The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 20, 1896, Image 1

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    | organisation will be affected or busi-
: juevenue to many postufis In Interior | timothy
in Two Gases on TC SrondayX {inme for
i S100 Soon to be Played,
Defiance base ball club of Altoona in
| gaounds on Monday, Angust 17, 1996.
+ "he first game was & very much one-
. | sided contest and resulbed in an easy
victory for the Pattton lub by a
% score of 14 to 1 The hitting of the
| Patton club in general and the pitching
: | of Reilly were the features of the game,
06 In this game the Defianci were bol-
istered ap by a battery from the Mon-
arch clab of Altoona, but wre entirely
| out-clased by the heavy hitters of our
{two games played on the Patton |
The micond game also resulted in an |
if not tak | snsy victory for Patton by a score of
action, but those whe 14 to i. Russell's speed und curves
n will, it is said, make the hothersd the Defiance boyx very much,
they wore loosers, playel a snappy |
said on Friday : | game from start fo finish.
oo can’t speak for the entire league, | Following sre the scores oy innings
thutas ; and of both games:
Yeditor the LL AW. Bulletin, the offi
pan of the league, 1 shall vee all | Bn
in the interests of sound |
ey currency. In the issue of this TIITL i ;
week | have an article on that line and Patton ‘and the above named club
i Sia © ci Balletin is that of will play a game in the nur future for
he Ashville ds A forfeit of ten
dais pm I ES
Brown, | Major John A. Wolfe by mich club and
Nanty ‘players for the game have; been agreed |
from pon, by the Respective managers of
Gun pon
(od hone ros met
+ While saflering
A strprie party waa gion to Charks.
of Mellon avenue, Patton, on
Thurday night, Aogiut 13. The
evening was spent in dancing, muse, |
way, he fell off, Janding on Me
oo He was sitting on the rear games, ete. 1t was ome of the most
platform st the time of the accident. enjoyable times spent in Patton sta
He was put on the stain and conveyed gathuring of this kind for some time.
a m when he was taken to Al- All who were present speak in the
bh foun and admitted bo the hospital for | highest terms in the manner in which
i The unfortunate young they were entertained. Following are
| man esnniot emember one thing about the riames of those present: Mises
the socident. His mother is at the May and Cordie Cowher, Miss Nettie
| hospital assisting In narsing him. His Wallace, Miss Jegnie Buck, the Mises
condition, however, is not serious. | Lomyer, of Patton; the Misses Ecloon-
Mr. Evans Appoints His Couferess. | rode, of Loretto; Mim Buckle Will, of
| ta with seoressniatives of Blair, Jentie Bradley, of Lowetto; Edward |
antie | Little, John Kelly, Wai MoCormbtk, |
oar fe a
oir a pen | Kelley, Edward Reilly, Harry
fare: Col. 8. W Davie nd Webster EL Matthew McMullen, Elnter
. Orgs, of s, of Patton; Jobn Lilly, of St. 3
| Augnstine; D. Marray, John Liver,
Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill, New Camber
land, W. Va. The music was furnished |’
by the Yingling and Myurs orchesira, .
which was very fine sod moech ap-
| previated by all. Refrshments were
iperved at 11:30 and after a few more
| how of amusement the happy party
A ed. ord, Wea that soy |
news transacted untill today (Thurs.
: - Hh 4 Ope Pntions.
ised & oo. resumed operations
last week after having been idle for
. several months. The first train of emip-
“ities hauled to the mines for several
{months were taken up on Thursday
{and the trainmen, no doubt thinking
: that It was quite appropriate, decorated
_ ench cur with flags, etc, for the event
{fal ocemsian. It made quite an atirac-
Cin Wednesday, Acqua , the large
(fish dam on the farm of Jacob Kirk-
patrick, two miles east of Patton, wil
'be opened and the witer drained off
anid alt those holding tickets will have
the pleasare of getting & large nomber
of the fish supposed tf be contained
therein. A large nomber from Patton
: hare secured sicketa. On the day fol- |
“lowing the big dam abeut one-half mile
Ta he Wed emit of St. Augustine, will be drained
The editor of the Coun nin re- in the same manner. It is sedd that
{mara of bong pom Re | phi dam has not buen drained for
oe Do Bute | Fears.
