ome vast mobile Bit seas. In the ce 8 rather odd locking. pn of the a ship were ery ath HE ; ET ciel ship or a frigate were excep | men in this way, an) mach more perhaps just about the time that sail | power was receiving 0 race aloft to pearly the at top sposd, aight or ten tinies a while “holding on by hel gyalid ase went, EE inition Lei ‘a curefn] and measored order of " thorities. They developed great musca- = Ise power in ments for “crossing” or ‘siding down” the royal and topgaliant yards. versally held tia: the ouper pve # character 10 the whole ship and min this ox which was fore mun were always the coming men. They had paost opportunities for distinguish iv ing themselves, wore the best known, and were most under the ee of the an. ehost, shouhlers and arms, 08 ely lower extremities suffered, and 1 one always knew the ep who had been ] ar eed. sill, thongh satin wan mot of supunatanil hey eons not account for ite however, long ago snlved the : om) et only of this, but of othwe lly seas. For there sre several others, and hey 4 are always found, enh : 6 spot. The dinrnil i the wever Seasing Syper Yarden by thetr radpoielike ap Low were hathing Ba rn stenps Hoes of bat the ship and Iriguio these ertremely ath- Jetie specimens formed 8 very small minority of the “rhip's company,’ nme of them conld Jose his turn at be: ing upper yardman so Jong as the ship's ropmtation depended on the speed with which the npper yards wore cromesd and ant down, In harbor the rest of the bluejackats bad the banding of yards snd sails for exercise (poe or twice week, but at sea the use 5 mils for pro- nlsion Joss ‘andl lms important, and most of the work akift wax more of an exercise and Jess of 4 necessity. — . North American Review, This cnrrent, which is called the ~ squintorial current, or current of rotm tom, is culy mperBeial, and extends in sheet, which moves be- ' tween the tropics. It forms the genial waters of the Oaribbean sea and feeds the galf stream. At Cape San Roque It a Sowing south to meet amd be transformed into a sabmarioe i v the north polar current; On x side it bathen the shores of Gaiam aod Bras. i * And then there is the “golf stream of the east,” which jmsues from the bay of Bengal Ite waters, like these of onr stream, may be distinguished | ‘herdering waters of the grist ocean yy their indigo tint. The Jape peas call it the Black river. Lenving the bay of Bengal, this groat own gult ’ warm current passes through (he str * of Malaoea, sweeps the coast of Asia, } and then, sorth of the Philippine is Ts lands. rushes ont into the ocean. deserid "tog the ans of & great citels as fur as the Aleutian islands. Like the gulf strenm of the Atlantic, it moderates the rigor _ of the climates that it traverses The analogy between these two great " cosanio arteries j& wonderfnl, but it is enough for our present purpose to know that to their circuitous currents the Sar pons owe their axistenoce. ~ How? Wall, this is easily explained. C “Prop some pieoss of Hght mows or Nits | of oork or wood into a tub of water; then with your hand pear its edge give "the water a circular motion. In a weer | ment yon will see that all the fonting substances will have collected in the center. Continme the circular mation, ch and at the supe time blow sharply 5 the floating objects, and they i will change their position, but will not * leave the viednity of the center so ling pa the rotary motion of the water on. tinner, comparatively calm. ; Thin ix the explanation of the Sargas- cuits of the great oceanic arteries vast ~ basins of comparatively still water are formied. The currents by which they ars surrounded constantly throw toward the "center all floating substances, expen} marine plants, and these, awing i the | quiet waters, multiply with great rapid. . ity, those that have hived their appoint. od time sinking oot of sight, while new “ones take their place. Even ths sition . of the winds, as intimated above, maves {p | only 10 shift this position slightly. The “marine meadow’ with which : we are most familiar, that of the mid: ¥ Atlantic, spreads over an extent of sur. 4% face five Of Kix times as Jarge as thi ter. ritary occupied by Pravce. What a 'won- derful meadow on Jand that would be for cattle! And yet it is sonroely lus 0 . , Where it is far the creatures of the hea. This ssrgamsom, or gulf weed, 8 Its frond i very : long and furnished with distinct, oa stalked, nervine isavee and berrylike wir } yessils on simple axillary stalks It i found floating or cast on the shares, bat elt. | ft tine bome is at the bottom of the wea, | R. wheuce, becoming detached, it ries to tHe the surface, buoyed uply the cumicns ae tle air vessels. The : ER hil la table and potriticus is sbandantly proved hy the many dishes that ave pre- pared from it, mot only in China, but in el she sast. Helen Haroomrt | = Philadelphia { Walling Sentenced to Hang, .. Newport. Ky. July T.—Alcezo 1 Waliing, convicted of the murder of! Pear? Bryan has been sentenced 10 be | CC hanved ust 5, ange August 1 The Ready Amewer. bE a A Pitsburg Tittle girl, who was very | d of the the inside of creum pails, but ter of the several eir- | * A barber's a wr iB soniatimes atrying Pies for men who dislike to haar other He goanipn. The barber, espent Lally if his & hittie shop and is alone, mest nik to his customers. Fleas Bs in 8 country barber's ghip. a foil beard ad snd rather sour locking geutieman being in the chair. “Hair cut,” says the customer. “All right, sir. How’ll yon buave it out? Hr alin?’ “ Very short “HH ea t if Iwas yon, sir, “Why oot?’ “1 don't think very shit hair wonld sain you at all well, sir.” “Oh, you, it would It would mit me exactly.” “H'm—what Ed purty short, OF only mid »¥ makes: you think so, : sir? “‘Becanse 1 shonidn’t have 10 Crane fers for » Jong time.’ HORT The barber cnt swsy in si Jenoe and very short. —landon Tit Bi EEE SE antbird Owe Spoon Enough. A Boston man traveling throngh the south was obliged to siop over in 8 small town where there was bat an botiel, at which the accommodations “were hardly to be called slaikerate. When the colored waiter brought bis dinner, this Boston saan found that he was to have romst beef, stews| tomatoes, corn, pais, potatos and coffee, the vegetables | setvad in the usual stone china canoes. Presently he said to the waiter, “Dick, pass the spoons. ”’ The waiter rolled his eyes in gengine AZAR ent. Npoons, sin! What yo' want with the spoosts’ There's yo spoon in yo’ own U--Sau Obwerve, 100, that this centr in blood, There are pins of dine Cease in you which should be Johnston’s Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE. has done this for the sysands; can do it for you Cluart bots ties, pLoo CWILLIAMS, DAVES, P00KS & CO. Detroit, Nich, Liversties for Liber lis, The ¥amous titi Laver Pilla R-I'P'ANS The modern stand- ard Family Medi- : the common every-day ills of humanity. ov ge Ta 2 S$ pli bites el ite death warrant | fham ever before. These yoing men had bigthent points, week | the ship was in harbor, to keep their beads and maintain their broth action the various and intr hte arrange | It was all done at fo!l speed, fix it was uni- ahs ard Banks reordivig wo * and iw H SECHLER, Attorney wat - EBENSBURG, Cambria County, Pa. we DAVIS, — Attorney and Coansolor of Low, Eawwantns, Pa. AD Toga! Divsinoun promptly al bested ta {les in Array Hall re ville, » Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, Pr Office in the Good Bufiding. rR L GRORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GAILLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for German National B. & 1. association. ation’1Bank or P A TT ON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Dealer in cAPITAL PAID UP, so.00.0. | Wines, SURPLUS, $0,000.00. ” Aseounts of Corporations, Firms, Individu. | 2h Wao Sworn Ble termes consistent with sale wind DOBRerYRLENE bank in ticket for sale for all the heading nes, Forelgn Drafts payubie in the principa ti of the (ld Worl AB sof se will have our prompt and perOna athettion i fren paid on thibe es i A. E. Parrox, oH. SANDFORD, ly Cashier. | TTP re er, Etc. Phoeni% BrewinG (o.'s Beer. Flasks, Corbis. Jugs, Ete. Hine (id ted faquors, Califorma ay 1147 K Hinton & HC Johnstown, Pa. ‘OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY S COMMON- WEAL Pure Rye Whisk Good Building. SHAE Cog e guaranteed tc to to be precisely od for i last. Yeranse thie cloth HE ¥ ww Ly eiztia a ot weed Yast. Pat three things t th and clothing a the dollars cloth ¢ Onur el rep! resented; 1. $e ry iat ANEW Sing Feet he 4 5 is ] 3 hg AS HIGH QUALITY, LOW PRICES, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, and you have the-secrat of pur sno We want you to ndge | amine ou samples FH ~~ Made St sits from 21 L0H ® yo £3, if’ not caring to purchase, the information of of valne Lo you. Examine our offerings as shown ly oar sales agent, ALEX. SMITH, the PALMER FO AUGUST =. 13ab. Ww ANAM AKER & BR( w X. LO 10 EX . FN Te fron to what pope an waking will tee - he at 'SE. FRIDAY, WE“ FEE Shads act gatly bat pramptly tipon the Xidneys, liver, stomach and intestines ; cleanse the syijlem effectually ; dispel colds, head- aches od fevers : cure habjzual constipation, making enemas URNEeCESATY, Are acceptable to the stomach and truly bepe- ficial in effects. A single Taste taken after the evening meal, or just before retining, of, better still, at the poment when the frst inddication is noted of an approaching ced, headache, any symptom of indigestion or depression of spirits, will remove the whole dificulty in an hou without the patient being cone Scions of any other than a sl lightly arm I ang Eig the ex He ilaess failed d tu material ze or has disappeared, hsease pmonly Comes ow with slight symptoms, which when, neglected increase wi extent and gradually grow dapgirous, Wes sete tum Pndachs, Dspeple 75x RIP; ANS TABU LES TE 5 WKY yon tr Dt: Const mee rike RIPANS TABULES © your Complesion bs Safiow. or yeu pAKE RIPANS TABULES Por Sfitasive Breath und aft Diesrders 1555 RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the Sy th Health. EASY TO TAKE, QUKKK TO ACT, SAVE MANY A DDCTOR'S BILL Treat) (el feb HAY BT OFT AINES 87 APMIGATION Sa PEARED LAVOSNT. Swsiem and Priseroe Hewdl 4 Pap Eioeld Neg : iquors, 3 RE 134 dip tai | delpis nnd Peal 4 a wih Te ay Pepssicivnnis suvd i Bendiied, Shinn, Fotthato, sel iB 3 4 - Hegloty skies and Im Rete cv in ms Leth arrive ded dept po vg in Cpt, daily, 2xorpt Randey, we follow: AeMRTET TA Wines and Brandis. 5 Man St $i. : CRS Tg pe TE 3 Aye 5 CHE AE TN y. C4RES R Co. Lome. Sh ay 17. 1 Nom wr ail! Woamtayy z & Kerns Korrmoot New Mitipeat Frnntn Metin i Tenrhaid June Chom ; £Tenrfield Joa Ww vodkend a z be aa A a amy # NnaEs © mE AB a a" - Wali 3 Morvimeie Mine Aa is Moni SEE Phitipabatrg ¥ to HT is Woh yaniuRs a i Forme pare 2 Jumetson wey M0 [im treat am pm I oe itiln oa pon HIS or xandays » © ot pre tionme AY iim ; ith Flin. zt Jeu 7 “roe pyc Mh S Fan with entitle he Pa i =i ge sl wey vam meitad: at LChmrtield with the Enh. Rochester and CPishuing RAY 2) Maafios and Patton with Citta and Clesrfield Thad ivasion of the nny ivan refi l wt Ma with the Northawonters yal way. ls Heyman, hem, Poa A Pistindet bite, F BR &P Time Table. ‘Phe SReat Tine bedwven Pula BR oe EA Eu RSe Buss > 5 8 on alty v ALLE Patmer Brprrinteadent. WhNE 0% ¥ Erie ik Bowluster podots I the ape Efre is kad Ham Fade need J Fh Fost Proidcwsyyitie fdgeay, rt. 54 Jeantt, Bradford, sedampron, Buffaio, and ow rater monet ng at orig svg wiih PAE ain 3 fr Wiles, PTV, Corre. and Erde LIER me Fox prees Troan ewatord: Job ree bk Rotewny. Bedtwayville, wind inter Tate statins, for Forrest wad Patios SN Avs pnidat bore on, Fer re wad Pussy ae = pone Brwedionl Acres aodation- Por Fegehine, Broken iilie, Filomansd, Leman, For PaBlobs #3 Faber, Johnsonbune ME nd forsd. ol Pade Sve, Pl Ft pen eR, Pe Wiskntin Fratite aries. aS ma seal frown Wn ANE wal PamiwmiGoeney ee ow fram [ET and batermadiate ations J iis, reswavisRn hn boty Pros Pra wartawney, 2 Pd ees froin IRN Tanta Winey) 18 pm, well “raiey Pino nnd Rochiseter, C & M Division. FALLS CERN CLEARFIELD Falls Cronk Tables Par Bie Junction saborn f sithersbining Howton Ardem Vindoet Ee a Ca Sh ka 4 W yts Chart’ Marked Sr. Pewseh Dept a 8 WP ow, wg i Ai i FH v 2 am % i ar 80 4 Eamugnd 2 Bove ww = §¢ 8 WN GR EW * ee 3 dob (5 si wv. % et » ada idas te 3s ate Bi 5h 0 0 ipa ® Engi sH¥ERaR Bus WB a a gt > wis was iv hag. TDmile, exon resale. Tends Nox, TF Prats atl Detitels Ge Ride way, Johroesnbury, Reitiod, Sathya Hae yma, i Tritt No Uh connnets si Tha italy Gur Bead Cased Pitter. Petes Now 1 onnnewdn AS Clearfield with Rath Oriel pasimand 5 od Philipatnrg Sek Fane Foes dure, Wikilonsuoert, I : wed Xow end Pius 1 ole trie ad DW oot poy Bie. gown Soar puss ge Tw wien SI stat bans, Taper, Gen Pas Agr, Bowhuwter, hf ¥. Ba Piste nd sre megoeesed Lo parece Thed- whi efi vrai ng (he oa AS eos luge Fos rerrin Witt be sobivediesd be ctndnetbin shies hve mre padd ou Trale Pron all tations gba of Ae Re offiew 1s maine Euaed © imi Railroad Time Table Mak 20, 1888, 1st pomonstie. Elnatwand ye Pimssrvae, welt Sry oy pike Shan, Weel days wa fads t 478 1 at CR CUTE Ee AN samba £ Pema Le RR FEEEEE TREREs oe 43 * SuNsuz aes ssteavn A A, Sawll Avs, crmbedn and Clearfield. saanihvannd Io Ce EAI Patteay Tl Pdiey : WITTE LO ati eas sti ia for Patten: aed Py at BOR gem La dome wv Rar Heels RE al Es AE Satta Gin! Was lor Sa AFP. eo Manu % Tena ie K « LET, meet A Dervis UR Bi "3 ree we | Hist Sle Patton 8:33 brik 2 Hastie for ofr Maden fie TAR Wests mr cewtydiige of Mahaffey Susquehanna Extension. Flasivrnnd 5 Cherrvives at BEN Peter ror, noe 8 mrrediiown pedicieriy WHE Usuia Sar rose hay at TOE Sagres Uhereyieee at ee Sad SpE, eR ¥ hw with tin Foor Urea Gey duane wt dl, x saan Baudley vai eart Mowry Irae iret al Japetion Re fo Cherollers Rost, We Hmmm 1 AE seriving st A i lteneds Beatles onetion fis varmdviawn Resa, BIR Tmeshiort aE sreiving eb nasbuarg Hraoeh eke lame poets wd TAB A A, wv RE sv Ehensbung ano Gite the arrival of wi thas ths avrm snl wopd Neng ¢ HOplY tis gy Rent oA OW, De EAE ys a Pu =. MM Prevod, x BH. Wa xk, faert, Pia AEE pas Tabaion cure td brent. Fy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers