tens the grand entertainment \ men’s hall on Satarday nig Ninety-nine per cent. of sticonm advertisers are continuous advertise ; g of | Standard” and “16 to 1.” The liquor ix pat ap in pint bosties and McKinley's | w is on the gold standard bottles hile Bryan's is on the 16 to 1 flasks. fonder what will be next? H Winslow, of Benezette, the er [ the Patton Supply, a vs this cok. Cormims ws prt ete.” Owing to} the | sickness Mr. Greene was not it Hast. ve snc the ne sthucle le ob the ings that night, but his heart was with AE the patriotic “boys’’ who “composed’’ sath bound trains have .,., oereds as the Tribune states Better put on your glasses next time ; Shoe Store bas now in con- Bro. Kaylor. ab acne prices. 1t Bok, The Patton physicians were kept a ee ms doar} ery basy on Saturday and Monday bills laid ott in full length in a reoroceo | ng children preparatory 10 pocket book. Brokers always fold f the public schools. their bills twice. The young business H. E. Barton and two sons Paul man ell, who have been visiting pocket, ed EXAMINATION FREE. carrie his money in his oo i whils the sporting ma. survies | (ood ; sets Ladies’ collar | per dos Children’s school bags Will be at the Commercial! Hotel every Tuesday. Ai Gomi Sms wn oh Sd @ & pr saad SR » £ 83 * ERA A ARE buttons, silver top, 8 x . B. Blanchard, of Pittsburg, who rs & few days at the Bone of Hon. J. J. Thomas, south of town, returned to his home on Wed- nesday. Passenger train Ni. 704 on the Cam- bris & Clearfield division of the Penn- sylvanis railroad, which js due in Patton at 10:47 A. m., met with quite a | destractive wreak on the brinch be {tween Kaylor station and Etensbury | on Tharsday. The train wis going | eastward with the engine running nar Toes1 the teak the jam the tenck FY At 6 orelock Monday evening Of i. the overhasd bridge moar Kuy- | new business block of P. P | Young on Magee avenue is aearly § ready for the brick. This is another blo that-will add to ihe appearance , the Jewish new year qu, fender knocked one of the | and ended at sundown on Tues prope from ander the bridge, and the cording 42 the Jewish calen- Lp i tracture came tumbling down y this the year 5,657. gaosing a wreck that blocked the teacks Blanche Minnick, of Clerfield, for several hour It wax 8 miraculous Miss Mable Robinson, of DuBois, escape for the 75 passengers aboard as yisiting friends in Pat- none were injured in the lenst. The t two months, returned trainmen mwoaped nninjured also. Conmaty Kat Letter, EBENSBURG, Pa, Sept. 7, 1898. | Court convened this Sorning at 4 be iy sion There was a very large (rowd in Heltmas, EE Dubois, Near TE En ook | Je last Wednesday. _ Ansiem Weakiand, who ves near formerly lived at Patton, in in town this week. Ee has moved from that Ed. Stevens {Ji Aric: Seller, | to Patton. He is busily engaged of Gallitsin, spent Thursday at the : County Commissioners Geo. M. | ' Wertz, of Johnstown, and F. F. Dil Jon, of Hastings, are in town this week \ attending the duties of their nffice. { It is & de- The bout house will be ready for use r Weaver in the corre of a couple of weeks. paper Prof. Maitiand’s orchestra, of Gal- Jitein, bold s series of hope in the Opera House each evening during the | | fair, and they were well attended. | Xe § ? oad ood, His many friends’ aaothar ow Tate sxeursion \o Niagara | : | Falls vis Beech Creek railroad. This sick will be the last one this year and the | caused by indigestion aod date fixed upon is Tuesday, Heptember | wilt Fre Seat ist. The otowing | ‘and 37¢ the rates: All points Jersey Shore to Peale, inclusive, $5.00; Winburne ‘and Philipsburg, $4.50; Minson and | all points west to Mahaffey, inclosive, | $4.25. Children between the age of 5. ‘and 12 years one-half of the shove | | rates. § x Wa. Piper, of Johnstown, was & o , wut caller at this office one day Nation 4 Repadiieans ; (last week. Mr. Piper is an optician The Republicans of Barovsboro. and | and will visit Patton every Tuemlsy. surroundings will meet [n Barnesboro | ms will be at”the Com- in McAnulty's hall on Friday evening, botel. Bee bis a in another September 11th, 1308, for the purpose of organizing a McKinley and Hobert | Sheohan, & ropocted farmer, lh Speakers from Ebersburg and | _other parts of the country will be ‘present. All Republicans and sup- | porters of Sound Money are requested | 5 * w mb A SSAA SUTTONS ho SAR loi as it sses Ladies’ Infant's silk ik cape 40.1 3 ot Jong lik embroidered veils . Fa nice Tam O’Shanters | Bed ec i ribbon, 2 in. wide, y bhon, yard Best elastic, ! oy wide, per yd Crash } Liteon’ wrappers « * fii 3 * 428 » ¥ oF 1 : 2? : A + * ¥ x ens ™ fade Good nickel locks in Sn. small * | Wash rubbers (ond brooms 24 you have a the 4% ~~ . “ 2 for corn ~ a bottle of orn destroyer of _ And ur mone back. Phe world's ge Jour mo at # greatest ood Inrge American plate plate mirrors ‘35 SHORS! St SHOES! SHOES! | . Weare lending thems all in bargains in Shoes. Call and see them for your- hair e closing out onr shirt waists at ni “THE B BAZAAR, {rood SUBSCRIBE ann Only ps i i AR A RAS A ANB SA EN TERI AL kept constantly on band. See us fa Lad AE 16 the wearing 103 Sete Rm, Ey ymod ERTL, ® a red at ony Store. A fall and If Hardware and all kinds of of all description can be proc : complete line of Heavy and She e of { BUILDERS MA- and 2 general bine first before buy- It willipay you. TINNING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. AMBRIA HARDWARE CO. ing. THE C/ I am fatly convined that the Ladies of Patton appreciate and demand that which is up to date. What of their attire are they most particular about ? Why their Shoes of ‘course. ‘That is why I have pi ut in the elegant line of Shoes ‘which are positively the yezy latest out. Such as the 20th Century, Low Cut, Button; also same thing in lace; also a large assortment o Oxfords in both tan and black, rices to suit all. Ask my clerks to show them to you. I now you will be pleased. At no time in the history of Patton has there been such a a large and magnificient stock of I haven't nearly enough room to dis- there are many pretty things in my stock which I know you have never seen. Just think, beant:- | ful wash Silks at 20¢. per yard—can’t be beat in Phila. You will find my clerks only too glad to have the pleasure of ‘showing these goods to you. as are on my shelves. log them, consequently It is a well established fact that nothing but the very choicest 1.00 Per Year. | i ‘are on my shelves which I aim to sell at the very lowest | prices possible. My stock is complete. There is scarcely an article in use ‘that cannot be had in my store. Like 10 state that If at say time you desire snything from the City I will cheerfully get It for you at exactly the same price you would pey if you were right in Wanamaker’ store yourself Kindly give me a call amd ine conmvinosd that [ am selling the best oda for a Hikle matey se yoo wil find in large cin: