¢ | mand for bicycle shoes, and that 8 | bd duys rode in the cars. If a person knew Bit cormpation. pa beg om bower, Edith." bawrer, There's to : noe ia that feces fra He may be a banker.” is pot. A man with econ cenibdn't Well. 6 you think in editor women's dresacs J wim law! Aw editor, ent slashing his enemies, Saying indiscriminately and ments. slanghtering his best friends for paragraph! No, Bdith, be of» tock & seat. beside the mun ih a hrow and asked him foinid a bid { tant, hist 8 fine comutenuned, Ariburt 1} 1. His face plainly inde | Eure WE be I all that is goed, nobles, | mad Tempin | fone good Turn deserves danther’ all the terrorists broke info th 1816 the Dowager Duliesse 4°0r for w Lub at Dreux are about «and the most remarkatds ¢ Dochesse 4" Oticans, Hel lenbarg, mother of tlie fe Pari® who, bebsg a Protes of the family by a grille Ubapu, the ie | seulptor. Bas reprosested the dochos extendipg ber hand to tir husband that cnn be dos to donor the dead bax mournful memories to the mesabers of y she bons of Orleans ard their sop peaters — London Telegrapin A Sr SSAA Te BP Tnincky Proves Tenipis, tae body combiman of Er post, hing of Hanover, is the hero of gambir of siswdotos which are told by Bie majosty’s chaplain in a volume of A Reminisenees mrnesivg 7019008 10 a TEAmsen tion between Temp: and the chaplain : Texaple kot bis wife, Of course I as ehmplain, had to yerferm, the funeral pereniony. Temple, in dosp onming ending apn we. Fle wad vers much fipeet and el dently bad somthing on bis ssind which fon pared ie het round sed round, with hiv hod and st [wf pot ool, thou p lh MET ring: fy pad 1 wish to sali—-gnd don’t ike to pot affeivhar T've got to pas you for that “lin, have no fos, Tearple; at 1 mmeniber mere | ass in vonr debt, and 1 most ask yon what “Riles yim, sir, don't penton itl “Nething, sir, nothing. waria over!” & ia RNAS, Bin Thunderstorms sl Sen Are Nortarasl, The greasy frequently of thamder- x | treme tn fhe winter and at night 1 pOB-5113 it las been supgosied shown by Bachan shown by nconds of the New Eagan | Motecrniogical society, Now Meainardos | of the Dxutwhe Seewart) at Hamburg, | fads even the thanderstirms of he bay 1 of Bengal ti have » distiingt noctiial maximum { Anoalken der Hyde gz, 1050 Grossmann sod others tint the cause of this contrast with thunderstonns on Jand probalily arised fren the depend. anos of The maritime storms on instabil. ity prodoced by reliatich and eooling of the appr sarface of cloud sheets, | 1 | whinh prooieds best at night, especially o | lowe layers of air cliss to groemd, and this condition haa ity ANE the land aris from the overheating of fs | mun 0b summer Afternoons fon by the sdvent of the bicycle." saya sn b | shoe salesman, “1 thick ic is tie shoe { manufacturers. Of cours, thre igs de prac- tically opews a pew market; but is mw limited market when it is vousid- ered that coo pair of such shoes will | outlast three pairs of ordinary foot cov- seuflling wear of the others. People ride to and from their work all the tine pow, where they formerly walked or on { wants to go around the corner he will | get on his wheel instead of walking, as | {be onoe did. It is these thousands of { steps that be saves that save the shoes and make the shoeman's bears sad. "'— | New York Tribune A Bo corn plete bias been the Boor's sey { erance from bis fatherlands in Europe, Joth France and Holland, that for him they practically do not exist. Yor 200 weirs their social and political life has have known hat and rash out to the deod, 1 up all rowed st A pe: On the Abolition of Orgss © There is io be a rehesra wish foor | and will last, with the necessary tities and poaogy back—""We'll take What shail 1 do? Take my anywhere, How savagy organ man fying, Lut that does mo no good. Alaa! I have to put ap with my muriciane pext door. Sometimes, in- am coogratnlated ppen my vie cinity. "These delightful musical peo- pin, and sch good music! It must be 3 constant entertainment for you, Bat I have fo put up with them Therefor: it is plain that the abolition Blackweoenls Maganine The Opal. The opel, robbed today of ite ancient splendor, is cabisd an vnlucky stone. It was so vained ar one time that Senator Nomipas preferred to rencance his sat rather thai give his opal to Mark