aio of & wy « emow in early spring th the sepny ray. fo piake ns Worthy cause By bolying it oar own] Teo give the current of onr Hees 3 A Bern ow One of the Hage Fellows Amused] . the elephant ig the of all enimals. He wif, snd no matter io} he may bo placed, ori neies he nisy be ealled up sot, ho seen to be endowed enoagh common fonse to be onal | 4 Ho has also a stiong euse of haomor, whith at tines i3 8G marked as fo bo ahsost hamin, This sense of the humoross was un- ‘usually well developed in an elephint 1 Eniew in the Jardin des Plantes in Par- | ds He'wax kept in a great inclosure oul row Me in the open air, a0 that be had plenty room to roam about, He the same in closure Wns a very large BIpPOPOtAnBA, | repairing the disasters of the war and OO heme comfort. and mousement #4 the cass with which she met tho finan Hlied wie water, and the hippopotionnt | tonished i pion tn lve 8 beipinge bend Po ont, ay yooh To waich i Sp sar wardoesa Ther cori sad their Teh oy shrive, with sympathy and Juve, heise soafidenme to win. Eis Jide To open wile the bu ary Apt ler fhe eahaline In w-fandon Tit-Bite, PUGNACIOUS BISMARCK. sense Almost Precipitated » Spoond Conflict With Frases. Earope and perturbed the forpistied amusement fof the | gateamen at Berlin. Her military foros £ If was quite carly one port. {was being judiciously yoconstracted, fore the hour for sdmitting the] 5nd it seemed also as if the calool tion the garden—when I noticed) of Prince Bismarck as regards the con- walking aresmd on the| gitation of ber internal government the basin, curiously Witch 1 might be falsified. the hippopotamus, Leelee desired to see established what a felt quite sare that the elephant was | Russian diplomatist happily described some prank, and was not mistak-| 44 republique dissolvante. i for, jnst ax soon as the tars of the] Notwithstanding his efforts to bring otarais came into view, thi elt} this resalt about and the impracticable ha : 1 characte the Comte de Chambord, cand gave it a sud : > on. archy for a time impossible, there wern eertainiy from © beth, itrnlia 0 jing colony i 0 Faun rae, was then of no momint 1% vale weak snerely that of a refogge in stress of weather and a place oon which to dry | and pack Go spoils of the dvop The rapidity with which France wins busin had been built and] cia) obligations it hmposed on her as | itive tnstinet which foreign nations and The German ohan- | and the grim headland of Cape Re ogr connfrymen seem to Bave secured for thenpelves undisputed swiy, Mao | mitinn's Magazine which rendered the restoration of men | COST ENGLAND £1 ARNE ry to fun | forward | 2%, and past j : fant Uae Cn ene fies ong the a gal was pot sry Franee wos pris repented thy Thoagh vo right oF mil in thei trade, the i] on ary OF the jal eearoen, chivfly from Deyonsbing (© wed on i hall fishermen, half pirat some pever {With the pag ie to have been disputed, of Lever, at any he had rate, moosssfnily disputed. The mil of Newfooniinnd oy Terra Nova, ita gad SAY 2 Prat apen fovisy 5 ge iE wat, in Ootider, wh 1% A 4 # orWwooly LE ft povwisted of from ix A bregvy And nutre pe pra ay year Fin ‘duns, I60d plight fggres But upon this = misgly barren foothold the English adventurers, With that acqsis Higures, Lelie taldos it compnted, In hagas wale dind, onrselves are just now idling by such Re different names, kept froma the frst a firm snd jesions grip, while in the fivmts ing and, opon the whole, pesecfol re public, which spent Bialf of every year betwen the desert shored of Labrador gave his £1 000 wile be was away. ginning of 1848 viet the Royal socte machine, and the ade inistrat prt state of health, He Eating ain Elephant. Tho flesh of the elephant is eaten in Fiaally Abendousil we Felag of No Peae 475. The very first did ferenes engine made, however, wis put ind a iow fort manele was afterward commeterd | vigit. On bis nightly rand be soos oily i in 1823 for the goverment, The latter : eax to have six orders of difference Lenel