The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 17, 1896, Image 4

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biack Er these
| mong men % 43.1 and smeng women |
45.1. The percentage of dark, or, mors
proper ack, eyes is larger mmong
women, being 20.7 per cont of the wha
number, while among wen itis 12.8,
«| Perhaps it is the relative rarity of dark
snong men which establishes the
i dark eved men are esteemed
by women to be pos fortunate in the
their eyes than blue eyed men
sich theme pevoent-
Spon 9
| ages are Toned are the reinls of inquir-
cmvented bn cor or mors of tha i
# Bin sha
oti ard v6 by w Liber
beam a tloten,
ing wt ty odor dyes
gH pirith dew,
He iis hat makes the ight
An enchantmont and Antin'st,
Opening his entrancing tals
Where the evening robinse fail
: oh 25 5
wr C0 Antinget in
Y | stares Polo's Assount of the Great Desert
of Godt.
Ley is a lavage town at the cige of
fhe desirt which ix called the desert
ni of Lop amd is situated betwen cast
| and northeast. 16 belongs fo the groat
khan, and the people worship Moham- |
“| med. Now, such persons a propose $0 |
{oroms the desert take sn whek's rest in
this fen to refresh thensolves and
their caltie, and then thee paake ready
for the jonrnoy, faking wins them &
month's sapply for man and boast. On
quitting this city they enter the descrt
The length of this desert is so groas
PL that it 18 anid it wonld take a year and
more to ride from one end of it to the
other. And hers, wher ta breadth is |
Jenst, ib takes a peonth 8 (ross it Tis
all coped of hills and valleys of
"1 sand aiid pot a thing 19 eat 2 bes
fonud on ft Bat after vid ing for & day
and 8 night yom find fresh water,
snoneh marhap four sonne 160 cr 100 pers |
soni wish Hed ir tenkts, Yat pot for more.
And sil ae fhe desart rom will fund
water in lites manne patti 4 toeay, ini
sane 34 places altogether yom wiil find
pond water, bat in ne grin quantity,
; wield in four places plan yin find back
of Egrope or one of mors |
: Sunt the United States, for, am 80
3 naught for them to cat, Bot there isa
ixh water,
Flosets there ars pone for there a
marvels thing related of this dosent,
$1 whiot ie that when travelers sre on the |
he Met Deters Satire Was Boer Yd
; ! Ou Tinie ©
ans Hu was a ;
mows hy night and ope of them chanoes
to lag behind or to fall asleep or the
Hk, when he fries to pain bis company
sais, he will hear sprite talking and
will sapposs them 16 be Jie coeprades |
Sorneiimes the spirits will call him by
{samme and Show shall a tramaler cities
ba lod astray, sc: that he never finds his
party. And in this way Sany have per §
! fubed. Bometimes tho gray travelers
will hear, as if wore, the tiamp sod bom |
of o great cavaloado of people wwuy
«i | feomn the res] Hine of romd, and, taking |
this to bo their owneoompny, they will
| follow the sound, and when day breaks |
; in tlio te a cheat bits been pot on
thom and that they are ir: an ill plight.
Even in the daytime one hears thowe
fo y| spirits talking. And sitnetimes you |
shall hear the sound of & variety of
sof power instraments acd sill more |
; commonly the sound of {rams Hemoe
{in tng this jomrney it is eostomary |
| for trailers to keep clo: together. All
« | the maimals ton, have delle at their
hi nooks, mo that they cannot easily gf] qo,
«! gutray. And at seeping time a signal
is put op 0 show the direction of the |
| mexy march,
“Bo thas it is thes She tiomest 14 cross.
iy Fant Brooks, fn os
logge m4 se vr abr got Hetion.
the Poste, '! u there pam-
“ray oon ct the mont cele-
Newiound “5, an nd -
for saving thres young
dren from drowning on different oo |
| pimbly off on the grass at the side of
1 the round, and as she dped by he ex |
nn nt)
8 4 years ao by sn American
SR pb
ou pimps.
& tambeue in Hagley
bill £¥
0 Trees That Whistle
The mosionl ex whistling tren is found |
tonf and pods with a spiel oF open pe
A few hints 68 10 what
“- young children may be 1
mothers, for ehildr
habit from series inte:
| have formed habits of art %
and sweins and reduc
yehims fantic de 307 Faow wany . paotheTS |
erof sugar or jum besides? Was nor the
| Buch mothers when remonstrated wit
anwwer, © Why, my child would noe out
bread and jam andes IF were bothered
alse.’ That habit was formed in the
child by the mother. Even yoang chil
their elders and wi 1} oom disocaor thelr
weak points Perhaps when there are
caliors the mothir to svodd a seene
a subsequent tine,
oanss yoor child fa form 8 pernicions
habit, be it the candy habit or the oake
habit. Clngistont fiemress will spare
you a world of rookie atid sanoTasnos,
Of conras a plece of light siragicake
give un ohild a lise of Broad not only | go dey haga o on’
thickly battered But ocversd with a Iay- | ja: NR an to fake on S4oid nity his
(bread good enongh with either Alonot |
dren are very shrewd in dealing with |
gives a piece of cake, and this is mifroit |
iy made tse of to soctive Tike favor at
Young mother, do not allow your |
own esos and comfort at the moment ta)
will pot hart a wall child, bot Jot it de
given ss a rare frost. Never give any
kind of pastry. You and your chiid wild
be hapeair for it. NoitHer sre rich pad
¢ mil padding sanres allowable.
