The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 10, 1896, Image 8

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| & fiash, and 1 knowed I'd been photo
| that'll come out very picely-features
and sll the accessories clear and dis
| tinet. We'll send you a proof in abont
ert] two weeks What is the address, please?
ii And when I said nothing, he went on
| It is costomary for ns to require a do
| fore I was ready he'd pulled o string ao)
seis | Something and turned up every light ix
voll thine Vike Sica aad that room and the pext, and he wie)
been foond brave, % songh standing jost inside the next reo
sit of the cunvera. He was a cool, © ;
wy Tike Joking man-—very tauch so It war
clone thst there wasn't anything formu |
to do but to leave the spoons, and that’ '
what 1 did, and when he said nothing:
Just held (he gun on mv, 1
| umdenstend that there wis Bo wo of my
f waiting for another sitting
farther, bat
hesier to make the purchase.
| had, and he was sure their shop wie
to given satisfaction to all elasses it
1 press Eugenie was partly an Irish wom
‘| name and place for himself in the in-
| terminable Spanish wars. When there
11 was talk of ber marrying the Emperm
Napoleon, some of the old nobility
iy the Frvnch asthoritics in disgust
| conceded that Eugenie was descended)
to pe ap wen © wa
vm, still Solding. the spoons in 13
and. realized in nN minute Just what
it's a watchfal
5 in the
of a second that 1 i the
: out it there Was a olick and
think,’ he sayk, ‘you'll find
posit from customers that we don't
know, MH yoo don't wish fa wake a do!
posit, yim might Jeave the spoons witk
us as 8 sort of goarantoe of good faith.’
1 “I'd dropped the spoons in my pocket]
| apd reached for my gan. I wasn't go
ing sway withent that photograph ma
chine snd everything in it, bat long be
holding & gon very steady across th
OF frirth i:h Tulth. Kutting oor aban fared high, |
| Hulden tn humble {hinge we neger sow,
| vator ear with two boys, who, to judge oO Cli be
twa, flecking the ashes from a cigarette, |
hot I thought Girgerich wat a little | The origin of this institution was os
| slow about it"
fore vou the truth, 1
“Twos back in that town two 1
| three years after that, and I looked
4 Brin in the photographers’ shows
“fox the picture, Lut 1 didn’t see i
, New York Bon.
SHAR HAS a OA ss onde
Tre Gianis und the Flo.
Among the many goer stories related |
| in the old Jewish Talmud i» coe oon
cerning the action taken by the great
| race of giants at the time of the del;
ding to Rabbi Eliezer, when the]
dire od broke ppon the earth the giao
2} oexclaimiod, TH ail of the watirs of the
earth be gathercd together they wii
only reach to one waists, and if the)
fonntaive of the grést deep be barons
= we will samp thom down again.
wr. Who was ono of the
¢ Luloand, says that they
finally enme, E # sayu that Op, theit
“planted His foot npon the foun.
gl weil his 4
of Hiv WE. 12
; Siod. po) the wate het ond bd iod, thre
{i the Besh from tho bones of the haug Any of
Targum of Palestise also pa
| the waters of the flood were hot)
4 and that the skin of tha rhinos 3
his horn under the sides of the
| touting with it. Bot th
| Eo is i
] (of the vomsel, Une account eas that Og a
: : ge | Them?
; Weal Ely, i 3 i Fi8x% fold PE 453 tha: ap
satin fie 3 the inbabdzante vu the bon
i Maidenhead thicket were sc foaqoesy, | {fired rong
tha red ‘by clin on they pabl ad mash as £355 for ro bberios]
| the top of prindoniog doa when Noak!|
; discovered and tried to dislodge bin hel
swore to be a slave to hp . Juiis
a ‘Duriog Tast sstumn a pitman wi
‘saked by a friend who was viry bow
legged to purchase, when pest Vi the
toon," a pair of stockings for Bins. C0
“the following pay Saterday the pitinas
entered the shop of a well knows
was most obligiog, bet
‘He said be had shown pearly all they
ond to pone, and ss they had hither
was strange that they could not now
suit & customer. The pitman laconical) cally
lied, “What [ want is a pairo’ bow
pod ins "Strand Magarioe.
HA AR 51 be pa Sr
Eugenie’s First Ancestor.
It is not generally known that Em.
an. Yet upon one side she was descended
from an Irish soldier of fortune—there
were any amount of them —who nude s
at her pedigree . Then came
tracing out Irish blood Dues
vom all the royalties of Ireland back tc
| The Meat Sader
§ : Tu Ea % way.
a mi, but when the prize bs nigh while the dst independent and
ies ux, and it He : aristocrats bank in tov world is tho {
' Norges or rational bat of Norway, It
0g ¥
| gopine to Be Wholly pd Sereot to dofog
« Lh ry hors Tiow: z | seeinx 53 be wh 5 ? . : ra 5 to dofog
pcirer burmel away from business of any kink § what it does
earth, 4 do it femists apn deiog in Be own
We so6 no beauty aroond on and the worth | deliberate way. Soninily the bak is of
wv. os and fans onhusding im the way | OODXiderabie fmportance. The directors
Ther good thas wo are seeking day Ly day. | meet twice a weok, and these friendly
~Prmabos's Magazine. | gatherings are said 10 be most enjoyable
oe | affairs. Louns and disocunts form the
| chief suliects of cotiversation, No loan
| or discount can be made without the ap-
Collapse of a Grandilogs nt Bonet by Boral of threo of the director
Hadding Limb of the Law. |
; Suppose the directors are to hold a
In one of the big down town office’ in G0 Wodnesdiy and you want
buildings, tenanted principally by law. 0 ll os 000 on Monday. You sp
yews, o reporter tode down In an Ole 0 Noe bank and are told that
from their i taken onder consid.
limbs of on pip Sine: NS ade eration at the directors’ meeting on
Fo 15 years of age, and the other Wodnesday, and yon may look for un
: Fyn lo Of yours his senior. | ADAWER fo yonr application by Thurs.
Pera Sn sud + pvined “thin | 98 It does not matter in the least that
morning. rm Jntaumt of the you want (he $5,000 on Monday and |
: ; i pot Thursday. Yoo simply have to
ar a foish } pooling ad ite management is anmsaal
¥a Ba drawled too other, a Scom after the nommioal union of Nor.
| 20 mach ine court, ato ging way and Sweden, in 1814, the latter
bond and mort; cass in the Fapresoe | country higan to feel the need of great.
to try anybody's! er money facilities to meet the demands
Well, it was encug X; T* of the rapidly increasing oommeron
tienen. The tronble with same of our
Pp |The problem of seuring the necessary
jndges, Frank, is that they dim’t know | { eapital for a great national institation
the rodimints of landlord ard tenant
jaw. I cited Pebbles verens Babies: | dia
and it ¥noeked him ont. Were are yin i stockholders for the bank
Ph 4 Litels ctrporatio] | oot ax if read soldiers for its armies,
or - boll i = tis in Eyes to do cltisen was cosapelld
““Reorbrer wnty to be rolieral. Tden't! 0 ii wo. i Fir siwan
rw whither Fil roneent £0 pot en Hn 2 he | Rie
ku ares 16 aria heRden and ns] : on io. taille by iy 5
¥ fig ihe far wis ak Fes ' £4 ney OF B Dey
ground fi: wer, A RLe it, miaternly woams
stood Waiting ta get in
Welt. youop nar’ ee sald, ad on
dressing the boy who had bets noeailed mht Waele ta a :
ive vem a talking © in fot of your nes. ar a a
Boon. W Phy didn vie on ret futtien u shim oy i. es on sy Pn en oY
that yom fonk to te his sk} py it i sess od : vp i fe ig To in oh os
— mother?” x2. pe i Yrank | | and keot ander feel and key, For this |
« $04 Cwant tol oT oF ohisrges rather less than the
pl i Pra j naval pa nb peer interest, w hich |
{ ms BY pPorhdps aodaant fer the PAYER of
{private | pansion Nerway, In tho
1 ToRul ar Tjan gepiariynent the cuvions
Cveae om very simple one for the Nor
wos thin five
bot © ;
aut of th
you hear?’ : any rs
“Bay, sald the clevater man pr hel | COST Lf ¥ RING Bic G GUNS.
stack his bead out of tho car And Lr Kame of the Prac lec Shook ina Yudniged
tied, yaa Tren up Agaio the shtt| Te Blows Away » Pile of Homny
oo ES CRM TT ne
yout Cie AH iis oh ial mang i A y free re ERRY WAY:
“xp A as ath Saas { Pare fodly Premeionen aml one Portage,
Fors Kuighte of the %0 % } Ome Jolly Brgihien ould Tak them ail three
my | We are peady onotigh sow to give cur
Hey oa 2 Lg ¥ Pal % had |
(Toe de on the de ie sip, | possible advesaria ail eredit for pluck |
Uw Sraney ¥ *
teenth contary, Rich abies, Nios thy: Sid perhaje for tachi foal skill; ad rot,
ato Tro ae regards praction in te wes of their
of Beading, rmplored larg: rombers of | en aa still. havi thias ot an jm
workmen and servants, who when their! potas £1 « diamdn Tt f
quarters Bal fallin into evil camo were | measurable disadvantage. This factor
RRs is commanly omitted from nEWSpAPLY
thrown npon a heartless world and took |
to robbery for a livelihood. The hospit ig) SOMpuTINEga, bat weld probably have
¢ of the memasterion in the good old days! a yan . vd in deve
alwars ; Rn i Jol pe ot hid Two dneliets may each have lion haart
= on ro a wandorers i tind paid and each the Lest Dunmscus blades, a
Cif ono hak Son tinted more practice in the
. hasta. The rich | Cart of foaming than the other it ie long
hme Lond snd
EX Rint % bey :
BR wi ARIEVEr Shang
coli ar thes J
| Rilo, sriqtire 4 by acteal fring erases
| than any other power. And the reasin
ve fof This de jrocinaly eeanse such koow i
edge ta oa wiry SEpEnaive thing fo ac
: AE ive, and England is the only nation
| that cares to alloed it
It is probable thet where Franee,
he next naval power, sponds a muds
dom do sea cruising and gon Sning we
This old law wis an ancien a the tine piped § Sea Fre - Fi z Fas Ji H_- y
of our great Berkshire kimp, Alfred; for ther Mg hl Se - +5 Joe Fe sud _ .
who is ignorant of the Lit that whon | of re ee fives hob ei i Tot :
god bracelets were any 4p by the © amnuniiba by way of praciioe ae
Towdeide. on f of the saforcment) TO all guns heavier than 10 inch four |
s ronnds a guarter, irrespective ot the ad §
of this Jaw and the fast of the vengeance ditional rounds used
of the handed po coe dated to romoy :
: Had 2 Adie % ciat ii np i
dread fn whic the robles lok plac
| “prin firing.” Tie heavy expenditure
| involved in this ilem alone may be hing
ced ab by obevrving that es ary fall sound
bach gun costs £18, froes |
an B ined gun £30, from oe 13 doch gan
But when these highway robberies on
1 the burden of making compermation {ii
i screw hat heavily on the iabahs santa of
y ew shoret, Li v ee
the hundred of Bembhoret, Li ome year: Cory gun, ae mock an SOME And Thess
fignres are only » lt part of the
story, for the dp of a very heavy gan
is pot a ewe one, and though a § inch
gon can flee an many a2 600 rounds, 70
sonunitted on mafortanale warfarers
Therefore a speciad act of parfiament
seas pasied in 15607 1a order to reliev
«| the Inhabitants frown thelr boandeps |
| Gentiensan's Mag SEL. er 80 full yoonds are the lait of the
{ io tom. Alfer frog that awonnt they
Dori] both realize nm pew dunner tobe, a
ni or a” Fr bi
A pa Eater: ;
When Gustavus «1 Swoddn was bee
sieging Pragoe, a tr of ssirsordinary " nei te
aspect grinned seloni thane to his sent and An A Iphahatinal Advertisement.
cffcred, Uy way of amasing his majesty, The following remarkable alphabet.
to devonr & large beg in hos prosenon. deal sl appeared in an tssue of the |
Old Genaral Konigsmarek, who was in don Times away back in 184
. attendatiie, Bl (Loe angpemted that the Widdwers andl. Bayle front
4 shopman {man with the Gargantuan appetite Wanted, |
having shown the intending purchaser
nearly every pair in stock he at hast]
thought it thoe to ask of the man»
{ more minute description of what wa
(© a Etat om to -
shoald te bared asa witeh, whereapon int thie Grid and preside
tha bow, whee feslings were hart by tall Spas i 5, Beooming, car:
this ohservation, plained, “ie ho £ BF ful. Sesiant le : sb Parr gen
majesty will but make that old gentle wrous, © FilaR hei ded
ms take off bis sveond and apo, | will]
eat hima before 1 Legon the pag.’ This phils Ge oagnet, rosy
was acosmpanied by such a “hideous | tasteful, useful, vivaoio
expansion of the jawi and mouth’ that Xantippish
the general, though he hal given b is pt. Laniis Rey
proofs’ op many a field, murned pale]
and fled foecontinently to huis tent. —an |
Francisco Argent. I The averages nual
Lin a year
Jes: 1:
Ram ave been found very waeful in in Spun :
cotton mails where the raw eotton has | Italy, ub, rar aiid Hon
been imperfectly ginned. In a Spanish (300; in Saxony a France, (02; in
cotton patil the storeroom was fuvaded | Denmark, Novwir and Switairlasd,
by swarms of rats, who pulled the bales| 368; in Proosie, 205: in Helland and |
to pieces to get at the sels foft in the | North Aguerica, 0%, aud ta Haagary,
cotton. They did the work thoroughly, [B12
without injuring the Bler i any way.
The Greeks and Romans hid no weekd
natil they borrowed this division os
time from the east, The Gimeks divided
the month into three syual periods; i
Romans into three vary imtegual—ths
kalends, ides and popes.
Tha fall of 4 iit Be pitsohion froan a tree |
is an excellent sign of an appedaching
storm. The vad wood, miuele docaved, |
abeorbs mobaars and Lawes 19 euaeity, |
thus Causng the hatch 5 wr 0 fall.
Spain bos 4, 130, 000 woapen over the
We of 16 :
with which
odlids that be will win Me it is with our
navy. 1s bas a far greater knowledge of |
in the annual
FETS and fron Lhe ih. 90 iaeh, or 116
costly made saotph. Chamba’ Joars |
Engindmmn's Arata Just Before a Col}
Yelm Ovenve-A Bmineh Up Mates a Mun
Henry Ever The realinr.
There in somthing attractive about
railroad life to the man who once en.
tors it. The railroad companies rarely |
give up a relinhle, faithfal shan Ho
may bavome maimed and nuit for the
most remuperative positions’ and be
forced to accept. some humbler plaos
with a smaller smlry attached to it,
but it is an onwritten law with most of
the great raliroad companies that the
man who is injured in thelr servic
atiall be nlaced in His posi position wheres
ha tray hiain hig Bfelihood)
Thus it may happen that when yon
fall in conversation with the man who
_ovcaples a humble switohbonse or
fagmian’s shanty you are taliping with
one who has had bis vhare of sxcitement
and been through exnerietoss that
would make the hair of the sviragd nian
sand upon ml A reporter net a
mwitchmuan the other day the pathos of
whose life was exposed in the wooden
Jeg swehich he need, and an thie Empire
dashed by he looked np and mid:
in the business all my life and expect to
spend the rest of my days over the rats
bat I am guite content to revnain bere
ine my little cottage and tend to my flag.
ging rather than have the position of
big engine which joss whines] by her
You may think it » snap to sit there
and ride over the otauntry at the rate of
a mile a minote, bat I tell yor the man
carries # load of peipoasibility en his
shoulders which I would not want an
mine and which the average pan Knows
very litle stent 1 know something of
ity for 1 was fireinan som years ago on
ane of the fast ingines sod hut my log
Cin an secident between bere and Al
bany. Bot if I had some out of that a
cident ad mound as you and I never
shonid have been able to bold my nore
for any wore fast trips. That Snisherd
me for that work." :
Ren iF a pan Mas been hurt ina
exiled aeeident if makes in som
af thot Kimd of wrk, does 81" asled
fhe ogerter
awitchman with emphasis, “land denis
lot any one fool you that it dosn't. The
mins who was renning that suglue the
soriteh, but be never could keep hie
time up the way be did before that anid
fualiy wns put an a freight engine
where the rousing was a reat desl
“1 shall never forget the way be looks
Jast before the crash came | looked at
This Thuugista That Flash Thivogh the |
“Yes, Iiike ratironding. I have been
the msg whe holds the throttle on that |
“¥en bet it does anewrered tie]
day I wan hort esaped with bardly aj
eed the afternoon the smash np oscurrsl
Bay not V Adlon. The word § Bi i
Within fon foreign seams sdsg did oh
That nests say Benet with and
Ant Ns With duty fuet vy fuges Bare
Brsilo nore tn my sper © Lave, sad then
Whisper Auf wiedorsbin"
Hay not “Fastwndl” IF thon youll at have "
The word, ks 8 was: pared, a apart
X ontrs of Jewve, meta lbdding-- will nol go
Unt) you wigheper, tying 08 my Has, )
Tis gtiiden liridge beterven now anit hen,
Tho ww eet + Aul wiedersdnn,’ :
~Aprace Dale Boyne tn Avr ien Jowons.
Two Prominent ro Na wid Thely
Origin In Fogland
The houses of York msl Kononstor
began and coded with strife withine
decades, Napoleon snd Wollwglion paw
med mutual camnge for ouiy a hw
brief yours, but two belligeenis, fe
mond in Jegd cireled, soem to we bese
predestined for eternal combat dies
They ar John Dos and Hiden Ros
Twin brothers cromiares of 116 aie
{ tive British legal mind, ther wo men
of mystery have poles pl
minds of judges sind Taw iors and i
caused juries to hong ia te jacy room
while sttesapting © par oll on the
troubled waters of i gnthe,
Under tbe reign of bowed 111 wien
the patient and plodding Senn Was
pleking ais way ont of Solel glo, 8
pew form of legal pooradore wee chal
od By parlinmeent for ibe vein],
Joy Buli’s Jove of oasis over
land is ouly equaled By hie dese 6
secure Goinipion over the Bagh was grul
i the peal af 38 = Bow Dw
present, whepevor Le got a
leasahold, a copyheld of any ko
a spit of ro, ROmE BF 8
world olitg 16 as thong
was i bad ivwed baie vi :
the Englishman of his sla cdfete
wrotgfuily withis ld Toon Blue & walk
of ehotpint wae bs onied
Hitherto bis moans of fous lay
Elan Ake 9 NPELk of Fight | oF wet of one
‘and techiboalitien, This writ od ojos
sient wink ths mother o deli Dee wank
Richard Roe. These mone (win Igw
wee to lear os Punch saed dade Gaede
Wan erg monty #, aed indus fe:
mame of cg she patie
plaints off five plait iil ane i oo de the
pase of fh other all tise dotting
defecidant, sud thoy red ani wet
in bigal fami, while hedelw inion | —
in wig and rows, shakes (he dicobog :
Slav iy the power of mola? was
Cod mit the power of the peonle grew in
stoetigth in id Engin. Tiwi oateraial
Ceolothtex lafs the pateihsl Fxand ant "e
ap honsdlioping, La B 5 i
hin, We were joonding a onrve down
by Schenectady, His boo
wise Sowing in the Io tim Tate wis
“All at ones ba joroad to his fon
Cand reversed the beenr aud odelabmed |
pegwusth the engine with me leg erosh
moevenwnt sl oeturrenn that hu
miinate is as vividly bape
to sprees it there,
only window ghed of pe andl tha
P within 30 rode, was a fre) iit Bre
eovnitg etraicht of us, aod here Walk pay
{peonibin chances to oicape a crank The
Lenicipeer wak doing his ar how
Ether, Ho owas revising the lover, apply
tap the tyukes und dolog his hestto
I bad nothing fo dis und i swmed au if
those ow soconedn. © felt abailurely sepv
foes, sneh ar, "Vou are barning to fire
i for the next,’ aud “Tom wan't mind a
hat job over thwre’ and a pumber of
or take, colon tn say heml, and even
in a Remcro cw at bof way that 1 Sd
made a good stant bere below, or bere
above, aw I might me. The nest mos
assent §oewaz thinking of me wife and
Fhed boc dead ao namber of yess, A
wtiz. But fdon't ting I had a pare
pinde +f fesr of death. Tho last (hing
the svad on my ndpd was the guesion,
CW wan to Bawe for thi seciden?
id that is the last 1 recy der,
“Whe I enme to ay sotses I wis
moa hosmind saad owas omdsas a bg
Since thon I laws been cleanly vin
Lployed ue war and anot or by the ralls
pred connpany, bag bopoeer seo cn 6
| the fast aia go by withoot thinking
Daf that weet, The engineer isoraculous.
ly esenpod with searcely a bruise, but if
| finished Bt for that kind of werk. Ele
was always weing engioes alivad of him
"after that, and [ bave heard that muse |
than ones be has slowed ap Bis rain in
Corder not toecoibide with an Duagioany
engine, which I have no doabt was
real to hing as it was on thy allernoon
the wreck 1 speak of ooewrred. Axl sil ii
Dhofore, he owas fzansliored toa feoigll
engine, but even taere be was timid |
and faally left the road alisgether.