: New Paper at mii Mant.
Volume 1, No 2, of the Mill Hall
“The Times Is a new addition to the (Jou. |
of RIER exchange list. It is published by
iJ. A. Johnston, an old-time friend of
‘the editor of this paper. who is &
‘ hustler and knows how to edit and
| manage 8 good live isewwpaper. The
el prople of Mili Hall und surrounding
| on railroad trains of unstamped letters, mntry should give ile Times liberal
| others than relating to the business of support.
| the matter carried on the train, will put | Largs Timothy Heads.
{a stop to the carrying of a whole lot of On Saturday T. W. O'Leary, who!
matter, which has been going as YR. R. . Hyves a short distances: east of Patton,
iB. and will mean a Jarge increase of brought into the Cotmier offer five
heads meassring in bingth ¥
from 81 op ¥| inches. Can anyots: beat
‘this? If wo, bring your samples fo the |
{ COURIER office at ones.
AN Sin We
A grand plenie and dane fer the Boroo
tenefit of the Patriotic {Order Spus of |
America will be heid in Patton at
the Fireman's Hall ou Labor Day), Sat
1irday, September 5. Good music will |
{he a special feature. Everybody in- |
| vited to attend. CoMMrT VEE.
A recent order of the Postoffice De-
which s the carrying ©
Goodwin Worrel, a regected ite
, died at his home at §
of about two or three weeks. Inter-
ment took place at La Jose on Monday.
i {Pr 8. W. Worrell, a nepbew, and Dr.
We have for le a complete outst | 1
of Manufetariog Timers Machinery, |
bleh wil be dole chops
{ currency, regardless of who, sotwithstanding he fact that
44 Josep
Little, Mise | 12
'W. A. Mellon, Patrick Meehan, Pat. 5.0)
Proceedings of Council Held on ioe
Last Wednesday Night.
Crvir Rertrond on Melntyre
Avioue Win be Built
The Patton Borotigh Connell met in
the council chambers on Wednesday | B
night, Angust 12, 160, with the follow-
ing members present at roll call: Pres- conn
ident Alex. Montieth, P. P. Young, 8.
M. Cornelius, J. N. Bréwer, J. T. Culp, |
Joel Dixon and B. F. Wise. The min- |
tind by,
Sap mC. &C. RR
Om motion of 8. M. Coroelius, and
utes of the regular meeting Joly 3th woonded by J. N. Brewer, twas re quali r
and special meeting August Sth were ‘solved to socept the ioregoing proposi-
read and approved.
| tion of Superintendent Frank A. Robb,
Jus. Mellon, Esq, tax collestor, was | | and it was also ordered that a vote of |!
present and presented the following | hunks be extended Mr. Robb for
names of persons for which he claimed | | courtesy extended in the above matter. |
20 Hate...
Sm 5 Addl
y Rungodm, 1a Pi
GC Buek
Me 5 TRY VE,
Hines ¢ thers. 5
on Dry rg -
Gn Pesparing 2
Tene Davenport
Mautiteww areedt.
Jann Farrel.
fheay Save
4 W Grant
{ohn Cheon...
1% Legh radi ‘hint
th “Hana ;
bdo? 3 iarpe
An nie Hamer.
Brie Muli
doko Punt
H Howe Jr.
an vine oh
FE Jokinen
3H E Rotor
: Poter how
JC King
ed Janey :
Re ame
How 1: Mii .
C Wns Mansfield
B » Med tod
W Martin
0g MotCunnell
WH Moore. 3
Fk Me fawoagat
CH Medal fon
‘BR Met i
{has Melrady ;
¥ {1 Markley
Jorn Nieholus
| Pennie Nott .
nt Oboe.
pe Piatt, .
Jobin Patios.
co dohin Pedl
| Ang Palmer
3m Plate...
x Rivansiey
Wand Riches
3 M Beddowon
sets Ry TRE
Eugene ewan
i Biche
| Athert sfbert
£ peda Sherry.
Cans MEH 5.
Fd Khe i
5 Swear
idan Sheehan
SARs hridge whtes sp
Robt Tutte
ode Tameisnn
SHOT heen part
AEN Vigleniitee
das Wharton
Cd iater Weak id
JTW isan
Ho Waar
Thee Welw,
Le Weakinnd
Bosyindt Wend lon ti: 4
1d Whitoey
Wolter W Bituey
JF Wankmnd
Bare Ha re
DEA Crean.
PW Mea Sin.
SAWOT Roblpsan.
Ferd Walntie
On mokion of B
en, Gay. JS
Day sie] Abbots, Tax INE
. 1
i% | nance for the ning of bonds, and at
$5 nileant feature Was higher rates for
- money earley in the wenk.
r Wine, duly sec
onded, it was hmolvad that the forego.
ing etonerations, with the exceptions
‘of thy names of Sam’l Boyes, Ed Cur.
pen. Wr, MeFarlin, W. T. Robinson,
and Jerd Welshy, be
Mellon, tax collector. and the amoant |
he allowed to James
be credited to his acodnnt.
1 CL Brown presented the following
resolution of Frank A. Robb, superin.
tendout of Cambria & Clearfield dic
vision of Penpsylivania railroad, rela
tive to buildhag brid
gv over rallroml at
Melntyre avenue in Patton borough:
Cupseon, Pa, Algust Lith, 1586,
| To the Burgess and Town Council of
the Borough of Patton, Pa
Whereas the: Borough of Patton has
by a resolation dated May
ered the opening
agvenae and other avenues east of the
6, "98, ard.
ap of Melntyre
Cambria & Clearfield railromd, Penn.
Jvania Railroad Company Agent, is
‘the Borough of Pat
ton; an wheresms {$
will be necessary to cross the right of
way of the said milrosd in the use of
' the said avennes, the C ambrin & Clear-
| fleld Railroad Company, Pennsylvania |
Railroad Company
Borough of Patton
goss and Town
on the
tion, us follows, to-wit:
| Propamtion, fe & Clearfield Railroad |
at bt the A
j company an
| line of Melts yre av
i the bridge st least
slopes on each side of the tra
tracks. The bridge to
feet wide and to be
| snbutantial
railings on
om of the
sideration of the urection
on eich side.
Pennsy vania Railroad Com
agrees to build and
expense of the said railroad
overhead wooden bridge
enue, and io extend
to the top of the
good and
to be twenty
bully in goo
That whi
bridge, and in con-
of the same |
hereof, themselves.”
" 2; Joo Carthelsa, 70; Jerry Thats. |
ita Bur.
Council, the following
k on we
On motion of J. 1. Culp it was re-
#olved to lay ordinance relative to!
| water supply on the table until Wod- | By
| nenday night, Aogust 19. :
Om motion of P. P. Young it was fle soe ei
@ resolved to open Mellon sirest in Par :
| tog borough, Ear rr, ¥.
It was moved snd seconded that ord. indivectly, have t ven over |
‘ inance relative to ewer on Beech andl mpi aid pak by any
| Fifth avenues be lui on the table until [ gadmdion, Aside from my
Wednesday evening, August 19, 1896, Fae Sf shout #10 pe ps
On motion of J. T. Culp, und seconde dericind from the legal
by J. N. Brewer, it was thet income ince my
‘ ordinance No. 20, relative to fixing of fram has
! the amount of bond for the secretary |
‘and health officer of the Board
Health be adopted as read.
The chief of police was instructed th
repair lamp at bridge across Little
Chest creek. : .
On motion it wie: carried that the Sopher n will be: the an
following bills be accepted and orders grat game of ball between the Eben
‘deawn for the same: Patton Water | burg and Patton nines for the champ
company, $55.08 for fire plugs for ionship of the county. There bb &
months of June sod July; Johm Yal- | great rivalry between these by :
ner, $20.75, mdse, ns por bill rendered; and there will be “blood
[W. J. Donnelly & Co, $13.00 for lum- while: the game is on EY ,
ber, as per bill rendered; and the three games © “already playes
following for stevet work for month of | hes won two and Ebensburg one.-
% July as per Breet Commissiontr | Johnstown Demoorat. The game on
Hunter's account: Alex. Hunter, $16.00; tha sliove named date is not & settled
{Abe cll, mae Jost Dizum, $300; A Met yet, und will ok be until Eu
- Wow We Asked Grace.
stan, $4.90; Jobn Laver, $1.50; Sam'l Ak cial travelur who was ial
w | frvin, $1.3 30; Howwed Woon, . 70.
mains, laying sewers ancl passing onli |
| of your favor of this date. Allow us
hy express our gratitude for this ex-
| pression of good will. Trusting that
he Dusinoss Sitnathe all ver the Conniry | | sir house may merit your confidence
Revanins Quiet. and that we may have many good
Resdstreet's says the volume of busl- | orders from you this full, we are
| ness throughout the country is pragti- yours.’
(cally anchanged. New features do a ae
| not point to Improvement in prospects | qu, glowing letters remain in the
# ior fall business, TE a Brest Foloffice at Putte for the week end-
regular meeting night, Aagust 0, 1808.
business continue quiet, with more idle | [J g prday, August 15, 1896:
mon than a week ago. Th most wig | Wm. J. Aiken, Alfred Bergeret, John
1£. Johnson, J. W. Makin, Miss Emma
There ia litthe or 2 demand oe fron | £105 ok Jusew JM Rebstouk, :
® or steel notwithstanding the capaity | William Ssulsborg, Louls Trebilcoek,
of farnuces in hlast was vestrivbed 5. White head
‘during July more than 80,000 tons. i calling for the above letters
Manofacturers of hardware and jew- :
; will please say they mre advertised.
elry report business quiet. R.A Musou PB.
There are 358 bosiness failures ro |
ported throughout the United . States |
this, compared with 260 last weels
‘The increase as compared with the |
one your apo ingen. | |
The Haptit chorch of Patton will be.
“apened for rim on Sunday, Ang-|
‘ust 3B, 1594. Rey. N. O. Patterson, of |
- Ansonville, Rev, Dean and other min
isters will be present at the opening. |
Everybody is fnvited to be present ut
these services and all (thers. :
Note the Great
in prices at at the
Remember! la order to close out every pair of
Remember that on the frst and sec. Ly shoes in the next 30 days i bave
and of September are the last days for | simnghtered the prices as follows:
stration. J. H. Ricker, the aspesor, | worth
be at Woltt & Thompson's store! | Shoes that were worth $190 now $1
these two dave, September 1st and! 150 *
2d. Don’t forget; if You do you loose |
your vote. :
&e i wi
BE All other
Cinh Members Enjuiled,
PaTToN, Pa, Aongust 13, 1586,
For the benelit of the enviom, big- |
headed party that tikes the “non<des i
plume’ of a Free Silver Democrat, and |
been no Berea and Sewall club prgaa.
ized in Patton, will, through pity, for}
know that none but » weak-mindect |
individual would know so little of itn |=
town's 4 kindly inform him |
i he will call at ‘Squire James Mellon’s |
office, he will find a large enrollment |
of citizens that are willing to protect |
“those that are not sble to protect)
ONE Wao Kxows, i
P. 8-1 ety competion