har i, shots or death de + Yard of vii ome criex fo Kon fait 4 36 in the Seid the full ripe geste 4 Blade, sn ranks thew fall, paver to rise Aialn Ta » ho; sefore the dread boloconst thus made? ; That ast alt Hosts wan may pod Le tras Hn ; on or waive than fife ix heart jo stand 3 ; wahop Bpaidiog | Sa on RTS SSAA some LEAP YEAR LAWS. ; Ago snd the Mau find to Accept. two eomntries, at least, and more G00 years ago, Jasve were passed | ep farther than this They also ted that §# the man whose hand they had somght should refuse be should in our a heavy five. searcher among the ancient records of Scotland has recently discovered an A t of the Seotiish in the year Fr 1988, which rons of pled adres of baithe highe and lows FE estat shall hae liberte to bespeke yo h {man she likes, albeit gif he refuses ia {4aik h e his wyle, he shall the. king. It in also said that hy westward n similar privi- || Beveral large ood ar kept in ome of | are the tanks of the Amst rd aqnariam, | the § mecssmarily wear to tie surface. and} ‘| flesh without wincing, declares a writer | in the New York Press. This a ea authorized congress Apwl 2, 1762, and i +4 Where Lending ronpers swing the stolen Could Propose $i flundred | gave women the right of propos: marriage. These enactments Went ] parliament, which | i i # statat and ordaint that during the maist bliseit Megeste, ilk She yours known as Lope Yeare, ilk 1 te TIT, Merenptah east an envious gas * | om the splendid stone and stole it for S008 EU ec ates Jaw almost | the Scottish ennctinent was Detar Colambus sailed on his famous | > chips, this gravd block had lain since | br along whil this was wait fact, are blind. : ent ] A eu coating Deiare in this ing ¢ | change | with which increased supply of light {from the shallow waters to the deep mma, shown by the total kes of ewor- | mows development of their ayes and the growth of illaminatisg organs to light | the abyss, may bave bien as rapid as it Lin marveloos Londo javan tells. One day when ths novel { int, George Lewes, and Mr. Biochiman were winraged in eset conversation they wire dictorbed by x sudden yelp of | {years of age or #0 had been mmusing himsel! by spipping at the animal's ears | | the dog, dtvining her intention, licked | bis little perscoator's Jas aid seutely begged him off the Whipping he { Yiehly deserved. with a religious frenzy in battle that # of t miples Page FE fur Sif bee Ben ciphtes ith ptont 14.1 conn Gf able : i fhe Kanese- | minembing wana of the Lavy tian Femen rr one she ried by Mr. Quitwill Bart site ave ap som Povg in vaformiation or aljects, but the valuable of the sites, ad if proved, Twas) one of the least inviting A field of storie chips showed white the faneral : tern ple of Mevenptah hind stood, and, | ids in the ruips, 1 found the great granite tablet bearing the long insorip- tion of Merenptah aboot his Libyan war and his Syrian war and aaming Toael This tabiet is over 10 feet high, over § fit wide and over afeot thick, of one Aawiess bioek of very fine grained gran. 1 ite, or rather syenite. It was first ont by me of th most sumpdnons Er, Amenhotop 111, trilliantiy pol- | iaboid aw fiat and glassy as 8 mirror and yeonrding his offerings sud ghomfring the god Hiz son Akbenaten, whey strove after a higher faith, orased sll figawes and inscriptions of Amen, apd #0 effinord most of his father's fine vir, was all reengraved by =eti I aboot BO yeard later, is reRtoTALION, { Then, mane two centuries after it had i bem erected in the temple of Amenbo- his own parpose. Not taking the trouble to rework It, own wall and engraved on the compar top he fiyrured a scone of the king offer ime to Amen, and below an inscription very nearly ss large ss that of Amonho- | the soalptored figures still reznains as fru nx on the day it yas done, for, as fae sa seas destroyed, the side belong- ing to Merenpfah lay downward, while that of Amenhotep IH was sppermost. In this ronis, then, amid the frag heaped over with a fope or two of stone abun the time of the Tiiay war. All Greek history, Roman and mediwyal— op . Christianity sod Islam— | with jta story of the Bf nat a When Cod Beecinr Diind. Je pe Bposed to 0 nirong light from Now, the cod, ry hypertrophy of the eye, The OTErZrOwWn, ia the extraordinary rapidity the crgsn for its rays has overdeveloped | oe It has taken place, not by skow de- | from individual to individoal, but | po B Lin sconre of time to be measured by | : months and in every individoal in the - | the rapidity with whith such changes | If this examply bs » messare of taken place among fish, the adaptation off thos: createres whith have migrated + Spertator. AN AR Sl A A Deg's Paliewen, in printed » story of George Eliot's fa- vorite spaniel, which Mr. Robert Buch- pain from beneath the table. Ecamins tion revealed the fact that a child of § Sith 8 Was of Stace a fp agit | condition of the dog shosfed bow Sich tortare he bad borne before givin idirrbappeding vo protest. | Eliot waa, usterally, violently aagry, i and wis about to punish the ciild, but ; They Pear Nothing. The followers of Menelek, king of Shoa, While not 80 large as the forve Zialos of the , ar aboot the tough ost warriors {oT worid. They do not know phyifical fear 1 have seen a’'man $B a burnt stick several inches in his pasensibility to phin is acoompunied | rdiders the soldiers unconscidns of Bod- ily barm. They have no fear of death, apd their happiness is to kul © %o Take a Rew ex oe at Tom 1 eatin lieu and form an excellent TAW og. Arcange them es I ano. containing half a teaspoontill of vinegar i much during tha fs 4 fry pois Gn 3 boanniridy ings of | with a scene of the king offer ing to Amen, the god of Thebes, and an | inscription of about 8.000 hieroglyphs emrving on this great taldet This, how he simply built the face of it info his} atively rough back of the block At the |B 111 on the other sids. The painting | the tablet fell face forwnrd when the 1 oot of columns snd foundations, Ia- | iy ornshing of Israel. Professor Flin: | . dor Putri in Century. In The Ladies’ Kenigel Journal thers | © to arn hist ie x Gnien of wif py : So ; Stoplifters are fection apsiist L samiy Goal w tae ape generally of thn ela who 1 rary be jimniched to the fil extent of thei fae, but the lop ones BaLy | i wonsian of refines Spay od | pomessmed of BELO mit of the peat ite travagant ys $itranre a8 (he aneertion ony seem, it $4 po tro and bag sesnmed such propor tioms the in fhe pajority of the stipes there is a book kept in the private he of the firm in which are writien to names of the women who are known ve be thos afilicted, and when they are eaight in the act a bill for the good | stoden is sent to the husband, father on the person who hos made himself re sponwible for the things taken. It was found necsssary fo do this after two a1) hires arrests had been made and thei enlpric found, opon investigation, to be | long to some well known family, Ttwas net only neccesary for the protection of the merchants against Joss by the theft brit it was also more imperstive freed the fact that these cxposmres endangered | his business, After ynch an arrest and the consequent publicity the family of ibe accused were very joath to trade at that particular store; and the with: drawal of such patronage meant Toss of thousands of dollars to the proprietor. This explanation was given nie by tha | superintendent of one of the largest do sit stores, where, after a thorough canvassing of the principal roti] stores; in the sity, | found that it was po mere | gossip ax to the existence of this took, and the fact that nine ont of ten om! ployed women detectives, not only for the emyiction of shopliftery ind pick. pockets, bot to watch the more weaithy offenders who were aficted with what} $x called a nervous disease in the medi: | 5 it Et ithe bay. hr bo Nor Worry Adour Fine Rone wed Briniert, ue f Wood | ¥s us Flentifer | a Air They Abs Kot Worried Over Fi | wane! Prohlenw “We bad to remsin in Panams tar | three dues bfors the memey sited” | {gad a travek r who had potently ri arid | fram & trip Aces the thomas. 18 be § | fighted a froeh tiga, and afr nod wilted to spend “he tine exploring | a men 5 -— c— We hired tw West jabalisl durkios. who bad 8 Jonghoat, with a 7 4 | anil which canld be utilised wher the | | i wind vos fair, to row ax sroand of course, we stibsd up the canal as far story. Aopen more. They were [ying along the sad looked exnetly Hike jogs to the ibex- Bearer approsc peccans animated and wonid slide off the Wal ! is 8s there was any water and saw the | Pts whieh hv been inaule, or rather | Fig She Lack of progross; bat that is another | M0 *“ Wea shot one alligator and shot sts |= Banks of the eansl sunning themselves, | eye from o distance. Upon | h the jog wonld snddiniy | bank into the witer with a splash. | “Fut what | started £5 tell about wos a peculiar bay. It posed pecaliar to me, bat meh sountry. I mn told they are At any pate, it was a watioment of people who bad kept themes so far removed Troms she modern world that they bad ne de | sire for money, “Po tell the tmth, they have litile or #0 little for the root of all evil as {hese dcaon hooses A dwelling small poles stuck wp or wo eal books—kieptomanin Thess women | intelligent, as they must learn fo know these kleptomaniacs by sight apd to dis | eriminate between fhe professional ant} the afflicted if they detect a stranger in Now York Herald, dh irda as feed Carviers. are obliged to be very clever, bright and | the act of purloining the firm's good the spaces between the poles. “In this lived athe, morber, chil dren, pls dogn, chickens mid any they animals i tiv possesion of the family. The children, w Drie the age of 13 08 He Two centaries ago the Dutch destroy | od overy nutmeg tree in the Molucows| in order to wnjoy & monopoly of thei business, having having pianted the trees in| setthonent of natives some | distance np tht northern shore of tho Ty : things may be common down in that & 00 uae for money, but git | have fever | [SA3 before seen people who honestly tard | 1 5 Balt naked natives of the isthmus did | Tt was a small pettlomsent of perhaps two | consisted of | an inch | Eo tha air ro eiranlate : Oe mhanghut rack Each bab | t5 3 tation consisted of ove yooun, opm to | B18 8 the gawe of all he ueighbore through | ¢ re thoagh not af 4 wa’ fish, is not a serfs swim : a lives at depths where the san | i ist To 13 mich wodified by |) passage throogh the water. It lives in| in what to us would be scmidar “eas. Ev | .. lery one of thess cod expo 4 15 tho | | . trong light is suffering from an extraor- 1 French at Alexandria in ToL Boston Eenald Cure For r Hyposhendria 1 Hepabiicans pont isp Ly besten our state will give the Republican tiokes a tremendons majority. There are woes st | | stake which vitally affect us The Demo | {erate have isdorsed a platforms which | moans, if (4 pans anything, fas repadin | i citizen of thi grand old | | eommonweal ls of Petmaylvania ihould i | mame their seul of Sapproval on mols son. Tike 5.57 preposition. Wie ane not ready to repodiate | | benined thooripta Another thing which | shomld be borne in mind by Pennsylvania’ The representatives of the | A young lady of Cardiff, who fanciad she was snwell went to the surgery of the family doctor and cosameneed the | interview with ‘Doctor, I'm dying “Oh, indeod [ can recommend a very. ‘respectaie undertuker.’’ biandly re after that —Cardiff Mail oii pon An Effective Ruse. What gave Mra COromsgrain hail more pegative beaaty than any wo man be ever maw." ~Detiuil Pres Frow . mmr ons Bee “Well, Uncle Rasbury, ower did vos bike the serum?’ “Pow’ful fine sermon, Manw Jobst * “Where did the prescher take ais text?’ “Prom dat potion ob de Seripturs whar de Postal Paul pints his pistol to de Fesions "Washington Times and seasou with pepper and | | purer in the sational convention have | $ theemswives in favor of a jprotecs tive tard which will ose the reviead of the indiistrios which have languished aver since the Denuierats assumed confrod of 1" HE Aid Ailiar Aid Wenn = bra v 1 pur debts simply to pisos a few mitts dere Sagi AND cLEARFINLD " sponded the doctor. She felt quite well | sapsburg Hogistar. «{ get hurt. Here, Tien !—Buton Tra: the affairs of overnment Repuliliogns , of Pennsyivanin must arouse and otgmwniee tn every disteiot to detint the party which all he self respecting wen wha ure : i posed te repadintion asd anarehy.~ ; Caan SO NAHI A Gromt Nelle. friend of a relative in the world. DO be tO WOITY Over you in cane i] | eller. A ss blr ABAD ASA. Ras sold 1s Birthright for a mess of pot- | : tage, and Bas therehy driven from io maka Tramp—FPleass, ma'sn, I haven't aj Housekeepir— Weill, I'm glad there's = telegraph Yinea, so a ot Musican the weight of the binds and moskess | shat crowd them as night FOR FINE JOB WORK CALL AT THIS OFFICE.