“You can pat it dows awa pretty
sure thing that when an cinrineer bigs
! pean in sn accident once be is minus a
good share of the nevve whioh it takes’
tir make His rons ca tis mie fo He is :
wd If he isn't
| Sooner or tater. om Bot tas De RTH
| and Chraniein
Montreal miflered from fire in 1883,
1,200 pesnlenoes and stores bring blotted
out of esistonce, tia propesty loss es
{ reeding $5,000,000,
gray hair
mt anid his eyes fixed on the owl
a starthsd toma, ‘My God, we wpe!
esnght!’ Tt was probably sof mere thi
half a minete after when 1 wos lying,
od, atterly unecancbons of tho fact that
a great week had eecrred hot every A
’ gE aptisinn pen andes cade ES
. §
i] gia may Lo
Eombeed as if it bol taken weoks of Ge
“Ag ho spoke © locked throngh fhe! F
avert what he bmw was inevitable, tat
everything in my Hfo was bifors me io
I was going to din, Strange as it may
soem, the thought did not sev horetlide |
thon, A whole Int of tha alang say |
here in this corks af to le prepared
thems stale tape which 8 fresn Haw!
Cin that awiul oes on it coer to ine
Cehildme open, and of mother, toe, who |
mans onys thinks of his mother at cock
{ and Ania those FA
F Doe wad Richard Po i
% ar wll with Tourn dd i ——
s Demwtitation
3 Aan en ipRRRS Ch foi TN NF
i AS ib Be ae
Hl eo pV BG G0
pata fi WERE CYRE Ine ar ia cin
ogee (hat fey GF pol only 48 Tops
Flatata tk fhe frome. The
Tiss tiglets hun thet $n of 3
planes an dither side oF Tho 0
wou Ene birddigo of © ae
aur gf ths evs TIN 1
the tinnnles, ABE
fiitiug Bove BAT
the glasses viel they du
Thoy aw un y
fore, Fay +4
PEeRist ar yal
£ ag wet ly Ne sank
usen youself, Jer Be
To ares sds
nek peonktieeed 1 tae
ton siren 11 ds such a pl
manent ty sco things clears faa we
pxtlnim “0h vor, that's just right"
wihipeas (hie premier lass wos be one
a Liao ee irene
Aa Rughel mia ea a8 ng WE
ibasiaate the ed
Buller, Dining he fst Nile ennai ge,
when desceniiog (hemes cao of the
earache Un bout a fiver Mvianer, Ba
ROE Into 8 ghia nasien Wk Selins Lhud is
Perosford a i the reper TlmR GG Bll
shusahd be taben. Bowdis 3 3 Fa
foudend iN own eons, bed
that whieh Buller tines
adopted, and the <iaurnus
without seeident. “You
wight! ovied Sip
the prover channel,
wn, eondly meplien dard
only resogamenele
brew you woold
I said”
Tie Wisdom F 2 opariines.
Aunt Sabina--ib sty, dell’ s you have
pony: of Faas bee Hiiativees vasiog
fetivrs that propese a8 sou is they oui
aad a dose Des TULEY Wit _ abv
af prerimes for life
© Berthie-But some of lia aoe vere
nice, anistie
Aant Sabina--Never mind (hab thes
thy. I've ved hag cavoih to Siew
that the hollowest sod wis ot Rage)
ia paost lable to pop Dorit Free
Eierany gan"
Lirexature has ber onseld 5 1 less than
wed ieing, and they wee Givdind ato bw
clnns—aiices who ave erudition with.
out penies amd those whe have wilh
ity without depth, We get sercandhuad
sens frden tim one sod orginal sow
sense from the other. ~~UGi aa.
“The Armenisa aa’ began Tass
day, Jaiy § A. DB 358, when the coun
cil of the Anneninns firmaily separas
wl from the: choroh of the Greets, thon
definitly establishing a separate oo
| closiastical organization.
| tryeowrils wrapped in acobwibad mame