consisting of about 20 place of It was alyo igtended to print Hab and be was mivied to Liravel on the continent, boing in a bop eft the drawings, | however, in order that the work might ber carriod on in his absence, and he also : bpker inetroctions to advanoe In the bee we posbrament dived. fy to ingaire into the | mise | @irveted that a fireproof building shomid | be constroctod in Ens street, Manca oe tn Tovemtion That Attracted TV te AF ITTF terding For Many Yas bit Woks Was ; : Eivig, und it wag ir tine Pumasaiawney ‘ Slo: eid di, Wiliam wt u Parma and Fievons, Len thad ann Phi : Fatih Cron, THAINS ARRIVE, tis Soli ln WY BY aid Big Res Fomakk LPN Hradiiord aod Hdgu ay. AE jE aka, ese A TH RENE, ; soc henter ane Hodale CUB RRR NIG aa Big INGE © Untwenavile on Veer, ah nA PEE eRe x el Sr | ad : BLE Ro REE ORL POT RE 3% For ficken some fubdes snd tah juformation 3108 6 2k 21 Pas, an ; EG. ey tn inking teech (Crees Iiailrond oN. Y. 0. o» "n. ® Rn 5 ro ” a . . CONDENRED TIME Pa. & y Elin way of Hl sf pion pRWATy Saud ex) apid potion Rd uk satisfaction Fined ar the expen of meni TE bieyie rider onannt Tholy : be tint or texture of the Bow] the their fragrawe. He exa- 28 8 Fsot Jieten to the songs of binda or tie! oF | mass of (he Breck His vourse in oviri 8 [the werld's conventional tracks anil ds pit { though nature spesks Wm coomtinies | | tongues, he hardly catehes fo mach Bs | {the soko of ay of thes, The wosdlands | {ans the byway, were lurk the choleimt | ye, 4 | manifestations of beauty, he sannol # al iF. Bi Bi SES 6% | the shining road Defore Bim xe desthop | {the Night of the moon and stars, bat fo] cannot [ft his even to the milky way or view the still more gloriots tenantry of | tho heavens, It doa vot sersa 8 violent hypotiweis| that this rendition of hippy mp fam Leo weaken these habits of observation apot which so much shat is goo% art, sciences and Jerstors depois, aad | that this wii] be deplorably spparenting the nest generation unless franc «Canta futeredt caw be dived ftigaseibme} question whether a Wikish of Nellogimy a Burroughs or a Thoretn could opvey bev produced a ow caglasve Pieyrle basi Their natural tendencies might ! | have overcome all obstacive of cnvizen- & = 4 die 81s 2 ox isi eT AR A enraged hippopotamus Sifted bis roms hea ita entirety by several of the African | ter square, close 10 Hatbage's hone, tribes. A detail of the process of butch. | Dorset stivet, n which it was intended | pant, hut observation Ie a plang that ering the animal is not pleasant read- | to place the nis ned when finished. | ypurte early and groves by what it fordin ing. The tools nied are the assegal and | One day early in 158%, finding Be conid | ponn snd smid sarroundings and influ | hatchets. The rough cuter skin is Gret (po longer wake payments in advanot, | eneow like the present thily night not so | removed fn large shoots Beneath this Babbage informed the engineer Iv augiiy have been inducted into those de is a sobesticle, a pliable membrav | sharge of the works Liat in future be | Liahefal and congenial Bibors that bave frogs which the matives make water wonid not poy Bim ppl Oney Was © og sweetened the iterator of ony time J The bicycle biterest his come to itny akin | received from the trezsury. Thervupon 16] French foreign office and asked for ex- | The elephant yields Iarge quantities | the mechanician strock work and dis | ong to grow until some more potent at | planations {he scheme for the | of fut, used in cooking their sun dried | missed his jen. Oneof thes, in reeipt | truetion shall supplant 38, But to bal} ‘reconstruction of the French army. The biltang, or dried strips of the clephant's iof 2 guineas a week, was afterward the | anos it and prevent social ne gidednes Duc de Broglie, in his interesting ao- | flesh, and ale in the preparation of | famons engineer, Sir J. Whitworth. | gud mental detericration we need the { count of the embassy of M. de Gontant- vegetables. « African explorers of the Babbage's troubles hod just oom | extension and minitiplisation of uch | 1 Biron to Berlin, describes the oonsterna- Cancasian race agree that one part of menced. His best draffaminn came 10 organizations as the Appalachian hab, me ian —— tion which folloed thik attempt to pro- | the elephant’s carcass, when properly | bim ope day and said he had Jost TC | which will soon start epou an outing [pus um Phil and Re voke another quarrel with France. An- | cooked, in a succalent dish that will re [ceived a tempting offer from the French | nop to annihilate space, bat to beetime |i js oii Wiv. Ph ther war seemed inevital rogland | gale the most delicate taste. This part, govermpent, whereupon hin tortared | pausinted with the wealth which docu- ry | very strangely, in the fing joint of the employer bad fo give him a substenriinl | nies it and in soquiring bealth and) | Jeg. Below the knee, which cue would | increas of salary in order fo is UR | strength: also to nequire information. Jt |- | suppose to be the toughest portion of | services After the strike of the invent. | jo gopething to know the world of men. | the animal or’s med years of delay and anxieRY | pug jt ie infinitely mare important to "To prepare the joint a hole three feet | followed, Babbage applying repetstly | kmow intimately the world of natare, | deep in dug in the earth, and the sides | f0 the government for its decision WPOD | for ypon thas knowledgn rests all that of it are baked hard by means of large the saliject, but in vain. Notwithwtand: | oun ever hay accoomplished or ever can | ms head clear of the water and indications that a stable system of gov- and blew, but every AS ¢rnment would be founded which wonld ke treath the elephant Would, enable Frauce to recover a stromg posi- pence his antion Arcund and tiem in the community of mations. Prince yd the besst would go, keeping 2 pigmarck was resolved this should not fookout for the little ears of the| yo, and snddeniy, in May, 1835, Prins ans, which he would stim the! Hobenlohe, the present chancellor of appeared. His evident do | (he German empire, Who was then em- : | passsdor in Paris, appeared at the k Wh nil rs ig % Pd PJunxmunns BER CE EE ig BEUNEEEEN2 ER NI [AEEEGS Im ys ag kl i % “ Mein BS [0 . - gland would ‘certainly not a if be paid no 1 Shee coulis. Mast of tho coals ave then | 10K that the difference engine Ys S08 | eecomplish. Tho fastest soorcher ay '{ taken out, and the elephant’s foot is | pended, this indomitable man stiil COB | guy to the end of life's jommey the soon- | placed fn the rude oven. The whole fe | tinued Ins IBqEiEs and, hoviog dis | Lor bo he will not arfive with as seach | then filled with dirt, tightly packed, Sovered 3 prineipies pd hi Niger extent. | baggage ax the niore moflerats and ob- : which alt ely embodied them 1 servan) Farar: «= Boston Transor analytiea) cpgine. Both muehives can | is waylures, mr hi oe > {be seen on spplication at the South Kensington museum. For upward of 20 } years Babbage maintained, in his own bonse and virtaaily st his own oxpoose, an elaborate establishment for eserying out his views He died of bis Landes . | house cn Oct, 15, 1573, aad Sir Bobert {| Poel admitted to the house of conmons, {iu March, 1543, thay, although £17,000 had been spent by the governmint oF the machine, Babbage himaelf bad never received o shilling : And yet the invention was not wholly valosless An eminent and wealthy , Ki : { manufacturer of Manchester came to kissing each other, They are London and saw this machine, and, on | inspecting closely, be found mechanioad contrivances which he subsequently in- troduced with the greatest advantage to his own spinning machinery. Of coarse, sven after the machine had been defi nitely cast adrift by the government, a wast amount of interest was taken in it by the public. Many maenibers of both | tine to do so, fitted cn to some well | houses of parliament were very fond of | known perscnage of (he time, It weed | putting puerile questions to the in- | 80 be 101d, 40 yours ago, of Lady Jersey | ventor. “Pray, Mr. Babbage,’ cried ing | going to the chapel in Carson street, one of the ancient dandies, “if you put 1 anil was told in Loudon last centory jthe wrong dgures into the machine abet some ono sles: would the right answers come out?” Mme. de B., mrriving too late for | The fame of Babbage's ealoniating hn, Adachi nent) Bas cne Sunday at 13 86 o'clock, said | machine sproad to the ends of the earth. wroent will suparseds Wax |g. to her Juckey, ‘Go and write my |Count Struyelecki ance told Babbage | candles and the convunient “Sate "| mediate { name.’ that the Chiness inquired after 11 The | Saturday Review. 250 A, Lady Jersey was supposed to have pue guileless Celestials were anxious to knew om 1 it somewhat ia yn pu whether the machine oonld be carried | Roywity at the Comera. A « | her daughter ae she tuned aday, find. in the pooket. The inventor mssured | the Princess of Wales visits | dng all the seats filled, "Well, my dear, them, however, throuzh his exoelieney, : at least we have dope the civil thing.” that “it was esscntially an out of pocket : — The differerice engine was not exhib Arresting & Dead Body For Debt. ited in 1881. Its loan was refused to A sone as disgraceful to the parties New York apd also to the Duslin oshi- 1 who were the suthors of it an it wae] bition of 1347. It was, however, exhib hartfal to the feelings of the humanised {ted in she exhibition of 18632, but space spectators cecurred in the neighborhood for its drawings was refaeed, and that of Shoreditch. The funeral procession the authtrities bad a low opinion of the ing to the barial ground of Shoreditch, payment of 8 shillings a day for a com- when the hearse was stopp by » bum- petent person (formerly Babbage's sec | ber of sheriff's officers, one of wham retary) to explain the mechanism was presesited a writ for £50 at the suit of refused by the commissioners. tioperal & person with whom the deceased had | Batibage, the inventor's sa, assnred me | had dealings. As the fw as it at pres. that Wellington, when presser, went ent stands authorizes i creditor to ar to Lambeth to persetially inspect the rest the departed frame of his debt machine, and, having seen it at wark— the officers proeseded to, take the body for it is quite perfect in ita way —he div | out of the coffin, then placed it in “a | TECted the chancellor of the exchequer shed which they hal brought with So armange tdrthor grants, his idba be thes io » cart, and in this vehicle eon. ink that the calculating part should be wiped it away. —Antwil Legiaer, 1843. finished first, in order thut there might SRE ke something of real value to show (6 House Vines parkiament in return for she money of © J : The old idea that vines growing on 8 the pation. Geoeral Babbage further u be | house tend te make it Sump is dented by | MSIE MC that when. the machine was yet, although sur- | gene of the best authorities, whe eon abandoned it could, ia his opinion, have | atteadsive wom | rend that just an opposite effect js pro- been entirely completed for £300.— allegiance to sell. 3 duced. ns the vine draws out all the Brand Magnzine moistore it can for feed. This iasaid to a be especially true of the Japanese ivr Need Aunvther. and the Virginia creeper, which shield Doctor~Nu appetite? Then buy a the walls snd se cool them, without | ¥ heel, apd you will soon have one. duupress. — New York Post. Patient (a year later j—I've lost my - ; appetite main, doekrn Dector—Y hy, where's your wheel? Patient—It gave me such an appemte [ bad to sell it to buy food -—Detroit Free Pross. Another old landmark is about $0 disappesr. Bocdle’s is one of the histor. fea! oinks of London, s connecting link | _ with the days of *‘dindies’” and fox} Bunting sguives More thas bulf soem. | In paviiassent 1 01) may mat Aung with other soodios; In Jermyn wires lag my head And sip my Book ut Hoodie's The proprietress of Boudie’s is dead, and, an there is DOW Be G06 BO CAFEY 8 the olub. it must come to an and snes | the members sequins the property. But] there ure only some 550 members, avd this number wouid have to be doabled | jn order to ron it ns 8 members’ club. | Bat, then, Beodie’s would lose ite dis | timctive charm, which Hes in the focs] o that in ite lofty, old fashioned romus| one in really st bome. : A» It is the only club in London whers| ote #9 unelbowed by a crowd and where | oy one is never asked to pay for anything. | t A member's house scoount is spt 0] him only whim he asks for it. Some en- | merprising gentleman lke Mr. Algernon | 1} | Bourke bo possibly ranges ian Shoclub] upon the lines of White's, butit will be | the old Boodle's no more. Electric light and cash payment x Wii on happened to be staying at the when done, een ihe sont of the Grand Duke of | mens © 7 ons thie Lake of Constance, One | sistency that (vir the grand duchess, who was 400 AA cio .s t's deughter, came into hee | “BRT 1 indy and showed him » nom. | he 00 {17 0 «recta from the press. He per | Sent 10 crit, would hve been most disastrous | 88Ch other, sculptured above (0 the nume and character of Germany, | & 2% they ate saying adie, never to pieet again. At the last sermon of a Hiission in a country parish everybody wept save ane pessant. Ancthur saked bim, ‘Why don't yom weep?’ “1 do pot,” he po | plind, “belong to this parish: 1 Here is a story which is always crop . {| ping up snd will protably long oon. the uged womwareh went off that very ening to Berlin, and Prince Bismarck 10 beat a rotreat ~Quarterly Re * bes ny the photographer she vagally aryangoes Ror sitting shall take place in the mening. A spegl gin utio is set apart mening. Awol aber members of the roysl family. It x approached by » private dear, which jeads |= romp provided with samy chairs ind sf plentiful supply of illustrated papest | ow Asmall chamber is fitted up as & dress- | ing room, and here i4 to bo found a maid from Martborongh a who has preceded hor royal mistress with a dressing coe containdng broshos and cther toilet scvessorian. The pfincuss having disenascd the pesiticn in which she is to De taken, arranges herself! and | the operativm proceeds, It is ethjuelie on thess osasions for the photog to address any remark be maydhaye- to | make to she Indy in waiting in attend. ance, wim in turn addinases the princess, wel replies through ber alse, but ivis needless to say that figuette is dis | jensed wish by the prices in many cases. ~dondon Letter. RIDGWAY AND CLEARFIELD &. » DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY up Henin 1 Heol rooms, An iden), but, wo nr assured, quite peceasury stabs of cleanliness for health. | 2 =! ful sebosiscoms requires that the loom sal] be dasapemed wind swpptopery ing, with all the windows open, the dust~ | 13 4 ing to be dine the next morning veth afl damp ekoth. In addition to this olean. | img, Dr. Aslesus, who is the president of the Orange Coumty Medios scoiegies Believes (hot at gost every other the focrs shemid be thorwoghly scrubbed | with soap nad water. The yarietis wo- | men's eta throughout the omntry | ru whose erabess age interested “Im the |. M, PREVOST, work of fl public schools will do Wall | Gen Manssa to find cut None near the oo roam: where thew children spond the go part of their waking hours apprd this state --Niw York Post — A, the areesstons of $ 7 ies ees Sh Sl OS BA o i.e shberky of gwiet malice Mg Welle oan contest a subtle buts yordinary trifies — Huw: ¥res Telagraphing. In Germany it ie the privilege of the wl kaiser and kaiserin to telegraph as much ME, ia - as they like in their own country free of Ar#ifich be weak Is is the work of [EXpense. This privilege alse extends te | sede alan, 38 he bmbecility aml wa! tive dowager ENIpress, Foreign telédgrams ; of “his mimic understanding | *% however, paid “cr at the ordd Sas rivte. It is stated hy an authority on educa Mon that nine-tenshs of the world's wachors are woos. OALL AT THIS OF] — Ri