: fy shiaald not he : oven
ander this age of 21, Old vegis
hearty finite smch as hanes,
not be given to children ade 6
A belpfal book for nut hry ia How
food is prepared,
“Pan amount of patrition preived |
in every Sratanco most be oardfally con
sidered. Ome of the mest Impariast res
sons for this is that energy most not be
Hittle food thoroughly digested is far
better than panel that is half digested
of the Steams to which children
are Hable wenld dissprenr under strict
sopervidion of hygiene and die, pe
incinding many resnliant fheoot, oa
tarrhal snd serves tronbion Mater
Rew roosiabpoais 7
Kitate th np of any fem of solid
without anshors ty of apr ret c+ ption from
Clon in seo forbidden, a 1% in alinost ina
possible 80 kenp it clesn.
# Left overs” are decidedly pot to be
used in the nursery, if for uo other rea.
soni thin in many bosses oioked and)
uncookiad foods of various kinds are eps
1 sneoversd dishes from day to day in
ome oomston refrigerator or closet. ab}
A Portraits Hires
Wallasten's ourions discovery was
eyes lose their front 44
marks, “a lost jook of devent sbstrae
tion in an uplifted countenance may be
The sind peaing throngh twee ponds | axehanged for ss someon of ingnisi-
ont the soand which gihres the tiie ie | gos Re ha in thas Jeez of a Jrpink
poealisr meme In Harbsdos feos ks
{ valley filed with these teers, aod when
the trade winds blow soross the lauds
ite whe”
& cosetant moaning, deel) sonad Whistle | Yower featur we thangs the direction
is beard from it. which in the still boars |
| of the night, bas & wery weird god un
pleamint effect. A pation of scacia, |
Sudan, is also ealled the whist!iog tree
by the natives. Ite shoots ary friquent-
fly, by the agemey of the lain of in
worts, distorted in shape and ay
Hi to a globular Bladder fro yoda on 3
in diameter. After timinnect ba
od from a circnlar hols In
{ this swelling. the opening, pl
hy the wind, becomes a nee
| ment, equal in sonnd foo8 aad EW
flats, ~Lamdon Tit 1b
a BE ily
He Hand Send ;
The Lemisville Conriordoosaal Yells}
amry of a woman Who was learnis
how to vide a wheel Oue morn SE
when she was ous on bar bicycle, wak-
jing poral time iro rather mioeriaia
curves, she saw a man copting towed |
| her in the middle of the rad Ball
speeding slong, she hails him:
“Oh, mister, misior, won't yoa please
; get out of my way?
The kind heartsd geeitleman jomped |
“You ideed 1 will, good lady. 1
wonldn't stay in your way for a $0;
The soung man with kogish bair
abstractedly ont of the car
hub omen, ol the fathvirly old gentle
man came along locking for a seat
Having settled himself in comiort, be
engaged his nuighbor in conversation.
“Been on a lmg juss? mua
“On busines? =
“No, sir. In pursuit of wy profes
Oh, excuse me. Might 1 ask what |
Their | the difference ist" —Washington Star
i In scanner time if the mew moon
falintubwon S and 8 Bm. £207 Soh |
ly ensue; in the wintet|
| distance telephones for the
| beuiiiiand 1a calling the cows. hie
ait apparantly fol
way between fhe eyes, these will beri
the sume breadth of Head, of cheek, of
| middle line, and each fein will bo int
middle of the wine eve If we mw
tal Dresdin of every pare of the head
and fase will be duniadabead, bet the!
of the middie line
will be dizyinined ogually, and at any
position, gi op abligue, there willl
be the sae Bopasith of face tm ech side
of this middle line, mad the Iris will be’
in the center of the whole of the aye |
hall, #0 that, being oa a (lst surface,
the iris will be soe in front of the pic
ture or obliquely. ~=Notet nd guoriek
a RAR Bh
Proverts of Asam.
Here are sane rather alevor provers
ers’ fields, hut the best some pow at
! pane A Bind de oo Dingle thing, a 2
builds its pest on a Jotey baleng ua’
“Boy land which slopes fo the mado
apd mary a girl whe has a goa 4
ways hides waler the jouwie, i »
man slips down, IS 18 always 3s 6
fwite’s fault. at i bhi vamgwet Ww ite
makes a mistake be Ears Io will zon
bpociza, and we hosted pees Dasting;
a slow conk, a slow bros, afard tis hase
hand ears pores HK a. a uF.”
