The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 17, 1896, Image 3

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    A dB EA Ph SG
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regulations as
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1 Bogs EERE
dete, i ponaition,
mmary eonvistion, ax for x breach of the |
before any widerman, pte or
a of the he peice of wid boroughs or ine
and hin 34 RENT TH
President of HT
Ww. JI DONNELLY, Burpee,
roan Hire to Son.
EES vp ee tka of this.
old, and no remedy at once If you have Indiges-
of held for tion, Constipation, Headache, Rheu-
Hatlam, etc Shi gra epectfic vill
he Spectator, Rushford, N.Y, sys:
: to you to know
ga srorbhplmaganigenty and before
owed to saving home wrote me, saking if they
‘ RIES mma stating if they were
his TE | not she wonld bring» quantity with
mas i her, sa she did not like to be without
as stich other be |
RetICY for the Denti rut oe
Plans furnished '¢ on \ appli
cation. Good work guaran]
of all description can be procured at our r Store. A full and
complete line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware and all kinds of
and a general Tine of BUILDERS’ MA-
TERIAL kept constantly on hand. See us s first before buy-
Jing. It will pay you,
Tie them.” The medicines referred to are
| Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famots
| five ita ctives of colds and croup; Cham-
berlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism,
ABE | ne Back, pains in the side and chest,
und Chamberinin' # Colie, Cholera and
¢ know | At a ball who called her bean an Indian be-
¢ medi- cause he was on her trail all the time, we are on your trail
and won't be satisfied until we secure you as a customer
EEE Ww e've got the goods and prices to hold you with if we ean
ohare or | It alwpys does the work 050 cent get you sta
bottles for sale by” Patton Pharmacy, |
ER ow. Hodgirine.
conduct his businem and
| Call and see us and you