An- tony. It was valued at 20,000 ses tetves, nearly half a» money. The opal was said to raise the ; prserve cordial relations and ky discoloration show whether he was in this presence of friend or foe Those shoes are dreadfully tight Do yon think I can walk in them?" “Of yes, 1 sadam, I think on a streteh you conld '—Detroit Free Presa. The Chinese have 8 singularly com- plionted calendar. Thudr cycles have €0 year, } Sass 1 he city a hart thom] The sasiern were dismounted by w! across the dividing sereen. Everything been witem prod in this royal ehapel, bat § {it will always remain a phos of most y Ome of the most A few days hfterwesd ola he Sand dition’ yr in expreming, for he | and | stood 8 few moments £3 silence anid : nt oved consciousness, and, realiging how Jeoked wowmfslly isto By, brashed it Uf suid Tpothimg, of course. 1 cf mi to pay fer the Dan pote of plistnent you mace for my horse's} Formalin fet” | raged pillars of Aionite the shes friend of the amibor, wall acquainted with the crronmmtances of the battle, | he around the vast of Seofland has Yooss | Wa standing near this large stone and When thandor { storms coenir in New Engflana in winter, | they are gotvraily obsenied along te | woot and after pightfall, as bas boca fn winter nights; whils jooal storms on | gront ar" the ht | gh gor aval povortly Were lis constant sako- | thal paziags over again’-—for at least | study Hoe plays e do 1 send the | 13 Egever road, sbudy the te got be Seribe waesgarion the Vien Bvibedd, hie compared of the cri oomid be only the mest fechls of uileviativos dud that to put = really the only way. — million of oar} month and day having | Xe: Bers A wiaity nan pines aps and daring shy way tive Lonievilie man G6 bis beet in get bin Trisndebip preparatory tor ber eowini a gecdir sun of mtney. He wan ail about the town, saw that he was afimitnd into fio matred precinets of the diate and ook care that bo bad. a good time in all fi The sastarpay was charmed He had often heard of Kontmiky hospi tality, aod bis greatest expectations othe Lonieville aan did for hime Eo wi ne fool, how Ws wer, apd it was oct jong before be | tearm thet his ply laying a trap for him. Ome day, when tbe alleged frien { was sim- : pia be Lomisville wan his way to the rich man’s pock. the sub- pct of u Joan, doing this, of course, in the most artiste sil seductive manrer. thought Tho rich nan appiared much imprésesd, but when the story was aided he said | amply: “REyimses me a minute while 1 go across tho steeet and got a drink.” When he petursed, the Louiseitia man hid vaninbiedd The coldness of the sasterner whe oosld somoonee ooid pleodiedly that be was going to dri < akon had got vader the caticle of the gchar, we famyinvilli Uommoreial, Rhodes ns is Woman Pater, Acenrding to all ateonrts community in Capi Town wines be mot with! his serioos werident while ont yids ing telis the following flary of him: a badly disineated shonldir. A telegram was immediately dispatched for a trained purse. When the telogram ar rived, great constersation prevailed No ome bat the sider in charge (a wo- man of 30 years’ experivnon and a pe cially gifted nurs) conld be introsted wih so important a cuss. “The pee mers life was in danger; evervihing olen most be sot aside.’ Just as she had | minds arrangements to Start came 8 soc vod telogram sayhisg, “Po not come. In tive mennwhile Mr. Rhodes bad weov- ill ba was his first words wer, ‘let no devil of a woman be sot for.' No one dared disobey hin. The cine. be benilaged he three times ordered the surgeon's handiwork to be unde; = | that he has to endure the inconvenience of an unset shoulder blade for the ress of Biv life because ho wonld not sobs him." It in singnlar how tradition, which js svmidimes a Fore guido to truth, is in other cases prone to mislead ne. In the celebrated field of battle at Killieorankie the traveler is struck with one of those rough stose which in of ancient conflict. A Joclcimgz on the scene prcsned, when a jithlend slisphend hurried down fronu the Bill to offer his services as cicerons, and proceeded to inform Kim that Dun- doe win slain at that stone, which was raised to his memory, “Fie, Donald! answered my friend. “Elow can you teil | such 4 story to a stranger? 