Had ean Fury Moderate.
“RB shonia fos you for oostemps,
yer who est arvassl his ies
With all dus respect to your hon. |
or," vespossled the attorney.
that vou shonbd net I have been par
tiealarly carefol Dot to expross my tree
teelings twwan! the court —letroid
Free Pros Lo :
Faprowsd Farm Method. 3
“eer are talking of putting in long
‘How charming! Of course, they eon
to Fed Children,’ br Louise Hogan. |
The following extract may well bei
| popied ju Jarge Jette and hung fax the |
kitchen or pantry wherever children’ ‘ os
wasted in getting rid of snparfioons nie |
terial, ma organo disease may remit. A
cially the various intestinal disorders,
rede pan ar snd iv welentless in|
“a egal rrptment in Frases pro- |
food 10 iu Laie under § vier of ame!
& qualified medical pen. The employ.
ment of the rabber tube Yor rarsing bot.
| hattls and vietaxiby cunndn of the ilo |
sorbing nwholimoms germs from wor-|
roundingy that, to say the Joast, are not! oy
sanitary. Me-American: Kitchen Magn
| that by adding 0 vach pair of eves sn
{ od. "The Bi oy of Higen Foio,” bY | poss directed to the righ or tie left the
When the secruits of the Fi
1481, some of thems mseuming that.
troopers should be mien “fall of strang | : di
sty promulgated an 1 4a
antiprefanicy order. At first the edict hers el poppitt
raent, abd expletives, inmocth in them: Sita! i Sn Brrenevilhe i —t
wives though meant to do duty ae onthe, ; i
were frovly teed. But in a fow day, | on ile naricoal forces ba
fnupived by the precepts and exam ton cakiee A aia
of certain seifresperting Fina (is a, Shey Oui nt 10
pats took nn nobler view of i¢ and the | one coming on going Bese LE
"needless vion,” a4 the historian of the | pi acing the Badiveat # di outjon
regiment Shatactetisien it wa sisffootunily | stich and ovidently it a tan i
The First Maine soryed fom pone | Seca of sito. § net a
and sarned a reputation for valor in the mot desperate gation. ¥
Bld second to po other mwantnd eon | Lap or 4 friepdd Bn the worl 4
mand. Tt bronght howe & Mag BOB Lar eilieh vray to tom."
which wers inserted by offistal wnthor | a Re on x may he witht & dod
ity they names of #5 boatthe Bus Leg
poten wore pot pure pond of heii wg wr
Fiartind honors than of thar good war ; :
sis, for they had won the hosors anid rn 1 te 1d pr cof do: ia
the vidtary to orown th B, SWRATING | Loteed oun doling wens
“uct at Bll thal foo, With a regi Lorna tor het bibam Bowe % good
mental fenporanon pledey held in al | of super for the pane
ammiandfion Tu thom
| presty fat jpovernment cont
ow Seanad oe Hae 5
Io Re rear.
nay ” wa :
7 3 je titarr | ‘s
wantiidy » arated violath) of the TA | gan nen He actualy sed |
p wind i be thee Judige, Under o bade § jong ie fo Gn i 5
0 o tlevs ie si fapsighied hh arisiewonld | 4 }
rover weiss Onde tees Srring 8 Mibg pot se ne
sereion at Lie fronte-servics mndored fa) HN &
two different reginients iTerant bri!
gades, divisions al sry orrpedid 1)
hear as ofeer abore the rank of caged
ain ive way to profanity, Thus ones
was {30 pale | eA Brig: grin cnmmanidier | ¢ ths atid SPRL Lins of
fmvcding the corse of Deir upon 8 Ae gu x mane od 31
cally quartertasiay. The jo nrtermastor
veubizued on the mot and went hon,
thay removing whist might have beeld 31 pon
sromblicg biook fv the path of many |
posidos the georal
1 ghemdd saw that the rancally anne
terniaster nnd Bis cleds oopeomtitanies, | boon fea i
this prabbern arog nial and ooh post sab fs
streperons taamister, furnisied the chief | :
prowsestives to swearing fur soldiers of |
the How and that in 1he precinct set)
spars to thidr nee-~aonrion manos from |
main of ary dineiplinonths Wor | The Wiset Fin: en
quite an a cums aw Sagas in fay i Marte ¥
8 of the *'Red Badge of Conrsph.”
the manivers ss weil me the Jan.
rome of the solifhers in (hat narrative
soggeet that the studied for it were
me from camp follownrymnd the hang: al
‘on of the sopply deparimayin ag
Manned thes trast, Ty Bopoombat | yo. si
ants Toto that safle sey man drifts, sc Si
1 conting to & well known law, the sini
aloment of an army in the field
My earn oti} romin echoms of volleys Fiske
of cathe from the lips of two meni of sgn
| phot olans whom 1 eneontitired on the Bu
| to the tight or hfe, noting to the a penfosnia in 1583 Beal wore wml
| yeotion of tha piss By mdans of » flop
represent th Jower features in a
ein the Went Todian jalands, in Nobis nat oo tons, mn Dy. Wollaston a
| and the Baan, 1: bow peoul Lr shaped
sellers and wore the Bios Suwaf tool
offenders noted a lvepnr of the Srighda
conygissary stores. With Kim the rear |
“frig bakit was an jnfiomity, cansing his |
acensiaben to ovsrlook 8 through wity.
Thi other was » Simater, who had 5 is *
of the ayes, #0 by changing our position |
4 Jows nk To oti 51 lime be drawn
which grows very sbupdantly in Ue | eheoaph the tip of the pose snd half
olin snd of peck on sack side of hing
move to ne sade, pearing boron.
face turned downward and obliquely | ia Sn of cing i Bis raids This hid ¢ Ef nd %
ih he or . | Bean to add that he was » LE neds Et
As by changing the direction of the, ari, sod for thay weawon: Bad been detail bay food
od to stable duty. CH aeldom seid Boa yp
{iy eeforriug 0 the roster of the ons. emp dary and ene
paaty iu which 1 weyed i 1583-3 x now oalled thie diiof ye
and of that number Ee 55 who bin a priamit £, ecu
did not ose profuse langage dn any oo i gotd ohh, fose parle
cnmboms. Of the pensining 35 only 1 Sonne of wade Niue, foam of
cnn be indicia me possibly jrven so pro-| and aheyn wi sug
2 fanity at Gime snd the saluily onthe somctizies ao sant |
ground of their general regtation) for variably free
lightoess of soorale On the expiration ation of theo
of nar term of enlistment, 0 193, wo a big god wo
sapgiantes «f the anpaliy reernited a or BY pes
Somindnd far 1 vetérmt CRVANY SETS aianall
jou. They bad (v0 pik: of 500 aypli-. ing IF Be
cant recently yaasterad Out from the garticale fos
Ton years reginwats med hose their | dad wx
men arly with pegged to) thie previ | Boil anda
ous recor as gallant eslclies When wes dorsal
of Ameamn: The best crops grow on iL
mother “The Biggest Jock fruit d=
i | Gorge L Kilmer in Dadepindens.
the pu came together i camp It ap | waited oor wil medion ar
Jk Jhat thers wos S00 one among welvich | gan Wi, wn
3 veterans 8) sehtal who teed ously given him eo
ee aigar langnagn foidsde spt of joke
\ Ament "n reflection must comvines ehh aad ww
on iy intelligent pessori that violent | Bas Baght ot »
hve of all tree Jed skis es
tne, and & scoomsful semy withoos pi
Jiscipline tx an Lmpess Lility in tha
age The sriole of war proseriiiog oh
| profanity, promelpated, aft i wad, to)
every new conumand and ead on paimde
sameally at Jowst, wan a protootion for i : A
the solder woul @ raoral wep for the Mian * 3 the Lam BJ
Cafficer. The soddine ecvod insist apo) oe bary.
olfirvancs Ly his saperiurs On the
ether hand, Lo wesbened his own coins An Epteempul Prd
abomt it” “A hasty cook. 8 Las¥) Gpopever he viclued the law himself | A oumiber of “Baile
At first blush the srticls seesned #0 paiianmmt aud otis Hare bo
many cbeolets asd ridioniops aad 'w an | BRLY, bot Bisbops mes. to 3
* pensirally recviveil as a vile of Porm ths someon. His hedabip
dams Dat the more cers and exit. | fn senmoy the other dar
img a male the mae it 5 stodied jd | DENT Tapes, Pusan
| mmalyeed, Men of fixed bubits obeynt | Origin, Bot fiw fo
said the judge ad be glared af the law- | ; remdily, setting » good example: fu the | Sune Way He anid
end wilder spirits fioand that ebediimes | B81 of [ron vot
| wan easier than pesistanes Thus at the | :
| very outset the nw of God was imprawed |
upon the understanding of all whe
hadia’s it writen in their bewrti—|
pp rea i Hr RO
How Iunads Crow, foe 3U.A85 57
Fifty-two islands have uppenred uw 20 404 “ahs
aid of velossie action daring the pros awpitdlapols woh 0 pi 267 pe
: ent rentury, aud i Baek disappesss tous of nae weird pois uals
have been submerged This makes a} at
pet gain to the encth of 3 inland — Wiase pine wore five Hale iw Xue
Poguiar Seence Monthly : i York by English oachiney iy (he yo-