The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 27, 1896, Image 2

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    m of But lean
3 Tee walghy thas Bring’ st-: yon turn thy fuer |
Ani Veraey feog we yet a & Pethe whitey
we Biri 3 facest Joy bn Aprils Cay
«To wanier Wb me thronph the forint alsde
Liaw ie £3 gospel
And jo ori id
will 1 go wits they ;
rongt Tat thas alone bint
give %
| Yea ont ji Phin wbalt « 0
Keo § will walle 18 ws
pet ped iy April dorset wont wag,
ses wands uaa the ever
And $y tamultacoe in my boark Sots wpring
ler crary wiktwood blosk that wprings 80
4 har so dine!
~ Btn 3 Tr vrnering
ein ari
| Spaniard Res somone rales ¢ 4 otiemmtte
+ that wonld prove surprising to the av.
¢| erage easy going Amoricon Take, for
fustance, the rules governing visits
When the first call ix made by a lady,
zr} sho is experted to arrive inn carriage,
4. | that being considered a mark of high re
. spect, Shonld the person called upon be
sbient from hemo, the visitor is expected
to ee her card with ono end tarned
ower, and in one corner in to be written
the initials B. P., meaning en peracos, |
or in person. Upon ringing the boll the
wi visiter is umaally greeted by an noscen
| person with the words, “Quien es! or
“Who's there?” to which sbiould be re |
plied “Gente do paz," or porsons of
‘pusce. Entering, the vieltor is copdnet-|
od to the best room in the bons, lod np!
rising fo take leave the
Senor, 1 place mywlf =
poi Sonfronted w
Sm pa birme
| There ihe People Ave Pumetitionsty Polite
. #% Al Thues ;
have made bine a popular bere
to 4 sofa Aud placed to the right of the!
t form is to exclaim, in the case!
lo. oT simulvineots swreams at} 1
: the apposiance of 10 §
1 positively tur poo of 0
| roborated wir Jestunony Fi squat
PA Sci Slit
CA Tafortanats Rest rhianen and 8 Fatal
Combloation of Cireimidapess Catsed
the Psecation of a Man Whose Fouts
wine Wak Afterward Evtablisind,
Alt hash Le PEEGUCH Wiha pxoansted me
far Ba Xu Hi, Ahoteh big Jonotencs
wes ee fabinh oi in FRY, though his
propecty was retorad to the fondly in
Bad, the corps le isa if, after the fam:
iby had 1 tried for ovr lsalf on conrury 6
hapve his nuneory jdiially rehabilitate
sl, defnitely wfased in 1200 to pore
fom this Lust rons: iba nek of justia
The podantry of Yropoh hw forbads the
qrstioning of a jorys verdict by any
otis gave the pirson df rectly interested
at though the law has failed to ro
move the stignia oo the name of an in-
heent man Mitcatorl asd the drama
Lipons Mail," in which bis honor
shieroughly v vindicated, hus been cue of
tho most Popular of ull French mek
drmans, and the sam bine 8 gf
Charles Reade aod of Heury Cav
wade it one of the great edi of the
modern Englich stage,
Poor Lesurqnes, whiy, when he perish. |
el on the seaffobs, wan but 83 years of
Age, was a god hustund, u good father]
and a pred citizen. He married, in
1700, Mile Campion, a lady of respect
able family in Doaai ind possessed of a
Bandsome dowry. Their children there
fre were very young and it was in or-
der to give them the benefit of a spe |
tion that bo relinquished ni
tment af Donal and ca
Paris, there to live on his own prive !
Martone, which amon tod to nbont 7, Hin iH
francs & year. He had but Just arrived
fee login They
cin be nd sveore |
Sone pa, went} ad
si bet ees and Groene, |
WE Hoon vd them Both
were arrvetod sud dirown into prison
At the trial four other wilhosses oor:
were put inte Uw viii
Ware pris nt
tt Tor cy lob pm
puiz of ex You & nr
4 4 er nar with ona
“Doar se, thin the ticket
She Kaew the Feeling.
Heory— Cw haa jilted me, and I
know I sbuil dia Tao disappointment
will kill ne
Anut Hanvsh—l know bow disap
J felt just ss you do
$ | now when I set that yeller hen on 1d
1 CgRs and only just got one poor v ghick:
out of the lot. —London Tit-Bits
Printers and women are somewhat
{ alike in one respect, ‘ms both spend »
good deal of their time in making vp
} their forum,
Petal ho 45000 women more
| will get over it.
exolaitned a peeviah the ticket ger}
a face like a hatchet snd & voice with |!
| ngninst
alse went insane from grief and re
| roowes at her error. Still another victim
_ | wens another daughtir of Lesarques; who,
i wom oat by the fraitiess struggle with
I Py
1534, just 25 years after their father's x!
I pointiments affées vue, Harry, Bat you |
| ship. —New Yurk Jomenal
a er nay 1 Ito}
altared. Io vain the Jeweler pro-
of the real murdere #4, nated Courriel, | Sam.
easy to understand er]
nome drove one danghter to thei
im whiah ber mother bad been |
It is curious that oni of the withemes
he woman Alfroy
of the French laws, drown-
ed herself in the Seine His son lefs
France, tock serviee in the Russian
army and courted and found death |
‘there. As pegandy Leamrques’ fortune, |
which had been confiscated, his unhap-
family were more soocesaful. In
death, they obtain a grant of 244, 000
franes, supplemented in 1553 by another |
grant of 353,000 francs —London Pub |
lie Opinion.
Sensiokn ss.
Remedies for sensichnoss are so Boe |
merous that one wed pever be at a loss
for scanething to tly. Theo range from |
an empty stomach aud a 8 rma diet |
to a few Bits of inv, ebloroiopes or fau- |
danum, or sagar, or bode, or cham- |
pagna, or porter. ud of the most novel | La
{4 based on the theory that scasicku
is due to pervonsss. To allay it, poopie
on going aboard are ned to |
bandage their eyes witha handkerchief, |
thus to avoid seeing the motion
timate of The Bowd Be
i nt with imterest.
| me what en earth they are kicking op!
utes for & Blased fittle Hghtuing bug
| t8 get by, under the impression that it:
men of human 1d
of ak
coal indn No expensy has beant
ed tn obtain correct formation, |
so that those interested i the coal esr
rying ralironds and they compan
owning or busing cond unde my be
able to judice of the prow Mit prospective
valves of their proportion Eleven cor
portions control 04 per dent of the
wxai addy ral sappy.
Aveording to the summarized ew |
i) Fie
years, ob (hin basis of shiprients made |
in Hes, Bw Jessi of nthegcitd oogll
will So exhaled. The largest propor |
Fon ¢f the anpuasl inoreasd of tonungs |
haw Bees forded by othe Wyoming
regsion, In 180) Lehigh and Sehayjlili
furnished 40 po: cent and Wyamitig 50)
per ary of the your 5 outpor. tot the
Wyoming regio 1% nearing the point of |
maximnm pa and inercasn ef tone
nage ie Bedly © oon to disarids The
| prescat snnpal capacity of the anthra.
ote segion fe nant £7,600, O00 doth, or
about 33,000,4: ) tons in exvess of an
renal someminpt a It in therefore clear
that prodactis shoold be redued, a
the ovenmipply Fostrates the marked aud:
at the same tio encourages waste in|
the warld 1: loss the gross nilsman
gent and ¢¢ ainal wistefulness that
have sharacter 4 the santhreite indus. |
try for tho pa © few years ard stopped
they will venn 0 0 the rain of the great
irs (mjreced in the mining and
transportaties; uf eonl
Could the varioos interests involved
oovomorate amd limit the production of
the toives toanms the Boquirements of
Ihe sumed, of fair prices before many |
ars, with the increasing conmmption,
“A denund would squall produstion,
ere would bei an end to the present
crmeralized markets and those whe
ye invested holy savings in the socks
4 Bonds of these anthracite progeriios
ald eventually get back thidr ineest- |
Sut the grea! fact which this pridlica.
