indly sait- | “My poor F ing, ! _ | dooters that his arm would have to ome | off—the good right arm that supported this bravely unselfish thing. = jn the machinery, The har® folds of | muscle had bee, flattened, and the tome the man had to ciating torture of pain 1 to andergn. It was thought at first by the brave wife who stood by his ride ‘and the serious, anxions faced children who stood looking on. He begged them to save his arm, and his wife begged them, and fortunately the condition of the case permitted them ta slomghed sway from the wounded sur. face and left it paw and sore. The doc. { tors saw that it was necessary to graft porticns of skin to the service to bring about a cure. They told the sick man of it, and they haved his wide to eat off | the strips of skin to put over the raw The blade Sached into the man's sides, 7 | the Blood spurted out, and with a moan own name s Burney, And name O'Reilly, too?” said med, said the soldier, and be | within, and, returning, said, Mineo yielded sp Barney and A | stepped into the hall, went along 6 sud { panesd Jost iowide an open door. He | was trembling. A voice said, What is ¥ ervand?”’ a voice vem, grave aod | ws boy's excited thought hs seemed even Iatger than be was Washington's (Ss tle | hands wore behind his back, his band + | some oad bent a little forward. ws £ be again, with amnote of command in for expression of his face, went at to the warm heart that the general ried beneath his calm exterh This was too taoseh bravely the long strain of wait ated disappointments, but ed syrapathy broke down stain with me," oot i wierwly, "apd remens- futher said, Iet us be this my son’ "'—-Colopel Ter ; saght the back of achair—'* ‘for Maorico had ae pas * | peoplel—Our Girls and the wan fell over In a faint, sickined by the pain. His wife had been watch ing, her sympathetie heart fenchel to its 2ovtha by the sight of her hastwipd’s suffering. : “Pewter, don't peggeel. Don't cat him avy more. He is too weak ard has suffered too mach Cut it off me. Won't that do? The doctors todd her that | She roolly bard her arm and fold thom phe was ready. The razor adged Nine gunk into the flesh and went ripping down, followed by a tiny fountain of Blea. She did not winoa, Dextercialy, | expertly, the doctors sit ont a plete of skin and grafted it over the man's arm. anti] mere than a down had been te moved, sud all tha while the Spnrtan woanan repainted standing watching the gift fash of the knife, the spritging of the warn liieod and the sickining gpedtactes withont shrinking ones | ~The husband's arm, grafted oven with skin taken from his wife's arm, 1H Dow well, and the arm of the brave women js fast henling ap. having many loag moars, that will ever bear evidetipe 0 the herviam of hor love —-Atlants Con stitation, oO ard to Walt, tba vo Lard fo walt" : wens Pet 16 pred betrothed. When wid oles wend let her wad, Jie weced by the window this wo, dius rears in ber bine tyen feea Bard to walt, graadps,’’ she . direty amd eight. Close to Cie Bos mt and bleed pte ita hs burl to wale,’ he thought Tint thes muny yoars, for Lim ites the fire he 2 RS Sern Wa tong toe BE sag E ¥igmbe ad BoE 58 Hino 3 #f Fie window sighsd. Two 4 showely dens ber eheale fod at the barrying werld, at Suadoreet ar bey feet ; Cob pains was Lenten to look Into his fre He had seen the hurrying The girl ut the window watched a | busy wren Luilding a neete Aguin she | sighed. Dosen the street a hand organ wis playing a walte throngh her window. And a patient smile still playe(l about the face of the-old man as be nodded at je great Gri ; “It ia 80 hard to wait.” be said polt- iy. “Ix ix so bard to wait," she sighed. —Footlighta A man who has a reputation fie being very carviesi as to his toilet was elioted | town clerk in one of the small thwis in | his state soqne time ago, snd the local paper thought it would be a god joke “Me Makegp will ‘rash hinsell be fore he smmmes the office of town id 3 ‘¥y 3 Ou reading the notice Mr. Makeap was furious and demanded a retraction, which the paper accordingly onde the following soy in this fashion: “Me Makeup requests us do deny that he will wash himself before be ax | sarnes the «fee of town clerkc And still Mr Makeup was not pleased. How hard it is to satisfy ans Boys : Not Esxy, Ethel Why, we must have gone over ‘the sme ground? Tell me aboot your op © Mr. Glote Trotter— Well, 1 went to | Denver by train, and then oronsed the sogntry by easy stages 10 Ethel—Easy stages?! No [ seo we didn't go by the same road, for the stages we took nearly killed all of oa — Waabington Tins, From the time of Solomon the chro. of the Jows may be omnected with that (f Egypt, Assyria and Baby. lon and comparative views presented Over 5,000 species of butterflive are known, and of this number 800 are pe- | euliar to North America SA ATE Sa er BH AN, | The German ehupire Has 10,000,000 women over the age of 16 RE HO —_— | sixes part of | controversy whether Lo dent of parlinment should wear his hat} desi when performing | | had the slonched brim > | the king harangued But the arm did not heal. Tho ekin | do that again.’ he t wont | already spent im the new palace. Bo, Ancther and anethar piece was oul ont | in the original is occupied : or net or put it on should wear a chapead aba! joh pinned ap. This childish quarrel was remembered, no over, he put on his hat, and the notlesse did likewiss, according to thelr privicl loge. The commons had no yooh claim, but they also clapped on thelr chapeanx pobles. The revolution might have be- gon that day with a scrinunage in the king's presence had he not sumoved his own hat, when all, of course, did the same. But slouched hats had already caused a riot in Spain, which lasted #0 long and cost so many lives that is might al- moat be termed a civil war. This was 20 yours carlier, Charles III thooght them untidy. He thought the streets of his capital untidy also and dencunc both eyesores in an edict. Every ard heneeforth mat pin up Re flopph brim, and every honscholder of Madrid must clean the street opposite his prem- jens. Forthwith the people ross. They were little interested, compnrativily, in the street loaning, bat they wonid die for their hats. And a good many of them did, but not noavenged. More than a woek the fray lasted, bat it wan thought reinariable by foreign observers that st $ pm regularly the soldiers plied arms, the furions citizens withdrew and silence reigned for one hour. Both partion were enjoying the siesta, axoept, perhans, the wounded. After that inter val they recommenced. The king fled, and for the rest of his Jife he never re- turned to Madrid willingly, In fact, it wis poderstond be designed to make Se ville the capital henceforth, and only gave up the project when lis ministers showed him what a vast som he had mighty may be the nfoence of the hat in state affairs! Fioaily the king eom- promised, He withdrew bis adict so far ax the realm at large was conperned. Within the walls of Madrid every man ymnt wer bis brhin pinned up. hat out side he war 5t literty to let it slouch Bur oe peli a Abd not ceee WO be Base npril the fashion changed. Pall Mall J petis ie dds AMERBICANIZZD CHINAMEN. Faw Yanken Sign Painters Rophisticate Oriental Nansen. 1t {8 rather amosing to pote the curl appear on the lanodry Hgnboards so thickly scatters through ony cities It ia the watoral result of the Chinxman's fmperfort acquaintance with Koglish mand the sign painter’ sabsolinte ignorance of Chinese, For instance, Joha good to the painter and explait— “Want paint washea wiashon,"! “Al rigint the painter, What's your nue?” asks doubt, when the states general met and | ons diegnises under which Chines: names} him, thongh he conld | French, with which lsngoagy bo was Jorfectly convermnt. Where he came in and immensely corpulent He wanted on one onctision to gO to Losirdes with the English pilgrims, and they consent od, but would not permit him to take a valet with him. He compiaitied of this | to n friend of mine, saying that it was impossible for bith fo trawsl alone as | he was #0 fut that be conld riot pat on PE | his own beota. My friend quaintly re marked that he was ander the lmpres. oh that pilgrims generally went ure footed, which made the great Di Blowits langh. — Recollections of Pari Tiaron de Hirsoh's Offer to Rowis. of ape, engrossed in his mimy affair He stopped, to the surprise of every one, inn his midearoer, ho marshaled bis re. sonrees and mrned hig active brain and tireless energy to the problem of re cliviming bis miffering ooreligionists from humilistion worse thin slavery, fivet movy was to offer fo the (mar, synod, 50,000,000 france for educhtion fn Rowsin, to be applied without dis tinetion of orved or race, hoping that the dimemination of sducation, mechanical and mental, wonld in the ead induce a Better condition, from the lowest to the highest of the camr’s sobjects. int Bos gan sutooracy was friomiog Jaws to limit, not to extend, the advantages of | edneation and rejeoted the naunifoent offer unless Baron do Hirst wold re- mows Hin conditions and prrmit the 6x. penditurs to be mule a the coax awl