uo oun
nples 1p worth d
| pights ngo it occcon
ey entitind $0 Ar RTA
g and alwr brane hen}
| Rowen erjger =: ity amd 8 Bandy Hite |
# toyed | cme more vila than before,
ty earch wo ter
¢ wealin
| Hechnt's that to rey
yon, a Frenchman,
Toutes | of Jemniling the hom work
E the Mis rian |
that natnre had som
of parsmomut importinee wil Dime ot}
his French friend, sid jot lor a ad |
he soddesly broke of! the pons ‘aantiia, |
which took plea G1 his lobisy of the ha
tel in which the rd
eo Call me iE 830 ve got td take £0
parly train i"
The Frenchman
risdiy and deported, and with 3 heat
rejoicing in the sone af ills strates
gem O'Neill somght hh conch and pre
pared to press iv noi ithe dw i be i
shonld samen hing fo kis dui’
for he had no intention of tering fo
several days fo coron. |
About 15 mivntes of 8 0'clo tk a vith
jent rapping st hig deor arene
from the sweetest pert of his alngiteivs,
anid a familiar voice in the condor wii
heard to exednim:
“ pusdonnier- mol, i Muestor © Neill,
Eot’s neurly sex aT hieR
“Hang it!’ eninined on Neill,
Aa way ane det
i mee sleep”
At this the pond ie ai 1h door be
Lad gon trancied wi
voyin, dod 20 T ha
San. Geet icles
ee ve Grady
amd von
fone 23s De
Foe oi, OF FH a
"and the pe and ne
F eontinged.
ara of Fate shag Pas helure |
Ions Be badd Lo
; tha Beds] #3
the Missonrian
osvas 2h Fe
Eeioant pe A 5
and Goon Shy A or oI xy
that he had board fois il 1
eall him ia too fp the early brain, hag |
4 his mp wy fate the night |
: sit the olor mighe |
: porate. or Nei}fs
befor be fo
forget, avd peed
kinep Him rn.
“Yee il muttmhesd ixclaimed |
Chet ron mow ae
¥ loft thet coder Just to get rid of yom
| bora Iivanted to go to bid to gi
some $n? Dop't ya know is was all
“Roof? sxslaiimd the Franch.
Pion, Meester RMR
“You, Bind," repented O'Neill
“Rut Why you sof tell me at?’ de
mnnded his frieond, “and I woot nob
| haf ocma"— Washington Posi
“Do yoni
| might as he sprodd ont his legs and
joived in the copvrmeation of the side |
walk group in frou of the Willard hos |
tel “Now, most people think thet
| when a Salifrog bellows bo Is Tiny |
| spon 8 Big rock just blowing ff. That's |
not so. When » frog bellows ha in Iyiog |
| Bat on the water, this way," and the
The stout fron safe! 4
yilded mp ite contents oti.
in a quarter of the tino is would Bavel
3 janet 0)
mired property to the value
| spenker spread out His broad pain. “Tra
sean om. You know he lus a sort of |
wattle under bis throat. Weill, he fills
that up shone half full of water aid |
Slane out the aif dash it, Youve
put water in a hotkle and then blown
par Fur There ya 60 ve , bat |
continued | Yim how |
that rte SE frog bellows In
that same way, snd it sounds just like
blowing in a bottle partly filled with
water. Just thiswiy,"’ and the speaits
expanded bis own “walt on
an imitation 30 satoral as 80’
| sock in the hotel kitehen.
“Do you know where a frog's teeth |
are?’ amted Haire Canip, suede
by the atennes of argument.
“In his belly,” somebody saggestid. |
“No A feog'atesth,” resumed Squire
Camp impressively, “are jus abony tha |
middie of biz backbone, between his
hind and fore lege —Louksville Con.
rier Journal
rian agin.
r Yiil,
zn Fumio |
REE. Ax |
spans lng lish th
ie words whieh decornte the far |
of the beri ave wnigee sod
eh of prescova fin in print:
at My ship wis omstantly trading te |
earions elnher of the dapestic sad the
foreigner. Albongh I was advised by
the every foreignet, wt this time I big
made the nice hanidiierchief of the 32
fepert spoesond silk and begon to se
ft. Theo | was cheered with the bivscr
om thw y vevernl portions Thesos what:
eer vil perfam uly for poset,
wd is will sell Jower price for every
iy’ wanta Plena 1 hag coinpequent.y »
fs he mares Tivors aml the nak
Bat the tl codars of the bab
sefe that be Aire by the one meth. |
tad will by Deve harris for washing #6." pailes om which street oar
welloston C4 BY Kt ied.
eriigsaeh b
Dada Stand 186
Bioke—I hear that Jawlios enlled |
yor a fool at the tind the other night, |
How souk! yon stand thus?
Jinks dida's stand I
Binke—That's right I stppose you |
made him apologise!
Jinks—Er—woli~-the fact is, when Fo
he called mo a foul T called him snot
er, and fnmedistely T fdand myself iat. |
tim on the floor. 25 nobody can nay |
that I sioad 3tLisrulcn Tit Bits
Se Ao RO
The Moder Son.
Pater—ty boy, when Twa your age,
Iwas at uy desk nt 7 o'clock im the
Son That may Ye, but 1 knoe thi
bus ess 1s perfectly safe in your hans,
evan while I'm vey. —Lamidon. in
exemsed Rtniiels if hme
clube apn ig :
; gros at 2
ily be hail come 10 |
tev sem REL Be did not overs |
now how 8 bal ifrom el
Joes?” hie” ax Magistrate Camp last |
United States na |
i Kure man, Mis
the apening. Hak 3
| statestpan wal | an
stopping, and said fo ton clerk 2 ins food | ;
persons 5 Lt
ors of rier y—in fant,
Bandenme tat
mortale cannot affond fo —
: welrne of Bis services,
enter; bot, being inclosed by wail and
plimied about with trees, nothing of
ths interior is visible eithur from: bis
oun windows or from any point 2 the
surround ag country, mo that ;
any, of tas peighbors are pt
yach a pluce of spuicher exiots in the
| midst of them,
“Some of the dawpgs Baried hers,”
| anid an sftendant, showing the fuvored
ingninie roused, ‘died while we hag
Cain ander treatment in horwpital, as
mony say, bot many of ‘om died in €
porn hosties anid wan lirought ae such
gig wd seven miles to their fonersh™
The headstones aud monuments in
this singular CrTIStery are a8 fost
oftén sa oowtly a8 any
average human body, sod the spite
off thems are 806 treqoently quite
* Phin oie here,” observed the attend: :
alt, poibling out a particularly neat
mud well kept grave with s red marble i
Setisk at the hood of it, “is where two
Pig daw were bared. They telonge
to ap oid lady who Bronght "em oves
with ber from Paris. She had "ens fos
sevenul yours, and we were always be
{ng euiled in to doctor "ems, though they
wore always suffering from Sothing bs bu
Title airtight cofitg we ever yom ses
Sb cones every now and thes on Svs :
1, aud abe pave our gardener 35 hil
lings a year extra specially to water the
flowers she planted on the grave
Beep it all tidy,
“Neer, bers ve Lave what you may
aM] a fumily vault, which belong ins |
Bobleman, a8 you see for yourself on
tiie Kublet over the doorway. It's deep i
wed ned with bricks and you go down
fn it by » fight of steps. Theo's sin
dawgs down on the shelves already in
Jewd lined coffins If you look gh
tle grating nthe Sn ~ Jowtiue 8 .
| tian of kis dawg, a i
one divs te eit up bere and the
wauli's opened for it We've another
vault Hie thin which wo'll come to
‘presmtly, coly iv belongs to a dady. i
“Oh you: 1 think 1 may sy every
diswy is bared in a Mx of some Sort
apt a fair pooportion of “em in peo
onffine, bras mounted and hia
Yom'd hardly believe how some of §
owners will cry st the fanesal J¢
pouty Ludies that bary thelr put Bese
of conres. As a vale, they've got
: | Cations abet this Sort of hin thas
eh eight yours : now, and ape
an sorry sbose him still xe if dom
# Christian file mun wad You: | a w
Se Sattar
Saas, wane of the neat Ti
ad with octal quotations and, incveds
fle av 11 may some, even with Ditilioal
pent, —~Lasuion Tiel
Streut Katiwars In Philadelphia
By the sires: railway statement it
| ap that there aro within the oty
1 Hamite 3165 miles of stools now son
pied by passenger railways and ty
He thon igh Sing gogo
if nos, it is but a short pais.
Siar deaths bn the way 1 Jive long :
sdraid of death is to be long &