4 of The Bend Record discloses is the
of period of time which we cin de
A apon the anthrwcite edalfivids of)
nayleania to supply ns with: biat)
i pawez. [ts place will have to be
olied by some other clement, and)
ea is wono in sight so admirably
Sherk 108 the Jurpom The sapply of
. but ge ooty, dirty foel ie
sous from which our gencention!
e nto by profommily thanituls is im
rele i —
ON the general bub-|
fling matters as wt SRpIme fiportsned. |
This peculinrity wad coce taken
tage of by an oliner of thie guards, Major he
Vaksel, vo win © tet
wildest joer in the argyy, wigersd pe.
eral hundred rubles
tweak the tail off the mapavor’s wig on
The very next day the smperor bape
pened to be presnt ob sp early pitude,
ind ax destiny ruled it, took 8 paaiticn
for on moment oamodiamly fa front ef |
the daring major. Breathless with ex.
sitemeng and Birvor, Viaksel"y coniipar-
fons beheld that rah officer's right band
steal slowly from his side, rise toi the
evel of the comt's peer dnd give the
wig's hanging mil a mont decided freak
In an instaet the eniperor's face, pale
with fury, wos turned upon Valls)
enuntenanes, selich, however, snly
| feted an cxprasion of childlike inno.
cence, mingled with the mest dafren-
| tind astenishmaetit,
“Wher dared tod do that?! andeoll the
enraged czar, his ever giving Sabing
“1 did, yon
who, however His lwart may hemi fur
torisd, managed 100 preserve outwardly |
an vrraffted calm, topither with iin ex-
pression of junocetit sertirise “hk wan
Crrocked, your riajesty,” he added, in a
| eenthient ial mlertone 1 straightened |
it for fear the younger officers should. |
‘that he woold |
Paul's conntenaness cleared of once,
Ho stamd flundly, bowover, st Yakwl's |
AtHaL peal
in Hewas
to One of te ron Fettews ———
| Himmel? a the Lapewse of a 4
mua Protecting. Themselves Prom Au
Cn wy opbiiten ties alophunt i
samt Dutelligent of £11 svimals He
thinke for Nimell, avd go matter
ion Bo my be placed, of
seedes he shay be called ope
fpf meet, be wens lee :
ith epongh swumon seuss to be equal
to all covpsicn Ha baw sled » shrong
we of buries whivh at Hines wo
ar kiedd ax to Pe alae aia oe
This sone of the BRIBOTO MF Wie ule
umially well devedoped io an elephant
Jutkw in the Jooltia des Plantes in Pan
kept dn ow great inclosure ont “
inthe open airiao that He Bad plenty
of pod to ropi abont. Dy the sate ine
lesnre was a very hogs hizpepetamas,
fore whose gomfert and smussiuent 8
Aproat stops basin Bad Deen Sudlt and
Alle with water, aod the hippopotamus
Jin vewn fursished amssersat for the
evidence thot biz ast dungegpos wood lilies. It was quite curly ape mom
was upon him. v § ae
r majesty,” maid {kine | Pace
XH h the elephant walking sroond on the
. y the Boer for admitting the
0 the garden-—wibon | noticed
sian edge of fhe bawin, ruricasly watch
hig the hipprrctasuon
IT fds quite sure that the elephant was
4 tio some prank, and Iwas not aristalk-
(en; for. jut as soon aa the ears of the
bi us esmme into view, the ele
phat quickly sised. oo of them with
bis trunk and i ita riod gre
inpocent looking fos for some wwionds. | P
Vaksel admitosd afterward the this |
was the trving moment, and be Rad mid. jo
Then the cour yp. sod spoke: 40 that | aroond the boast would go,
tn himself, If 1 waver, Uns jostl’”
sil might hen’
“'§ thank you, colonel,” oe lk
If ever step) in rank was gained by ©
the purest efrontery it was #0 asynired |
and Vakssl left the §
on this occasion,
field, pot only promoted to 8 eyveted §
rend wager. ~Temple Bar.
ai A Ort ow:
of Thonmndt a Your,
tab. For a full minute the tmnt eon |
tinned. Than Sarah, mstteting Wings .
| below Der breath, rushed lke » fury
1 down to the footlights In the frome]
row the actress had spotted one man |
| vito wes not taking part in the hale h
bale, Pointing st him, the sctrom o- |,
aladod sternly: “You sem to be the
only sensible person in this home. Tell
this row for®™’ The man rose, howed to
the actress and semarked in very bad | a
Anserican-French, “‘Malam, you ov
ay coe Tork. "Now York Evening
Capture of » Blase Caravan.
Baron wen Eltz, the German coms
missiones, made a _placky attack ob > death of his som, 'a young man (f gest
slave carsvan on Now 21 For several)
days be hat heard afi hig carvan ami 3
its wiky to the const fram Miowi's strong: |
| hold He had native allies as spiesall|
over the country hriuging him in news|
of the movements and whoresbouhs: of
the enravan. At ast they Wem capped |,
fn Between two large native villages,
allies of the Germans Von Elta imme
diately dispatehed messengers
chiefs of the two villages, tell
tostay the cazsvan from pasting
their territory-—either to advangecr re-|
treat "Tho coravan was over TUBstrong.
Theres warn T owners of ivogy snd 334
and some followers. When Vou Elta}
had the saravan blocked, he eaubarked |
in his bout, proceeded posthasite to the
spot, at ence surrounded the whole car-
avan with native allies and compelled
all to march down to his gution at Pur porself
ambira, Ha bad only Sve Eanmiban.
soldiers, & noncommissioned officer, 8
fore mative recruits bearing rifles and a
host of native ailies, but withoat firing:
a shot be captured the caravan, —LNary
of the Late E J. @iave in Coutury.
Sas Arwen APA EAE
“Ten't it awtally annoying tor be ne ar |
sighted?" asked the wan who delighes
ia personal questions
“Ef vou had waited x 1 have," an.
swered the afthored noe, pearly en min. |
was a bievele beginnereeniing down th
street, vou would knew that 1x was an |
noying. —-Cincinnait if Espn,
considered. The seaon member of die
i Stange) deorawed, was a typlesl |
an of teawn anda, aod |
fine yg iiysienl cundition
was the. primary cause of Mr.
lh Ghar vo i har sh nd
of » fellow + thrasting hor
ownirs of shaves, and a host of slaves -
his ae Latimer wry
ma'am! Seven stations farther on.’
The old Iaily grunted ineredulously.
Some minutes pissed, darisg which the |
old lady mused or dozed snd took bo
thought of stoppages Then she ronmd.
herself and addressed the same question.
to another passenger, “Four stations
an muttered thin one briefly. The
Irish dame smiled bitterly, but kept het
own connsel for awhile Then she md:
denly turned upon i traveler of ber byn
rr “Now will yes wil me, man,
pow far am Of from thisstation?" “*It'y
the pext station eof all,’’ said the other
| mnilingly. The [rish women owt around
a glance of indignant soorn. “Any which
of yor arn (4 to believe? Sum ye all weil:
a different tale!" Household Words.
i Dod es A pr
Aenta Phron
Alexis Piren, a nativecel Dijon, 18
pe rhaps moat potorions for bis epitaph,
“Here lies Phony, who was pothung—-
Cnet oven an academician.’ Ube night
Lhe wins ankie hat a party if he could tell
Of whet 'w use bf genius if the organ bi
foo convex or concave and eannot fod
wn frend distances within thw :
$4 bebe EA
Many chronological anthoritis dts |
fron: the foundation of the world, bug’
the widest pussibiv diversity cXists us t
when this event oecarred, i
agtaal hor
{nie od,
btw on a woman and a
* he repliad, © talks
a mdrrent reflects
the difiacura
mirror. 73 wana,
t talking
a you now, M. Fires, tell
Lye te difforemon between & ian sul on
Lnirror®" Abd, ss Plo renbined silont
phe went ou, “A mirror is wiviays pol
tubpect, whibs a ipa eemetimes: ix nok"
i SY + “Nr r= a set 40
on in the goseds, but richer by §
many hundred robles as the resals of | ®
Baust- A Quaker Firm That Setters Santee |
Upon this o ludy
tails deaths. Siow York Mid wd |
| cotnage
Yoeping »
slhiarp Joiskout for the litte care of the
‘hippopetumus, which be won ideeise the
gricenent they appeansd. Hin evident de
‘Hght in waxing his Boge neighbor wae
‘worry eemioal, and there conld be no
out thus be shormphly suioied th
hd his appetite. —Our Aumal Pipl,
A Trifle Partienian
Bunko— Stranger in New York, I -.
Farmer— You've jist about weruck it,
4 gosh !
Bunko—That "wwhat I thought. Now, ’
Jeb me give you a ‘steer.’
Farmer—Much obleeged, but I'm
rayther omg «nn steers. Ef yon kin‘malie
it a couple o young milk chws, rs
take "an, b'gosh. —Somerville
Eli Terry. the wooden clock
was the fist American dromme
commercial traveler, being obliged
make megulnr trips fram his home
Connecticut over into New Yoo
dispose of his Wares This in 1796
The broase cont was issued in
AncH a law passed in 1857, SA
vas begun in 1864