his piinister saw fit Bat Buon ae Elirsoh wea too well woinainted with Russian officials to part with his money in onder to live the pockets and adern the palaces olf the perseenting Ruselan minideas of Jute, flan, Ora 8, Btraas in Foran i RS Diek’s Brilliant Sclieme, Dick Kad no father, and coopsionally thie fact weeried hing One diy his mother fell i ad sop tiously commented on Coo sad slate of Waive I his meether, tery shuld din Pick sail nothing, but he Rept up a quite well again, coe mht at dina Pick, who wi 7 yong BL swldenlr broke en Witssite gqushon, SMaminn, why don’t ©oatsarry agin? When tHe Puosgh whioholy they oriental, COharite Ling It is surpriviog ‘he number af these The tears started afresh in thy young | ghtl's eyes an she looked at the world | its people: the “Freestone State,” from unsuspecting purchasers Charlios whe wear piglails bos it al WRT cota fo pass in the way just indi ented, . One wign painter did still totter. The apglionnt gives his same ns Cha Ka Li. This in doo time appeared ofl a square rod board as follows: “Chas Q Les First Class Chinese Lanndry,”’ It is often allvged that the Chinese never becrpae truly American, bat here ever, that he por his nathiealization pa- pers. — Boston Post . — Panciog and Tansels, olders to a Ball, He was told that he must Gest learn to danes Upon this he deliverad himself as follows: "Bau 1 tats dance, and my way is more difficult than your way. I tan dance alone, bud you have to be holded np’ This was pot mnartness, perverted ingepuity, se some might suppose. It was a bit of perfectly natural ohild thought To the little philosopher there seed nothing in the nature of things (0 make danoors danee in “pains” and hold one another in #6 tight a grip unless it were to keep oie another from falling. tions of what is seen the point of the Bronor involves, of cour, 8 side hit a from the child. A good example of © charm of this chibiish tsaocence yp by Mr Pune when he wakes Jessie ask bore mamma (6 a rathway ow riage, “Why do all the tousels sus! so strong of brady? to the disgust of 4 Paritasic looking lady traveler sitting slow by, Here, indosd, I suppose, ee oy. body recogmizes that the bust of the joke is this hypoeritieal looking lady with her carefully hidion boetdle, — National Baview: Cennectiont’s Nlckusmes. Counecticnt enfoes the prowl distine tion of Baving three seliriguets, Is bos been called the “Land of Steady Habe its,” freon the sobridty and gravity of the smormouns quarries of that deserip tion of stone, and the" Notigeg State,” from the tradition prevalont in sur reanding commuanitios ‘over 100 years ago that the chief indwitry of its inhab ftants was the manufacinre of natmeg of wood, to be passed off as genine om HEE Nos Dungeons: : Judgew-You are srcused of carrying HAY. Pelsotier—But, yo! honab, it war’ ex sh aan The i Panett replie Fi Gd Sh aE Name Cha Li Rang, replies the | GTOTY Taisen badd sudaidad Loa taclie dd down 0 goes on Bae SIRBL oe 8 yok : : 3 :. ¥ sR ® % was § Chinaman poly thoroughly | ‘Americanized, one would fapey. lo was] from the humprions sign psitter, how | A boy of § asked to ba taken with his In many of these naive misinterprets- growy up weaknesses which lie Foo dh 1 SA ! ing that ve Feat, then t $ ind $m pain 5 shied Be may ms could merry mun ard ome Pd i hata a papa and masini A Ri Iris ssw f all langhosd hard ft of Lael dedi! 9 bpd Lasers SEATTLE IN %oai E45 The Ovi of a Tad, LA yoeung arYist 3 ! aad open air olen ¥ ha alwars woes big nek bad past | fdedity to nagvin, axa photogs Eo Jr wmkat which proved valine, Viadormuately, « wipe bis broshes, an fled wich ber Sofshinl 20 the prooare, tod ey SREY ER, lleriy 4 Phe ris 4 cide wien a Dried apy Giazizg otf the opened wide his eyes his bas dar. CXiy ow, be seid, it's the hit of your ' 7° Po Uh riemd wad a heavy advertiser, apd ous the poster came Sao being, — Now York Juurssl 5 Ena » BEER al Leste PICT foals posal Ele SAE nd fr faa Eas FRAY Rik La he Coaemnly on the artist's shogh EB plenis ! The XNasue of the Vatican. { The Mons Vaticauus Saetimes Tepid to Bave peeved 1 pane from vaticininm, antmele o1 phoplecy, lor tradition say shat Nuns base the Vat jean hill ue a ssovedd plies frogs whieh recuived frau the goon Ir BB osog, bow ever, one of the seven Lilla ob which apefent Rome was bald but foros a part of the ridge teginging With the Janiculus and ending with Mao Mario, all of which was outside the an- etent limits of the eity. Io our day the nape ix applied only wo the irnens pontifical palace adjecent wo aud orn pected with the bastbion of BL Peter's FF. Movien Orascford in Cenury. Lost the Trick, Wagglre—'m bupgey enough to oa a driv oust, good wana. Good Woman——&ory 1 have no Ehnt the gate when You 20 OGL troit Free Prosa The first regular silver coinage to be passed out in the order of business wus in Oetober; 1792. : safety mayah. —Washington Times. a i hairs, | cept 2arely, in , but rather to pry and thougli they are able tn ‘really rough wenther | crensod speed hy adding bo fas BO drgeors from starvation and destruction His | through this same chief of the boly | SHY ean great thinking. When his mothe was | Foe RTE EES aur parted | to declare to tho poopie 186 eRsGgey ba feathers of birds are wimply modified | B = | Hence they are as small and 8 | urift an they can be made. Whe | Beet gous pon a cra big wueshi to get ab iden ix 0 bulid the on which would net only bs ‘on the decks of the aluminium, of great advantage toward coke of rane 0 skim along the surface and fairly feap from wav fo wave, bat it je donb ful whether aluminium iestrong cncogh for sifety anil whether it will not be injured by the chembent scion of the. , ; oe leon water. ~Einest Dugereoil in 8% Baro de Hirsch was, whin 50 yours | oo nter.~Ement tugereoit, sa 0 Nichaius Oh a NE ae oi The Boitly Island Tho pliveste of the Feliily ielands Iw he mit ovcable in Greet Drliaine. 18 Average, from 40 degrees Op the goblet day itis worth ond cn the hottest i is cool. Then soo ply thren seascon in Selly of four 1oroths esch-vtring, SUN and sures. When the swims ends, spring concmpness. There i Bo great Beight in tho islands The highest md in Bryer is anly 133 feet above ea Jewel, althopyh the telegiuph tower tilt on St. Mare's reaches a height of 158 foot, but the rook sooner of He atl tive group of thes Ielnndd 8 romurk- able There mw rocks fantsetie, jngaed, peaked, toothad, serpiabdy TOCKE resem bling living! creatives, and othom my genie of primeval vastness awl ane somthness; some grandly castelated, Liles on gina® jhom’s clk fete These en thie vevinstla of PEaninises especially J they are en kD Niet Motpowar | jrosonnoed mag of-warh the Maiden DPowin, Mipearie Sbijasn Head, the fisecoas af AR many bors, are BEDRIY Red curious mein hlnnes to primeval snloal fering Kaw rion rie to misy of the Chas poche und certainly - sarpos of th LEY ura Like i vat non beast, cw Ral 6 10 SB ed Hie Ff orp are Tclopbarts’ tusk” segfionky’ orawls piper’ | Boles, ft onooa® istiek, pulpit rocket = rane, GH an *i ix $5 Chan “Tmt Juste” Tell Phe irrisible pessopeegroiouily elderly anid dyspeatice-whba, in Solin, tn fags Pasa in ped Bie ls cantinually annonnes doprmination to wiite io (he papers in oxo lusively a produ of meds ens ~ivili That tb yadeat aad fat ex a reve THe daa i Lo tpmen GF pros els ada Rl ArGa Tea osiratesd owl dee seit pa tre fone than en oy ¥ wi RR a “K WE al] Render,” waif Bir ov mit A 5 DC Bae thie Just dave that be sei in Lia fuenrite la : : haps wonler how sn fata aa vo great-grimdathers mavsge de wot eX their sper finous anger and aad RON | prebabiiicy is that they wou Lave used a great desl of Ragrige oa the salijet in question, a good part of 18 Ruprint- abde, periaps and pasilly in cased WHHL have waned oh WHEN 8 05 challenge somvbeely and (09 pinkead for thute pane ~~Tor ple Lar # A RY AA NAD 4 , Ny 3% i Suilas Fuuural Colon The fntwea: cosiues 8 cog tho Swiss wre Gt peo duath of & peason the Tia formal Hoek wdaog thie papery stating tail bay exhibited vovdai bows diy. In Loot gd Lhe dw priesen did thar i pasa tabde, rovered with a fo wich stands a bh a jo frinanls ad sei YS avs 1G tie BEE Girls, SERINE WoT 4g : wer oF At the fir wo moony iin WISE Cg ta By pire aapel fp Black Gib wise en che amy of CHIE UROITPE Len evel rah te 0 il wired, saul ier peacrnily follow the hiaarse ont fool, though souatines oar riage are used. The horses that draw tie Begres have long blak oaks on, with phos cut cot for than © see through. -~ Brooklyn Eagle. ari ones pe 4 Shulienpesre Kaew 3a Dollar, ft is ror generally kpown that the word “lelur’ appears 13 Shakespeare's works, i(eing owed mo Mises For Moasuny ' written in 16055, in set 1, sens 2, “To $3,000 a year," in “Mao tth, wiritten in 1808, act 1, sowne 3, where barial is refusd 0 Sweno's wien until “$10,000 to gir general use have buh paid "-—8t Lonis Glebe Eras of the Mactabess Fhe ‘tra of the Mabosbwes' began Bl C160 when Judss Mucrabsmus as sumed ihe leadarsbip of | the Jews, who hind determined to throw off the yoke of Antioclins Epipbanes. [be revolt was:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers