C Number 10d io the Bundeomet 22 : . , 1... Om : | tieation ever SOE, comeining no os | : ZW “a ie ao Zp 3 than nine besutifully colored plates | THEW pe Jen |Sidseating dress mide and millinery, | ; A $5.00 SHOR FON y PB am ime a A | andl bieyle attive, {a ! oecemary fo ma ish Se ET J | suthoritive ie, and ging he | : ) than add = S300 smaller 94 hme Th “ie 8 ing styles for Astunn wear of a : ibid. a ache and especial valoe to young Indies having | ; WW 1. Doulas : Rs aa LIES ClewrBed For informa voual aspirations is Clementine de E oroductions of silied oan the bat | ogra sipe service snd | Vere-Sapio's article ot Winging as & | : n pe fo put into shoes 3 . : should be profession. Mrs Mary Codwalader Jones pats much sprightly good nee into a discamsion of the Abuse of Read- | ing. A short story by Clinton Rowe, | » § bn Bh rz% x 5 a y 08 3 3 - Bg Bsa Fe pou Morzine 3 Mines Philipmtony Myers Prale SERCRANRE WREERRNY My little “boy, when two years of SEES EER a Np ge. wa a n as | called “The Lady of the Portrait,” has fx. was to use | a cleverly surprising finale. The paper part of Interior Decoration by Frances Leads, is this month devoted to Kiteh- | lem. EC Vick gives practical and | | instructive explanation of Floral Work : ‘ i iy sod srely be be for Autamn. Carolyn Halsted de-| 7 censtosn vam |" init; £3 Hinbrwn BrRSpNUALEEIERX 3 0 AE Sa oe: vm read the diree- i aR SE Famer und coven a ER Wen fete End Ee fr Ban nun ¥ ik pro By { meribes the patriotic work of the aa erage American Revolution; Lucia M. Rob-| bins tells abort “A Progressive Rain. ‘bow Party,” Emma Haywood de- | a gir seibes in detail the construction of itis anldo. Mrs. ; i : Pinbroidered Handbags There is an the Lia 8. Sinton, CW ue iliustrated article on Hasket Bail the Omir cloth and clothing are guaranteed to to be < precisel y as | enunty, - ‘ game so popular jist now ai the represented; the dollars paid for it last, because the clotiing| inn, Patton Pharmacy. “ . fare oa oe ; a ag Re wet enter | fasts as long as cloth can last. Put three things together; eid os i. From August 17 to 34, inclasive, the Ctiat, New Books, Ssuonable Cookers, | HIGH QUALITY, BR & P Time Table. Penowylvania Railroad company wil Siocking, Knitting, Tatting Crochet sell, Ly Sm ing, Lace Making, Ete. LOW PRICES, EIEEEEEEE , tickets to Mount Gretna ro sii, and points : A Ho for the round trip, Don’t trifle away time when you SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, i5% Apiets 4 sfier av - the upper OR orn prim Hast hove cholers morbus or disrrboea and vou have the secret of our success. {3 aes a Pale © North- Fight them ‘in the begisming We want you to indge for vourself, and mviie you to ex- Minaya with DeWitt’'s Cholers & Colic Care : . . 4 You don’t have 16 wit fr rensie, they amine our samples for the Spring and Sammer. Ready- Fides on ave instantaneous, sad it leaves the Made Suits from $6.30 322.00. Tailor-Made Suits from | Favs 3 for Wik These tickets will be valid for etarn bowels in healthy condition. C. W. $15.00 to $30.0 5. : 2, : ee « until Aagust 71, inclusive. Por Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ow paring to parchass, the information f what poophs are wearing will be fee on wations, for B and ee fach in to train service : vaiae to you 2A ve A coat mde information es apps & hould be Ww. H. SEC Hi ER Examine onr offerings ws shown by oor sales agent, bi i at ral A Attorney - at - Law, a Tab . i 2 i nam ERENSBURC, Who will be at the PALMER HOUSE, FRIDA Y.. | Pnemney, 4d Wilson wats For the pe Blennin Encampment he! Cambria County, Pa SEPTEMBER 4. 1506. | and a x 0, Angst B to 30 the Fe of ton, Sutin and ad Sobvre with ox, Kame, Warves, np M : : i \ A : Ne | Hpress trom Pansat r. Meeker's ————————————— | C&M Division. CELEBRATED REMEDIES. CGE, os avn wi —" Sn |S L > curion de 1 Cleveiand ata re Bani. Spo or Sn ona a A 7 ro feaen and pain. Aan : return Jeaving Cleveland aguet ENG TE JoNIC. Jor. ined phim fn mead ieinew in afl os nsive. i ps dh ai eOrRtend OF money ”- hee Tinks of Life mi What shall I do? 1 aan 00 debilitated » 3 8 % 7 H " IRR AMEE Sn Gh | ; shud laudsaat seus ne an 9 ag we 8 2 casts § TOBACCO snd (XGARS 3 Ie Brent ioe in Paton at § ‘ > do 18 others have—try Aunt Rachael's. GG. J FITZPATRICK'S < wal intestines ; hon the system effectually ; s Midarisl Bitters; thoy are npexeied Restuarant on Magee svenve, near aches and fevers ; cure habitual constipation, making enemis LL ! anid will act favorably on ali the func- R. R. depot. | uraecessary. ptable to the stomach and truly ben BE op ta exerpr Sumy. him Hons of your shen, and restore them MEALS AT Ald Bot #8 -. ficial in effects. A single TancLe taken after the evening meal, ds bn Non Pr 3 romsierty at Palos for Ride. They are simply | _ 4 Jf] or just before retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the [i | Siiwer Brite, wine with sach herbe and voote | CEN] 'RAL - HOTEL | | first indication is soted of an L appecach old, headache, 17 Kg 7m omnrsat Dubie for Bradid, JOHX R. CORDELL, Prop'r. oo" . ficulty we bens ed Ei —~ wb oe pacent . Hereafter all who wish & a] scious of any (ther an a Sightly ; ti patrons the PATTON | RATES S $1. 23 PER DAY. wer: ; | warming € a t. and that ghtly TE ae or whe to go = A _ : eetes Sm material- ¢ To st wish chan their : ; Ppa i bist Bers gael be soled wl se th enday hand their MpmarTEY House : : ; : : I Thisease commonty comes «in in a hom evening ft wil mrs tbe hed egmmes Hoe sagan, Beco ¥ y neglected i crease in extent =e f Pennsy] Railroad Ti over ‘tll the next week Try to get Gorin FERGUSON, grads ¥ grow dangerous. 49. | Syvan Ria a He gopy ineunty. Puiom Pus. Co. | prope. JI rm om te. Prowse x35: RIPANS TABULES 1 Table o * yuu tre Silom. Constipmtat. or have rake RIPANS TABULES t | May 20, 1885. R-I'A-N-S : i i your Complexion Is Stes. wr you TAKE RIPANS TABUL ES | ; Ti 0 -Baswurt aX BacBee ¥ sued ¥ 4 {1 id 33 S5s EAR HE BES ww & gan ne aie SENNGARERS oh Sn uh We - 5 » 8 EE 3 Sor “torr Eatin Hiss re Josue. wowk dass Distress j : eA, ACT EE on Thott, werk day Po Siew Truths ant 44 rts «ize RIPANS TABULES ff A = EEE po * Bia 5 i Ee CE anEyid WRG ERP cre, hadi Ripams Tabules : Reguiats the Systems and Preserse fhe Health. oe 1 CL i ttre WW one wat, EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. i nei Epsom iar 8 ¢ i Snbiaasdown As — awed Aare - maAY Bx OETANSIL BY APFUSATHEN =F conmniiiti and reared, 70 RTARESY SRHONMET. i Sathorn, § a Sear Pus tisay snd mse A NEw EL ho Baie (FBO Charumy Sor Rastam, ns Huatl i : | tray Toor A vomony Te Pile oi Besdiey hiss REEEEE B3 BvHSEEs Ripane Tabales: st druggists UF Rinans Taliales: ane gives relief $5 Westsver $58: Cmyreay dr HB oat ) rl RW y ya St Crean BE TPvsan & Ah Ripans Tabules cure Indigestion. ; Rigaar a4 ae Biliousdiess. nn Setiey Juswiion Lak Kaylor & Wate Binans Tabulex sare torpiil Liver. ? : {hw mA reemen ad 1G Sorthawnl gt Lemke Teles 1 “ream Br | Fn Rave hil Hmdbey Fuze fan § i on HED Gearway gr Fess vel 3 Ge Maba fio RR Great wr si poe Weagiovesr 100% Ladome [LIE 28 i hE cur Matisney of Tess Ad TR “toni 7a , 3 } 2 irartes wed Mabafer Suave Cessna ER i CK £1 Bradiey Janeth Lay spr Tod Pasig £15 | gi Ree rey Hawt - ~ ; 2 : aA y mk lohy’ 5 x 7 Wholesale. . En Fandom Ft, nnd AA Tow Wee Fine Old Whiskies and fot | = Beer Etc. j Kast ported Laguors, i § pig frmin leaves fg wt Rie ervey Ri: Eg hows For Sale By C Ww, Hodg: : California Wines and Brandies’ Poca BrewinG Co.'s Deer. | iy id comactas SH London remot : i subd w pa Tews (hu wi sd Patton Pharmacy. E Ren : Hy hy BY Flasks, Carks. Jugs. £or., Marat = . a “tk mpanglor, Rk 147 Clinton & Hog Man Sts, | Rema, 238 nod camerth WHER tris ir rvs {at Bradiey Junction al 48 H ti P t Wostgward | Somervile, | RESEESSUE Johnstown. Pa. 10S gS, PEMA. xox oem mag Some of the Largest Fire Insur- mE reas Rwiiey: Sanotin Sa PaTtox, Pa ance Companies of the World Telephone 17% Fi kis J ON, Pa, lephone 175. 2 i ; reel Howad, SIT 4 i AEE P = rstNation’ IF ; J : ( nD Lam Sr, Barer, aretving of { in Fdsenwbarg Bawmpch wins ha Bottless and Proprietors of OF PATTON. | en ne Scam a. a ot 3p. NCE AGENCY Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. mis bones Sha | ; OLD CABINET, | af rie i fron gud Ra oped Dadi eT EOE A as 5 - sup he v to Boke 3 CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. | or adres. A. W. : Protest Y Gur : » WE avenne, Pitsburg. De | in oLD FAVORITE SURPLUH, $20,000.00 {= 0 Pavwiost = lion = German National B.& PROPERTY. AND AEs! Cort, Wp | Se bbe terme oven sindbis with sali spd ne Have 3 EE Office in Cond Build: ng ip Ye kpis In sar al dee Tend ag ‘over 1st National Bank. COX EY’S COMMON- ik ox po le prin | P ARNELL & : Ww EAL 5 po Mm BT bore van prod apd ; Cow HER. ; Inteses® paid oo Tine depen. : Pure Rve Whiskies. {A E Patron, Wi H Saxpromp, way ee President. © Cashier. |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers