a SA RE RN gt aii # aaa ity of he gation » ho issued | submitted to the P Clark of Council who! it was supposed that be wae a convert | r- therefor is twenty «ix coupon interest shall place the same on file and who to what we call Sound Money. Asit! , bearing bonds of $100 cach with in- | Shall advertise for sealed bids for the was in his power to render it, applios- | Gus | terest at § per cent. per annam, pay- | construction. of the same, said bids to tion for cirtain advice and assistance ui able semi-annually. | close In ten days, rossvving the right to that nose, not pecuniary, wis made 1898, and matoring September Ist, A. Enacted and ordained this the 19th such services wore received, accom. See. 3 That the cat of conatraeting | An Interesting Article on the ’ aw dove shall hoe ing b ne peop Money Question "| to the sewer in proportion to the num. 3 ber of Sty foot lots So wifes and 1 BY THEO. oc KNAL FF F | tu Docnment ¥o. 18, Soin Money Tange | 1, 3 of Pennaytvanin, Orguniad May =, 95. : Notlong ago an Setanble snd wail. | Lloram: : Swe. i hat the depliioF suid mer. {Pimms teria sate the dntefint Sout at) i | shall be located by the Borough Engi- | with the farmers of that: State. _Judg- | v. The form, amber d date of | neer and a plan prepared by him and inj from the tenor of his conversation, Each Bond dated September 1st, to reject any and all bids. to him. In reply, 8 refbual to render) 40 by | D., 1908, suambered from one to twenty. | day of August 1896. panied by the following reasons: x0. ede a “ xm WTATER OF AMEHICA, oe NTY oF CAMBRIA. , or is $416 per year, to continne antil said | r. 5. 5 of A. Convention. 12 pore applied, exclasively, to : a haw of i the Hqui- {and year aforesaid. oo. - | six Enolns said Bond to be in form | ALEX. MONTRITH, i Phe Prirmmor's Letter, a set forth in copy of Ordinance heveto President of Council. | “Pie farmery are generally for sound | 4 | annexed and marked exhibit (fA |W, J. DoxNELLY, Burgess, & . sy und ple gi feel | ¥ The smonnt of annanl tax levied | Attest: and assessed to pay said inbpbtedness. = E. WiLL GREENE, Clerk. § , being equal fo at least “eo al} a " The state camp of Pennsylvania, mortgages were indebtedness and | Lo vier Sons of Ameria so Sh sembled in the Eloventh Avenue Opera | Of thelr products in wo, while Shek} te amg barn by eS Sf sid ine ome A Ty the stata thie rom personal | secretary the Cambria county body is POPEDE my erate our | ! | constituted ns follows: Cambria, north- | es shia wena: "| ern, Charles Miliur; Cambria, southern, | 000. could readily pay about §700a | {John F. Bios; Camp 56, William Stim. | 7o8° dbp and had ’ mens, Glugow; Camp 343, F. HL Poster, about #7, when the squeesing fo ee. Camp 401, R. J. Yothers effect of the Act of IK3 cwme. Since Of “motion of B_ Hantings; Camp 439, L. 8. Ball, Patios; ‘then’ have nob bean able. to to do bet Sani eeriod Can $67, Isaiah Gates, Flinton; Cam same A | gp. Perguson, Johnstown; — “What have. lost by his Act of Ieposty the com of 8, A. L Weighs, South Fork. : Congress the banks have gained, and property owners . ot hen still they do not appear to be satisfied. bo adopted as read —— " It appears to me; they: wens my cordingly. y night a Brpus and Sewell help, they ought to make good this Ov motion of D. P. Jones WHE oar Democratic club was organised in Pat {1 me; at least, explain to ds lon ried thit ordinances Nos. 30 and 51 be ~ the following officers Were! go to he Lenefited aso farmer by giv- published in the Paros Cov | elects EE et ; See. ing my influence to make the present. | insues and that the required Jatoes' Niellon. The llowing dele. Tit voy mortgagars. . & femer and | eratic convention to Fre on ‘August gay more of the riche of the: wotig | Coie tae useeting night, Ee Dh 41. ocus M et ong to rr jon Ld A a 2 ust § 3 'M. Orsin, William Pyles, Ansiem ja fo ad In "you ie | Wakiand, Aaron Weakiand, H 8B Fhe Reply .. (Bock, Wm. A. Mellon and Joseph fn anmwer fo this wisnake the follow. ¥ rer ; ow: pals or other : Sworn und su EP ae ing reply: 10 has been the thshion for Schools aforesaid ecb it : sometime for free war people, on the to refuse the ad jp Witness my hand gnd sel the day Ebensborg ve. Patton, on. Patton strenth of mere aosupported state. ee | grounds to-day (Thursday), Avgust ment, fo say that there is reason erviden except upon » 5 : ‘27. Battery for Patton Reilly* and enough for hard times in the so-called signed by su Ph Bec. 5 Be it farther asanted and ordained that for the parpes of com- | Reilly; for Ebensburg Blair and Koes demonitisation of silver without hunt. that the child has beens plying with the provisions of the Act | This will be ovis of the best games of ing around for other reasons, though. ; cinabad ar that it bas of Apeil 20th, 1874, and its nevern | the season, ax {he Ebeosburg boys are the connection is not clearly i amendments, there is heretly laid and | playing fasthnil. Admission to grounds But it may be that there are many the : ssmesned upon all the preiserty, real 10 cents, Gram stad 10 centa. Ladies good wifevident minses without go meet "| and personal, in said Borough of Pat- free to grounds, grand stand 10 cente. ing back mora hadi twenty years tei all bil ton, subject to taxation for Borongh| 19D out and give the “boys good en: hant far such canse in that so-called, Sohonls © a0 annoal tax of Pe16, Being | COCFagument, as the game they av demonwtisation, whith contction wi jase en at leant § por centum of the indebted: playing surely warrants a good crowd. not even suspected dntil certain inten. cessful ness of said Borough hereby incurred 980¢ will be dalled at 3 o'clock p. m. ented parties made the discovery many he and sathorized, which levy and asmens- | iil x Desnabioek. : yours after the event. : | ment, in our judgement, will besuf-| The Blale-Cambris county Republi. Aside from ityer, ficient for, and shall be spplied ex- oan senatorial conferees met again Bot it i not likely that you will ously in the Borough. | elusively to the payment of thie interest | Tuesday eveningwt Ebensburg acted rey | MET0e with us on this point, so we will | CG CRowsLL, : B and principal of such debt sa fast as sumed balloting. The contestants fr lay aside the silyerr question for this Fe JL. Cunpwax, Secretary. . the same becomes applicsbly thereto, nomination are the Hou. J. C. Sting. | Present. anes | Which fax shall continous until said man, of South Fork, and Dr. Db. 1.1 We she it for granted that your Appleby, of Blair county, The Bd firm is, or can be used, way, for wheat Wa have for sale a complete of the lock sontinues the several ballots taken raising, and that other fume in Your ovo umoturing Tinner's Mack Ee ee ue hart sathor-| resulting in the usual tie-3 to 3 Mr | neighborhood are partially, at leash | Loo will be sold cheap. red, shull be applied exclusively first | Stineman’s conferees are Dr. J. O. wheat-growing farms, so that their Grauan, Hana Co. af | 4o the payment in full of the floating Lake and J. H. Dietrick. of South prospective value would be rated by | regi lati | debt of the Borough and the balance Fork, and D. B. Wilson, of Mineral the ability to raise wheat with other 348 i Drm First Na... er | gc. to And it is further resolved and. Borne directed that the following notice be | a No Thr Borough of Point. things at a profit. 1 by the Burgess PE Now, outeide of any connection with At the — oe § S'S wilver, do vou not thiok it would make Are you for Patton thin the 19th Say 1 of August, | parents in Patton, August 21, 1506, by difference in the value of your land Rev. Claw. W. Wasson, Mr J that sorfaln western stales, which, mt = | Spence, of Patton, Cambria county, S&7i. while ago taissd no wheat, are Pa, and Miss Eliza Sherwin, of Oe | now raising great quantities of it Let W. J. DoxxzLLY, Barge. olla, Clearfield county, Pa, were as Jook at the figures for a moment. or Attest: married Ah the residence of the, The Whent Crops of INTH sid 1894, E WiLL GREENE, pare Patt ot 33. | 1 1576, about the time you bought | IR . | groom's ne 1% By A your farm, the totil wheat (op of foe B BRYAN? - : An nance authoristag the con county, Pa. were made man and wife, Clerk of Council. has. aRBon {1806 by Rey, C Ww Ww ue. United States was in round pambers | Well, it doesn't “out Andrew Anderson and Miss Hanna “980, 000,000 bushels. whether you are not; Oriinanos on » b if Pat Sam j Anderson, uth o fn, Cambria The total wheat crop of the United | do by to eall your a s | a majority of the property owners on the Lord's Sapper will be administered. | bers 4 Fh vances there aball be Preaching at 7:45 p. m. by the pastor, om LL. 390,000 : constructed and maintained a public | Rev: Chas. Ww. Wasson. Sunday school | | Oregon ¥ o 3 4,675,000 | sewer for the disposal of waste water | 30d Epworth Leagne at ususl hours. | A | avenue, there to | connect with Magee | avenue sewer. struction of a Sewer on Beech and | States in 1994 was in round numbirs WONDERFOL. RIL Pith sengen mpeg the So of 1, cons” qu Hosting, wil} S000 bushels, at the Racket Store. JRC ry ¥ ; v Ay ry joining o5 he property owners be held in the Methodist Episcopal. Lor a hat we oo want from & pin poi a ten ‘Be it enacted by the the church next Sunday, August 30. Love |, .ging what age bow Oklahoma, | “Se our line of and Town Counell of Patton Feast at 9:30 am} preaching at 10:80 yo 0 Utah, Arizona, New Mexizo, |. and it is hereby enacted by * ™ by the presiding elder, Rev. D. 8. | omdo, Wyoming, Montana, Nowth | the sathority of the same: Monroe, D. I, of Altoona. At the Dakota, South Dakota, and Washing: | { ) ‘That in pursuance to the petition of Sow of the sermon the Sacrament of on oroduced in round Tm us =!» 3,800,00 busble. | GuvpOWDER, and other sewage matter, heginning at Everybody welcome. ns i Total . - 5,865,100 [corner of Sixth and Beech venues, | Labor Duy Plone. | Or about. one ~ Ahirty-necond. (1-32 of and 0 lof Fifth avenue, thence south along | benefit of the Patriotic Order Sons of | {ntinuet Next Weel) et Tihh avenue te Mages America will be held in Patton | Poison Ivy, insect : | the Fireman's Hall on Labor Day, Sat- scalds, burns, are quickly oured by | | thi urday, September 5. Good sue wil | DeWii's Wik Hass} Sus dhe Fh i Seg Smc.3 And it is farther enacted be o & special atu, Everybody -jgle ure. C. W. Hodgkin, Puitem, { v | that said sewer shall be constructed of |»
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