The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 27, 1896, Image 5
Patton Pharmacy. hotel on Monday. you tried crashed fruits with ; with relatives in Patton. " bees will soon be in Kline and were in sable andone Inquire, thon of 7. ‘A Bmith, the ? % | cenial traveling salesman of Gallitzin, q wan seen on our streets on Monday. sy, of Patton, called at our. Wednesday snd claimed a’ n this paper.— Hastings cheap. should y~-8hoe Trade Adveriing a is the one e thing about & b Liste Mo | pie, BO ene Mab, of Chit. ngs, were in town last Friday 1G. Linn, of Osrlisle, Pa, and fate Dros, of Duncansville, Pa. were guests st the Commercial hotel on Monday. | EB. F. Spencer, candidate for treas | urer on the op an ticket, was in i noe st the MeKinley meeting | oniEriaay aignt. a; Be aiport The past {two weeks, retiirned home 1 the latter « part of last week. | children, “of Punxsutawney, are i ing at the home of Bs F. CGallaber on Fifth avenue this week. ¥ ings in visited by a. a, of Philipsburg, was nae, of Ebensburg, rei wary. cream at Patton Pharmacy. : of ¢ r but not least, he tations | & Park x | & Mr. Michael, accompanied by bis Beam Mekinds, of Tobumiown. is the guest Hf Mis Emma Craver, Don’t fail to atte=d the big Fhens | burg fair which will be held here pext Tae week. It promises to the best ever | d at onr Stove. A fall Hardware and all kinds of : om- cer of the Board of Health of Patton of all description can be procure Borough shall each give dr somplete line of Heavy and Shelf | nenday evening at 9:30. The fimeral took place on Friday morning inter. | . ment being made in the Catholic cem- : A garden party will be held by the 1adies of the Holy Name church on the | lawn at Mr. Johnston's on Wecirewday | | evening Miss Baker, of Philadelphia, will [give an entertainment at the Opers evening. It will covsist of Messrs. Patton Pa., August 5, 1896. From Sire to Som. A» s family Medicine Bacon's Celery | ‘King for the Nerves passes from sire to son as a legacy. If you have Kidney, ‘Liver or blood disorder do not delay, but get 8 free sample package of this remedy at once. ¥ you have Indiges- Constipation, Hemdache, Rbheo- mati, ote this grand specific will care you. ©. W. Hodgkin the leading: droggist, is sole agent, and is dis | selling stmples fob te the afflicted. Lage packages 350 and 30. TERIAL kept constantly sid “tee us first Before oy recitations nnd monologues. ing. It will Py you. Speyer andl Leaman, of the Maple: Park Orchestra, will assist her. A fine | program has been prepared. The pro- _ tion, ceeds will be given to the Presbyterian oharch. John Mclireen has opened a pool and billiard room in the basement of the Blair house. James McBreen has ac- [pepted the position of bar tender in ‘that hotel. “Boys will be bays,” but yoa can’t afford to lose any of them. Bei ready for the green apple season by having | DeWit¢’s Colic and Cholera Curd in the house. C. ‘'W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ‘ Your dollars go a long way bv carrying them. Vou can save both time and— Near! y Three Dollars worth | of goods for every DOL LAR spent with us. Call and see what great Bargans we Lean give you. © Pet elodhes Ringy i Sa dressaibe lE Mn Potts best wirlle ginted son, per wed I Poatomted oleair sets, 4 ply Lisi A | Chenin? ome] pediens Lian . Piaf weed ove” bowie, per Seal, Hat nevis LF tevpdared towel oneh Chopend Waal rads Niekie plated rita a oe Coffee mits Sarge : etanden Mad ons fem hres N friduor Ties for mebeoh ay Ene pant Bisie snd Brown ps arge In eins... Theae av only few of our Bargaine. Black and Tan Shoes reduced | in price from 80 cents and w every. | ¢ ve handle We are gi es $1.35 to 60 cents and #1.00. 3 i The Ebensbarg Fair. Great preparations are being made for the fair to be held at Ebensburg September 1, 2, Zand 4 Among the are Tattle's Olympic tent show; Youngeon’s troupe of Japanese performers; Jewell Bros, the famous sernants, who have made several suc- | emul ssoemsions and parachute leaps | for them heretofore, and Thomas Pringle, the champion trick sad wing shot of thiscounty. This being » good | growing siasnn the vegetable depart. | (HE ment promises to be a good one. The races also promise to be god, and | from the present outlook they will have | 8 very sucosssful fair. ie ; The whole system is drained and P | undermined by indolent nies and | open sores. DeWitt's Witoh Hamel ' Salve spendily beals them. fti ia the {bust ghis sre JERIWR. C. W. Hodg- E Gt 3 ih an you seen our CELEBRATED Oh, by the way, have SE HATS latest styles— UC NBRE AKABLE DUQU EN i they are dandies. "Give you a valuable r ‘ each order of one THE BAZ A rat AR, & 3 % ¥ i rates of oat Hite. 8. M Wilson et ax. to Johan Daniel- | =. Patton; consideration, $350. a Railroad company, Washington, Mathiot Reade et ux. to Petmayiva- Mathiot Reade to Sophia Thrower, Washington, ¥ a | wife and niece, of Altoona, is visiting Administrator of Brhart Farbaogh| for afew days at the home of Martin 4, Edward W. Farabangh, Carroll, 1 | Thomas, east of town. | $1,500. ‘When you take & trip to Ebensburg Enoch Short et ux. to Michinl D Sn stop at the Hair house and you will be ® lused all right. Accommodations ex. _ oellent and rates moderate. Af. | yons, wrote a letier to 8 prominent A fow days sinee Geo. C. Lee, of Ir : man at DuBols asking for 4 ob, it hav. been currently reported that the py Patton, $110. Albert Rhos to | gpeny + $00. t doesn’t matier much whether sick headache, billicusness, indigition and constipation sre cased by neglect or unavoidable circumstaives; De. Emma Rice, Alle There are a be closed out. “All th Russet and Tan in Stock, as well as ‘many others, as stated i at a good bargain to you. We would rather have the cash, leven at a loss, than to carry over to another season. Vou have a long time yet before cold ‘weather to wear Russetts “and Low Shoes. Why not take advantage of the low price now 0: wae raising a pasty 10 010 Witt’s Littie Early Risers will speedily mine for gold. Mr. Leere- cure them all CW. Hodgkine Pat fullowing ply; “Your Inter | {ton Pharmacy. ap Six pairs Children’s Patent Leather Sandals, sises, 6 to $, worth $1.00, pow The. Seven pairs Children's Taa Button, round and point toe, sizes, 5 to 9, were $1.00, now S00 Three pairs Children’s Tan Button, sizes, 5, 8 and 7}, worth 75c., now 8c. One pair only Boy» Huomis Calf, size, 5, was $508, now $1.80. Only 3 pairs of all that lot of Men's Russia Calf Shoss left. We sold then for $1.35, a low price al that, bus to close them out you can have them at $2.50 per pair 4 84 muck trath okay a of Ws. All that's left in Rosset Lace for umor that eer to 30 hero 1 so on Forssk, of SY0nE sm, 3} nd 4, ere $0, ow L10 this ea mot a ward ori Jer, got hold of a lot of matches on All that’s left in Rossett Oxfords are 13 pairs, sizes, 3 There a: you | | last Monday and began striking them, 1, 7 were $1.35 sad $1.50, now $1.00. te 1 ANA tn Buck Orton ar 13 pun, sos 3 of 16 were §1 38 sud 11.06, now $1.50. Hitl tllow’ ow's body, bat not om mow i. frightfally burned on the neck, Six pairs Ladies’ Toe Slippers, worth $1.00, to go at 80c. right side The child was Eight pairs Misses’ Tan Lace, sizes, 13} to 2, former Sizes, 8, 84 and 0. ving, on Friday, bus was mot ex. pricw {1.25 sow §i.06 : . uld like to call yovr attention 3 £ . pote ° he ure. Dusieg . her | consult a physician. Noticing Cham. | 1° the new stock of Shoes now in. “Shoes for everybody,” and more to come mn. All is -r 3 s sufferer, periain’s Cough remedy advertised in | ‘needed to give Patten a first-class Shoe Store is for the people to manifest a disposition to Waa pation and reigned 0 wl of the St. Paul Volks Zeitong I pro put somite | it. mon he fatare she calmly eT abe Ye doy 4 hoe & we intend t, 2 Nk wae, die. 1 will rst most hee tik: 1 tris remedy SPC POLAR ut oes. Now don’t any my to anyone suffering with a old. Wm. | iness and won't sell them, and lots of them, Keil, 675 Selby Ave, St. Paul, Mina has any bracing on the pocket books of the for sale by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | b Pharmuy. | Golft Demorrats at Cresson. Therv was & meeting of Gold Deme-| ; | erate xi Cresson Friday evening which | is said to have been very enithasiastic. 2, at the § years, , and 8 days, pected to recover. ae When Six weeks ago | suffered with s very | sang she accepted Christ as ber yevere cold, was almost umable to Savior, and became a member peak My friends all advised me to i: dabble in any other line of goods, but intend to sell Shoes, person think for a moment we are new in the busi for we will, if low prices coupled with quality, good people of Patton and vicinity. And examine the Ladies’ Shoes we are e selfing for 1.25, 150, 1. 75, | We think your decision will be that we can save you 25 to 0c. onl EVeTY pair, an are nice, stylish Shoes, well made, point toe and wide toes, lace and button, all sizes, from B to E. Special sizes and wilt not in stock furnished ou short notice. Should you need a little heavier Shoe take a Jock at the Kangaroo Calf Pat. Tip Pont ‘Toe, selling for $1.75. They are stron g, but n Same thing | for Just the thing f for Schoo, at only, $1.25. 3 § in this Shoe business. Vou have Ale here is the place to do it. Come Shoes. Well we Loc not going 1 light you {And Boys’ Shoes as any one else, to | as much right to save money on in and gee for youtself