1 am sure you knew wall seough that Dundes was killnd at 8 considerable distance Troan this place, pear the hous of Fascally, and thas the stone was hore Jong before che battle, in 1085" "Oich! Oleh!" raid Donal, po way shashed “And your Benor's fn she visti, and § sor yon ken shoot it Ad he waa killed un the spot neither, but lived ita pent morning; bata" fi Jike bieet to bear wine Billed ad the ; Foi wen Th Abbos, * i Serdew’s Origionlity. Eopden's porhinds Baer alway been Fu hiv early days. when hus etatos. bo evolved a thes fnrerating othod of wud ¢ thar of pare. ing. Heribe w : in his ehesrloas prtic, Us single candle provasd froma Bas mcdgir din wf Serie HH bo knew it was ia delighs ef pepsin a plass that he had wt ack cli the what he thoaght résain. CR TINE A ON ¥ for wend then we to take 0a bok and ruap ou ing sce. W hig work with tle original, overjoged if he had Bit upon a shniier sens or B19 aticm. He ts very peifoiaking with ev erything be writes —New York Adver tiger. Culture In & Doston Restaanrnab Ploaton eultum sometimes Crops ool where ane wold handly expect it. In a popular restanrans the other day, whore the prives am moderate and the ! veaiter girls prety, a middde aged basi- nest man, well dressed apd of guntesl ap wekoned to a Waitress, pointed to soni open windows and said loudly: “Can't you shut down one o' them yd ay Whereapen the girl called ta the fend “This gentleman wishes to know if you won't please close one of the win- down Boston Trapseript A Poutery For the Chureh. It fs said thas ia Sweden a room in each house is provided into which the children may go to ery and scream. In other parts of the house they are to be quiet and mindful of the comfort of others. It might be a good plan tw have a department in every church for these who feel hike ¢rying or fretting or com: plating Let them go the ertery of po: ov and have it oat without dis. from the cant was in sired (bmirg preferably trianiulie or 6 Cert Rhodes is sotanily savage in kis hatred of winpeen, oF rathor of wopsan in the abstract, A purse win WAN in A punting a I guenoes were ‘that rather than mbaiie to 11% sweay sind 1 ters, of Hawes gestion | AR Rin we Hohe of ser, bn used WO held on ede in tha t pooked } ag 0. GY ny hme nora. For this porrose, as dxpisimd in the thickness in potted on (0 the wcrow’ #0 as to follow the thread of the same amd {yo form a kind of sore oat. lho coiling PRY CommEeR Boar Ve Bead or pick Lost of the Bolt and Chl ant tesrgrd the point by laying the vise Boo ar be wenn the theeade, an tr oh the prttom. the weet ion of eels serve thread | peril al and the core of dhe mops ponieal. | Afvr are he wind may be wotild backward over the felix already wold on, but with a sreper pitch, #0 as 0 dvs wider ine Lherstices between cimsemutive conval tions of the wits On the laser buving pon faid ens sons to form a ont nnd the | gerowy seithdrawn, they nit or wim ood fu Sntroduend inte a inde witich has been made in the wall for this purpose and slightly wider than {gut measured over fw outer jarer of the wire, apd then the interatioss are | filled up with plaster of paris coment. [When the binding vinterial has become: mfficiently hand and Arb, the serew | [bolt ix morewed intd) the wire coil and alg af The it of thie screw | B Philadeiph . Reorrd, swine wf wo table { methids for learning to spe ia 3 they shionld,” said Captain Seonders 10 summer resident of Saltwille who ion of & basiness etter. “I've heard tens tell of the roles and regulations times enongh, but they don’t belppes mite. ‘Dhere's only just one role I've fot to go by. . “What in that, Captain wieedd his visitor, g “Words of one sylinkle I go by the tally setting forth his system; '‘wonds of two syllables I go by guesswork, when [ cant’t got hold of o dictionary, and when it comes to words of three yllablen and over I pat my trost in * And how does your rule work™" wekod ais friend, after joining the cap tine dinraetor of tHe tain ina hearty | “Well, ma'am, Sautides I get sfigist about balf the time: winds of two syllables, my about a third, mnybe. And ax for three syllables and may pow be serowed ont and in repeat Leufly without damaging tht wail, as the (wire serves as 8 senvdw nul and is sc {sured to the stoneor wall hy the coment Marvels to the Nwfives. Dr. Crogery. in dxplarig the Jofoy pwned of Mount Kinsya in Afrion, ws accompanied by native followers frase the Lovet with at great witiradis were does Iplickhie wonders fist ovald be at (tributed daly 10 magical agencies, Plas emmn to tHIL me," writes the | tenveler, “that the Water they bal deft {in thelr cooking pot wis nil bewitehed, | They said it was white sod wonld nit | ehake The adeentgrons Pandi had evan this if with a stick, which would not 40 Begped yl to Jook af ir, and I in, They Tal hor to bring (8 to me. They dit plevedme fo go fi IL The water, (of | esuree, had fromngiolid | 1 bandied the {hho afraid of 37, Tor this slangs alwys Lome over Water of the Ctona of high {piweanicaing. © pat one of the pote on the Lire and prediotnd it wondd won tars tignin into water. | TES mon mat pround med awionnsiy vested it When iv had they oomld now ase the water, hat as soot as uty back was tad they poutiod Hirst snd faiine of aspect, spectncics lis ariinary tones Hind the reling, and his vidoe wold ring trout i dows ju their foepen, while all the sims | : arialily disposst towed yon opder his walstorat. Tome lis vise Lee arid Bla grainlity were tory ate | fraviive, awd so wiz® hid usty dean. { einions, Bet weet pttractive of wil Was | his npsaliieh nobis He may quite well | haven beer the moll] gras ouk RINE of fede ark, situse Walter Soot Tovilowe bal an fuvicus hatred of shag and oady han, and he sotsetines rooosnimd and pasted these wonk ness. ew whose they wold hardly have heen detected by an onlinary cheerver. He | pesemnbitert in this vespect the Princ: de Ligne, who, after making seuons bot alinest froitless arvieavors to create & plese of water in his destaesne, Was pode | that & wun bad drowned himself in it | Bah?" exveinimid he “Cw made va Pu tomr? fee Ny Cetnflonos, by Lacie | Lampson. sp i Preelitonk Chnpba ave probably 50 bepfsteak clubs selon members miaet oH a Ther in theo goth « to vat onfateak and enjoy Pieced vies generally. Somerof the < Lids rent moans for permanent (ronpeey; some Het | whore it ey be conven snut, The great | ipercase di the nomber of Doolsteak clube is due in Ligsge moasire tO thy ins troduction of gas brotlers. Formerly tha broiling of steaks in the host nan ner called for special Inbor and art. The fire must Be jeat so, and the bmiimg must be dene jos so too There ara a dr two men who have justly atfainml celebrity for thelr slilifal and dullight- ful broiling of steaks Dub the gos broiler simplifies the beodling very much, The gas broiler jooks like » thin iron box standing on edge. It bas ao the front ond parsow upright deers, opening in the middie war brotler and ony both Aniew al one ro SNARE F York San, A Camiivas Fiamnoier. During » winter visit to Florida Aw drow Carnegie attended on servioy in a little negro chameh, When the corumbae tion plate came sromid, Mr Carnegie dropped a 85 bill upon it After the contents of the plate had been comnted) the clergyman arose and anno yard, | « Brethiren and sisteren, the collietion this evening siems to figure 8p EE and if the $3 Bill contributed by the gentleman from the north is gepuine the repairs on the anituary will begix immediately, "-~San Francisco Argo naut. ap Hh ENR SAR HAT el Value of Wish, The fish caught by Hoglish fisbwrmi every yoar are estimated to be wort about £5,000,000, and those by Seotoh sont, to whony the frost and suow Lined, however, to toach it wel Jue | ioe pnd todd the mem they wire willy ho | peninedd, they joyfully soll me thie the | feanens wos expelled, and 1 told this | of her fugers and tes were painted rd refilled thei pots free on | ‘ead tee peopl goer | {aod through you sod shake the win t often dn thee oaldor selions | kept clesnest The steak 18] [oer withont the dictionary, why, I [ain't distracting Providencs, you vader tated, ma'am, bot fron what I gether Hvis abeat oo ne to the conclusion that [the Land calraiates to have some Poot spelling done smd is willing Jales | Sannelery should take bis tors of i a Youth's Companion, Fest Her Milky White Tesh. Bowmik’s long black bair bad to be date 8p in a pasrveloos chignon oa the tog of her hosd. Wisyt her monide washed it besmtifully clean with the juice of the Hae mod the Inther of the sony But, Then 5t yeas combed and brashod until aonry hair glistened 11s ebony, Next it was Iwisted go and stnek fall of the quai golden and tortoise shell bod ‘kins, with here and thers woray of janie wed chompaks | Busok's milky white tecth had to be flat off more than a foarth, She pet {harp Dad dow oon the Tap of the woman Land nlosed her eyes taht Ww keep bak i tue lot tears that would fail, bot after (tive pain was over and ber teeth wee blackened she locked in the minor at her perolien game and thought that whe | eonld chew the Dowel not from the box | bur mother had given her, Ther palms of her bands und the nails with hopns and the lids of her eyve panched up with antimony. When al) [mate of colored palm, masses of sweet | uenelling Bowers and maidenhair fern would giare at youu from blind foros | There they placed her in the chair of stats to receive her relatives and fricnds w-Rounseville Wildman in Overland. When Sovereigns Meet. The inpuwmerable banquets which are offered to the Foral parsons on evay 00 cnsicn are exdct emblems of the many valnable and plenssut davw which sme, ot thelr insfigution aod by their come ppd. westod in senssles formula Cie, when costae was beautiful, pag- wail sev alee: bot pow both are susightly andl @rotesgne. Two bearded men 8 heliwets, or caps, kiss enol other on a railway footioand. Old ladies In wane prod cloaks saddle thronigh two Hoes of polistmen. A fat genticman, in & round hat, with scigar in his month, walks over i piven of red carpet, nodding to 8 berding human hedge of sapple spines Faves bean inanely ; throngs cotside the station doo owes, they kuow not why. Tropes are massed in readiness, for no- where are these personages safe from attempts npon their Hives The whole thing iv anlovely, sbeurd, snomalons, anfonters of what was ones both intel Jigible and respectable, but in which there ix no jonger either Drastige of symbolism. Without dignity in its ob- ject loyalty ix a nie booeloss bundle of wornont robes and dignity perishes at the seream of the railway whistle —~ Ouida th Forum. A Souree of Contagion. Tt has been proved by abundant inves tigation that one prolific source of ep demic diseases is found in the lability of the gevms of such discams to lodge in the month around the teeth and guns A physician examined the teeth of the children of a certain school. He found Mises germs present in almost every sae, By careful waiching be discovered what those children whose teeth were suffered less from eph deanic diseases. The neglected condition al. the tooth is therefors, § common rans of illness Indeed, if one takes the iprmble to observe with what rapidity the tartar aud chewsy matter acouimnulnte weed the teeth of people who ae oul Lod health they will not be long in mak izig up their mimes that a thorough and Jruticions use of the tootiibensh is nok wiry far from a nieans of grace. —New York Ledger BE DL Life of » Lecomotive. Somme careful experiments which have fen made in Jlogland prove that the lite of a locomotive iu about S00,000 nin miles—in other words, that & lo comotive of the latest approved pattern will run 500,000 miles before wearing oat 80 a8 to be weless In making thie nin of a half million miles the frchox will have to be penewed three toues, tie wheel tives five or six thes sud the meank axies from threo to five times In the faces of women who are nate. —— men £2,000, 00h The fish taken lume diately off the vonstof Ireland aoe wortl | only £300,000, yet the Irish sue ar soted for their sbundanoy of fish. Betarsed Wits Thanks * Jonnie See returned Wallie Elinore’s| 5 E rally serene and peaceful and of those peudersd so by redigion there remains an after spring, and later an after sammer, the reflex of their most beautiful blooms. weRinhter Surin The frst deposit of silver bullion to SANITY Wis so alag, spd orremonial it wen) ih wis fished, they led her out ute the | adjoining hrock, hE ae | great rom, which was decorated with love, you say? | be coined was by the Bank of Maryland, “Xen Sie Bid mo farther wee for at Jaly 15, 1794, thas institution sending — Beale Tun in $80,715,785 in Pomoh coiling tariuing the crmfers cr spiritaal wilfam ef the church asd thelr Brethren, Ostet Natio Tho bodies of women generslly ocon- want to tain a smaller proportion of bone than theme of men ol I ed ia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers